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Following the Call: Blazing a Path Leaving a Trail.  or Is It ?  Blazing a Trail Leaving a Path
Following the Call: Blazing a Path Leaving a Trail.  or Is It ?  Blazing a Trail Leaving a Path
Following the Call: Blazing a Path Leaving a Trail.  or Is It ?  Blazing a Trail Leaving a Path
Ebook187 pages2 hours

Following the Call: Blazing a Path Leaving a Trail. or Is It ? Blazing a Trail Leaving a Path

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About this ebook

I am reminded of a saying that there are two kinds of listeners. There may be readers who want the whole story or those who just want to cut the chase and get to the bottom line. Hence comes to the reason or purpose of writing this book in the manner I have chosen. Will the reader be intrigued by the personal story of Friends for Life, will it provide information for a reader who may be interested in the dynamics involved in forming a similar organization, or perhaps even inspire a reader to be motivated to identify their purpose for living?
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 12, 2022
Following the Call: Blazing a Path Leaving a Trail.  or Is It ?  Blazing a Trail Leaving a Path

Marge Warmbrodt

FOLLOWING THE CALL Marge Warmbrodt is the only founding member currently serving on the Board of Friends for Life. She is the President of Friends for Life and for the past 12 years has served as CEO. Marge has devoted the past 25 years of her life to the mission of an organization that “provides financial and other assistance to Elko County residents who are suffering significant hardships as a result of serious medical conditions.” Marge authored a previous book ,“Answering the Call”, which journals memories of some moments of her life that led up to the impetus of Friends for Life.

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    Following the Call - Marge Warmbrodt

    Copyright © 2022 by Marge Warmbrodt.

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    Rev. date: 06/10/2022






    FOLLOWING THE CALL 1996-1997

    From The Cleft Of The Rock

    There Are Other Carolyns

    Picnic In The Park

    Flashback 1996

    Choosing A Name

    Flashback The Unexpected

    Mission Statement

    Flashback First Request


    Articles Of Incorporation

    Becoming An Entity

    Identification Number



    Non-Profit Status

    Certificate Of Amendment Of Articles Of Incorporation

    Assessment - Education

    Fundraising Activities

    The Initial Year

    Facing The Challenge

    FOLLOWING THE CALL 1998-1999

    Second Year -1998

    Flashback 1998


    Flashback-Dialysis Project

    Flashback 1999


    FOLLOWING THE CALL 2000-2005


    Flashback 2000

    Flashback 2000




    Flashback 2002

    Flashback 2002




    FOLLOWING THE CALL 2006-2010



    Foundation For A Flashback


    Prior Foundation Flashback Continued

    Prior Foundation Flashback Continued




    Flashback 2009


    Flashback 2010

    FOLLOWING THE CALL 2011-2015


    Flashback 2011

    Flashback 2011


    Flashback 2012


    Flashback 2013


    Flashback 2014


    Flashback 2015

    FOLLOWING THE CALL 2016-2019


    Flashback 2016


    Flashback 2017



    Flashback 2019



    Great Is Thy Faithfulness


    The November 2020 edition of the Ruralite, a monthly magazine supplied by Wells Rural Electric Co. includes a monthly article by Clay Fitch, Chief Executive Officer in which he writes we are making the transition from summer through fall to winter. These words accurately describe my memories as they relate to the life of Friends for Life, the organization that has inspired this book.

    Autumn of 1996 was the beginning of an organization that has given my life meaning and the revelation of recognizing a purpose for my life. Like a seed planted in the fall, Friends for Life has experienced seasons during the past 25 years and ironically, we appear to be entering another cycle.

    It was during a time of sadness, like the darkness of winter, that this organization began its formation. The unexpected passing of Carolyn Burroughs in October had indeed been a time of sadness. But the seed of our mission had already been planted and it was quickly followed by a period like slow emerging new life in springtime. Then came the changes in policies and procedures to streamline the functioning of our mission, like pruning and the emergence of blossoms required to produce the fruit. All too soon we began transitioning to the warmth of a summer season as we basked in the generous support of our community and the Newmont Legacy.

    When is transition felt? It is not a definite moment in time that can be pinpointed no more than the moment that darkness becomes dawn. But time has proved that the next season to come after summer is autumn.

    Friends for Life began to experience many changes as we encountered definite changes in our funding. Then came the darkness of winter in 2020 when the Covid19 restrictions brought an abrupt change to many aspects of the life we had previously known.

    As I write this story which I have titled Following the Call, I recall one of my favorite mentors describing this story as having come into the second act of a three-act play. I have written the first act in my first book, Answering the Call.

    I am reminded of a saying that there are two kinds of listeners. There may be readers who want the whole story or those who just want to cut the chase and get to the bottom line. Hence comes to the reason or purpose of writing this book in the manner I have chosen. Will the reader be intrigued by the personal story of Friends for Life, will it provide information for a reader who may be interested in the dynamics involved in forming a similar organization, or perhaps even inspire a reader to be motivated to identify their purpose for living?

