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Spiritual Gifts: Do You Know What They Are and Are You Using Them??
Spiritual Gifts: Do You Know What They Are and Are You Using Them??
Spiritual Gifts: Do You Know What They Are and Are You Using Them??
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Spiritual Gifts: Do You Know What They Are and Are You Using Them??

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When people are born again, when they accept Jesus into their lives, God gives each of them at least one gift. It’s our job to discover what that gift is. In Spiritual Gifts, author Dr. Rev. Edith P. Lazenby offers a look into these spiritual gifts and shows you how you can dig into them and truly use them for God’s glory.

Using 1 Corinthians 12:1-11, she addresses a host of issues and questions surrounding this topic, such as:

• Why are we not seeing signs and wonders in today’s world?
• Does God use you to minister to someone through the gifts of the spirit?
• Is there a spiritual gift lying dormant in you?

Spiritual Gifts communicates that God has given you a gift, and it’s time for you to find and use that gift. If prophecy, prophesize. If teaching, teach. If laying hands on the sick, lay hands on the sick. Whatever he has given you is inside you, and it’s time to stir up the gift within you so God can and will be glorified through you.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJun 7, 2022
Spiritual Gifts: Do You Know What They Are and Are You Using Them??

Edith P. Lazenby

Rev. Dr. Edith P. Lazenby has written two other books, one entitled Tabernacle in the Wilderness, As It Relates to Jesus Christ, and Angels, Angels, Angels. She is a retired Air Traffic Controller, Veteran, an ordained minister, Chaplain and a Certified Christian Counselor. She earned her Th.B, B.R.E., and D.R.E., from American Bible College in Florida, and her M.R.E. from Trinity Theological Seminary, Trinity College of the Bible, in Newburgh, Indiana. She earned her second doctorate, Doctorate of Divinity, From Burroughs Divinity Bible School in New York. She moves in the gifts as directed by the Holy Spirit, and encourages others to stir up the gift within them so God can be glorified.

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    Spiritual Gifts - Edith P. Lazenby

    Copyright © 2022 Edith P. Lazenby.

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    Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

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    ISBN: 978-1-6642-6374-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-6375-8 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-6373-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2022907210

    WestBow Press rev. date: 5/31/2022


    Chapter 1 Understanding the Spiritual Gifts

    Chapter 2 The Fivefold Ministry Gifts (Ephesians 4:11–12 KJV)

    Chapter 3 The Spiritual Gifts: The Knowing Gifts

    Chapter 4 Gifts of Utterance: Gifts That Say Something

    Chapter 5 The Power Gifts: Gifts That Do Something

    Chapter 6 Other Spiritual Gifts

    Chapter 7 Stir Up Your Spiritual Gift

    Chapter 8 Prayer and Intercession


    The Holy Spirit works beyond us with the power and understanding of God’s Word. Rev. Dr. Edith Lazenby has carved out another gem for us to ponder. I highly recommend this book be available in every Christian library, It provides a true understanding of the Spirit of God our Counselor, Comforter, Giver of Spiritual Gifts, and Indwells those who accepts Jesus as Savior. Prepare to be motivated and elevated in the acts and works of the Holy Spirit.

    --Evangelist Dr. Doris L. Billups, Pastor

    Living In God’s Holy Truth Ministries, Inc.

    Do not be taken back because of your lack of knowledge. Read on and be renewed by the knowledge exposed. You will come away from this with a desire to use the gifts you discover you have. I ask GOD on your behalf to increase your wisdom and understanding with this reading.

    --Author Dr. Carolyn T. Holmes-Hood



    dedicate this book to my mother (Mrs. Marjorie Lazenby) who has gone home to be with the Lord. She had the gift of wisdom, knowledge, and faith.

    This book is also dedicated to the Holy Spirit who gave me the understanding God has gifts for the body of Christ to use to defeat the enemy and give glory to God; and for the prompting of the Holy Spirit to write about spiritual gifts in belief that the body of Christ will stir up the gift/or gifts within them to bring glory and honor to our Lord Jesus.

    This book is also dedicated to each and every individual who may read it and discover the hidden gems stored within them, and to the unsaved who do not know the Lord that they will accept the Lord and discover the hidden gems stored within.

    The body of Christ needs to know that once you put off the old Adamic nature (the old man), you are filled with God’s Holy Spirit to do the work He has called you to do. You have been given a gift to help others realize that Jesus is real, He loves you, and God will be glorified through your obedience.

    Where are the gifts? Why aren’t they being used today? Why are only a few people operating in the gifts when the gifts are for everyone who are born again into the kingdom of God?

    So what do you mean by spiritual gift? Great question. No one ever told me about a spiritual gift or that I have one. I have a natural gift that I was born with, so is that what you are talking about? No. That is a natural gift that you were blessed to have when your mother birthed you.

    A spiritual gift comes from God when you are born again, and saved from your sins. Sin? I don’t have any sin, so what are you talking about? Romans 3:10, 23 (KJV) states, As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.

    Our first parents, Adam and Eve, caused sin to enter the world because they disobeyed God. That decision caused a spiritual separation between God and humankind. A price had to be paid to regain our spiritual connections to God.

    Once this connection is made, we receive a gift, or gifts, from God. The first gift we should seek is the gift of the Holy Spirit. Evidence

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