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Dyslexic Bookkeepnig Assocaites
Dyslexic Bookkeepnig Assocaites
Dyslexic Bookkeepnig Assocaites
Ebook88 pages58 minutes

Dyslexic Bookkeepnig Assocaites

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"Uncle Harveigh", as he was known around town, was handling the business quite well. Well enough, in fact, to get the attention of "Uncle Sambo" aka the US Government. The Internal Revenue Service summoned him and his financial records for an audit.

A previously little-known fact about Harveigh Galtsch was that he has a condition known as "Dyslexia". It is a condition that causes the brain to misconfigure the images of written or typed letters and numerals, turning them backwards, up-side-down, mirror images, and other phenomenal warping that science has not yet been able to fully understand.

For many years now, Dyslexia has been categorized as a learning disability, with all sorts of educational mitigation and social programs to benefit people so afflicted. But, when Harveigh was little, those programs and designations didn't exist. As he explains to his nephew (our biographer) in the first part of the book:

"I caught my bookkeeper cheating me, so I fired him. Then, I decided to do it myself rather than trust somebody else. Trouble is, I never was much good at reading and writing, especially a-writhe-metic. I get the symbols all turned around. Now-days they call it dyslexia, but when I was a kid they just called it stupid -- so I learned not to tell anybody and just try to cope with it."

A later concept in the book is Executive Scapegoats Limited, based on the fact that high-flying executives in danger of indictment, trial, conviction, and/or prison sentences, (for insider trading, fraudulent practices, or other high and mighty crimes), are willing to pay large sums of money for somebody else to take the fall for their misdeeds.

Alternatively, there are a bunch of recently released prisoners who have spent most of their lives in custody, and don't feel comfortable making their own decisions and running their own lives, and would prefer to go back to institutional living.

Oh yeah, we'd best not forget about The Antiestablishmentarian Project, in which Uncle Harveigh hired a bunch of rebel programmers and hackers (on probation or parole) to re-program tax software to allow the customers to overwrite the automated calculations...

(You wanna know more -- buy the book -- it's damn cheap!)

PublisherMaharg Ydobon
Release dateAug 8, 2022
Dyslexic Bookkeepnig Assocaites

Maharg Ydobon

Bio Info for Maharg YdobonAge = Old; birthdate lost in ancient history and political disruptions. Maybe he was born soon after WW2 somewhere in a now dislocated jurisdiction, possibly Europe or South America or somewhere else. But, it seems he must have been in elementary school in the early 1960s. He claims to have been in anti-war and civil rights protests during the Nixon years.Ethnicity = Other; has ties to various ethnicities and claims allegiance to none of them. Claims to have come from "the old world", and that most of the Ydobon family didn't choose to come to this backwater planet... (Maybe there will be something of this vein in future books?)Language = Spanglish (border mixture of Spanish & English) and BuHdobyan (huh?), but his first language is "ba-baba-baby-talk..."Family = Multiple members of extended family, many of whom are now deceased. Favorite Auntie just passed away in her late eighties. Mama died at the same age a few years ago. Some brothers are still in contact, and through them are many nephews and nieces. Heck, life goes on and you lose some and gain some and it all comes out "even steven" - except when it doesn't.Work = Various Jobs & Businesses."The first regular job I remember was walking bean fields in the brutal heat and humidity of the Mississippi River Valley, hoeing out all of the weeds while being careful to protect the plants. Yeah, I made a whopping 65 cents an hour for that menial labor."Over the years there have been many jobs and businesses. Gradually the pay got better as did the amount of control I had over my life."Recently a client told me my rates were way too low for the market, and that I should increase my base rate (for just showing up and not doing any real work) to more than double. I considered that absurd, but increased my hourly rate (including work) by about 20 percent."Reality Check! My rates haven't really gone up that much. Our economy is in such a mess that our dollars are becoming worthless, and you have to get a lot more of them to buy the basic stuff that most people need. That's called 'transitory inflation', and has been going on for hundreds of years..."So, somebody's $100 per hour rate now is maybe equivalent to a wage of $10 an hour back when I was growing up. Okay, that was a living wage for a seasoned technician. You could support a family on that if you were frugal."Frugal is one thing I have been all my life. As Uncle Harveigh says, 'There's no sense spending senselessly on senseless extravagances. Going into debt for non-essential spending is even worse. It's all just senseless.'""So, if you have any sense, mind your dollars and cents."Sorry, I got off track there -- maybe starting to show my age. Financial stupidity is one of my pet peeves."There are many other things of importance about me, but not all is relevant here...."I do enjoy woodworking and creative art. My workshop is outdoors, but shaded, with big trees and a shade canopy, and surround-sound organic birdsong music all day long."One of my best buddies out there is a large Wood Bee (aka Carpenter Bee) who hangs around and talks to me in Buzzlish. He (or maybe she; most of nature seems to be non-binary when it comes to gender) looks a lot like a Bumblebee, except for being all black. Unlike its cousins, Wood Bees are very mellow and don't attack or sting unless they are threatened. It would be nice if more people were like that."

