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You Are Born to Win
You Are Born to Win
You Are Born to Win
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You Are Born to Win

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I comprehend, that my life was preordained by God, long before, He set the entire universe in order. My journey, failures, challenges, ordeals, catastrophes, trials, tribulations, prison circumstances, and including my “HIV Status, which have made me ... “and also influenced me to realized, that there are no limits which can hinder me from reaching my God given destiny - unless I place those limitations upon myself!” Remember, the choices that you make today – “will determine, who, or what, you will become tomorrow: You are the product of your thoughts life, and mind-set. Thomas Edison asserted “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realized how close they were to success when they gave up.”

Nhlakanipho Tsakane Siyanda Sikobi, however, he had spent many awkward years on the street - sleeping out in the cold freezing weather without blankets, he was also imprisoned on numerous occasions. Nevertheless, he’d never stopped seeking his “Dream, Purpose, Identity and Destiny through God’s Word” - regardless of the “ordeals, facing him daily in prison, like the conditions he was experiencing in his dark prison cell. However; God shone His “Light” upon his life, and the zeal to transform and discover his “Dream and Purpose” was born. He’s absolutely convinced that “Winners” were not intended to be like Springbuck, but are rather similar to a chameleon, they can change their colour at any time to blend in with their environment. “What I believe is, they are created with perseverance - and they walk slowly towards their destiny. Chameleon understands that, to persevere is a sign of “Victory, - No matter what, they will never change their desire, instinct and determination. Success is not for people who runs swiftly like the Springbuck, but success, it is for those who ‘imitate the “chameleon’ - and never worry about how long the journey to success will take. They are determined and optimistic to reach their Destiny. “If your determination and potential to excel is strong enough, then Failure, will not defeat the enthusiasm for success within you, nor the power to discover your core purpose in life. I am absolutely certain that failure will uplift you to a better place than yesterday. Genuine success is made out through life’s failures and challenges. It is not made up through successful activities. Failure is the only door opening up to greener pastures.

Nhlakanipho Tsakane Siyanda Sikobi, has ventured through a series of prison predicaments, but he remained optimistic and patient while serving the twelve year sentence he was convicted to! He was determined to use his awkward time, and years productively in those dark prison corridors, and hopelessness environment to accomplish his God given “Dream and Purpose.” However, he worked very hard to further his career, and he graduated to earn a diploma in computer studies, (Office Data Processing and Financial Management). He also completed a number of fundamental Bible courses to enrich his spiritual life. And is currently studying for a diploma in Theology. He is a Studious Leader, Good Narrator, Author, Philosopher, Philanthropist, Life Coach, Mentor, Entrepreneur, HIV & AIDS Activist – and He is also a Dynamic Motivational Speaker and Powerful Evangelist. And He is the Founder, Director, CEO, and President of his Non-profit organisation called – “The New Beginning Youth Development Organisation,” that specializes in equipping the youths of our country in various aspects of life. He still resides in Margate on the South Coast of South Africa – “Nkothaneni rural settlements with his parents and siblings.

Release dateJun 15, 2022
You Are Born to Win

Nhlakanipho Tsakane Siyanda Sikobi

Nhlakanipho Tsakane Siyanda Sikobi, has ventured through a series of prison predicaments, but he remained optimistic and patient while serving the twelve year sentence he was convicted to!However, he was determined to use his awkward time, and years productively in those dark prison corridors, and hopelessness environment to accomplish his God given “Dream and Purpose.”Therefore, he worked very hard to further his career, and he graduated to earn a diploma in computer studies, (Office Data Processing and Financial Management). He also completed a number of fundamental Bible courses to enrich his spiritual life. And is currently studying for a diploma in Theology.Thus, he is a Studious Leader, Good Narrator, Author, Philosopher, Philanthropist, Life Coach, Mentor, Entrepreneur, HIV & AIDS Activist – and He is also a Dynamic Motivational Speaker and Powerful Evangelist. And He is the Founder, Director, CEO, and President of his Non-profit organisation called – “The New Beginning Youth Development Organisation,” that specializes in equipping the youths of our country in various aspects of life. He still resides in Margate on the South Coast of South Africa – “Nkothaneni rural settlements with his parents and siblings.

