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Silent Noise
Silent Noise
Silent Noise
Ebook399 pages4 hours

Silent Noise

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About this ebook

Lily wakes up alone and afraid in the middle of the forest. Unaware of how she got there, a familiar voice whispers into her ear. “I need you to let me into your mind and into your thoughts. I need you to let me in completely.”
When worlds are turned upside down, many lives are affected. Dreams can shatter in an instant and hope will not last forever.
“I can give you everything you want and more. I will be the magic story you’ve been told.” When a creature of the dark comes, bearing a message, will love be able to last a lifetime or will the cracks of doubt force the last bit of air from Lily’s lungs.
“Only two more years and you will be mine forever.” He smiles down at her lovingly. “Now go, you shouldn’t get separated from the group.” He hugs her one last time before ushering her into the forest. “I will meet you here again tomorrow.”
What would you be willing to give up for the one you love?
This book can be classified as a fast-paced romantic thriller, based on a world where werewolves and other strange entities live secretly amongst us.

PublisherLana Foxx
Release dateMay 31, 2022
Silent Noise

Lana Foxx

I write stories about love that will keep you up at night. Powerful men and possessive Alphas.

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    Book preview

    Silent Noise - Lana Foxx



    Book 1 - Hearing



    Book 2 - Sight




    Book 3 - Touch


    A special dedication to my dear friend and editor, Melissa Visser,

    without whom this book wouldn’t have been possible.


    Books by the author



    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 30

    Chapter 31

    Chapter 32

    Chapter 33

    Chapter 34

    Chapter 35

    Chapter 36

    Chapter 37

    Chapter 38

    Chapter 39

    Chapter 40

    Chapter 41

    Chapter 42

    Chapter 43

    Chapter 44

    Chapter 45

    Chapter 46

    Chapter 47

    Chapter 48

    Chapter 49

    Chapter 50

    Chapter 51

    Chapter 52

    Chapter 53

    Chapter 54

    Chapter 55

    Chapter 56

    Chapter 57

    Chapter 58

    Chapter 59

    Bonus Chapter




    Celene smiled, flushed and wholly satisfied, where she lay naked beside her former lover and new husband, Constandios. Husband. Her heart fluttered at the thought as her thumb idly brushed the heavy metallic band on the inside of her ring finger. The intricate design of tiny wolves engraved into its exterior teased her touch and she knew what lay there even without looking. She'd etched it to memory as soon as she laid eyes on the beautiful ring. It had been a wedding gift from the Kingdom of Lighthaven, handmade by one of their High Fae.

    Her thumb continued to trail the band. It was the only thing she wore, and she wouldn’t have it any other way, not tonight at least. It was their wedding night; the start of their happily ever after. Celene’s chest warmed. She was no longer a lone ruler, a kingless queen. No. She now not only shared her throne but also her bed with him. The love of her life. A High Fae warrior from her own kingdom who had stolen her heart with his strong jaw, deep voice and mesmerising eyes.

    Constandios was no royal, but he was a strong and fearless warrior. A commander in her army of shifters. Known for his wit and incredible skills on the battlefield, he had caught her eye the moment he was elected the new commander of region 32.  A congratulatory ball had been held in his honour and Celene couldn’t stop herself from accepting his hand when he had offered her a dance.

    It was then, on that night that she realised her heart had been gifted to him, with or without her consent. He had swept her off her feet and entwined her in his web of lust and love. Love. She turned, facing Constandios where he lay motionless beside her, staring at the ceiling, his chest rising and falling at a quickened pace. He was still slightly out of breath, his lips swollen and cheeks rosy.  Her lower belly pulsed at the sight, at the image replaying in her mind. The cause of his exhaustion. 

    Above them a chandelier dangled, illuminating the room in a warm, soft glow and highlighting his masculine features. She could look at him for ages. The long black lashes lining his eyes, the way his damp hair stuck to his skin, the curve of his lips. Those same lips which had… her heart stumbled. She studied the curve of his throat, the bob of his Adams Apple as he swallowed. The thick column of his neck glistened with a thin layer of sweat and she inhaled slowly. Deliberately. Breathing him in.

