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Breaking Curses, Yoke And Evil Covenants: How To Activate Spiritual Deliverance & Healing, Before Engaging Positive Prayer Declarations, Breakthrough Prayer & Release Of Detained Blessings & Finances
Breaking Curses, Yoke And Evil Covenants: How To Activate Spiritual Deliverance & Healing, Before Engaging Positive Prayer Declarations, Breakthrough Prayer & Release Of Detained Blessings & Finances
Breaking Curses, Yoke And Evil Covenants: How To Activate Spiritual Deliverance & Healing, Before Engaging Positive Prayer Declarations, Breakthrough Prayer & Release Of Detained Blessings & Finances
Ebook120 pages1 hour

Breaking Curses, Yoke And Evil Covenants: How To Activate Spiritual Deliverance & Healing, Before Engaging Positive Prayer Declarations, Breakthrough Prayer & Release Of Detained Blessings & Finances

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About this ebook

Breaking Curses, Yoke And Evil Covenants helps you disconnect yourself from evil covenants, curses, witchcraft, spells and spells.

It enables you to break curses and come out of destructive habits, evil associations you've entered into knowingly and unknowingly in the past, deliver you from oppression, problems and burdens that have destructively crept into your life from time immemorial 'satanically' put in place to keep you in bondage, and deny you of God's blessings, fulfillment and untimely truncate your destiny.

Its revelation cut across your foundational beliefs, values, religion and more, leading to your freedom, wealth and total wellness.

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PublisherMoses Omojola
Release dateJun 2, 2022
Breaking Curses, Yoke And Evil Covenants: How To Activate Spiritual Deliverance & Healing, Before Engaging Positive Prayer Declarations, Breakthrough Prayer & Release Of Detained Blessings & Finances

Moses Omojola

Moses Omojola is the author of the famous book "How to discover your divine destiny and total breakthroughs" and "21 keys to miracles in helpless situations: How to pray when you can't pray", and many other great books. He is an academic scholar, a Speaker, Counsellor, Life purpose, Career and Business Start-Up Coach, with over 16 years experience doing what he lives for!

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    Breaking Curses, Yoke And Evil Covenants - Moses Omojola

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    All rights reserved. Contents of this book should not be reproduced in any way or by any means without the consent of the Author in writing, except for brief excerpts for critical reviews and articles.



    Chapter 1: Reflect on Your Memoirs

    Chapter 2: Break the Yoke of Nature

    Chapter 3: Walk the Law

    Chapter 4: Understand His prophets

    Chapter 5: Break the Yoke of Religion

    Chapter 6: Break the Yoke of Fear

    Chapter 7: Perfect submission


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    Religion is defined as a belief system concerning one or more deities and incorporating rituals, ceremonies, ethical guidelines, and life philosophies. It is purported to add meaning and purpose to the lives of followers, granting them an appreciation of the past, an understanding of the present, and hope for the future.

    Since the early times of Paganism, religion has diversified and grown to include major monotheistic religions like Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, as well as Indian and Far Eastern religions like Buddhism and Sikhism, Iranic religions like Zoroastrianism and Bahai, and African indigenous-based religions like Santeria. Other belief systems, including Atheism and the Mormon Church, have also developed with time. While religion dictates peace and good will, many battles and divisions have taken place because of religion.

    Right from time in memorial, men have sought to believe in and reverence God or some supernatural power that they recognized as their Creator and Ruler of the universe, leading to an organized system of doctrine with an approved pattern of behavior and a definite form of worship and material or intangible sacrifices.

    Good to say that every man from the moment he is born into this sinful World, is initiated unconsciously into at least one religion at birth. What do I mean by this? Most times the parent of the new born baby has a family deity or inanimate object they worship, which may or may not be Holy or divinely accepted by their creator. Many times, the people concerned fall into this regrettable practice because they inherited such practice from their ancestors and they imbibed such worship with gullibility and lack of celestial wisdom.

