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Intensive Care of the Adult with Congenital Heart Disease
Intensive Care of the Adult with Congenital Heart Disease
Intensive Care of the Adult with Congenital Heart Disease
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Intensive Care of the Adult with Congenital Heart Disease

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Dedicated to the critical management of acutely ill adults with congenital heart disease, this comprehensive book discusses the many challenges faced in the management of these patients, who require intensive inter- and trans-disciplinary care. It provides the first universal review of the practical management of patients with these complex conditions, who survive into adulthood with congenital cardiac malformations and are often affected by other morbidities. For this reason, it reflects a consistent interaction and collaboration between several disciplines: pediatric and adult cardiology, cardiac surgery, pediatric and adult cardiac intensive care, anesthesia, intensive care nursing, nutrition, psychology and many other specialties. It offers concise and pragmatic recommendations, and provides basic and advanced concepts that allow caregivers to anticipate, prevent and effectively treat such pathologies. The book also includes chapters focusing on cardiac-database and risk-factorassessment, organizational and operational topics, advanced mechanical circulatory assistance and pharmacology.

Whilst bringing together top international experts who are leading reference programs around the globe, this book is an indispensable teaching tool for clinicians and caregivers involved in the management of critically ill adults with congenital heart disease.

Release dateDec 31, 2018
Intensive Care of the Adult with Congenital Heart Disease

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    Intensive Care of the Adult with Congenital Heart Disease - Eduardo da Cruz

    Part IGeneral Aspects

    © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2019

    Eduardo da Cruz, Duncan Macrae and Gary Webb (eds.)Intensive Care of the Adult with Congenital Heart DiseaseCongenital Heart Disease in Adolescents and Adults

    1. The Ideal Intensive Care Unit for Adults with Congenital Heart Disease

    David Briston¹   and Curt Daniels¹  


    Nationwide Children’s Hospital, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA

    David Briston


    Curt Daniels (Corresponding author)



    Adult congenital heart diseaseCongenital heart diseaseIntensive care unit

    The intensive care unit (ICU) represents the highest acuity of care available in the modern hospital setting. Various subspecialties have ICUs that focus on their specific practice area such as postoperative cardiac care, neurosurgical postoperative care, as well as many others. Altogether, millions of hospital admissions occur to various ICUs annually. Patients with congenital heart disease (CHD) are one such population who require high levels of care on a regular basis. Adults with CHD (ACHD) are a rapidly growing population with over 1.4 million ACHD patients estimated in the USA alone. These patients are not only relatively higher healthcare utilizers, but also when inpatients, they often require higher acuity care such as that offered in the ICU [1]. Demographic studies have shown that the ACHD population is aging [2, 3], suggesting the need for an ICU that not only provides expert care for complex of CHD but for adult comorbidities of an aging population.

    Caring for patients with CHD requires a multidisciplinary team with skills and expertise in a variety of pre- and postsurgical anatomies and complex physiology as well as sufficient resources to properly do so [4]. ACHD patients often require catheter-based or surgical interventions that lead to post-procedural care in the intensive care unit (ICU) but also admissions for medical issues that necessitate advanced monitoring and high level of care. Senescence for CHD patients occurs sooner, and increased levels of interaction with the healthcare system and at higher acuity levels transpire at younger ages, further clarifying the need for specialized ICUs in this patient population.

    While in the ICU, the ACHD population should have access to specialists who perform cardiac catheterizations and trans-catheter therapies, provide electrophysiologic advice and care, evaluate and treat advanced heart failure, and, at the same time, understand congenital cardiac anatomy and physiology. The ICU should have additional specialists available who can evaluate the breadth of non-cardiac issues facing the ACHD patient in the ICU. The ACHD patient is unique in the ICU setting and to the ICU caregivers, bringing together the complexity of childhood CHD but also the medical issues of an adult patient.

    The importance of a specialized ICU for the care of ACHD patients is underscored by the delicate nature of congenital heart surgery in adult patients. Many ACHD patients undergo reoperation, and the rate of cardiac injury—defined as entry into a cardiac chamber or vascular structure during repeat sternotomy or mediastinal dissection that required initiation of cardiopulmonary bypass for control or repair—has been reported to be as high as 6% with early mortality at 3.6% [5]. Caring for complications such as these in the ICU requires attentive and well-trained healthcare providers. Also, it has been noted that 24% of ACHD patients have severe perioperative complications such as arrhythmia, renal failure, stroke, or multiorgan system failure, and a significant percentage of ACHD patients die in the perioperative period [6, 7]. With complicated procedures being performed in the operating room and catheterization laboratory, morbidity is high in the ACHD cohort. This underscores the need for a wide range of appropriate services to be in place and available when caring for an ACHD patient in the ICU.

    ICU admissions for ACHD patients are increasing, and it is anticipated that this trajectory will continue for the foreseeable future as more patients are reaching adult age than in the past [8] (Fig. 1.1). To provide the best outcomes, the ideal environment to care for ACHD patients in an ICU, whether in a children’s hospital or a general hospital, must have complete medical teams composed of physicians, nurses, technicians, patient aides, and social work staff familiar with ACHD patients.


