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The True Christ Revealed, and His Space Age Relevance, the Complete Book.: The True Christ Revealed and His Space Age Relevance
The True Christ Revealed, and His Space Age Relevance, the Complete Book.: The True Christ Revealed and His Space Age Relevance
The True Christ Revealed, and His Space Age Relevance, the Complete Book.: The True Christ Revealed and His Space Age Relevance
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The True Christ Revealed, and His Space Age Relevance, the Complete Book.: The True Christ Revealed and His Space Age Relevance

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This is ''True Christ Revealed, and His Space Age Relevance', the Complete Book of all three books and vistas of the Jesus story. The very real human story of  'True Holy Family Story' in its 94  pages, followed by the book 'The Calendar Roles of the True Christ and Thomas the Twin', in its 83 pages, revealing the real 'pre church' Jesus and Thomas the Twin, in their astronomy based Calendar Roles, with finally, 'The 5th History Template, 30 B.C. to 750 A.D...' in its 115 pages., in which Jesus is seen in the bigger context of the 5th Template, with the other Five 5th Template 'Proclaimers and Founders'. In that book is also a bevy of number Five based history formations or 'time architectures,' some spanning centuries of time, like 'The Five Arthurs in The One King Arthur Lore', and many more.
The History Templates are in general, all part of a Project begun in 3150 B.C. to create religious belief systems based on the Template Number, in the One through Seven series, evidently as a means of raising up humanity.

Release dateJun 14, 2022
The True Christ Revealed, and His Space Age Relevance, the Complete Book.: The True Christ Revealed and His Space Age Relevance

Dennis J. Foley

Life time history researcher and self publisher...I have always been interested in finding history patterns and cycles by using history as data. From finding cycles in the economy and stock market, to the connections of man made patterns to revealing the planned timed 'Formations' in history, to finally what I term, long term 'Calendars'; originated and maintained in history, which are astronomy based, The book predictig 'if and when' a World War 111 will occur, as with all of my books, it is based on history as data.

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    The True Christ Revealed, and His Space Age Relevance, the Complete Book. - Dennis J. Foley

    Chapter 1

    Introduction to The Holy Family Story.

    This book reveals the hidden true story of the family of Jesus and His mother, and His father! It is a history that adds some of the missing 40 years of His life not recounted in the New Testament accounts. It has been secretly kept both in Britain and in Ireland, for nearly two thousand years, under 'cover names' for Him. The earliest Celtic name for Jesus was Setanti. His mother had by ship returned Him from Judea to the town of Setanti, then in today's coastal Scotland.

    He in time became a local Hero in Camry Britain, in His adopted town of Cathu or Sethu, as the Romans pronounced it. As a hero there He gained the 'title' and 'cover name' of 'Cuhuillone', actually the 'Two Hounds (Companions) of God'. The Irish word name was and is 'Kukulan', a word deformation of the first.

    The original life story of the then local Hero (Jesus), was a series of 'Companion Pairs' for Jesus. As related in the extensive Red Branch and Cuhuillone lore, He was paired first with His beloved hound dog, then with His vibrant 'sister' (?), then with his brother or half brother of Thomas in Antioch, then briefly and very tragically with His father John in Judea, and finally, and presumably for eternity there after, with His 'Beloved One', of Yahuni, (Junias).

    People in Celtic Britain were trained in one craft or another, like stone work, or for young woman, attending to a temple's maintenance. It is this schooling aspect, which was a thread through out the entire Jesus story, as I suspect it was also with Thomas the Twin. Thomas in fact, was always portrayed with a book and a quill, as he was known as a prolific letter writer, besides founder and in some cases the actual builder, of (15) churches in the east. It was skilled Celtic crafts men from Britain and Ireland, who were brought by ship to Syria and Judea, to construct the mega constructions of King Herod the Great, and his successors, of the great Port of Caesarea, the Great Temple of Jerusalem, and the palace refuge of Masada, and more.

    But Jesus, was especially trained, and had back ground in 'priestly' skills. Not just in the Jewish scriptures, but in astrology, and astronomy, and 'Calendars'. Those Calendars, all advanced terrestrial astronomy based and timed, would from time to time require Chosen Trained Ones to 'live' roles or reenactments in them, at certain times and locales, in order to 'maintain' or continue them....for 'the Gods' (plural), who instituted them! Chosen Celts were schooled in these ancient Chaldean knowledge, and beliefs, and their astronomy, as 'Seers' and Healers, with some in time becoming, 'Druids'. Or also, a Mithra Priest.