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    You Are Born to Win - Nhlakanipho Tsakane Siyanda Sikobi


    You are about to have an extraordinary experience through this book. Now it is time to shape and transform your mind into positive thinking. Some people think it is impossible, and it is not achievable to get better results when you think positive. Let me assure you, a change mindset will surely acquire better results. In my journey experiencing vicissitudes, others were good, and others were bad. One of the greatest predicaments, I have gone through which was limiting me to reach my destiny. Living around with people who does not see you the way you see yourself, was of the biggest problematic issues, that I’ve went through. I have associated myself with various people of different diverse cultures, beliefs, religion, race, nationalism, age groups, gander, and different linguistic people demarcating themselves" to reach their God given destiny.

    I as the author of this book, I have been in the street for a period of years. Prison was like a place of vacation to me. I had no dream and no purpose; I’d never visualize myself living my dream life. I had never thought anything good about my life. The day I accepted Jesus as my only personal Savior, my whole mindset was radical changed. I was incarcerated, in the darkest prison cell. My painful hard experiences motivated me to write this very book, which will have an impact to transform people’s lives. When the prison doors, and iron gates were closed. The feeling inside me began to erupt, my mindset was changed; I began to see myself as the winner. Behind the prison bars, I began to realize I was born for something extraordinary. I began to strive hard, to make sure that I become someone, who always gets extraordinary results. I took a small piece of paper to jot down the book you are reading now.

    All the laws of success that would be my guidelines towards my success, even though it was hard, but my predicaments have made me to be more creative. I am not highly educated, but I have a great assurance to reach my destiny. I know, I will succeed. The word of God is very clear nothing is impossible with God. I believe there is no limitation that will hinder me to reach my destiny. My God gave me the power to surpass in everything. I have used my prison circumstances as my stepping-stone to succeed exceedingly. My tears and sorrows connected me to my creator, God the creator of the entire Universe. I am very devastated. Many people I have met use their past to describe their destiny, others used their hardships and destitute to describe their situation, instead of creating a solution. Every situation you go through, there is a reason for it, and some people fail to realize that the past is irrevocable. If you are not willing to change your mindset, you will never do anything good to fulfill your Purpose. Sometimes we go through good and bad things, but whenever bad things occurred, we have a tendency of putting blame on others. Everything happens for a reason . . . Whether is good or bad. I want you to know there is no situation that is designed . . . to be permanent. No, matter what you are going through right now, I want you to see yourself the way God sees you. No, matter who you are, you are born for something extraordinary. Let me share my story with you, once upon a time, when I was still sleeping on the street. The rain was pouring over me; it was freezing and cold without blankets. There was a deep feeling inside me, which kept on reminding me, that there is no place like home. Why don’t you go back home, rather than living your life on the street?"

    I was very bound to the street life, it was hard for me to take a step forward to go home, and ask my parents for forgiveness. I thought to myself to die on the street life was a good option for me, because I do not see myself living a purposeful life. I began to speak negative words against my own future, be careful every word’s you uttered with your mouth has an effect. They are also powerful to bring forth the results. I remember speaking negative words over my life, I was a cute little boy of 14 years old, as the results of my negative words, and I have reaped what I have sown in the past fifteen years. For almost 15 years, I have been in and out of prison. This motivational Christian novel it is designed to shape your mind, and cause a radical transformation in your mind, not only in your mind, but also in your spiritual life. I know many people have quit worshiping God, others have become too exhausted, and it is hard for them to continue with their journey. Have you ever felt like everything is against you? This is a good book to read, and my promise to every reader your mind, your life, your thinking and your character will never remain the same. I want you to develop the power on the inside, which will develop a godly character on the outward being. Remember the Word of God is powerful, now you must train yourself, how to use the Word when you are encountering difficult situations. A soldier is someone who is well trained, how to use his or her rifle. Now you must train your spirit how to use the Word. I know the devil will try his filthy deceptive tricks on you, but I want to assure you, that when you have the Word of God, you have a legal right to rebuke the devil. You can easily tell him to back off with his plans. Now it is time to tell him, that you are unshakable, unstoppable and undoable; you are born to live a conquerors life. You must put this in mind every human being is going to be hold accountable for his or her words. This clearly tells us, that everyone has the responsibility to sow something. You are going to reap whatever you have sown. You cannot plant death; and expect to reap abundant life. You cannot plant poverty; and destitute, and after that you expect to reap prosperity. I have seen most exhausted people digging their own graveyards, while they are still breathing. What is the cause of that?" Living a life without God can be too . . . dangerous and harmful.