    Fig. 1.1

    Rising ACHD admissions to the ICU

    ACHD patients are hospitalized at twice the frequency of age-matched controls and have double the number of days in a critical care bed [9, 10]. Among ACHD patients, those with heart failure are known to have significantly higher resource utilization rates compared to those who do not [1]. Because heart failure is the primary cause of death in the contemporary ACHD population, it is not surprising that overall higher resource utilization is seen [7]. Utilization of hospitals and ICU specifically in the final year of life has been well documented in Australia where 59% of decedents had been admitted to the hospital within their final year of life [11]. Among ACHD patients, unplanned admissions for medical reasons and surgical procedures as well as post-procedure are increasing (Fig. 1.2). With an increasing population who utilizes the healthcare system more often and has diagnoses associated with frequent hospitalization, the need for an appropriate ICU setting for ACHD patients is clear.


    Fig. 1.2

    ACHD admissions by type

    The comprehensive nature of the ideal ACHD ICU is hard to define by modern metrics. While many aspects of ICU care can be quantified, providing patient-specific ACHD care is complex, and a one-size-fits-all approach is neither feasible nor practical. Given how ACHD is not a single entity or disease process, no single characteristic defines this setting other than appropriate quality care being provided to the patient. Cardiothoracic surgical care as provided by congenitally trained vs. non-congenitally trained surgeons and whether performing procedures at adult and pediatric institutions for adult patients have been reviewed multiple times [12–15]. While some data show improved survival for ACHD patients at pediatric centers, the data are limited but reinforce the decision regarding where a patient should receive care is specific to the patient rather than generalized to all ACHD patients [14]. The data seem to suggest that surgical outcomes are better in children’s hospitals. This finding may be interpreted to imply that there are aspects to care that are optimized when the ICU team is experienced in CHD care as opposed to adult medicine care. However, the optimal disposition for critical care needs for ACHD patients is truly not well defined and continues to pose one of the most burdensome dilemmas for ACHD providers [16].

    The location of the ideal ACHD ICU remains debatable, and the strengths and limitations of each setting are outlined herein (Table 1.1).

    Table 1.1

    Strengths and weaknesses for caring for ACHD patients in various settings

    The pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) or pediatric cardiothoracic ICU (CTICU) offers many advantages as compared to other medical ICUs for the care of ACHD patients. Many patients and families are acquainted with the PICU/CTICU since the majority of ACHD patients have required invasive procedures in the past. The PICU/CTICU medical teams are experts in caring for patients with congenital heart issues. For instance, nurses who are familiar with CHD physiology may better understand the significance of low saturations and when to intervene. Advanced knowledge of complicated procedures and physiology in childhood makes understanding these in issues adulthood much simpler. Knowing the differences between pre- and post-ductal blood pressures and oxygen saturations in left- and right-sided aortic arches is critical basic knowledge for medical decision-making. Complex cardiac issues such as those seen in heterotaxy syndrome patients are important when interpreting imaging studies. Also, one must contemplate how basic ICU data are interpreted. Vital signs are core to the management of ICU patients. Right arm blood pressure readings are required for all patients with left-sided aortic arches as a true measure of carotid and coronary artery blood pressures except in special circumstances, which hopefully prior imaging will have elucidated. When addressing aortic arch abnormalities, the pre-ductal blood pressure should be compared with either of those in the leg and generally not with those obtained in the contralateral arm. This comparison is useful in determining adequacy of aortic flow. Interpretation of other common tests in the cardiac ICU such as electrocardiogram, echocardiogram, and chest X-ray also is different from those without congenital heart disease. Echocardiograms with structures being absent or on the opposite side from usual anatomy and with abnormal arterial and venous connections are difficult to interpret. Chest X-rays with abnormally positioned hearts or with pulmonary fields both appearing as if right-sided structures are sufficiently common that expertise in such pathology is mandatory. Familiarity with right-sided chest leads and V7 also is sometimes useful in patient management. Advanced life support devices such as extracorporeal membrane oxygenation units are available in most ICU settings, and their usage in CHD patients is more common in the PICU setting. Beyond familiarity with diagnostic testing, expert CHD care includes knowledge of how unique physiology affects other systems. For instance, avoidance of laparoscopic procedures that insufflate air into the abdomen, which might greatly reduce infra-diaphragmatic systemic venous return in patients living with central shunts, is an important clinical knowledge. Third, familiarity with right ventricle issues is typically higher in the PICU setting. Recently, a number of risk factors were identified for right ventricular dysfunction in an ACHD cohort, including preoperative right ventricular dysfunction, postoperative supraventricular tachycardia, and cardiopulmonary bypass time >150 min [17]. Even patients who were not undergoing surgery on the right side of the heart were at risk for RV dysfunction. ICU providers familiar with systemic right ventricles may better recognize and understand, for instance, the paradoxical response of a patient with an atrial switch palliation to inotropes. Fourth, PICUs caring for patients with CHD should have associated fully staffed pediatric consult services. This is particularly important for ACHD patients who are at risk for extra-cardiac complications both related and unrelated to their heart disease. Some centers have purposefully employed internal medicine-trained intensivists and hospitalists for the PICU/CTICU to better care for the ACHD population. Medical team familiarity with CHD, availability of consultants, and patient familiarity are all strengths associated with care of ACHD patients in the PICU.