    In my book companion to this one titled, 'Heralds of the Astro House of Pisces, the 'Two Fishes' of Jesus and Thomas the Twin, and also in my book titled the 'The 5th History Template of the 'Tree of Life' Project, 30 B.C. to 780 A.D.', I do explain in detail those ancient Calendars, which were believed in and maintained by the Trained Ones. While the life of Jesus was quite frankly dwarfed by the well recorded life of Thomas the Twin, as shall be seen, Jesus by far performed the most 'Calendar Roles' and Reenactments, which were 'main springs' of the secret world of the Pagan ruling elites.

    It must also be said that in the time of Christ the Celts were a 'fallen empire', of scattered and broken tribes, often fighting amongst them selves, spread all across Europe and south into Turkey (Asia Minor), Syria, and Judea. Galilee was a Celtic or 'Gallic' town scorned by Jews, as was the (N)essene location used as a library and re occupied by Celtic scribes. The then new village of Nesse Roth or Nazareth, was a Celtic 'wild west' town especially established to house Celtic crafts men from the Isles. The world of both Jesus and that of the Holy Family was much less a Jewish story in a Jewish world, then a Roman occupied world, with Hellenic Greek values and beliefs, and Celtic peoples and beliefs, and their skills, and generally larger stature, dispersed with in it.

    As I said earlier, the Celts were a 'fallen empire' in the time of the Holy Family, let me explain with a brief history sketch of the Celts as a people, and so of the Galileans to the Jews. The Celts began to migrate out of Babylon areas after the Persians under Cyrus the Great entered the Gates of Babylon, circa the 540s B.C..He liberated the Jews there and so the Celts. The Celts were not expelled by the Persians, but were wisely empowered by the Persians to spread northward into today's Germany, Russia and Western Europe, to establish trade, mining, growing, and manufacturing communities. A net work of these arose trading with Persia, which reached eastward to the out skirts of Afghanistan, and into India, and China.

    The Celts would often encounter the already established Jewish trading communities in all reaches of the known world. The empowered Celts brought prosperity to the local people, and centuries after their down fall may have been who emerged as the 'tall Aryans' in a mythic Germanic past. When Alexander the Great destroyed the Persian Empire circa the 330s B.C., the strong ties the Celts had with their home land were severed. As trade collapsed and any military backing by the Persians disappeared, their appeal and power over the many Germanic tribes weakened. Many Celts were forced to abandon their once unified trade hegemony and net work, and emerged in history raiding into Italy and Greece. In the mid 3rd C.B.C. around 247 B.C., the people of the then impoverished city state of Babylon unilaterally ended their existence, as the remaining populace removed them selves to the Hellenistic city state of Seleucid.

    This final and complete cut off of trade connections with a Babylon, was the pivotal time when the Germanic peoples across Europe, in a concerted revolt, over threw and expelled the remaining Celtic over lords and peoples. They were made disunited and destitute, and became a scorned out caste people. Many migrated to Britain and Ireland where they encountered Celtic peoples already there. This resulted in constant conflicts between the new arrivals and the established tribes and groups of peoples. Rome was able to use this divided aspect of the Celts in Britain to eventually conquer most of Britain as far north as Hadrian's Wall...Quite possibly, if united and as trained as were the Romans, the then physically larger Celts could have defeated Rome. Some thing to think about when considering the events of the Passion, in regards to the actions of then Governor Pilate of Rome. The rabbis told Pilate that Jesus was leading the people in a revolt against them and Rome, to become the 'king of Israel'...and that Jesus was a non Jew as had been Herod from Damascus, and was a threat to the Temple which He predicted would be destroyed, and to Rome's control of Judea,

    These were serious charges. In fact, what was it that Pilate first did with Jesus which may go unnoticed in the Passion accounts? He had Jesus disrobed, and proclaimed, 'Here stands the man'. The story may have seemed only a form of humiliation, but I believe there was more to it, and that it was very significant.

    The birth of Jesus was not attended by His biological father. Joseph was not His father. The baby male has to be circumcised by the biological father or by him in attendance, or He is not in the Jewish Covenant between Abraham and Jehovah...