    (Proverbs 18:21 NLT) The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.

    It is up to you, and it is your choice what you want to speak with your own mouth. Bear in mind that every word you utter has an effect in your life, and unexpectedly you will reap the consequences. It is an undeniable fact, whether you speak what is good or bad, but an accurate truth you will get exactly the harvest of what you have sown. Those who love to speak what is godly will reap a good harvest, and those who speak failure upon themselves, will reap a bad harvest. You have a God given supernatural ability to speak beyond what you can see. You have the ability to change whatever seems hopeless. You and I possess the power of God’s Word inside to do what seems to be impossible to others. We can accomplish greater things, if we learn to strive and inline our hearts with the Word of God. Let me give you an assurance, something that works for me in my daily life. I used to apply this statement over my life daily. I am the Winner, and there is nothing impossible with God.


    I have always wanted to compile a book one day. There was a passion, potential, and a desire of being a good inspirational novelist. MY desire was to combine a good book that will heal so many broken hearts, a book that will inspire them to strive hard to find their God given purpose while on earth. My greatest wish was to write a good quality book that will be a lesson to anybody who wants to serve God for his or her eternity. Many people are weeping to reach their dreams, but they cannot. I also experienced some critical events during my imprisonment life. Every time when I try to put a step forward, taking an initiative step to transform my life, something would hinder me. Several occasions I’ve tried to compile a book, but I was a prisoner of my past, I couldn’t afford to make my today better than my yesterday. The day, I began to transform my perception and my mindset, it’s where the enthusiasm and the potential was developed inside. Without my true savior Jesus Christ, I wouldn’t have reach this far. If you want to live a happy successful life, invite Him He is a good Friend. I promise you, He will never disappoint you.

    I want to appreciate my spiritual Father and Mother Dr. Sokhela and Mrs. Sokhela who sacrificed their own time to mentor me. Whether day or night convenient, expedient or sacrificial you have been faithful, and all for encouraging me. I want to appreciate your devotion and prayers, and your love gave me strengths to proceed when I became tired and exhausted. I remember when I was hospitalized, and chained with an iron leg in the hospital bed. There was no one to visit me, everybody whom I consider my best friends, turned their back on me. Unexpectedly, I saw you coming with your beautiful wife to console me, and reminding me that I’m not alone, and I’m also special in the Kingdom of God. I express my undying love for you, may the Lord bless you beyond measure.

    I also want to send my appreciation to my beautiful sister Nompilo Mathabe, I just want to say thank you for allowing God to use you. Some people judged me, because of my imprisonment, and my prison uniform. Nevertheless, I remember the day when I phone you, asking for assistance, you welcome me as your own blood brother. May the Lord I serve, open the storeroom in heaven and shower you with all the heavenly blessings.

    Pastor Dennis Ntombela, Nzonzoh. I would be making a huge mistake to forget you. Through your three-hour program at High Way Christian, radio station. There are times when I felt like I am alone and neglected in my prison cell. Nevertheless, through the gospel music and motivational sermons you played on air, you made me to get up on my feet and worship Jesus in my prison cell. My prison cell became the house of worship. I forgot all my pains and sorrows, I even met my spiritual parents through your radio program. May the Lord bless you and prosper you in all your doings.

    I express undying love for my spiritual Father and Mother, Andre Brand and Sandra Brand. The entire House of David ministries, for standing faithful with me through your constant prayers, I affirm that you provided me with some good study material books, which helps me to grow in the Kingdom of our (Lord Yahshua Jesus Christ). You spent most of your time visiting me in prison, I remember on December 25─2014, I had nobody to visit me, but you decided to spend your time with me. I am highly blessed to have spiritual parents like you around me. How can I say thank you for all you have meant to me, even more? Thank you for allowing God to use you in my life. You did not judge me that I am imprisoned you treated me as one of your family members. May my Abba Father Prosper you and bless you.