    While the PICU offers many advantages in caring for patients with CHD, there are certain limitations as well. First, the PICU is designed inherently for pediatric patients, and the physical space and equipment may not be conducive to properly care for adult patients. While certainly there are hospital beds available for patients of all sizes, the PICU may have numerous available cribs, warmers, and incubators but only a few beds designed for fully grown and even obese adults. Other aspects of the PICU environment such as room design, floor activities, space, and equipment for cardiac rehabilitation may not be appropriate or adequate for ACHD care. Second, the ability to provide high-quality way care rapidly for adult-specific medical or cardiac issues may not be available at a children’s hospital PICU or CTICU. While the crossover in both pediatric and adult specialty care in various subspecialties is growing, it is not complete or universally available (Table 1.2). For instance, pediatric cardiologists do not often treat or manage atrial fibrillation, whereas it is a common clinical scenario for adult cardiologists. Also, pediatric neurologists are not trained specifically in adult stroke management, whereas in adult care it is a core curriculum and training. Moreover, in gastroenterology, pediatrics rarely focuses on life-threatening GI bleeding. While pediatric providers are assuredly aware of such issues, their prior training often is insufficient to provide the level of expertise in providing clinical care. Third, nurses who work with children may not be as comfortable in caring for critically ill adult patients. They may not have received appropriate training for adult patients, have not been offered or completed ACLS, have not received ongoing credits for continuing nursing education for adult patients, and may not have nursing support when caring for adult patients such as might be available for physicians. Adults have different physiology and cannot be treated as big children, and pediatric-based ICU care in some ways is not ideal [18].

    Table 1.2

    Adult ICU consultative services and issues they handle

    The alternative to the PICU/CTICU is to care for ACHD patients in the medical intensive care unit (MICU), cardiac surgical intensive care unit (CSICU), or the cardiac intensive care unit (CICU), depending on the hospital’s organizational structure. First, the expertise in caring for adult patients is a significant advantage. All of the healthcare providers are comfortable caring for adult patients. Second, the non-CHD issues, both cardiac and non-cardiac complications, are well evaluated and treated in an adult ICU. The ICU team caring for ACHD patients must be skilled in the evaluation and treatment of not only the post-procedure patient but also in age-related comorbidities that are not specific to ACHD patients such as diabetes, obstructive lung disease, dementia, and renal insufficiency [19]. Third, arrhythmias are relatively more common in the ACHD patient population with most patients having had an atrial arrhythmia by age 65 [20, 21]. Arrhythmia was noted to be the primary cause of hospital admission among ACHD patients, so having specialists readily available who are familiar with them and confident in treating them is logical [10]. Having the necessary equipment readily available is necessary for all ACHD patients in the ICU. Fourth, extra-cardiac comorbidities associated with sequela of various ACHD lesions are often better treated in the adult setting, and some are listed below.

    Renal dysfunction is relatively more common in patients with ACHD for a variety of reasons such as cyanosis, contrast administration, and cardiopulmonary bypass [22, 23]. A European study showed almost half of adults have some degree of renal dysfunction and that 20% have moderate or worse kidney failure [24]. This study shows that renal dysfunction is not unique to any one lesion or category of lesions, highlighting the need for providers being aware of such medical complexities of ACHD patients. It appears for many ACHD patients their kidneys are vulnerable to injury with a baseline level of renal dysfunction at much younger ages than expected. This is important especially when in the ICU wherein procedures may occur that are associated with contrast usage or where medications might be used that reduce renal blood flow. When grouped by use for diuretics, by heart failure classification, and by cyanosis, markedly worsened survivals are noted in patients with worse kidney function (Fig. 1.3) [24]. Moreover, ACHD patients may be in the ICU after cardiopulmonary bypass or after an arrest, both of which are renal insults. Regiments to protect renal function such as avoidance of nephrotoxic agents, maintenance of adequate volume status, and vigilance to maintain hemodynamic parameters are important. The use of adequate hydration, sodium bicarbonate solutions, and n-acetylcysteine to prevent contrast-induced kidney injury is also a topic well known to adult providers. Familiarity with less commonly utilized medications such as with the use of fenoldopam, which is renal protective, may also be more commonplace in the MICU.


    Fig. 1.3

    Adjusted mortality curves for noncyanotic (a and b) and cyanotic (c and d) ACHD patients separated by those not receiving (a and c) or those receiving (b and d) diuretic therapy

    Hematologic considerations also are well cared for by adult centers. Many patients are on aspirin if not Coumadin therapy for mechanical valves, intracardiac pacing wires with residual shunt, atrial arrhythmias, and Fontan palliation with residual shunt. Also, ACHD patients are not only at risk for thromboembolic events but also bleeding complications. There are known risk factors for bleeding diatheses in CHD patients such as cyanosis and significant valvar disease independent of anticoagulation medication [25]. These issues can be assessed with preoperative hematologic studies, but sometimes even premedication or specific treatments cannot significantly mitigate operative bleeding risks. The concept of red blood cell shearing has most extensively been evaluated as it relates to aortic valve stenosis, and data regarding acquired von Willebrand disease are emerging as it relates to surgery in ACHD patients. Knowledge of bleeding risks prior to planned procedures is important and possibly can minimize complications.

    Pulmonary considerations must be addressed when an ACHD patient is in the ICU. Restrictive lung disease is common after thoracotomies and can lead to respiratory insufficiency and is known risk factor for increased mortality [26]. It also may occur with lung hypoplasia as is seen in Scimitar syndrome or in those with significant vertebral anomalies such as kyphosis or scoliosis. Prior nerve damage that has affected diaphragmatic or vocal cord function can complicate recovery intubations related to planned procedures or from respiratory infections. The inability to move the vocal cords completely can markedly affect flow-volume loops and hinder recovery. Adult patients may also acquire diseases such as obstructive lung disease which also affects ICU management. Understanding how these multiple respiratory dysfunctions interact with ACHD is complicated and underscores the need for care by well-trained individuals.