    Realize that per established Pagan belief from thousands of years of Sun (God) worship, that if a person dies during a solar eclipse, when the All Seeing Eye of Ra of the Sun God was not able to 'view' that death, that person escapes it, the death. His soul and perhaps more, is able to continue even after death...and in the case of Jesus, be able to do Good for man kind. Vikings often would have carved on their ship's prow the talisman of the sun as a ball, being swallowed or eclipsed by a dragon... that the crew might escape death in Valhalla. Knowing that, the next time when you look at di Vinci's 'Last Supper', consider the actions recorded of the Disciples, as they jostled as to how close they were going to be with Jesus, when they were all 'taken up' with Him...and joined Him with the Father, at the Long Table, in the Long Hall, with bread, wine, and the olive oil.

    In this book you were learn in the first chapter after this one, who was Mary 'the Magdalin', and who she wasn't. (Not the wife of Jesus!) And you will learn who was the earthly father of Jesus, and of the Significant Birth of Mary, the mother of Jesus, and that Jesus did marry, and to whom He married, and of the significance that marriage is to us today. The True Holy Family story, unfortunately, does read like a 'modern novel'! Yet, His Message of Forgiveness, Acceptance, Love, and of a God requiring no sacrifices or 'the cut', is more relevant today than ever.

    Chapter 2

    Nesse, the Morgani La Fe, the

    Macha de Lin (Leon)

    Before there was the heralded birth of Jesus, there was the truly significant birth of His mother. But, for that birth and baby girl to be considered significant, there had to have been at least one knowledged influential person who attended it and could and did recognize it for what it was, in the context of Celtic (Pagan) beliefs.

    Welcome to the of the woman Nesse, and her father Oengus the Seer! For it was this pair who attended the birth of Mary (Deidre actually) and observed and proclaimed to their king then, her importance and great value to him. The location of this events is in southern Britain, with in the boundaries of the city state of Cathu, ruled by king Fergus mac Roich. The year of Mary's birth had to have been around 15 B.C., when Caesar Augustus was still the Roman emperor.

    Cathu or 'Cathuvillany' in Roman maps of their Britain was then the elevated 'Rex Britannica' kingdom, among the dozen small kingdoms ruled by Britain, since the time of Julius Caesar. Cathu and its king were important to Rome, and, I suspect little went on in Cathu which was not known by agents of Rome, et al.

    The story of Nesse, as she progresses in her life and takes on different roles and so different names or titles, is exceptionally well recorded in lore, and even is confirmed as shall be seen, by important well known 'Nesse' place names. While lore does exist about her father, some times including actual predictions by him recorded as quotes by him by the 'bards'. I will tell his story by telling the story of his daughter Nesse, as they are so entwined. In fact, as shall be seen, as so 'very entwined' as a father and a daughter...

    I warn the reader here and now, early in this book, of two things. Firstly, to the best of my ability, I am relating a truthful non fictional telling of the True Holy Family story, for better or for worse. Secondly, these were people who lived and died in a Celtic Pagan world, ruled over by Rome.

    The baby who was to have been the Jewish Messiah, and who probably was born in or by Bethlehem, and did get visited by the Magi with their gifts, was killed several years before Jesus was born, by a then very alive King Herod 1st, along with all of the babies born in Judea at that time. The Killing of the Innocents did happen, a burial of their remains was found and exists. Jesus lived and died on the cross a Pagan, and one of His most important of roles of the several He had, was to do just what He did in Jerusalem, when He did it....

    I will now describe the life of Nesse, her Celtic Pagan life from her unusual birth to her passing, and who with her father Oengus, proclaimed the significance of Mary. With out Mary the mother of Christ, having been found and 'chosen' as she was by Nesse and Oengus, Jesus if He would have even been born, would have not been Himself been considered 'special', and so schooled as He was! It's actually a three generation sequence of persons and events which had to happen in order for Jesus and/or a Thomas the Twin, to have happened. And in general, I never said I deny the role of the 'super natural', just the churches telling of it.

    As said already, Nesse was the daughter of Oengus the Seer, who in time became the official 'Druid of Cathbad'. That occurred when his young grand son named Erwin and re named Concho bar mac Nesse, (son of Nesse), became the king of Cathu. And this is where it starts getting very alternate and why I had to warn.

    Per Red Branch lore, often glossed over, Oengus fathered his grand son with his daughter, Nesse. In deed, this pair of a Druid and his trained skilled Sorceress, became and remained a powerful and wealthy working 'married' pair, all of their lives...Nesse, even after the death of her son, her father, and of Christ, too!