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    Book preview

    Dyslexic Bookkeepnig Assocaites - Maharg Ydobon

    Dba: Dyslexic Bookkeepnig Assocaites

    Ventures & Misadventures of

    Harveigh Galtsch, Dyslexic Entrepreneur

    Politico-Economic Science Fiction

    Maharg Ydobon, PsZ

    Book 1: Uncle Sambo versus Uncle Harveigh

    Sidebar of Pronunciation:

    DBA = dis-LEK-sik book-keep-nig ASS-soh-kayts

    Harveigh = Harvey

    Copyright 2002 - 2022 Philosophers Stone Tablets

    Published by Philosophers Stone Tablets at Smashwords

    Philosophers Stone Tablets is Trademark protected

    The names Dyslexic Bookkeepnig Assocaites, Maharg Ydobon, Harveigh Galtsch

    and others are protected by Trademarks and/or Copyrights

    License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only, at a reasonable low-cost price. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Uncle Harveigh's Witticisms

    Born a sucker

    I'm not falling for that bamboozlement, said Harveigh. I may have been born a sucker, but I've been weaned for more than 40 years now.


    Uncle Harveigh gets asked what he thinks of the government programs that he's taking advantage of.

    Government using tax money to stimulate the economy is like giving yourself a blood transfusion to stimulate your recovery. You're low on blood so you take blood from your left arm and put it back into your right arm but divert half of it into the arm of the doctor who's giving you the transfusion. How fast do you think you'll recover?"

    Table of Contents



    Chapter 1: How This Venture (or Misadventure) Began

    Chapter 2: A New Enterprise is Born

    Chapter 3: Disability Misadventures

    Chapter 5: The Widget Factory

    Chapter 6: The Money Factory (Grants and Loans)

    Chapter 7: Executive Scapegoats Ltd

    Chapter 8: Automation Hurdles

    **** Notes & Metalevel Stuff ****

    About the Author

    Literary Works by Maharg Ydobon


    First and foremost let's acknowledge all those tremendous individuals who have succeeded despite seemingly overwhelming difficulties and disabilities. I have been privileged to know and learn from many such people.

    Many of them cope so successfully that most other people never know about their disabilities. They hire people to do the math and writing work. Or, they hire people to provide other functions that they can't do for themselves. For some who don't have the financial ability to hire help, family and/or friends come to the rescue.

    There are family businesses where the disabled entrepreneur has the genius ideas for the business, and also has a brother, sister, nephew, wife, and/or aunt with the required front office skills to make the business prosperous.

    Just do a search on dyslexic entrepreneurs and you will find a lot of cool people who turned a disability into a success story.

    Richard Branson, founder of Virgin (records, space-flight, airplanes, and who knows what else is in store for the future...) is one of my heroes. He is dyslexic. He copes with that just fine.

    My family has some dyslexic tendencies, which I have to work through when I write. But, I am one of the more literate members of the family, so I have been able to learn to read and write and to do mathematics in an acceptably normal fashion.

    I have two brothers who would struggle tremendously if they had to survive in a corporate structure. One is the one who first brought to my attention the fact that very intelligent people could be ostracized from society for not being able to decipher digits. He struggled through schooling, never able to write properly or do digital math. Now he has multiple business interests, including a janitorial company for which I was the bean counter facilitator to get it going. He also did some writing, with my editing, and we wrote some stuff together.

    The other brother went into sales and made a successful career.

    Other people have disabilities so physical and obvious that those are the first things people recognize about them.

    My friend Daryl, who was paralyzed from the neck down in a motorcycle accident, once told me, at least I know my disabilities. Most of the so-called normal people are more disabled than I am; they just don't know it or show it...

    Once, at a city meeting about disability access issues, another guy in a power wheelchair asked Daryl what his disability is. Without a smirk Daryl responded, I was born blond.

    So, we must also acknowledge the comic streak in humanity that allows people to use humor to overcome hardships and

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