    Gastroenterology consultation is increasingly required as patients develop sequela of their heart disease. For instance, single ventricle patients have increased central venous pressures, leading to a congestive hepatopathy. Now termed Fontan-associated liver disease, this complicated disease process leads to portal hypertension, hepatic cirrhosis, and reduced survival for this population [27]. The potential for protein losing enteropathy, hepatocellular carcinoma, and other sequelae specific to the single ventricle population complicates ICU care. While no expert consensus yet exists, having awareness of these potential complications is desirable in the ICU setting. Gastrointestinal bleeds are also relatively more common as more patients are prescribed anticoagulation.

    There are also disadvantages of the adult ICU setting for ACHD patients. Most striking is the lack of knowledge and familiarity with CHD. The understanding of where invasive monitors can be placed and where to avoid (such as subclavian or internal jugular central venous catheters in single ventricle patients) is imperative to appropriate treatment. Alterations in traditional treatment practices may be required. For instance, the use of filters on IV lines is necessary in patients with right-to-left shunts to prevent air emboli. The ability to interpret complex CHD imaging data may also be limited and require extensive consultation. Details of systemic right ventricles, ventricular interdependence and single ventricle physiology as they relate to the lungs are not as commonplace in adult hospitals. Issues such as these must be overcome for ACHD patients to receive adequate and high-quality care in an adult ICU.

    Objective data in the ACHD population as it relates to ICU care is sparse. Outcomes for ACHD surgery were analyzed and showed improved survival in the hands of a congenitally trained heart surgeon [14]. Details regarding surgery type were not assessed. Another study identified relatively increased rates of complications among ACHD patients who had undergone prior surgery [28]. Another study reported a 4.9% mortality rate among a younger ACHD cohort, again without specifying the details regarding surgery type, location, and surgeon characteristics [29]. While risk factors for poor outcomes have been identified, many patients have such characteristics and still require interventions, further emphasizing the need for an ICU capable of caring for ACHD patients.

    In the ideal situation, ACHD patients would be cared for in a hospital environment that has adult and pediatric services close at hand, preferably within the same building. The primary ICU staff would be dual trained with credentialing in both internal medicine and pediatrics, and subspecialty training would include cardiac ICU advance training with an interest or background in congenital cardiology. Primary and consultative services would be continuously available for any need that arises. The nurses would be equally familiar with and capable to treat adult patients and CHD-related problems. Programs would ideally be offered to medical professionals to address deficiencies and steps taken to modify the existing environment to make it more amenable for ACHD care (Table 1.3).

    Table 1.3

    Educational programs and resources that should be offered to caregivers in charge of ACHD patients

    It is paramount to this population’s survival that it receives high-quality care ideally by practitioners who have completed multiple credentialed programs to care for congenital patients within the ICU and who have familiarity with both children and adults alike. As ACHD patients continue to utilize the healthcare system, the need for a collaborative care environment with practitioners of all types with advanced training will only increase.



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    © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2019

    Eduardo da Cruz, Duncan Macrae and Gary Webb (eds.)Intensive Care of the Adult with Congenital Heart DiseaseCongenital Heart Disease in Adolescents and Adults

    2. Overview of the Intensive Care of the Adult with Congenital Heart Disease

    Jeremy Nicolarsen¹   and Joseph Kay²  


    Providence Adult and Teen Congenital Heart Program (PATCH), Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center and Children’s Hospital, Spokane, WA, USA


    Colorado’s Adult and Teen Congenital Heart Program (CATCH), Department of Cardiology, University of Colorado Hospital and Children’s Hospital Colorado, Aurora, CO, USA

    Jeremy Nicolarsen (Corresponding author)


    Joseph Kay



    Adult congenital heart diseaseACHDIntensive care unitICUHepatic diseaseRenal impairmentArrhythmiaCoagulopathyThrombosis

    2.1 Introduction

    Through improvements in prenatal diagnosis, surgical technique, perioperative care, and long-term medical management and surveillance, children with congenital heart disease are now routinely surviving into adulthood. In 2001, it was estimated that 95% would see their adult years [1] and an increasingly larger proportion would be adults with moderately to severely complex congenital heart disease (CHD). In fact, the number of adults living with severe congenital heart disease (defined as lesions associated with cyanosis or requiring intervention early in life) has risen by 85% from 1985 to 2000 [2]. By now, it is expected that the number of adults with moderately and severely complex CHD outnumbers children.

    As our ability to prolong the lives of adult patients with CHD continues to improve, we will see an increasingly larger number of admissions to the intensive care unit (ICU) as many of these patients require re-interventions or surgeries or are faced with exacerbations of chronic diseases. From 1996 to 2000, of 22,096 adult congenital heart disease (ACHD) patients in Quebec, 51% of those with severe defects were hospitalized, and 16% were admitted to the ICU, with more days spent in critical care (RR 2.12, 95% CI: 1.80–2.50) than patients with less complex congenital cardiac lesions [3]. Compared to the general population, ACHD patients are admitted twice as often [4] and many times, emergently. In a multicenter European study of 5 hospitals, within 1 year there were 1033 admissions of adults with congenital heart disease, and 201 (160 patients; age 16–71 years) were emergencies [5]. With an estimated growth of this patient population of 5% per year [2], a 102% increase in the number of ACHD hospitalizations from 1998 to 2005 [6], and increasingly complex older patients, intensivists in both pediatric and adult ICUs stand to shoulder a large burden of the care for ACHD patients.

