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Movement Control / Complete Guide to Rhythmic Movements for Musicians
Movement Control / Complete Guide to Rhythmic Movements for Musicians
Movement Control / Complete Guide to Rhythmic Movements for Musicians
Ebook41 pages11 minutes

Movement Control / Complete Guide to Rhythmic Movements for Musicians

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Drummers, percussionists, melodic-harmonic instrumentalists, composers and improvisers

Rhythm is a vital force, it is present, in all disciplines that seek natural growth, is the factor that
provides support for the vital energy in music, and is also the element that shapes our sentences.
A melody without rhythm is practically amorphous, harmony without rhythm lacks order and meaning.

"Movement Control" is the author's eleventh book and is a musical rhythmic method that is
raised as a game of motor brain coordination and dissociation.
It is oriented to combine thousands of movement patterns between both hands with the aim of
playing fluidly without stopping, while we conscientiously direct the rhythmic discourse to compose
motifs, semi-phrases and musical phrases with syntactic meaning in our instrument.

Although the motor and musical results are avant-garde and complex, as this is a method for
exercise both hands, uses a very simple language, so simple that it is accessible and
enriching both for musicians who know how to read and write with traditional musical notation or
for those who play music with feeling and intuition without knowing how to read and write.
Two letters (R and L Right and left ) are enough for us to combine them thousands and thousands
of rhythms appear ready to be incorporated into our rhythmic language that is, nothing more and
nothing less that defines the form our music takes.

The book is aimed at drummers and percussionists who play congas, bongos, timbales,
hang drum, derbake, cajon, peal, batá drums, electronic music, beat box, body percussion,
but also, to instrumentalists who use both hands, and play piano, guitar, bass flute, etc.

The content is super useful regardless of the style and, given the organization of the teaching material
allows us to apply it by combining several instruments in a single set very easily.
The movement patterns each contain two natural rhythms which we call
Internal rhythmic units (IRU)
The central objective is to play the IRU with control, fluency, concentration, balance and musicality,
which will infinitely enhance our cerebral agility applied to our instrument.
To complement the patterns and the game proposed with them, some practices are included.
independent that greatly enrich all this content.
Instrumentalists, composers and improvisers in general will find an inspiring treasure in the
rhythmic forms that are presented to combine and create music.

Release dateMay 22, 2022
Movement Control / Complete Guide to Rhythmic Movements for Musicians

Ciro Plateroti

About the AuthorCiro Plateroti, I am an Argentine musician, percussionist, drummer, composer, arranger, musical director, singer-songwriter, drum and percussion teacher, artistic producer, eternal musical apprentice, author of 11 books, for instrumentalists in general, The book of movements (volumes 1, 2, 3 and 4) The big Book of Movements (translated into 8 languages) Palindromes 1 and Palindromes 2, Rhythmic Counterpoints for two Voices and Plasticity of Rhythmic Form. Control of movements and the current book, Multimetric System.I am also the author of a book for martial arts in general The book of movements for martial arts.In Argentina I started studying drums in a particular way with Jorge Lützow-Holm, then at the EMPA with Marcelo Frezia, also in parallel with Ernesto Zeppa, and forever self-taught.He studied in Cuba, Brazil and Argentina with different teachers and percussion schools.In Argentina I learned in different percussion schools La Katurga, with Santiago ComínLa Chillinga, Daniel Buira and Laura Pizzarelli, the CERPS with Santiago Vázquez, Lucas Helguero, and Andy InchaustyIn Cuba I took percussion classes with Yaroldi Abreu, (congas technique) Alejandro Carbajal (batá drums ) Younier Pons (Elements of Rumba)In Argentina also I studied percussion with Julio Morales, Juan J. Martinez, Gaston Carabajal, and Fabricio Ortolan I also studied harmony Jorge Blengini and Federico Marquestó, Piano Jazz with Leopoldo Limeres and Lucas Pierro. I sing with Martin Ibarburen and Mariela Pacchioli.Some musical projects of which I am a part are EL CLUB DEL RITMO, with Juan Paliza, Pablo Navone, Pablo Antico, and others where I was a composer and singer I also directed, composed and arranged for small wind orchestras with drums,The Tukutá Tribe, cumbia bands, Tell me in the ear and othersI participated singing in Coral 3 directed by Mario Koniko, I played drums in Tangata Manú, Pilar Ternera, Los Caraquses, Orquesta Jabalí where Pablo Valotta played bass and sang Toto Rotblat (Fabulous cadillacs) I played percussion in salsa bands, La Tremeda with German Weil, Julian Cusmano, and Tomas Sivadon, was part of the Baccarat orchestra, also I sang and played for a time with Quitiplá, with Nani, Fiorenza and Gastón Carabajal, Drums and Cantos, from Venezuela, Peru, Cuba, Colombia, Guatemala, Brazil and other countries.Currently, I learn and play jazz piano, compose and record music with Tibetan bowls, piano,and unconventional instruments in Det Ent Ument together with Agostina Bramanti and I am also composing music from the Middle East with the dancer Diana Bogado.I teach Afro-Latin percussion ensemble classes in general, in groups and individually,Rhythms and techniques in congas, drums, cajon, bongo, Bombo Leguero and batá drums, surdos Buenos Aires Argentina, in person or online for the entire planet.Those who wish to contact me for questions about this book, my books in general, or workshops, clinics, classes etc. Write to me at the following addresses:mail: whats app (5411) 9 113 186 4351

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    Book preview

    Movement Control / Complete Guide to Rhythmic Movements for Musicians - Ciro Plateroti

    Movement Control

    Complete Guide to Rhythmic Movements for Musicians

    by Ciro Plateroti

    Copyright 2022 Ciro Plateroti

    Smashwords Edition


    Smashwords Edition Licence Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy.

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    To my teachers and students for their teachings to Lucia and Elena, to my Family.

    Agostina Bramanti and her loving details

    To my grandmother Maguita, to my father, and to my grandmother Luisa

    To my aunts Magguie and Cristi and to the Little grandmother.

    To Javo Saporiti

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