    Love. She loved him with all of her heart. She’d do anything for him and shuddered at the thought that she now belonged to him, and he to her.  She’d given every aspect of her being to him.  Emotionally, mentally and tonight, physically. She’d do it over and over again until her dying breath, Celene silently swore as her chest swelled with pride.

    Delicate white hair fell around her face, covering the pillow beneath her in a soft mass of silver. Her fair skin was warm to the touch, set alight in the furnace of passion. They had consummated their marriage mere moments ago, the lingering effects of it still coursing through her. She was high on love, intoxicated with desire. Her thighs quivered in the aftermath of their lovemaking, her loins vibrating with release. 

    She had never been with a man before. She’d saved herself for him; her fated mate. The other half of her soul, her heart. Although she hadn’t known who he might be for several decades, she’d wanted to be the best for him, whoever he might be. It wasn’t until she’d met Constandios face to face that she knew; he was hers.

    He didn’t blink as he stared up at the light shining from above. Flames danced, reflecting in the brown golden haze of his eyes. Twelve fat candles burned brightly from within the immaculate chandelier. Celene followed his gaze, wondering what he was thinking. Her own mind remained muddled and hazy, thick with a mixture of pleasure and emotion.

    What are you thinking about? She asked, her voice barely a whisper. Her fingers found his warm, damp skin, trailing over a cluster of hair where she lay her hand flat, her palm resting on his inner thigh.  She loved that she could touch him, where and whenever she wanted.

    Finally, Constandios blinked. Once. Twice. With glassy eyes, he turned to face her. The brown orbs she’d fallen in love with darted over her face, searching. Reading. He seemed to be on the verge of tears. Celene turned onto her side and brought her hand up to cup his cheek.

    Is everything alright? She asked, feeling the overwhelming emotion swell within her.

    He didn’t answer. Instead, he kept his eyes fixed on her. She understood he didn’t have words for what he felt because neither did she.

    Her fingers slid over his jaw, trailing down his neck to where she had seen him swallow earlier.  For a moment, she closed her eyes, imprinting the image of him into her mind to linger there for all eternity. She wanted to remember him, this moment and its perfection until the end of her days.

    A sharp pain shot through her, intense and excruciating. Her eyes shot open, finding him still laying next to her with a strange look on his face. Her fingers began to tremble in his neck as she slowly looked to her side. Hot red blood gushed from a deep, open wound.

    He slammed the dagger into her side again, her body curling into itself on its own accord. The blade sliced through the opening between two ribs, sinking into her chest cavity through layers of muscle, arteries and tendons.

    Thick, salty liquid pooled in her mouth and the smell of metal filled her nose. Blood. Hers.  

    Celene didn’t feel the pain in her chest, in her lungs as it filled with blood, drowning her from within. What she felt was her heart, raw and shattering. Betrayal. Through blurry vision, her eyes found him again. Releasing his hand from the hilt, Constandios left the dagger inside of her as he took her cold, trembling hand in his. His hand warmed hers as she felt the iciness of betrayal run through her veins. Darkness crept along the corners of her vision, but he was there. His brown eyes stared patiently, waiting for her end to come. 

    Tears and blood soaked the bedding beneath her, streaking her silver hair with crimson. She couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t move. Couldn’t scream. The only sound she made would be the gurgling coming from her chest. Celene’s mouth opened and closed on an airless choke as the curves of her cheeks grew ashen.

    ‘Constandios’, was the last word she mouthed with blood-stained lips before her eyes too lost their shimmer. She had loved him. Had given him everything, and he butchered her like an animal. 




    Agentle knock sounded from my bedroom door, ripping me from a dreamless sleep. Drowsy and disoriented, I kept my eyes closed but focused my senses. The wolf inside me stirred and I knew exactly who it was even before she uttered a word. Her scent had drifted in from under the door, carrying traces of her with it. Miriam.