    Caring for an ACHD patient in the ICU requires a fundamental understanding of the underlying physiologic consequences of the repairs performed, a keen observance of potential risks associated with acquired heart diseases, and a multidisciplinary approach that involves specialists experienced with the many nuances of this complex subset of patients. It is the adult patient with chronic kidney disease and cirrhosis undergoing his fourth sternotomy and cardiopulmonary bypass, perhaps more so than the neonate with aortic coarctation and a first surgical repair, who requires progressive, prepared ICU teams capable of handling complex ACHD patients. The critically ill ACHD patient should be cared for in a center that is equipped with cardiologists trained in adult congenital heart disease, surgical support that includes the ability to utilize ventricular assist devices, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), and cardiac transplantation, and an ICU team adept at managing medical complications that may arise in the adult. Furthermore, it is important to recognize that non-cardiac comorbidities are common in ACHD patients and may become clinically significant in the setting of critical illness and also that low risk surgical procedures or hospital admissions may still be challenging in those with highly complex CHD. This report aims to introduce providers to many of the issues complicating the care of adults with congenital heart disease in the intensive care setting, including how variable care can be, even for patients with the same defect.

    2.2 Monitoring and Access

    Further details about monitoring will be discussed in another chapter in this book.

    2.2.1 Blood Pressure Monitoring

    Surgical management of most types of CHD has changed significantly over the past half century. Therefore, providers involved in the care of ACHD patients need to understand the various surgical approaches for particular defects and their impact on management. For example, in tetralogy of Fallot and other cyanotic CHDs with inadequate pulmonary blood flow, palliation in the 1950s–1980s frequently involved the use of the classic Blalock-Taussig shunt, in which the subclavian artery was transected and anastomosed to the pulmonary artery [7]. The subclavian artery was also sacrificed in subclavian flap repair of aortic coarctation in many centers [8]. Each of these techniques leaves the patient with only collateral blood flow to the ipsilateral arm and results in a lower blood pressure (and radial pulse intensity) than expected (Fig. 2.1). In today’s repairs of these defects, modified Blalock-Taussig shunts (Gore-Tex graft from the subclavian artery to pulmonary artery) and extended end-to-end repairs of aortic coarctation obviate the use of the subclavian artery and ensure accurate blood pressure and pulse monitoring. If the patient entering the intensive care unit is not able to give a complete surgical history or is unaware of the details of his or her previous surgeries, a thorough physical exam is particularly important, including evaluation for a lateral thoracotomy scar, suggesting a previous shunt or coarctation repair. Blood pressure should be measured in both arms, and continuous or intermittent blood pressure assessment should then be obtained from the higher of the two sides.


    Fig. 2.1

    (a) A patient after previous coarctation repair with subclavian flap. The first great vessel is the innominate artery and the second, a left carotid artery with no left subclavian artery seen. (b) Classic left Blalock-Taussig shunt (with stents) with the left subclavian artery anastomosed to a dilated left pulmonary artery

    2.2.2 Central Venous Access

    Another issue faced by many ACHD survivors is systemic venous obstruction (femoral, subclavian, venae cavae, etc.) due to frequent cardiac catheterizations as a child, prolonged need for central venous access after surgical repair, or prolonged pacemaker/implantable cardioverter defibrillator use. Patients who have undergone a multistage palliation for single-ventricle physiology are the most common group to have venous obstruction, having had at least two to three cardiac catheterizations and prolonged recoveries after surgery, but venous obstruction can also be seen with moderately complex lesions such as tetralogy of Fallot. Therefore, providers should be careful when placing central venous catheters – if the wire does not pass easily, there needs to be a high index of suspicion of vascular occlusion with collaterals, and alternate sites should be sought (Fig. 2.2). Ideally, vascular US should be performed in such patients in order to identify venous and arterial patency and flow patterns.


    Fig. 2.2

    (a) Adult with lateral tunnel Fontan with obstruction of the inferior vena cava above the iliac bifurcation. (b, c) Patient with pulmonary atresia/ventricular septal defect (late after repair) with occlusion of her right (panel b) and left (panel c) subclavian veins, requiring venoplasty prior to placement of pacemaker leads

    Providers should make every attempt to understand a patient’s surgical and catheterization history before embarking on a procedure to obtain central venous access. For example, in patients palliated with a lateral tunnel or extracardiac Fontan, the superior vena cava and inferior vena cava are anastomosed directly to the pulmonary arteries with no pre-pulmonary pump or ventricle. While these patients can still undergo upper extremity placement of a peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC line), these lines and others placed via a subclavian or internal jugular vein communicate directly with the pulmonary arteries, and hence central venous pressure reflects mean pulmonary artery pressure.

    2.2.3 Avoidance of Air Embolism

    Normally, small air bubbles that may enter the circulation from central or peripheral venous catheters are routinely filtered out by the microvasculature in the lungs. However, in ACHD patients with residual intracardiac shunting, even small air bubbles can cross from the right to left side of the circulation and cause a stroke or distal embolism. Therefore, all patients with a congenital heart defects at risk of right-to-left shunting should have air filters placed on intravenous tubing to prevent inadvertent entrainment of air into the circulation, which could increase one’s risk of stroke or other complication.