    Nonhlanhla Charlie Madlala. Without you, this book would not have turned out to be a good inspirational novel. You are the only women who knew my whole past. When everybody has turned against me, you came closer and motivated me. You knew my primitive behavior, but you kept on believing in me. You motivated me to continue to write this book. There are times, I wanted to give up, but u said, I must keep on pushing one day I will reap the results. "I can say you are a good friend who avail yourself whenever I needed your advice. May the lord grant you every desire of your heart including your family.

    Pastor Mzameko I salute you God used you mightily to vindicate my life, from heading down to hell. You came when, I was downtrodden, and I was hopeless thinking that it is over about me. "However, the Word you preached in October 2013 pierced me inside, and that was the change of my destiny. I would not have written this book, if you never avail yourself to help me. This book is the results of the good . . . work you have done into my life. I truly appreciate your existence . . . you mean more to me; may the Lord bless you more abundantly.

    Wendy Silungile Mseleku when everybody shuttered me, I had no one who believed in my dreams. Nevertheless, when I shared my dreams with you, I was amazed when you told me you would do what it takes to make my dream come true. Your disability did not hinder you to assist me. You inspired me daily, to continue writing, sometimes I felt that I would never make it, but you encouraged me excel even more. I did not know where I would get funds to publish my book, but you provided me with your money to make my dream come true. May the Lord bless you and enrich your life with more blessings.

    Nokubonga Prudence Ngidi you are one kind of a person whom I will never easily forget you also believed in my dreams, and persuaded me day and night to write my book. You sacrificed your time visiting me in prison irrespective of the rain and cold freezing weather, I had no one but your presence in my life made to live, even though I did not see the reason to live for, but you become my true inspirational. God bless you and grand you favor in all that you do.

    Rudolph Pillay, you have been a really . . . good friend to me, when my entire friends were gone, you are the only best friend who avail yourself when everyone had run away from me. Losing your mother unexpectedly was a great tragedy into your life, I believe God had a reason for that, but you never neglected me as your friend. God bless you more abundantly, I express my undying love for you.

    Massello Dikeleti Thamanga Some other people can easily forget your good deeds, but I am not that kind of a person. I want to appreciate you, for everything you have done for me, I do not know what to say, but I just want to you say God bless you and prosper you in everything.

    I admire to appreciate our Correctional Centre, and the educational office under Mr. Ngcobo, our head of school, thank you for allowing me to have a laptop to further my computer studies. The entire correctional management, I express my gratitude, thanks for giving me a second chance to transform my life. Without your daily sacrificial, coming to the center to work hand in hand with us, I would not have arrived this far. Thanks to the Head of The Sevontein Correctional Centre for allowing us to rehabilitate our lives through education. "I would like to say, Mr. Ngcobo you are one of the optimistically─ Thinkers that I truly admire, you are such a brilliant orator a quintessential teacher and a loving leader. May the Lord grant you more wisdom and shower you with more blessings.

    I also want to thank the entire Correctional Centre and its officials, working in prison will never be an easy thing. You are undergoing through some critical challenges, but you endure, to protect our lives daily. May God bless each of you and protect you each day.

    Mr. Hudson Dolwana the Head of Correctional Centre of UMzimkhulu. I express my appreciation wholeheartedly . . . when I was in your prison, you treated me with humanity and dignity. You are the one who assisted me to preach the Word of God in your center. There was much opposition amongst your collogues but you showed me, how much you love God. "I wish all the Correctional Centers could have such Leaders like you. May the Lord grand you more . . . knowledge and . . . wisdom and also prosper you in everything, you are such a humble higher authority. May the Lord highly bless you even more.

    I express my gratitude to my family, especial my beautiful mother, you have been always around me through thick and thin times. When my life was primitive, you showed me, how much you love me, you were constantly praying for my transformation day and night. My life and attitude were worse, but as a mother, you never gave up on me as your son. I would have died long time ago, but God preserves my life for the good reason. This book will restore hope in my family. This is the tangible evidence that the Lord has renewed my thought, and now I am living a new life with a renewed Character." It is my obligation to show you, how much I love you . . . I express my undying love for every member of my family. May the lord keep you safe, I know one day we are going to meet, and I will be making a mistake to forget my dad. Thanks for your love and care towards me, I love you God bless you.