    Rubbing a hand over my sleepy face and stretching my limbs, my eyelids fluttered open. I regretted the action immediately as the too-bright light soaked the room. I shut my eyes quickly.

    Miss Lily, breakfast will be served in thirty minutes, the soothing voice of Miriam, our housekeeper, floated in from the other side of the door.

    Groaning, I tried to rub the sting from my eyes and bit back a wave of irritation. My annoyance wasn’t necessarily aimed at her. Anyone who disrupted my sleep would become the victim of my rage and, unfortunately, Mirriam had the honour of being the lucky winner this morning.

    Thirty minutes, she’d said.

    My eyes flicked open. Wait, what? Glancing at my alarm clock’s tiny screen, it read 6:00. I grit my teeth and flung a string of mental curse words in Axel’s direction. 

    What time is it, Miriam? I called, already aware of the answer.

    7:30 in the morning, Miss.

    Son of a-, I cut myself off, thank you, Miriam! I’ll be right down!

    She lingered at the door. Uh-Miss? I could hear her fidgeting with her clothes. Alpha asked me to remind you of tonight’s formal dinner.

    I scrunched my face, pushing through the haziness. What day was it? Friday? Thursday?  

    The one with Shadow Creek? her voice sounded again.

    Friday, then. Sure, thank you, Miriam. A single butterfly awoke in the pit of my stomach. Oh. Uh, would you mind laying my black off-shoulder dress out for me, please?

    Of course, Miss, she answered, her footsteps finally drifting into the distance.

    Thirty minutes, I groaned, falling back onto the bed and contemplating the many ways in which I would kill Axel, my lovely twin.

    He had messed with my alarm clock yet again, restarting a war he was bound to lose. The two of us shared many similar traits, both in appearance and personality, making him a worthy opponent for a bit of healthy sibling rivalry.  

    In the past, our battles also included Cassius, our older brother. Axel and I would team up against him, spend endless hours contemplating our attack.  But lately, since he started his Alpha training, we hadn’t seen much of him. Not that we blamed him in any way, of course. Being the heir to a pack as large as Hollow Stone came with huge responsibilities. In truth, I pitied him. It was as much a burden as it was a blessing, something Axel would never have to deal with and possibly never understand.     

    Cassius was the first-born son of Alpha Leonidas and Luna Eleanor, our parents, making him the heir and future Alpha of the Hollow Stone Pack. It didn’t matter that myself and Axel were also born from an Alpha bloodline. According to tradition, Cassius would be the next to lead. This didn’t give us the freedom to roam as we pleased, either.  

    Being part of the Alpha’s household made us instant targets; we were expected to partake in extensive combat training from the early age of twelve. Strict training schedules were part of our everyday life. We needed to be ready to defend ourselves and our pack, should anything ever happen to Cas.

    While I was still lying lazily in bed, daydreaming about meeting with our friends from Shadow Creek later that afternoon, Axel barged in.  He flung the door open like he owned the damn place and strode in with a grin that spelt trouble.  His baby-blues sparkled with pure mischief as he eyed me.

    You’re going to be late for breakfast, he chimed, falling down beside me as if the bed belonged to him. The golden fringe-up do he wore bobbed with each step he took and a few longer strands fell free, touching his brows. 

    Nah, I won’t, I snorted. How long could it possibly take to throw on a clean shirt and some shorts? I couldn’t let him win the first little battle of the day, and wouldn't give him that satisfaction even for a second.

    Well, it depends on how many clean shirts and shorts you try on before finding the right one, he teased back, with that infuriating grin still stuck in place.

    I turned on my side to face him and jabbed my index finger hard into his ribs. Aren’t you a smarty pants so early in the morning?

    Boisterous laughter bubbled out of him. At least I’ve picked out a pair of pants, he threw back, trying to shield himself from my onslaught. That's more than you could say. With that, I pressed my palms into his side and shoved him off the bed.  