    2.3 Congestive Hepatopathy and Hepatic Disease

    Passive venous congestion of the liver can result from ventricular failure due to many congenital heart defects, such as pulmonary hypertension from chronic left-to-right shunting through a septal defect or as a result of a failing systemic ventricle in a patient with d-transposition of the great arteries who has undergone an atrial switch palliation. This congestive hepatopathy is especially common in patients with Fontan physiology, where the circulation depends on passive, nonpulsatile pulmonary blood flow through an intra- or extracardiac conduit connecting the venae cavae to the pulmonary circulation. Perturbations of flow, whether secondary to mechanics and compliance of the conduit, obstruction of the pulmonary arteries, or due to increased pulmonary vascular resistance from any number of cardiac or pulmonary causes, can result in impaired systemic venous flow and pressure transmission to the hepatic vascular bed. These elevated right-sided pressures can result in hepatic congestion and sinusoidal dilatation, inflammation, fibrosis, and eventually cirrhosis. Portal hypertension with gastroesophageal varices and gastrointestinal hemorrhage may also occur, as can protein-losing enteropathy. Furthermore, systemic ventricular dysfunction can result in decreased cardiac output and inadequate hepatic perfusion, which also plays a role in the development of liver disease in these patients.

    While congestive hepatopathy is often a result of long-standing repaired or unrepaired congenital heart disease, problems like chronic viral hepatitis, transfusion or drug-related hepatitis, liver disease due to alcohol or obesity, and hepatocellular carcinoma may also be encountered in ACHD patients. Not surprisingly, the presence of chronic liver disease can heighten the risk of acute hepatic dysfunction in the postoperative or acutely ill patient and should be considered in every ACHD patient admitted to an ICU. Finally, a relatively common liver disease encountered in ACHD patients is hepatitis C, as older ACHD patients may have been exposed to this blood-borne infection before the era of routine pre-transfusion screening. In a 1992 cohort of 198 ACHD patients, 8.6% were positive for hepatitis C virus (HCV) antibody, up from 1.6% in the general population, and there was a direct correlation between the number of cardiac surgical procedures and the risk of HCV infection [9].

    Whatever the cause of hepatic dysfunction in the ACHD patient, problems like ascites, coagulopathy, and hyperbilirubinemia can occur. In the critically ill ACHD patient, hemodynamic dysfunction can acutely impair hepatic venous drainage with worsening of ascites, abdominal compartment syndrome, and further impairment of cardiac preload, propelling the patient into a vicious cycle that can end in profound systemic tissue deoxygenation, acidemia, and impaired organ function or circulatory arrest.

    Predicting which ACHD patients will be at greatest risk for hepatic dysfunction is not easy, but close monitoring of serum biomarkers in the pre- and postoperative period, as well as in those with known liver disease who are admitted to the ICU for other reasons, is important. Hepatic venous congestion most commonly manifests as an elevation in indirect bilirubin and mild prolongation of INR and less so as elevations of the aminotransferases [10]. Conversely, ischemic, drug, or viral hepatitis often results in acute increases in the transaminases. The rapidity of the return to normal of previously elevated transaminases also matters, such that an early drop in aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) suggests low cardiac output and hepatic ischemia [10]. Transaminase elevation in the immediate postoperative period is common, particularly in the setting of right-sided heart failure, and extreme elevations correlate negatively with postoperative survival [11]. Finally, serum albumin is usually preserved until the onset of decompensated cirrhosis, unless associated with protein-losing enteropathy [10], and may be a helpful biomarker in the newly admitted ICU patient with sequelae of chronic liver disease.

    In addition to serologic markers of liver disease, new progress is being made in our understanding of the imaging of liver disease, both in its prognostic and diagnostic capabilities. Beyond simple liver ultrasound, there are now new techniques such as ultrasound or magnetic resonance elastography and multiphase liver computed tomography (CT). With these new techniques, however, comes uncertainty and variability in interpretation, and we are still far from widespread application and availability of novel imaging modalities. For the ACHD patient in the ICU, a better understanding of the underlying disease burden going into a critical illness, with any imaging modality locally available, is arguably more helpful than not having that information.

    2.4 Renal Impairment

    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is one of the most common acquired diseases in the United States, affecting more than 20 million people, largely secondary to the growing burden of diabetes and hypertension. The presence of chronic kidney disease increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. In ACHD patients, whether a result of systemic venous congestion and increased renal vein hypertension, chronically impaired renal blood flow, or a concomitant acquired disease, it is fairly common for patients to be admitted to the ICU with underlying renal dysfunction. This places a greater importance on maintaining adequate circulating blood volume, cardiac output, and renal perfusion pressure to avoid further acute kidney injury. With each insult on the kidney that may be encountered while critically ill, the adult patient may experience earlier impairment in renal function and also be less likely to recover nephron quantity and function than before. This additive effect of recurrent renal injury can have important implications for the ACHD patient who is likely to require repeated ICU admissions during his or her lifetime.

    In a study of 1102 ACHD patients, 9% had moderately or severely reduced estimated glomerular filtration rates (GFR) and with that a threefold higher 6-year mortality rate compared to those with a normal GFR [12]. Furthermore, there was an 18-fold higher prevalence of significant renal dysfunction in noncyanotic ACHD patients and a 35-fold higher prevalence in cyanotic ACHD patients compared to the general population [12]. This burden of antecedent renal dysfunction prior to cardiopulmonary bypass, combined with alterations in renal perfusion and use of nephrotoxic medications in the postoperative period, makes this a particularly important comorbidity that deserves close attention.

