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Masks, Birds, Love and More: Poems for the Pandemic
Masks, Birds, Love and More: Poems for the Pandemic
Masks, Birds, Love and More: Poems for the Pandemic
Ebook162 pages37 minutes

Masks, Birds, Love and More: Poems for the Pandemic

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About this ebook

This book started as a book of poetry about the human condition during the Pandemic. lt grew into
an inclusive view of our lives. Nine chapters encompass masks, grief, isolation, love, bird-song, life and
death. lt is about our physical identity, loneliness and loss and seeking comfort in family, friends and
nature. The simple act of 'ant-watching' can serve as a distraction from the tedious work on Zoom. lt is a
book about the Pandemic, before and after, the simple and profound effect it had on our lives. We could
not forget our history, our daily lives and all the things that make us happy and life worth living. We
found we had the resilience and strength to cope with the challenges of new political upheavals and
fears. Despite our covered faces our eyes shown with life and hope.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 1, 2022
Masks, Birds, Love and More: Poems for the Pandemic

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    Book preview

    Masks, Birds, Love and More - Gloria Bernstein




    Gloria Bernstein

    Copyright © 2022 by Gloria Bernstein.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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    Rev. date: 05/26/2022





    1 Masks

    2 Other Masks, Other Places, Other Times

    3 Contemplating Recovery

    4 Remembering History

    5 Everything in Order

    6 Watching Birds and Insects

    7 Ant Watching and Other Pandemic Pursuits

    8 Growing Up

    9 Teenage Poems

    This book is dedicated to:

    Betty A. Bernstein-Zabza




    When one door closes

    it shuts with a bang

    another door opens

    things fly in

    yellow birds and bats.

    I sit in the house

    with my yellow mask

    my face is covered

    to birds and bats

    the door opens and shuts

    with a bang, and

    there is nothing to say.

    One door opens another

    closes, my face is covered

    with a yellow mask

    my eyes are shut

    bats fly in and bats fly out

    there is nothing to say

    to the door that opens

    to the door that shuts

    with a bang.

    A RISK

    Age has crept in

    old and sneaky.

    I am anonymous

    even without a mask nobody looks

    my identity a number on a card

    the mask a comfort,

    who knows, I may be beautiful

    people stop and look, but

    that never happens

    the mask hides a mystery

    I yearn to rip it off

    take that deadly risk, but

    have no courage to expose

    what is hidden there.


    I started with the basics

    sticks and stones

    then I let my nails grow

    but cut them to the skin

    the look of claws

    betrayed the urge to use them.

    Sharpened to a point

    useless as weapons

    the enemy unseen dangerous

    contagious deadly

    and you know as well as I

    see it in my eyes

    how fragile life is

    how frightened I’ve become.


    I used to have a face

    didn’t like it much but

    it matched others, not

    a bird or beast with horns

    but a nose, slanted grin

    spotted skin over bones

    man-in-the-moon, Medusa.

    Not scarred by pestilence

    mutilated ghastly repulsive,

    but human, forgotten

    exterior definitions

    how I looked, ashamed

    I didn’t love

    what was covered there

    now, desperate to rip away

    that mask, see what is hidden

    oh, not some alien skinless

    thing, but God in heaven,

    could it be,

    a thing of beauty?


    A shaft of sunlight

    on my bed intrudes, pink

    flowers drink water

    the color of pain.

    I am not in the mood

    for bright, grief has affected

    my sight, swamp brown

    musty green, some kind of

    yellow, I know it, smell it

    feel it ooze out a bit onto

    the bedcovers. I remember

    lingering in the

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