    Oengus was her tutor, and then the official advisor and guardian of his grand son Concho bar, till the king's death after a battle, at age our year of 43 A.D..Not a coincidence as shall be seen. In that battle an aged Oengus escaped but was captured, after found wandering in the woods by the battle field. His subsequent Sacred Quartering by the victors, was the true end of this sorcerer magician Druid...known in Arthurian lore as 'Merlin the Magician'.

    These events were recalled and the battle is an historic one recorded by the Romans. The death of 'this Arthur' and his 'Merlin', Oengus the Druid of Cathu Bad, is taken up in detail in the Chapter of 'the Five Arthurs', in my '5th Age of the Tree of Life' book. What I want to bring out here, is that Oengus's daughter Nesse, was originally tutored by him, and would her self become so skilled in the 'arts', as to be known as 'the Fe' or the in 'the Morgani le Fe', the Fe or witch or sorceress who successfully had brought some one or some ones back to life, from the dead. She was most likely the Witch or Sorceress Succoth, who schooled a young hero, who was named or titled then as, Chu Hu Illone. (Jesus).

    Succoth may also have been a place name, of learning place for the 'arts and the crafts'. As such it may have been considered 'sacred'. I say this as the word name emerges again as a location in the far east, in the Thomas story. So, 'the Fe at Succoth,' perhaps in Scotland where the young Jesus was brought to by His mother, would have been taught eclipse prediction, astronomy, astrology, and the ancient 'Calendars', their required Reenactments and Roles by the Chosen One. Training prepared Him for healing, traveling by stars, even tricks, riddles.

    The story of Nesse always emerges as some how significant in the story of Jesus and of His mother, too. In earliest lore of Nesse, she was in love with a man, and per lore, she married him. But like others in the true Christ story, attempts by woman to lead a normal life of marriage and family, seemed to get 'diverted'! Nesse's love of the local man was cut short, when the man was murdered. Per lore, Nesse became obsessed with revenge and evidently may have actually killed a person, or some people, in this period in her life. She then drops out of local history and is thought to have run away. But, she re emerges in lore as a 'merchant woman of the sea', with the fear inspiring 'Morgani le Fe' name.

    Note that these years of the new Roman Empire 30 B.C. to the 60s A.D., were years of great building, like the mega port of Caesarea, the Great Temple, and more, all through out the empire, especially Judea. Skilled labor was needed in Israel for the mega works of King Herod 1st and his successors there. Some lore describe Nesse as a 'pirate of the sea', even the 'chief of a fleet of pirate ships'. I think they mis understood the 'legitimate' business that she and her father had locked into. In as few words as possible, the Romans and their Herod kings of Syria and Judea, needed workers to build their constructions, and Nesse for and with the Romans, was taking workers from the British Isles to Syria and Judea!

    Did they all go of their own free will? In any case, many were processed and housed in a brand new town then, founded just then. It was named 'Nesse Roth'. You may know it as Nazareth. Did she name it and even own it? It is possible, because she emerged very wealthy and was continuously so till the end of her life, many years later. In general, Jesus portrayed as the son of a 'poor carpenter', is just not so. If any thing, He may have been cavalier about making a living, as He was surrounded by wealthy people. Like His uncle Joseph, the Tin Merchant. Tin is the metal necessary as the 10th part with copper, to produce Bronze. And Bronze was red and bright, and associated with Venus the Morning Star, the First appellation later applied to Jesus Christ. Till 1 B.C. Joseph's brother Conde Longo, was the Cup Bearer and Wine Taster for King Fergus of Cathu,

    The next period of Nesse's life, and so the next name or title which she evidently acquired, occurred in the time of the conjunction of the major planets, along with the Moon and the Sun, in One Astrological House. This conjunction took place in the Constellation of Leo the Lion, dominated by the Royal Star of Regulas. This Alignment event occurs over a one to three year period, 'clustering' this way in one area of the night sky or another, every 179.7 years. The Planets had such a Conjunction cluster in One House in 1980. That year can be used as the timing year for this significant cycle and Calendar Integral. In fact, NASA launched two satellites in 1977 to fly by all of the planets, using this alignment then like a sling shot to propel the satellites from one planet to the next one, further out.

