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The Silent Confrontation: Glimpses of Life in the Kingdom During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Silent Confrontation: Glimpses of Life in the Kingdom During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Silent Confrontation: Glimpses of Life in the Kingdom During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Ebook454 pages30 minutes

The Silent Confrontation: Glimpses of Life in the Kingdom During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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More than 427 photographs were taken by over 29 professional photographers of Saudi Arabia's life features and the accompanying social and behavioral customs during the Coronavirus confrontation. From imposing curfews to all the procedures and measures applied to documenting phenomenal moments during religious seasons, moving to ensure COVID-19 vaccine security, the start of their distribution, the launch of the vaccination campaigns, and ending with recovery and returning to everyday life's manifestations. 

Release dateMay 30, 2022
The Silent Confrontation: Glimpses of Life in the Kingdom During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The Silent Confrontation - CGC Ministry Of Media


    The year 2020 witnessed the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and its global spread. Its impact was felt all over the world, and Saudi Arabia was no exception.

    In spite of the daunting challenges posed by the pandemic, the Kingdom implemented precautionary measures that significantly mitigated the outbreak's effects on general health. Under the directives of its wise leadership, a specialized committee was formed to address COVID-19, headed by His Excellency the Minister of Health and with the membership of relevant government committees. A joint cooperation between the ministries of Health and Media resulted in the creation of a specialized media operations room tasked with tracking the latest developments, as well as coordinating and developing all ongoing awareness campaigns.

    Precautions and preventive measures were enforced and fully embraced by citizens and residents alike, significantly mitigating the scale and implications of the challenge and reflecting the high level of awareness among the population.

    Under the guidance of His Excellency the Acting Minister of Media Majid Bin Abdullah Al Qasabi, and in a bid to document the effects of the measures taken by the Kingdom's government, the Ministry of Media's Center for Government Communication has sought to encapsulate the coronavirus Zeitgeist across the Kingdom, through the lense of professional photographers, so it serves as witness to that period and its myriad challenges, as well as the staunch determination and high efficiency utilized to surpass them.

    We pray to God Almighty to lift the scourge of the epidemic, and to grant our country everlasting security, tranquility and peace.

    Dr. Abdullah bin Ahmed Al-Maghlouth

    Undersecretary of Communication at the Ministry of Media

    Since every photograph is a captured moment that is impossible to reproduce, a timelessness enclosed in time, it’s only fitting to thank the talented crew of gifted photographers whose work immortalizes this story.

    Here are their names:

    Ibrahim Sarhan

    Ahmed Al-Jarwan

    Ahmed Suleiman

    Bandar Al-Galoud

    Rashed Al-Subaii

    Riyadh Al-Shahrani

    Ziad Al-Angri

    Doha Al-Hashemi

    Dhafer Al-Shehri

    Abdulaziz Al-Tamimi

    Abdulaziz Al-Muraished

    Abdullah El Sherif

    Abdullah Al-Akshan

    Abdullah Al-Nuhait

    Abdulmalik Alqumayzi

    Athary Al-Mubarak

    Ali Al-Shadwi

    Ali Al-Abdullatif

    Emad Al-Husayni

    Emad Manhi

    Faisal Bin Zarah

    Mohammad Al-Hussayyen

    Mohammad Al-Khamsan

    Mohammad Al-Shammari

    Mohammad Al-Issa

    Mohammad Bjad

    Mansoor Hezam

    Hady Al-Dowais

    Yasser Bakhsh

    How to read this book?

    The Silent Confrontation is a prosaic and pictorial record encompassing the sequence of events that took place during the fight against the novel coronavirus; starting with decisions, their implementation and subsequent outcomes. It documents the whole process in the same chronological order that was taken into account when indexing the book. Time cannot erase the painful memories of traumatic events; yet our current work is one of hope in a better tomorrow. The book is divided into eight chapters:

    First Chapter: Attention and Care

    This chapter reviews the leadership’s interest and eagerness to take the necessary decisions to protect the health and safety of its citizens.

    Second Chapter: And Sanctify my House

    This chapter documents the precautionary measures and due diligence efforts aimed at safeguarding the Two Holy Mosques and preventing the spread of the novel coronavirus within their grounds.

    Third Chapter: The Poem of Silence

    This chapter chronicles the resounding silence of the streets and public places under lockdown.

    Fourth Chapter: Field Heroes

    Health practitioners and employees from other government agencies who toiled on the pandemic’s frontlines and braved its many dangers.

    Fifth Chapter: We Are All Responsible

    This chapter inspects the social responsibility and awareness of citizens and residents alike, by monitoring the particularities of a safe life at home and the unforgettable, unique daily experiences we lived through.

    Sixth Chapter: Nature Breathes

    A tour of locations teeming with biodiversity following the pandemic lockdowns.

    Seventh Chapter: A Careful Return

    Our carefully controlled return to normalcy, armed with novel behavior and health guidelines.

    Eighth Chapter: In Peace and Security

    Scenes from an exceptional Hajj, depicting silence across the sites and hills of the holiest land.

    Ninth Chapter: A Dose of Hope

    A documentation of the Kingdom’s large and fast vaccine rollout, and the accompanying procedures that facilitated public access to vaccination centers and their swift service A documentation of the Kingdom’s large and fast vaccine rollout, and the accompanying procedures that facilitated public access to vaccination centers and their swift service.

    A Guide to Seeing the Photos in this Book:

    • Photos are arranged from right

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