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The Diary of Robbie, The Erotic Journey of a BBW Goddess Pt. 1&2
The Diary of Robbie, The Erotic Journey of a BBW Goddess Pt. 1&2
The Diary of Robbie, The Erotic Journey of a BBW Goddess Pt. 1&2
Ebook23 pages22 minutes

The Diary of Robbie, The Erotic Journey of a BBW Goddess Pt. 1&2

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About this ebook

Robbie Bartlett is a big, beautiful, mature, woman on the go. Resigned for too long to a quiet, uneventful life, a chance encounter with April, a slender, blonde, bi-sexual woman puts her on a path of erotic self-discovery that will change her destiny forever. She learns about the true delights of lesbian love and this opens her eyes to a myriad of fresh opportunities.

Release dateJun 21, 2022
The Diary of Robbie, The Erotic Journey of a BBW Goddess Pt. 1&2

Ashley McKenzie

I love writing and for me erotica is a means of breaking my own mental barriers and, also, of travelling the world, as well as time and space, without moving from my laptop.

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    The Diary of Robbie, The Erotic Journey of a BBW Goddess Pt. 1&2 - Ashley McKenzie


    The Erotic Journey of a BBW Goddess, parts 1&2

    by Ashley MCKENZIE

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2022 Ashley McKenzie


    I am Robbie, but you can call me Roberta. Do that and I'll probably hate you a little from the get-go, regardless of how charming and good-natured you really are, or the fact that you love kids and bunnies and puppies and donate to charity.

    Because, quite counter-intuitively, Robbie is really my given name, I always seem to get people in my life who like to call me Roberta, as if to establish that they are, in some way, high-brow and cultured. One of these people was my mother, who is dead now. The other is my former boss, Thomas Lipstick, who is a cunt of a man, if I may say so myself. And I may, because it's me doing all the writing, so there's that. Okay, his name isn't really Lipstick, it's Lipschitz, but more about that later.

    If you were to ask the people who knew me until, let's say, one or two years ago, to describe me they would probably say something along the lines: smart, yet a little bit funny, cynical and wearing a chip on her shoulder, beautiful if she lost some weight (well, perhaps a little more than some). 

    And they would be, in fact, right. For a long time I was in a bad place. Recently divorced (for a second time, but who's counting?), likely to become unemployed sooner rather than later, and mother to a very short-fused 21 year-old bombshell of a girl who, though bright as a spark, dropped out of school and who, as I was to find out, was very generous with her body

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