    So what did happen in her life in that auspicious time? Perhaps timed by the stars, she was made pregnant by her father Oengus. She gave birth to her son and his grand son, of Erwin. Was that conception and birth time planned by the two? Perhaps no less so than Jesus being in Jerusalem on the cross, during the eclipse of 43 A.D., the 880 years after the death of Paean (Pagan) in Jerusalem. Do you see all this?

    As shall be seen later, King Fergus in 6 A.D. for his own personal reasons which shall be explained, he invaded a neighboring tribe, breaking the Peace of Rome. He gained Rome's displeasure, and he had depleted the treasury in doing so, and so displeased the nobles and the common folk. Nesse proposed that he let her seven year old son Erwin, to sit on the throne for a year, that 'he might have a noble name', and that Rome might forget the king's transgression. The king viewed it as a way to retain his crown after a year, and agreed to Nesse's plan.

    But, Nesse was able to keep the nobles prosperous, with her labor business with Rome, so that each year they voted to allow her son Erwin to remain as 'king'. He received the sword from the stone under the guidance of Oengus (Merlin), who was now the official Druid of Cathu, and Erwin was re named Concho bar mac Nesse, 'king and son of Nesse'. So again, a new role and title name for Nesse...

    Now Nesse was Royalty, as she was the 'Macha de Lin or Leone', 'the Mother of the King'. You may know her as Magdalin, or Magda Ruatha in different dialect.

    Later in years when she came to see her student Jesus in Judea, was she accused as being a prostitute, as the church inferred that she was...and so was the woman whom Jesus defended when He told the onlookers to 'throw the first stone if they hadn't them selves sinned'? Probably 'yes! The church may have inadvertently got this one 'right'. The Magdalin by the time of this visit would have been in her late 60s or her early 70s even. And no, not a 'prostitute'. But, she would most likely have dyed her hair red or orange with henna, as was the custom in Rome and other royal or sophisticated places in the empire. If she had not covered her red or golden hair, as all woman in Judea were required to do so , she would have been 'presumed' to have been a prostitute. It had to do with ancient lore and priestly practices in Babylon and Sumeria well before then.

    The adult pair of Nesse and Oengus were part of a family net work of elites and other rulers. Per lore, Nesse's brother was King Venuci, the husband of the Queen of the powerful Briganti tribe and kingdom, the major tribe of the peoples of northern Britain. The Queen of the Briganti was unique in that she was acknowledged by Rome as of true royalty, and a descendant of a long line of rulers. She like her father before her, was known as a 'Mantua', perhaps referring to he and her as being both human and animal in spirit, or in aspect. This was still a 'magical' time for Rome and the world then.

    She was the Mantua of 'Monte Pone', 'swift or little horse', Rome's Epana or Horse Goddess. Besides which, she was also the 'Mother Goddess on Earth' for her people, the 'Ma Eve', whence in Arthurian lore we see the word name to describe her as, the Gwen Eve' or 'Queen Eve'. These family ties would work against the Celts in 42/3 A.D., by drawing them into a war with Rome, which proved to be pivotal in the history of early Britain, and the subsequent complete defeat and subjugation of the Celts by the Romans.

    The human-animal or 'Sphinx' belief and practice, was probably as old as man, and his hunting of animals and living among them to survive. The Iceni peoples of Britain had as their heraldic ensign that of a cat and a man...perhaps a mix of the 'human' and the 'divine' or mystical. The very name for King was Lin or Lion, and French Leone, the 'strong cat'! In Egypt there was Ra or Re, both the Sun God but also once the Lion God and meant Royalty. A Sumerian Ruler was a 'Strong Cat' or Sin, whence Indian Singhe, Chinese Sean, and Irish Conn. The original 'Pagan' beliefs and knowledge, were ancient and generic among man kind.

    Behind Nesse and Mary, who was behind Christ, there was Oengus the Druid, the Merlin of lore. He had to have been completely conscious of the significance of the years of the Conjunction around 3 B.C. to 1 A.D., and of a potential that the British Isles had...with its resources, its then tall people, and its access to the channel and the Atlantic Ocean. Per lore, Oengus framed the birth of their son Erwin, the king of the Cathu, as one of the Three Greatest Births, ever. The other two being the son Cuhuillone (Jesus) of Deidre or Deichtine (Mary), and of Thomas the Twin son of Fernchoem (Elizabeth) Per lore, Oengus prophesized in verse about his son Erwin of his son's future glory, as a Model King, even as the 'King of Kings'. Per lore, at his prophecy re Erwin, he referenced his son as 'his son and his grandson'.