    2.5 Arrhythmia

    The most common reason for hospital admission for ACHD patients is arrhythmia [13]. Often the result of surgical scarring adjacent to the conduction system and/or atrial enlargement, arrhythmia in the ACHD patient can be challenging to manage, especially as the circulation may be abnormal at baseline and the arrhythmia, less well-tolerated. Furthermore, arrhythmia in the ACHD patient may be a sign of impending hemodynamic decompensation, something that is not universally well-known, and common antiarrhythmic therapies may actually be harmful in the ACHD patient due to negative inotropic effects. While not all patients with ACHD develop arrhythmia, the need for acute management and intervention is high among those that do. In a multicenter evaluation of 556 ACHD patients, 43.3% had a sustained arrhythmia or required an arrhythmia intervention [14]. This degree of disease burden in adults requires electrophysiologists adept at navigating the physiology and structure of complex congenital heart disease, and whether the patient is cared for in a children’s or adult hospital, collaboration among specialists is often necessary.

    Of particular importance in ACHD arrhythmia is the risk of sudden cardiac death. The lesions most commonly associated with late sudden cardiac death are tetralogy of Fallot (TOF), d-transposition of the great arteries (d-TGA), l-transposition of the great arteries with ventricular inversion (l-TGA) (congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries, CC-TGA), aortic stenosis (AS), and univentricular heart (UVH) [15]. One particular defect that has been well studied is tetralogy of Fallot (TOF), in which 34% of adult patients with this lesion develop symptomatic supraventricular tachycardias, 8.5% develop high-grade ventricular tachycardia, and 2% develop sudden death [16]. With this lesion, QRS duration and right ventricular end-diastolic volume indexed to body surface area (RVEDVi) have been used to prognosticate and guide timing of surgical- or catheter-based intervention on the right ventricular outflow tract, which may then decrease this arrhythmia risk. Although there is some variability in the literature, and several criteria have been proposed, in patients with TOF and moderate to severe pulmonary insufficiency with a regurgitant fraction of >25%, QRS duration >140 ms and/or RVEDVi > 150 mL/m² by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) represents conservative but reasonable thresholds above which to replace the pulmonary valve [17]. Criteria guiding if and when to place implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) in TOF patients are less well-defined but increasingly being performed for both primary and secondary prevention, making medical encounters and potential ICU admissions more common.

    A second lesion among older patients that bears mention is the antiquated atriopulmonary Fontan, in which there is a 50% incidence of atrial tachycardia within 10 years of palliation. In many cases, these patients are now undergoing elective Fontan conversion to an extracardiac Fontan circuit, usually jointly with arrhythmia surgery. At one center where 133 Fontan conversion surgeries were performed between 1994 and 2011, freedom from arrhythmia recurrence was 85% at 10 years [18]. This circulation is an independent risk factor for atrial arrhythmias in patients with any type of Fontan circulation, as is heart failure requiring diuretic therapy, decreased heart rate reserve, and a prior history of clinically relevant arrhythmia [19].

    2.6 Coagulopathy and Hematologic Disease

    Bleeding and coagulopathy can frequently be encountered in the ACHD patient. Whether a result of impaired production of clotting factors such as that seen in pre-Fontan single ventricle patients [20], diminished clotting factor levels due to the Fontan circulation itself [21], or secondary to impaired platelet function or an altered clotting cascade, bleeding in the ICU setting or post-procedural period can be problematic. Furthermore, bleeding can occur in the setting of normal platelet number or fibrinogen level, making this complication also unpredictable. In a study of patients with cyanotic congenital heart disease and elevated hematocrits (57 ± 8%), fibrinogen was dysfunctional, as evidenced by abnormal thromboelastography (TEG) and TEG fibrinogen function (TEG FF), despite its level being high [22]. This can result in impairment of clot formation and bleeding.

    In addition to bleeding, ACHD patients are at risk of thrombosis. Those with Eisenmenger syndrome seem to be at the greatest risk of pulmonary vascular thrombosis, largely secondary to increased pulmonary vascular pressures, impaired pulmonary arterial flow, and iron-deficient erythrocytosis from chronic hypoxemia. Therefore, some have advocated for anticoagulation as primary prevention in these patients. However, doing so is not without risk, as patients with Eisenmenger syndrome have an increased risk of hemoptysis. In a recent retrospective review of Eisenmenger patients who have been followed for an average of 7 years, anticoagulation had no effect on long-term survival [23] and prophylactic use of anticoagulation in the acute setting in patients with Eisenmenger syndrome is not well-known. Another cause of thrombosis in ACHD patients is chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). In a multicenter trial of 159 adults with Fontan physiology, severe CVI (defined by skin changes beyond telangiectasias, varicose veins, or edema) was significantly higher in the Fontan group (22%; 95% CI: 16–29%) vs. the healthy controls (0%; 95% CI: 0–14%) (p = 0.005). Increased systemic venous pressure transmission to the calf veins, coupled with the inflammatory changes induced in the microcirculation, makes these patients prone to thromboembolism [24].

