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Reality is Built From The Power of our Thoughts
Reality is Built From The Power of our Thoughts
Reality is Built From The Power of our Thoughts
Ebook35 pages25 minutes

Reality is Built From The Power of our Thoughts

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Reality is Built From the Power of our Thoughts

The Book Reality is Built From the Power of our Thoughts gives you the tools you will need to unlock the awesome powers of your subconscious mind. You can improve your relationships, your finances, your physical well-being. Once you learn how to use this unbelievably powerful force there is nothing you will not be able to accomplish. Join the millions of people who have already unlocked the power of their subconscious minds. I urge you to study this book and apply the techniques outlined therein; and as you do, I feel absolutely convinced that you will lay hold of a miracle-working power that will lift you up from confusion, misery, melancholy, and failure, and guide you to your true place, solve your difficulties, sever you from emotional and physical bondage, and place you on the royal road to freedom, happiness, and peace of mind.

Whether you improve your relationships, your finances, your physical well-being, this book delivers simple, practical, proven techniques for solving your difficulties, severing you from emotional and physical bondage.


Release dateFeb 23, 2022
Reality is Built From The Power of our Thoughts

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    Book preview

    Reality is Built From The Power of our Thoughts - WALTER NWANJA


    Chapter 1 – Introduction

    Chapter 2 – Reality is built from the Power

    of our Thoughts

    Chapter 3 – Look for the solutions within

    Chapter 4 – Tune your mind to the right


    Chapter 5 – Use prayer to put that power

    into action.

    Chapter 6 – Use meditation to put that

    power into action

    Chapter 7– Cultivate only positive


    Chapter 8– Use positive affirmations to

    put that power into action.

    Chapter 9 – Conclusion


    Great philosophers, religious bodies and writers have made many statements that summaries the fact that a man is actually a product of his thoughts. That is why you will hear statements such as.... what a man thinks, so he is.....; as he continues to think, so he remains....... a man’s life is what his thoughts make of it.... a man is what he thinks about all day long...... we become what we think about...... "life consists mainly of the storm of thoughts that is forever flowing through one's head....In a nutshell, we live in a world of thoughts, our thoughts create our experiences, and thus, we experience what we think.

    Therefore, it is the quality of our thoughts that create the quality of our life. So through our thoughts, we can shape our life, our future, if we emit negative thoughts about ourselves, we will receive just that in reality and if we emit positive thoughts about ourselves, that is exactly what we are going to reap, if we emit negative thoughts, we will receive same in reality. Therefore, the choice is in our hands.

    Many will then ask, what actually is a thought? Fundamentally, our thoughts are maps representing and corresponding to things that our brains have either perceived with our senses, felt with our emotions, or formed as an action plan (e.g. forming an image of reaching for a ripe fruit on a tree branch). The mind is a kind of map.

    The brain, and its functional product the mind, evolved as a map of the body’s relation to its external environment. Fundamentally, our thoughts are maps representing and corresponding

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