    Per Pagan lore it was the 'Three Kings' born during the Collection of Planets in the Sign of Leo the King, around 1 A.D. who were destined for world greatness. Indeed, all Three Sons did share an incredible set of coincidences. The Concho bar son against all odds, became the boy king 'Arthur' of Cathu Britain, and ruled as well as he could for an incredible 36 years.

    The other boy born that year of Jesus, was accused by and labeled by the Romans as, the 'king of the Jews'. And, the third boy born then, of Thomas the Twin, would soon after the death of both Jesus and Concho bar in 43 A.D., after having arrived in Britain, would soon flee Britain with John's Lion no less, after an attempt by the Romans to Install him as King, of the then kingless Cathu tribe. Even as Rome's Rex Britanicus. This is followed up in the chapter on Thomas.

    So, what might have Nesse looked like in her youth, as a powerful Sorceress and most likely as the senior Milis (Mary) or Temple Worker, of the cult of Diana the Huntress, and the Moon? Likely she looked like the depiction below with the Stag and the Eagle, and flaming red hair. Mary Magdalin was also connected to the Rattle or the Tambourine and a Cup, signifying dance and rhythm and wine, from whence often enough were brought forth, new human life. Perhaps it was her small Cup which she brought with her on her visit to her student Jesus, which was 'the small stone Cup' at the Last Supper!

    Nesse, the Macha de Lin.

    Now that I have introduced who was Nesse and her father Oengus, what was their significance to the Birth of the Mother of Jesus, commonly known as 'Mary'? Per 'Woman of Sorrow' lore of Mary in Britain, a woman named Fernchoem was her mother. She was married to a man named Fedland mac Daill. In one lore he is a chieftain, in another lore and per the words of Oengus who by then had become the Druid of Cathbad, he was dismissed merely as a 'teller of stories'. Was he silenced because he talked too much? But it was this rather mundane Celtic couple of Fedland and Fernchoem, which gave birth to the special baby girl, who became the mother of Jesus, and I think possibly also of Thomas the Twin. Special how so? 'Mary' per Celtic lore then, had an aspect in her which determined the whole rest of human history. She not only had Red or Auburn hair, but she had the Green Eyes, too.

    And, it was the high ranking and powerful couple of the Seer Oengus and the Sorceress Nesse, who came to observe this baby girl. They are the ones who officially proclaimed that she indeed had the 'mark of distinction', more valuable to Celtic royalty then gold it self. For, per their beliefs then, again going back to ancient Babylon and Sumeria before then, a red haired girl with green eyes was known as a 'King Maker'. Who she chose in marriage or conception made that man 'chief', or likely to be one, 'a king'. At her birth, the Seer Oengus foretold the baby's destiny, that 'she would be the most beautiful woman in Cathu, with her golden tresses and lovely green eyes, but because of this, she would be destined for certain sorrows, and that ruin would befall the land of Cathu because of her golden red hair and green eyes'. In other words, she was destined to be what became known as, 'the Woman of Sorrow'...replicated later in the final station of the cross, of Mary the Woman of Sorrow, as she looks up at her son on the cross.

    For this baby child, a normal life was not to be. Quickly, Oengus and Nesse, knowing her value to the King of Cathu, who was not yet Nesse's son, gained access to the child, and brought her to the king. The priests of the Moon Temple would have announced her as the 'De Ich Dionne', or the re incarnation and presence on Earth as the Goddess of the Moon and Hunt, or of 'Diane'. Later as a 'Meri' or 'Temple Bee' worker, in a very human way as shall be told the next chapter this book, she became the mother of the child, who was Jesus. But, it was Her importance first which preceded the significance of the birth of it was the necessary rise of the Influencers, of Oengus and Nesse, before that, too.

    The name 'Mary' meant among the Celtic Pagans, 'temple worker bee' or Millis. Mary and Mary Magdalin, and Martha, et al...they were all connected to either the Lunar or Solar Temple net works, and played parts and roles there of! They had nothing to do with the Jewish Temple, as neither Mary nor her son Jesus, were Jewish! That is why she was not killed when she gave birth to Jesus in Judea, per Mosaic Law! She was a 'foreigner', known then as were many other foreigners there for the great era of temple and port building, as a 'Pheoneci'.