    Because I have always been intrigued by true story movies, personal testimonies, and since I feel a certain excitement whenever I talk about the story of Friends for Life, the organization which has sustained me through my season of being a widow, I will not be content to just tell a portion of a story.

    As we think about the beginning of the new year, it will be the start of another cycle of seasons. Will we look forward with 20/20 vision, look back with twenty-twenty hindsight or just transition into each moment?



    "Spring is the time

    to find out

    where you are


    move toward

    where you are going"

    Penelope Trunk



    I am not sure when I first recognized the hand of God working with Friends for Life. Looking back over the last 25 years I can now relate to the conversation between Moses and God that is written in Exodus 33:21-23.

    The Lord said

    "Here is a place by Me,

    and you shall stand on the rock.

    So it shall be, while My glory passes by,

    that I will put you in the cleft of the rock and

    will cover you with My hand while I pass by.

    Then I will take away My hand,

    and you shall see My back,

    but My face shall not be seen.


    I will endeavor to chronologically relate the process, the requirements, and the progress that occurred in the formation years from my personal scrapbook, minutes of Friends for Life, Inc. and the Internet.



    Although it has been 24 years, I can still vividly hear the words, There are other Carolyns. Dave Huckaby spoke those words to me the morning I first met him at Toki Ono Restaurant in Elko, Nevada.

    Dave was the new manager of Stewart Title and had noticed our fundraising event for Carolyn Burroughs at the Elko Main City Park.

    Dave being new to the area was interested in becoming a part of the community. He had inquired about our event, and I had come in from Ruby Valley to meet with him that day, little knowing at the time what God had planned for the two of us.

    Carolyn Burroughs, a 23-year-old, Ruby Valley mother, had been diagnosed with recurring cancer and the treatment protocol included a bone marrow transplant. Carolyn did not have insurance nor the financial means to pay for the procedure. The community of Elko, Nevada and surrounding areas responded to her need with a massive fundraising campaign to raise the $120,000 required for her to become eligible to receive a transplant.

    During the time the fundraising was occurring, Carolyn experienced further complications with her health and had chosen not to proceed with more treatment to obtain a bone marrow transplant.

    At that time over $70,000 had been raised for the cause and more fundraising events had been scheduled.


    On September 17, 1996, a core group of individuals, spearheaded by Dave Huckaby, gathered for a barbecue to announce a celebration of life and corporate partnership to begin the process of creating an organization with a mission to help others in the community.

    Stewart Title of Northeastern Nevada had issued a press release of partnering with other community leaders to establish a community trust fund called Partners for Life. Local partners joining Stewart Title’s $2,500 contribution were pledges from U S Bank of Nevada-$1000: Soroptimist of Northern Nevada-$1,000 and Maureen Durkin-$500.

    Carolyn Burroughs was the guest of honor at the picnic held that cold, blustery Tuesday in September. Dave had arranged for a local barbecue company to provide the meal for this event. Due to the inclement weather, there was a relatively small turn out and there were several tri-tip roasts remaining. Dave donated the roasts to us for the final fundraising event for Carolyn, which had been planned to be held the next weekend on September 21st.

    FLASHBACK 1996

    Memories of the Picnic in the Park took me back to a day at a rodeo in Spring Creek, NV when I had approached Art Franklin, the owner of Missing Links Barbecue, to inquire about the cost of his services. We were just starting our fundraising efforts for Carolyn Burroughs and might need to contact him. As we discussed the reason for our fundraising I will, forever, remember hearing Art’s words when he responded to my inquiry:

    You get the meat donated and I will donate the barbecuing.

    As I left the picnic that cold blustery day with the barbecued roasts that Dave had donated, I could hardly wait to get home and call Art. The conversation started with me asking if he remembered our conversation at the rodeo. When he answered that he recalled it, I asked if he remembered having offered to barbecue the meat for us, which he remembered.

    Then I told him "You have already barbecued and gotten paid for barbecuing the meat that has been donated for our event."

    It took a few minutes before Art understood that I was telling him how God has already worked to fulfill Art’s promise to me. Art had gotten paid by Dave Huckaby to barbecue the roasts for his event and now they had been donated to our event.


    God had already inspired specific individuals who possessed the expertise needed to fulfill the various tasks required to form the foundation of Dave’s vision. A corporation was to be formed and Board members chosen, but first we needed a legal name.

    I recall a quote from Entrepreneur Magazine which said Naming a business is like a comparison of laying the cornerstone of a building. Once it is in place, the entire foundation and structure is aligned to that original stone.

    Craig Van Korlaar, in an article in, cited the naming of the organization would take strategic planning. It must be meaningful to reflect the essence of the vision. It must be relevant to reach key audiences (groups served, donors, volunteers, etc. It must be distinctive and stand out from other organizations. It must be sustainable to position the company for growth, change and success. It also had to be available.

    A call to the office of the Secretary of the State of Nevada confirmed that the name chosen was available and could be reserved. The name chosen to legally identify our organization was




    The final fundraising event for Carolyn Burroughs was held on September 21, 1996. It had been a huge success, but

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