    Finally, I want to express a profound gratitude to my prison Ministry that I have started very hard at Umzinto correctional center. It was not easy to establish the ministry on that environment, but Sandile Shozi my inmate brother in the Lord, you stood on my side, believing in me that God has anointed me. God used me mightily to plant his church . . . I want to thank you for allowing me to preach God’s Word. I really express my love for you, and your humbleness means a lot me. However, I was the least amongst you, but you were so obedient in the voice of God, that was speaking through me. All the warders who supported my prison ministry, I want to say thank you, may the Lord bless you all.

    Expressing gratitude to my lovely grandmother Mynah Sikobi, you are the best friend I’d never seen, funding me with your pension money to make this book come true. It is a great blessing to have you around me. May the Lord keep you safe, firmly establish your life, and add more days to your years on earth.

    Thandeka Buthelezi My sister in Christ I truly appreciate your time . . . and sacrificial towards my book. Your heart and your love clearly tell me . . . God choose you for His Kingdom. You are my true sister . . . I’ll never stop loving you, even though I am an inmate, but you believed in my dreams, and strive to help me to make this book come true. God bless you and promote you to become extraordinary Christian.

    Dineo’s Photography-line Thanks for inspiring me, to continue writing my book, even though failure and obstacles demarcated me to reach my dream, but you were behind me motivating me to complete my manuscript. You are the best friend ever-God bless you more abundantly.

    Noxolo Faith Gumede thanks for your assistance towards my education you really helped me to further my studies while incarcerated, God bless you and your entire family.

    Hurdess Lotta Amongst all the inmates I have interacted with, you remain the best amongst them all, and your life and your character, the divine faith you have to serve God. You are my role model, I want to express my appreciation, and you have assisted me so much from my computer studies and on my spiritual life with Christ. A true friend sticks closer than a brother does . . . You are a really a good friend. God bless you my brother, I hope you will be released soon and unite with your family, and you will continue to serve God wholeheartedly.

    Bulelwa Ntunzi you become my best friend when I was serving my . . . first twelve-year sentence, you sacrificed your entire time helping me to publishing my first book. We failed many times, but you inspired me to write more books, today I am grateful to remember your hard work . . . working on my first manuscript day and night devoting yourself to make my dream come true, "I would like to express my gratitude towards you. Thank you . . . God bless you and shower you with His grace daily.

    I am busting with gratitude to all who made this book possible. So many people have contributed to this book that it would be impossible thank them all. However, some who have made an exceptionally large contribution rightfully deserved to be appreciated and honored and acknowledged for the wonderful work they have done to assist me achieving my dream.

    Power of God Assemblies I am busting with joy, you have been a stable foundation in my life from the early days when I was still a child. Your perseverance toward was more than what I expected, today I have arrived this far I know you never stop praying for me, May the Lord bless you all and prosper each of you.

    Fortress of Hope International church under the Leadership of Pastor Mbekimpi Mchunu, I truly express my gratitude: You have been a good father to me during my imprisonment, you blessed me so much when I was "incarcerated appointing your church leaders to visit me while in prison. You are such a good loving pastor. God bless you beyond measure.

    Lungelo Shandu writing your first book in the same prison where I was . . . was not an easy thing. It was a great challenge you need to endure from the obstacles we undergo daily, when you published your first . . . book, I felt something inside me, that droves me, even more to keep on writing . . . this is possible your book will also come true. You become my best friend in prison, advising me whenever I needed your help, your knowledge and wisdom truly inspired me to complete this very same book. God Bless you my brother.

    Lord amongst them all . . . I have never seen a good friend" like you . . . my book wouldn’t have become a good inspirational book. Your Favor and Grace upon my life caused me to compile this book, to bring awareness into your Kingdom. You have approved the entire book, when there was no one around you visited me in prison through mysterious dreams, helping me to write this very same book. All the Glory, Honor, and Majesty belong to you. . . . You hold our lives our destiny is in the palm of your hand. Let all the inhabitants praise your name. You have done marvelous work in my life.

    I take this opportunity to express my gratitude and honor several men and women who have been a great blessing to me, not only in the past but also in the present, in one way or another, they have truly inspired me in the ministry. Some have been fathers in the faith to me some have been mentors in a specific area of my life and ministry. Other are my personal friends, Just like Paul and Barnabas. At all times, they have supported and stood by me. The Word teaches us to honor those who deserve to be honored, and this is one way I would like to recognize their individual support. I honor you and bless you because you have been a permanent source of inspiration to me. Thank you so much.


