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The Concubine Slave Girl: A Tale Of Lust And Punishment In Ancient Rome
The Concubine Slave Girl: A Tale Of Lust And Punishment In Ancient Rome
The Concubine Slave Girl: A Tale Of Lust And Punishment In Ancient Rome
Ebook28 pages20 minutes

The Concubine Slave Girl: A Tale Of Lust And Punishment In Ancient Rome

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Although she is only twenty years old Hauni has already established herself as one of the most efficient estate secretaries in the Empire which is just as well as her new master, Vespillion, has a reputation as the hardest of taskmasters. When Vespillion discovers Hauni has neglected to arrange for him to be supplied with a concubine in order to help him relax and settle in he decides that she, Hauni, must do the job instead. First, however, there is the matter of Hauni's punishment - a severe spanking and whipping which leaves her crying on the bed before she is tied up and taken hard by her dominant new master.
- Spanking
- Caning
- Whipping
- Female Submission
- 7000 words
- 18+

PublisherSam Kinkaid
Release dateMay 22, 2022
The Concubine Slave Girl: A Tale Of Lust And Punishment In Ancient Rome

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    Book preview

    The Concubine Slave Girl - Brogan Wells

    The Slave Girl Made Concubine

    A Tale Of Lust And Punishment In Ancient Rome

    By Brogan Wells

    A short story of 7000 words

    Published 2021

    All characters are over eighteen

    Ancient Rome. 100AD

    Hauni paced up and down the office, wringing her hands together. She was very nervous indeed and wished it could all be over and done with. Hers was a huge responsibility, especially for one so young. Ever since the passing of the previous governor some eight days before, Hauni – as secretary of administrative affairs – had been working constantly to ensure all the accounts and files were in order ready for a smooth handover to the next governor, who would be arriving on the afternoon ship directly from Rome.

    Hauni was twenty years old and a slim girl with long and slender legs, small but very well formed breasts and a pert little ass behind. Her face was rounded and her eyes large and dark brown which went very well with her black hair which came down past her shoulders and contrasted very nicely with her pale skin. Any men who came into contact with her would have found her very beautiful indeed and yet aside from the odd slave Hauni rarely came into contact with any other people aside from the now deceased governor, whose own tastes had inclined towards men. Hauni herself was completely devoted to her work and remained endearingly oblivious to her natural beauty.

    Hauni paused and examined her slender neck in the looking glass then glanced with trepidation at the large sword which hung ominously over the door which led to the slave quarters. The previous master, now thankfully dead, had been a cruel and sadistic man. The sword had been used in order to behead errant and disobedient slaves, or those who displeased their master, and was hung over the door of the quarters as a grim warning to those who stepped out of line. It was said under the old regime that the higher you climbed in the island’s administration the greater your chances of coming to a

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