    Lastly, barriers to transfusion secondary to antibody formation from multiple prior transfusions and anemia from chronic disease may also be encountered in the ACHD patient admitted to the ICU. In a study of 830 ACHD patients, there was a prevalence of anemia of 13% and a threefold increased risk of death compared to non-anemic patients [25]. Anemic patients were more likely to be receiving diuretics (p < 0.0001), have a lower mean corpuscular volume (p = 0.0001), and trend toward a higher New York Heart Association functional class (p = 0.06) [25]. Couple anemia with the aforementioned bleeding risks, and it becomes apparent just how important this problem can be. In an attempt to subvert the need for allogenic blood transfusions for the postoperative ACHD patient, some advocate pre-donation of autologous blood [21]. Furthermore, receiving blood transfusions from multiple donors leads to sensitization of the ACHD patient and a greater likelihood of allograft rejection or even the inability to undergo orthotopic heart transplantation. Desensitization protocols are used at some institutions, but this is far from universally available.


    The field of adult congenital heart disease is ever-expanding and composed of a growing population of patients with inherent variability and complexity, unlike any other area of medicine. ACHD patients often have multi-system comorbidities that can be unpredictable and lead to or complicate critical illness. As this population of patients continues to grow, intensivists, whether in children’s or adult hospitals or cardiac or combined ICUs, will need to work to understand the history of surgical repair of congenital heart disease and its resultant physiologies and prepare for the breadth of problems that come with caring for these interesting and challenging patients.



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    © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2019

    Eduardo da Cruz, Duncan Macrae and Gary Webb (eds.)Intensive Care of the Adult with Congenital Heart DiseaseCongenital Heart Disease in Adolescents and Adults

    3. Nomenclature, Classification, and Risk Score Assessment of the Adult with Congenital Heart Disease

    Jeffrey P. Jacobs¹, ²  


    Department of Surgery and Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA


    Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital, St. Petersburg, FL, USA

    Jeffrey P. Jacobs


    Adult with congenital heart diseaseClassificationNomenclatureRisk assessmentCardiac surgery

    3.1 Background

    As of 2000, more adults than children are alive with congenital heart disease [1]. Many of these adults with congenital heart disease require cardiac surgery and reoperative cardiac surgery. In the specialty of cardiac surgery, multi-institutional databases are used for outcomes analysis, quality assessment, and quality improvement.

    Founded in 1964, the Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) is the largest professional organization of cardiothoracic surgeons in the USA. The mission of STS is to enhance the ability of cardiothoracic surgeons to provide the highest-quality patient care through education, research, and advocacy. The STS Congenital Heart Surgery Database (CHSD) [2–4] is the largest database of pediatric and congenital cardiac operations in the world. The STS CHSD is a randomly audited, comprehensive database of patients who have undergone congenital and pediatric cardiac surgical operations at centers in the USA and Canada. The STS CHSD is a voluntary registry, which contains preoperative, operative, and outcomes data for all patients undergoing congenital and pediatric cardiovascular operations at participating hospitals. The Report of the 2015 STS Congenital Heart Surgery Practice Survey estimates that 125 hospitals in the USA perform pediatric and congenital heart surgery [5]. In 2016, the STS CHSD included 114 pediatric heart surgery programs in the USA, representing 121 of these 125 hospitals (97% penetrance by hospital) in the USA.

    In order for any multi-institutional databases including the STS CHSD to function as a platform for outcomes analysis, quality assessment, and quality improvement, the nomenclature, classification, and risk score assessment must be standardized across all participants. The purpose of this chapter is to review nomenclature, classification, and risk scores for adults with congenital heart disease.

    3.2 Nomenclature and Classification

    The choice of terminology and nomenclature is critical when analyzing outcomes of cardiac surgery, and this concept is especially true in the analysis of cardiac surgery in adults with congenital cardiac disease. STS CHSD utilizes the following age groupings: neonates (0–30 days), infants (31 days–1 year), children (>1 year to <18 years), and adults (18 years and above). Coding in the STS CHSD is accomplished by clinicians and highly trained database managers using the International Pediatric and Congenital Cardiac Code (IPCCC) [6, 7] and is entered into the contemporary version of the STS CHSD data collection form [8]. The definitions of all terms and codes in the STS CHSD have been standardized and published [8]. In congenital cardiac surgery, the use of this clinical nomenclature (IPCCC) is critical because several studies have documented that the nomenclature used in administrative databases (that are designed for billing and not quality assessment) is poor and prone to misclassification and error [9–12]. Therefore, the IPCCC is the standardized system of nomenclature for pediatric and congenital cardiac care. The IPCCC is the gold standard system of nomenclature and classification for the surgical treatment of both children and adults with congenital heart disease and is available for free download at [http://​ipccc.​net/​].

    3.3 Risk Score Assessment

    Because of the large number of different types of pediatric and congenital cardiac operations (more than 200 individual procedure types, most often performed in various combinations), it is useful to stratify individual operations into groups or categories that are relatively homogeneous with respect to complexity or risk. This methodology, called risk stratification (or complexity stratification), has been used by STS CHSD since 2002. Complexity stratification is a method of analysis in which the data are divided into relatively homogeneous groups (called strata). The data are analyzed and reported within each stratum. STS CHSD has employed three methods of complexity stratification (Tables 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3) [13–15]:


    The Society of Thoracic Surgeons—European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery Congenital Heart Surgery Mortality Categories (STAT Mortality Categories) (Table 3.1)


    Aristotle Basic Complexity Levels (ABC Levels) (Table 3.2)


    Risk Adjustment for Congenital Heart Surgery-1 Categories (RACHS-1 Categories) (Table 3.3)

    Table 3.1

    The Society of Thoracic Surgeons—European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery Congenital Heart Surgery Mortality Categories (STAT Mortality Categories) (2016)

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