    I have always thought that nothing good will ever come out of prison productive. I never wanted to accept that I have made some mistakes along the way . . . most of the times, I have used my past to scrutinize my future. Let me affirm this statement with a very great assurance. "You . . . cannot go where you do not see. I made a mistake over and repeatedly, listening to the world what is telling me. The world is always telling us that we should be living high life. The whole world idea is wrong and, is not in line with God’s Word. Their idea of high life is having a bottle of expensive whiskey in your hand, smoking good cigarette, sitting in a tropical paradise and encompassed by beautiful wealthy people. What is more important . . . is what we consume in our minds, we are what we eat.

    I kept myself in the bondage for some decades I remained a prisoner of my negative thoughts, as a result of my negativism . . . I harvested what exactly was planted in my mind by the enemy." The purpose of the enemy is to captivate your mind, and pervert the truth. All the enemy can do is to take what Jesus created and pervert it, bend it, and distort it into something wicked and deceptive. This book will teach you how to think right using the Word of God. You cannot do this alone you need God, right next to you.

    Making the Most of Your Life

    The entire book is designed to help you . . . make most of your life effective. Most of the times we have the tendency to ignore the big question, and deal with lesser issues. This tendency has developed we tend to skip over big questions because we find it difficult to get our minds around them. It is also because they can be frightening, and because we feel they are too big, and there is nothing we can do about them. Therefore, we might as well concentrate on the trivia. As an individual . . . one of the biggest challenges you face, is how can I make most of my life perfect? Moreover, the natural tendency’ for all the above-mentioned reason is to ignore it, and get on. Yet without taking the step back, without looking at what you want out of life, and what step you can take to make a move towards it, you are not ever going to come close.

    You are designed to abide by the Word of God, if you want to live a purposeful driven life you must start now as you go through this book to transform your mindset. Most of us we have a tendency of being too independent, we like to think our own way, when we fail, we start to blame others. There is no human being who is’ created to be independent, look at the life of Jesus when he was here on earth. Let us look at this scripture.

    (John 1:1-3 NLT) In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him.

    The Word was God this simple tells us that Jesus was God and He is still the Word even in our today’s generation. For through Him God created everything in heavenly realms and on earth. He made the things we can see and the things we cannot see, such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities’ in the unseen world, everything was created through Him and for Him. He existed before anything else, and He holds all creation together. Christ is also the Head of the Church, which is His Body. He is the beginning supreme for all who rise from the dead, so He is the first in everything.

    Though He was God, He did not think equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, He gave up His divine privileges He took a humble position of slave, and was born as human being. When He appeared in human form, He humbled Himself in obedience to God and died as criminal death on the Cross. God elevated Him in the place of highest honor, and give Him the name above all other names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should . . . bow, in heaven and on earth, and under the earth, and every tongue that confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.

    The point, I am trying to illustrate here is very simple, if you desire to live a life with a purpose, it all starts with the humble beginning. The attitude of being independent will never take you anywhere. God is seeking people who will be able to hear . . . His voice and lean not to their own understanding, but to God as the source of everything. You cannot walk this journey of success alone. You need God who created you . . . He is the only one who knows you better, more than anybody else does.

    God will never give you predictions about whom you are, because He knows you exactly who you are, and He knows the very reason why you are here on earth. Your destiny was predestinated and determined beforehand. Do you know that you are Born to Win?

    Let me share this incredible story with you, as you go through this book, you will find some interesting stories, which will help you to prompt forward with your life, no matter what is the condition you are facing. I know, as I am writing this book praying for God’s guidance to help me through His Word to write what is precise, and in line with His Word. This is a most common thing that happens to everyone. People admire to enclose themselves in the room of pain, grief, and devastation. When things are not going well as they have planned them. Unintentional they end up cursing their future, and accusing God, why I am here on earth? Why have you created me? They also forget that God is alive . . . even though you are passing primitive times. I also did the same mistakes continuously, not unless, the day I open my mouth and confess Jesus Christ of Nazareth as my personal Savior.

