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Undiagnosed: Inside a Psychotic Mind
Undiagnosed: Inside a Psychotic Mind
Undiagnosed: Inside a Psychotic Mind
Ebook91 pages1 hour

Undiagnosed: Inside a Psychotic Mind

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About this ebook

This is not a Christian book, but there are elements.

This is not about a love affair, but there are elements.

This is not about witchcraft, but there are elements.

This is a true story of a psychotic mind.

PublisherMegan Morin
Release dateJun 12, 2022
Undiagnosed: Inside a Psychotic Mind

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    Book preview

    Undiagnosed - Megan Morin


    Friday Night, Part I

    I understand now. To get rid of these demons in my life, I need to inhale through my nose, and swallow the spirits down into the pit of my stomach, where they will ultimately die.

    It’s Friday night. Twenty-six-year-old Megan and her three-year-old son are sitting on the living room floor together. Adam is playing with his toys while she begins to communicate telepathically with the demons inside of him.

    Yeah, I figured it out. It’s over for you, after months of harassment, I finally know how to get rid of you.

    Megan stares deep into Adam’s innocent eyes. Noticing the strange look on her face, he moves away.

    You’re scared aren’t you, that’s why you moved away. Why so quiet? Because you know – I got you now.

    Inhaling deeply through her nose, Megan begins her newly discovered cleansing ritual.

    Finally, the demonic harassment will come to an end.

    What are you doing? Abraham walks out of the bedroom, puzzled by his wife.

    His demons woke him up, they want me to stop doing what I’m doing.

    She begins to speak directly to him through her thoughts.

    I’m taking care of it; it’ll be over soon.

    You’re scaring me, Megan, he responds out loud.

    Ignoring her husband’s concern, Megan’s attention returns to little Adam.

    She’s acting weird… she hears Abraham explain to someone on the phone.

    He must be calling Aaron for back up…he’s the only person I trust right now.

    Satisfied with Adam’s demonic detox, Megan greets her 5-month-old daughter in the bedroom. Abigail swings back and forth in her pink rocker. The young mother begins her second inhalation exorcism, to protect the baby.

    Abraham answers the front door, expectantly welcoming his mother- and father-in-law. Frank and Kathy greet their grandson, before following Abraham into the bedroom.

    I don’t know, he begins, she was just breathing weird, saying she’s casting out demons.

    His demons must’ve told him this.

    Frank addresses his only child, Megan, I think you’re sick…my mom was the same way.

    Shrugging away at his suggestion, she turns to her mother with a telepathic plea.

    Please, you must believe me. I’m telling you the truth.

    Kathy responds with sympathetic eyes, Megan…

    I’m surrounded by enemies. They want me to surrender, or else they will attack.

    Megan begins to sing out loud for spiritual strength, a Biblical song she had written months prior.

    "In regards to the prince of the power of the air

    Keep your playground out there, don’t dare come near

    Get out of my house, get out of my hair

    The Prince of Peace has dominion here!"

    Kathy gently scoops up Abigail from her rocker and carries her into the living room.

    The gas heater is on over there, causing Megan’s imagination to run rampant.

    She’s going to burn my daughter alive with the fire!

    Megan screams at the top of her lungs, darting towards the door to rescue her baby.

    Husband and father block the bedroom door, holding Megan back with their arms, preventing her exit with all their might.

    The young mother wails helplessly as she hears her children crying in the living room.

    Abigail is fine, the men try to reassure her, but she is in disbelief.

    Aaron! she shouts over them, Help me please! Just kick the door open!

    She visualizes the sacrifice of her two children at the hand of their trusted grandmother.

    Megan bellows the next verse of her song.

    "Lifeless I once walked the course of this world

    And of course, I am prone to a path of defiance

    Tempestuous lust, tumultuous pride

    The wrath of I AM; I’m finally silenced!"

    The men are still guarding the door, now holding onto Megan’s hands.

    All have betrayed me… And if I let go of their flesh, they will attack me too.

    Don’t let go, she says with a frightened request, ensuring that her bare hands clutch onto theirs.

    It’s the only way they won’t hurt me. Holding onto their clothing won’t do me any good.

    The three of them bound together, until an epiphany hits Megan like lightning.

    Every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Everyone in hell will accept Him as their Lord and Savior, even after having denied Him. God’s love is so tremendous and mighty, that He ultimately gathers everyone from the past, the present, and the future into heaven to be with Him. From the most righteous to the most unholy, He locks the gates of hell behind them with the devil entrapped and left alone in the pit.

    Marveled and entranced by this revelation, Megan screams again, releasing her hands to jolt backwards onto the bed.

    She finishes her song softly,

    "To the spirits who work endlessly night and day

    The children of wrath, are swiftly arising

    He sounded alarms, and rang all the bells

    The angels rejoice, a tyranny’s dying

    Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death

    I will not fear, for You are near

    So close and so kind, as serpents unwind

    I’m broken-hearted, You know when it started."

    After her visions and imaginations cease, Megan calmly walks into the living room to witness that her children are still alive and well, enjoying their grandmother’s company.

    Instant relief and confusion overcome her; her prophecy still hasn’t come to pass.


    Before Abigail

    I’m two or three years old, sitting in a chair attached to the back of my dad’s bike. He’s pedaling around the lake with my mom. I’m safe and I’m happy, watching the houses pass us by in the breeze.

    Megan has many fond childhood memories, but this memory is special as it is her first. She loved both sides of her family no matter the distance, difference in age, or how some had treated her.

    Most of her dad’s family lived in a different city, except for Grandpa Frank. Megan didn’t see him very often, but he still made sure to share stories of family history with her. His ex-wife, Grandma Rita, passed away shortly after Megan was born, but she learned that she was a remarkable and resilient woman.

    Megan knew her mom’s side of the family a little bit better, as they all lived close by. She still remembers seeing Grandpa Jesse collapse in her side yard before he passed away. Megan would spend much time at

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