    At least, I witnessed a naming ceremony as a little child. I was so young then probably below ten. In this traditional naming ceremony, so to speak, I could remember, a woman held the new born baby on both palms and laid it on the natural ground made of clay, and baptized the child with the clay by rolling him on the clay while saying some words, which when interpreted means: The land of –so and so-, the land of –so and so-, the land of –so and so-, we dedicate this child unto you… That was the little I could remember from that dreadful ceremony.

    I’m aware that in that town apart from family idols, there are other deities collectively worshipped by the indigenes of the town. Now, all these gods reside in the land and mingled together. Now that destiny child was innocently dedicated to these innumerable gods in the town and grew up with such burden in ignorance, whereas, the little child was given out to the gods in his subconscious state. I believe you too did not fall from heaven, and must have been dedicated to one or more gods by your parents, or by circumstances you felt or they felt at one time in your life was beyond your control, all in the name of religion which might be false.

    This same child then grew into adulthood and finally hook up to one of the modern religion, for example Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism, etc, which also may or may not be the true religion accepted by his maker. He does this with pretext to come out of bondage but incidentally, and most times too, it turns out to worsening past bondage rather than alleviate the precarious situation.

    So many people in life are wallowing in spiritual bondage, for convenience referred to as religion bondage. This is because in the etymology of religion, religion is commonly taken as a derivative of the Latin word, "religare, which mean to bind". Bind here refers to the beliefs, actions, and emotions that bind a person to his or her god. This bondage in itself is burden to that individual. Anxiety over the authenticity of the present religion some belongs does not help matters, as they are continually baffled with life problems, which they felt their religion has failed to offer lasting solution to. 

    Another burden emanates from thought on many sects that frequently tear their religion internally apart, making it doubtful whether members of a particular sect are in right standing with their maker. Take for instance, the Islam of today has many factions with differing doctrine each sect condemning the other, while among Christianity, there are also divisions, denominational discrepancies. When one finds himself in such religion quandary, one nurses unbearable burden, which has the prospect of weighing one down. The burden of which sect to belong or which religion to align oneself with, leads to despair in the worship of one’s Creator. This is how the yoke of religion penetrate the lives of men.

    Again, everybody wants to be happy. People try primarily, three different ways.  Some people look for happiness through acquiring possessions. I'll be happy if I just get more things. Some people look for happiness by experiencing pleasure, taking pleasure to be the meaning of life. Thirdly, some look for happiness by gaining prestige and power. They think, If I'm just liked, if I'm just famous, if I'm popular then I'll be happy in life. Some of these reasons are the reason many identified themselves with religious groups or ‘secret’ cult. But real happiness does not come from pleasure, possessions or power.

    It comes from aligning yourself to your Creator via true religion and understanding your purpose in life. In this way individuals would know why they are on earth, the problem they are created to solve or simply what God made them to do. From the proper religion they will understand that God made them to love them, and to enjoy a personal relationship with Him and to manage all of the rest of His creation. When we know and love God in the right perspective, it produces all kinds of positive benefits in our lives. It provides a clear conscious, purpose in life, power and strength, life and peace, confidence, fulfillment. God gives us help with our weaknesses. He gives us the best form of security and freedom. 

    False Prophets and other impostors have come up in ages to mislead men and drift men further away from their creator. Many are cultic, so they come with deception, which usually take their culprit too long a time to discover. Rick Warren said when he was growing up in a little town in northern California, 900 people followed a man called Jim Jones, sincerely to Guyana and were killed in Guyana tragedy.  He said some of his friends he went to school with died in the tragedy. Why the tragedy? Because they followed a man they thought was sincerely right.  But he was sincerely wrong.  It takes more than sincerity to get to heaven.

    Come to think of it, in totality, I discovered that there are false impressions about religion. Even some worshippers of the most acclaimed or the true religion accepted by God still make caricature in the faith by displaying ungodly practices. These practices tend to discourage would-be members, and also tend to discourage those that are already members as they consider backing out of such religion due to fading evidence of the divine mandate.

    As at today, etiquette, which is, rules of good behavior has disappeared among youths, while most people have lost sense of credible societal morals and ethics, needless to mention social justice. The reason for this moral decadence has been

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