    There was no hope for the future, I had never thought I am a dreamer, I had never imagined myself as an author. There was no hope at all, I was sinking down in my own grave, I was cursing my future, and I would never imagine myself as the young successful author. I was a drug dealer, a drug addict devastated and frustrated because my family was falling apart because of my rebellious attitude. My mother went through hard times, there are times when my dad promised to leave and divorce my mum of my rampage behavior. I was questioning myself, how can my dad divorce my mum after twenty-five years of their beautiful marriage.

    All my hopes were shuttered I was in the hopelessness situation, looking around nobody to help me, all whom so-called friends were nowhere to be found anymore. Life was too painful looking around all I see is prison-blackened ceiling. The remnants of insect screens on the barred windows had rusted into shreds. I was too tired and weary seeing this same prison uniform each day, the walls are so filthy the atmosphere is too tense. I’d never thought of Jesus as the solution in my anxieties, unexpectedly one Pastor came to preach in the prison outer yard, I was in my cell still smoking, I was not even aware he was preaching to me. My cell was locked I went through the door and shouted for a prison warder, who could help me to open the prison gate. I went straight to the pastor and confessed all my sins. After that inside of me, I felt something new was being restored." The Word of God is alive. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joints and marrow. It exposes our inner most thoughts and desire. The day I took the decision to make Jesus Christ my personal Savior, the Purpose of my destiny was rejuvenated, reborn, and restored. The Holy Spirit taught me . . . how to depend on God I learn how to apply the Word of God in every situation I was going through. I began to speak positive words over my life, and over my destiny . . . immediately God’s Word brought positive results.

    I know you have tried several other sources, but they could not work for you, there was no succession, you wasted your strengths for nothing. If someone imprisoned like me can begin to live his purpose filled driven life behind bars. I assure you through God you can invade every demarcation that is limiting yourself to reach your destiny. You will never see any manifestation of God’s Word, unless there is a declaration. God Himself showed us a precise example to follow. When the earth was dark and formless, God declare His Word, let there be light and there was light. This book will teach you how to use God’s Word more effectively it will guide you through the journey you are planning to take. My advice to you, please do not ever take this book and start reading its page, if you are not willing to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. I must warm you this is a dangerous book. If you are complacent and want to stay that way you are . . . into your comfort-zone, do not even open its pages. Unless you want to become someone extraordinary, you can begin to open its pages.

    This book is designed with the vision to help those you are willing to change their thoughts, their lives, and the world revolves around them. This novel is not for fainthearted, but for those who are in pursuit of God. In addition, and those who are willing to die in the process.

    Do you know by Radical Changing your Thoughts, your World and your Destiny; you can have an impact in this Generation?


    This book is dedicated to you it was designed and predestined for you beforehand, this a precious moment that God has granted you. You are not a coincident, but you are the purpose of God, you are here to fulfill what God has created you to be.

    (Jeremiah 1:5 NLT) I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nation.

    (Jeremiah 29:11 NLT) For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

    It is not a mistake that right now you are holding this book into your . . . hands. The will of God for you, is to discover the hidden nuggets, why He created you. He longs to see you prospering and discover the life He has for you in this present world and forever in the eternity.

    I am highly grateful to share some of my prison life with you, "I believe every part of this book will help you to discover more for your life.

    It all starts with God.

    ❖ What on earth are you here for?

    ❖ Do you believe you can achieve extraordinary results?

    ❖ What is your purpose?

    ❖ Where are you going to spend your eternity?

    ❖ Are you born again?

    ❖ If not, what are you waiting for?

    Right now, we are about to start a new journey with you. Let me advice you, and I want you to achieve extraordinary results in every chapter of this book. What helps me to realize that I am here on earths for something incredible and extraordinary? God has designed you to have peace, live a prosperous Christian successful life. You have the power to choose, remember we live by the choices and decision that we make daily, and those choices and decisions in the end makes us. Some, other people like to sit down and complain about the circumstances of life. I was also very blind, but God’s Word change the way I perceive myself. I remember the day I opened my mouth and confessed this sinner’s prayer . . . how my life and my thoughts were being transformed. There is no life without Jesus.

    If you do not know Jesus Christ as your personal Savoir, simple . . . open your mouth and say this following prayer.