    While in waiting to mature Mary evidently worked for or at a Pagan Temple, either the Goddess Dianne' Lunar one, or the Helios Solar one.

    Her title names of Deichtine indicates the Diana Lunar one, yet the Red Branch cycles refer to her also as Deidre, and as having been a Vestal Virgin of the Sun God temple, and having been installed there by then King Fergus, for her safe keeping. While in waiting to mature Mary evidently worked at either the Lunar Temple of the Goddess Dianne' or the Helios Solar one. Her title of Deichtine indicates the Diana Lunar one, yet the Red Branch cycles refer to her as Deidre, and as having been a Vestal Virgin of the Sun God temple, installed there by then King Fergus, for her 'safe keeping'. She was kept there. 'Deidre' meant 'the Sun God' or 'Re God'.

    The Celtics were primarily Moon and Mother Goddess worshippers, while the Romans were Sun God worshippers, even adopting the 365.23 day annual year based on the sun as the center of the solar system, under the reign of Caesar Augustus. He added the two months of July and August then. Perhaps the Temple to Caesar Augustus, built in the center of Cathu of today's Colchester, was also a Roman Sun God temple. It was when that temple was being built by the Cathu men under the direction of the Romans. when Setanti (Jesus ) was left to guard the town while the men were away. The town was attacked and Setanti led a defense of it with towns people, defeating the attackers. It was then that Setanti became the local Hero of Cathu, and his name which had been Setanti from the Scottish town He had brought to by Mary, before coming to Cathu was dropped, and His 'title' became Cuhuillone (Two Hounds (Companions) of God).

    Later, as Cathu descendants realized that their local hero was actually Jesus, He was credited with building that portion within the Roman Temple, which was built by the men of Cathu, with its 26' Xs 60 feet measurements, which all Basilicas since have. The 1560 product of 26 and 60 feet is in Years, the length of the Etanic Terrestrial Cycle or Wobble...of earth above and below the equator by 4 degrees. I go into these matters in more detail in my companion book to this one of The Calendars and Roles of the Two Fishes' of Jesus and Thomas the Twin. The 'two fishes' refers to them as the two fishes of the Pisces Sign, that House which correctly by the original ancient Ten House Calendar began in the auspicious year of 30 B.C., the year Rome officially began the Roman Empire...

    Also it was probably a t that temple where Joseph of Ul Mathea, the brother of John the Baptist, brought sacred belongings to, after the crucifixion. The temple was revered by the Cathu people for decades after the destruction of their once powerful city state by the Briganti, and finally by the Romans during the failed revolt led by the Icerne and their Queen Boudica, in the 60s A.D..It was later converted into a castle and remains in ruins today, with some Roman stones still in place, used in the old castle's construction. Rome also revered the temple.

    The Milis or Mary of Nesse, who by her wiles became the Mother of the King of the Cathu Celts, in lore the traditional 'Arthur', was I believe the true Spiritual Head, of the then Celtic Pagan world! Yet, while learning of the incredible life of Nesse, with just glimpses of her as a 'sea merchant' (pirate?), trafficking of workers to her 'base town' of Nesse Roth in Judea, to her renown as the 'La Fe' Sorcerer of Succoth in the Cuhuillone lore, who schooled Jesus in 'healing arts' including the 'raising of the dead'...the other Millis or Mary of Deidre (Mary), may seemed to have had a 'tough act to follow'!

    But, Mary the Mother of Jesus, had her own very Epoch Story, also well enough recalled in lore, and which like Nesse's, it started in Britain. That story untold in the bible is told this book starting with, 'The Milis (Mary) the 'Woman of Sorrow'.

    Chapter 3

    The 'Milis' Deidre, the Woman of

    Sorrow, Mother of Cuhuillone.

    The Milis (Mary), tending to temple duties, in forced waiting.

    Indeed, Mary as she became known, was Not a Virgin when she became the birthing person of Jesus, and she was neither Jewish, nor was she a person born in Israel. Instead, her story was and is such a very Human story, of a woman seeking to Not be a temple worker or priestess, but instead to have a family, and to survive as a mother in the face of great changes, challenges, and great sorrows. It is a true story very relevant today and for many, more than ever. Also, I do think that in general, as much as many of us may still feel comforted by the beautiful Christ and Mary story of the bible, and of church teachings, many people today can no longer accept them as true or as relevant. So

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