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Tips on Eating Super Herbs and Spices:: Culinary and Medicinal
Tips on Eating Super Herbs and Spices:: Culinary and Medicinal
Tips on Eating Super Herbs and Spices:: Culinary and Medicinal
Ebook97 pages47 minutes

Tips on Eating Super Herbs and Spices:: Culinary and Medicinal

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One thing is certain, your tastebuds will wake up! Friends and family will be spreading the word about your discovery of new flavors that they tasted and the glorious aromas coming from your kitchen.

Interesting tips and tidbits about using new additions to your dishes, such as; Mint added to your dishes can enhance your food. It can even be used to take a soothing bath, lowering anxiety.

To boost your metabolism and help lose fat inhale the smell of rosemary or make a tea of true cinnamon before bedtime.

An herb and spice garden are an unfathomable experience, it connects you to all the flavors, aromas and energies released by these ancient tropical plants; perfect for exploring new culinary ideas.

Plant medicine should be utilized more often in our everyday culture due to their potent healing power.

Find out how to create for yourself and your family better health by consuming super herbs and spices.
Release dateJun 12, 2022
Tips on Eating Super Herbs and Spices:: Culinary and Medicinal

Cindy Burrows

Cindy Burrows has a B.S. and Medical Technology degree from Mansfield University in Pennsylvania. She is an experienced herbalist attending the East West School of Herbology in Santa Cruz, California and Nutrition Wellness from Wellness Forum, in Ohio. She has been a Natural Health Consultant, and produced her own herbal products, and sold at a booth in the local Austin Farmer’s Market. She coached and advised many clients to make a refreshing difference in their health habits. As a freelance writer and speaker for groups and conferences she has imparted expert advice on alternative health and herbs. She has assisted many health websites by writing articles on products and foods. She is past president of the Austin Herb Society, of Austin, Texas.

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    Tips on Eating Super Herbs and Spices: - Cindy Burrows

    Tips on Eating Super

    Herbs and Spices:

    Culinary and Medicinal

    Cindy Burrows

    Copyright © 2022 Cindy Burrows.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    LifeRich Publishing is a registered trademark of The Reader’s Digest Association, Inc.

    LifeRich Publishing

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4897-4156-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4897-4157-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2022908092

    LifeRich Publishing rev. date: 06/08/2022





    The King is Basil

    Cilantro- Love It or Hate It

    Feathery Dill Greens and Seeds

    Garlic, the Stinking Rose

    Lemony Lemongrass

    The Mint Family

    Spicy Oregano

    Parsley, Flat or Curly


    Powerful Thyme


    Black Pepper Berries


    Cayenne Spice

    Sugary Cinnamon

    Hearty Cloves

    Cumin Spice

    Fennel, Greens and Seeds

    Ginger Root

    Sweet or Smoky Paprika



    Drinks and Herbal Teas

    Salads and Sauces

    Soups and Main Entrees


    PART 4

    References and Resources





    Warning: This book is not intended to provide medical advice and is sold with the understanding that the publisher and author are not liable for misuse or misconceptions of the provided information. Readers should not use any of these herbs or spices before asking advice of a medical professional.

    Many of these reported uses may only be evidence based or antecedent only. In some, more studies are needed to confirm how effective this herb or spice can be for a certain health problem. Spices and herbs have been recommended by healers of ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic, Indigenous and Native American Tribes for over thousands of years.

    There could be rare allergic reactions or interactions with certain medications. In food-based recipes use of herbs and spices in mild to moderate amounts, are generally considered safe.


    To my many herbal teachers and other herbal researchers who have

    performed studies and use food as medicine whenever appropriate.

    To my husband Dennis, and my sister Sharon, for all their love,

    support and inspiration I needed to write this book.

    To all other friends, co -workers, students and clients who

    I have learned from and worked with for many years, I

    thank you for believing that I could be an author.


    You are an ecosystem

    More than a human.

    Your mind is not

    In your brain.

    It’s throughout your

    Whole being.

    A human body is not static

    it is constantly regenerated.

    Feed it the best

    Throw out the junk.

    Get back to the garden.

    Cindy Burrows

    Tips for Eating Super

    Herbs and Spices

    Culinary and Medicinal

    Part One



    First, I love using herbs and spices for flavorings, this includes both dried and fresh herbs. All plants are beneficial to your health and highly effective at fighting disease.

    While talking to people I meet I found many ask, How do you add herbs or spices to your dishes? Many of you may buy herbs, then end up throwing them away, before you use them.

    After hearing this many times, I realized that maybe a few written ideas on blending these plant flavorings together would help others make more exciting dishes for their families.

    The culinary tastes of herbs and spices

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