    Heavenly Father I come to you in the name of Jesus. Your Word says whosoever shall call on the Name of the Lord. "Oh, Lord shall be saved, and if thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and if he shall believe in his heart, that God has raised Him from the dead, though shall be saved.

    Acts 2:21; Romans 10:9 you said my salvation would be the results of your Holy Spirit, giving me new birth, by coming to live in me. (John 3:5, 6 John 15:16, Romans 8:9-11) and if I would ask. You would come, fill me with your Holy Spirit, and give me the ability to speak with other tongues. (Luke 11:13 Acts 2:4) I take you at your Word, I confess that Jesus is the Lord, and I believe in my heart that you raised Him from death. I thank you for coming in my heart, for giving me the Holy Spirit as you promise, and for being Lord over my life.

    As you have declared this prayer with your mouth, now you are starting a new journey with Jesus, just believe you are the child of God. Begin to think positive and speak positive at the end of this book you will reap positive results.

    Let us start the first chapter of this book with this powerful prayer that will guide you through the entire book.

    Heavenly father right now, I come to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I humble myself and, I pray that I could comprehend your purpose over my life. I know you brought me on earth for something specific to fulfill my purpose and reach my destiny, and . . . also to have internal life while I am here on earth. Now I declare your Word over my life. I pray that nothing would hinder me to achieve my dreams. Your Word says we must be Holy as you are Holy, I can’t do it with my own strengths, God as my Father help me, give me the Supernatural Power" to keep your Word . . . and practice it. I am your image, and I was born to worship you. You gave me the power to dominate to rule and ruin on this earth with authority . . . right now I feel like I am more than a conqueror. Your Word says no weapon formed against me shall prosper. I declare your Word upon me, every bondage of sin that is holding my life I come against it in Jesus name. Everything that is hindering me, I come against it, I am highly blessed and favored, I am the descendants of Abraham. I declare your Word upon my future, I loosened all the curses that the enemy has planted, I reverse them back. Through your grace, I have the ability to do everything through Christ who gives me strength.

    Create a new being in me, let your love flow like the streams of living waters in my heart, and teach me how to speak your Word at all times, as I am starting to read this book. I believe in your Word and in your supernatural power that everything is going to be restored, and my broken heart is going be healed. I pray this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Yeshua)



    I have interacted with different people, with vast different viewpoints and opinions, but I was very amazed to meet people who oppose the transformation that comes only, by the Word of God. Many people think that starting afresh in life is something impossible, do you not know God is able to do the impossible, and make them possible? Let us observe this with the deep perspective of view. What causes people to step back instead of going forward? Can you tell me what is hindering them to live a purposeful driven life?

    The problem with the humankind we go through primitive issues, others encountered different circumstances deliberately, and others unintentionally, but our common problem we fail to realize that we are powerful, and we are created in God’s image, we have the right to function like Him. It all starts with having the right attitude, which was in Christ Jesus. You cannot expect to change the way you think without the Word. God gave us the power and authority to rule on earths. I have discovered the major causes . . . that always make people to fall and backslide, even before they could start making a new move towards the new beginning. This book is not designed for you if you are not willing to forgive the unforgivable and love the unlovable. Many people have wounds inside them, and they are spiritual paralyzed. Others have experience tremendous pains, and they find it too complicated to love and forgive others. Remember the principle of God, said if you are willing to be forgiven, you must first forgive those that offended you. I have seen people failing to find their purpose, I remember one person who approached me in prison, concerning my new life. He knew me before as the highly respected member of Gangsters inside and outside of prison. He doubted my new life he thought I was doing this, because I was in prison. It was very hard to convince him that I am truly transformed by God’s Word. He wanted me to look at my life, with his own perspective. This person knew most of my friends. I sat down with him, reminding him what happened to my entire best friend. Most of my friends died poor, without knowing God, they never thought of taking an initiative step to transform their lives, and make right choices, that will cause a dramatically change to their destiny.

    I’ve once tried this kind of life over and over again, I ended up quitting and hurting myself, because from the beginning my mentality wasn’t right, but was wrong, let me say this with boldness, you will never find who you are, and what is your purpose if you neglect Jesus in your life. He is the main source of life, and He is the Center and Source of our lives, we cannot go that far without Him. It is very necessary . . . and essential that

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