    The sound of his body hitting the ground and an audible grunt was music to my ears. Peering over the side of the bed, I stuck out my tongue and relished in the glare he sent me.

    Time, however, was of the essence and I scurried off to the ensuite bathroom without a second thought. I couldn’t afford to be late for breakfast again; mom would kill me. Looking myself over in the mirror and splashing some ice-cold water on my face, I cringed at the sight and rubbed at the skin trying to rid myself of the last signs of sleepiness. Although my eyes were the same shade as Axel’s, they appeared darker this morning. Sunken. Tired.  

    You know, mom and dad will be at the provincial meeting all of next week with most of the other Alphas, Axel said casually, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest.

    I knew exactly what he was getting at. A goofy smile stretched across my face, while I tried to pull my fingers through golden tangled strands of hair. I couldn’t help it. It happened whenever I thought of him. Raiden. Axel snickered from behind me.

    You can inform lover boy tonight, he said with a lazy wave as he turned away from me. Like I said, late for breakfast! he called over his shoulder, walking out of the room.

    Shit, I muttered under my breath, snatching a dark blue t-shirt and pair of ripped denim shorts from my closet and practically threw them on. Rushing towards the dining area, I tamed my hair into a bun I hoped wouldn’t be too messy, taking the stairs two steps at a time. Mom was going to kill me, and it was all Axel’s fault.

    As soon as I stepped into the dining hall my eyes fell on our table. My two brothers and mother were already seated and waiting for me. Even from across the room, I could see my mom’s annoyance with my lack of punctuality flare. She kept her composure, however, acting civil in front of pack members who were also waiting on my arrival.

    Shit. Double shit.

    Almost half of the tables in the hall were occupied by wolves. Everybody was staring at me, waiting for me to sit the hell down so that they could start eating. It was customary for the Alpha’s household to receive their food first before anybody else was allowed to start.

    I hurried through the hall, sure my cheeks would have turned red by now, my eyes downcast to avoid making eye contact with anyone. I pursed my lips and swiftly pulled out a chair next to Cassius instead of Axel. Bastard.

    Mom stood up gracefully and said, proceed, with an overly friendly tone. I was completely and utterly screwed.

    As soon as my mother sat down, the clatter of cutlery rattled throughout the hall. Finally, I exhaled the breath I had been holding. Axel’s eyes met mine from across the table and I saw him snickering under his breath. Fire burned in my veins. Whether it was from my mother’s gaze spitting fire in my direction or my anger for Axel, I wasn’t sure. 

    A future Luna never leaves her pack waiting, she said coldly as she adjusted her seat.

    I’m sorry, Mom. It won’t happen again, I said with a clenched jaw.

    She ignored me, looking at Cassius instead. How’s your shoulder this morning, Cassius?

    Much better, thanks, Mom. Nothing a good night’s rest and a warm bath couldn’t fix, he replied, his smile charming as ever. 

    Cassius had dislocated his shoulder the day before during a training session, but thanks to our fast-healing abilities as werewolves, it would now be fully healed and pain-free. Werewolves usually lived in small communities called packs. Every pack had an Alpha, the leader of the group. In our case, my father was the Alpha. To be a strong and worthy Alpha, one must be from an Alpha bloodline. The Alpha bloodline carried the essence of power and authority and could only be passed on at birth, via inheritance.

    All members of the pack are considered part of the family and all decisions are made to benefit the welfare of the pack as a whole. The Luna is the Alpha’s mate, the ‘Queen’ of the pack. Together, they rule, command and maintain order within. 

    As a female from an Alpha bloodline, chances are that I would one day be paired with an Alpha from another pack. This means I would also become a Luna. Of course, my mother constantly tried to educate me in the ways of a proper Luna. A strange thing to force down the throat of a sixteen year old, I know. Part of me wondered daily whether she cared if I was ready to take on the role just yet. Because I sure as hell didn’t feel ready.

    Werewolves were considered mature at the age of eighteen, making them viable to find their fated mates. This meant that I had two years. Two years to fix my act and learn what it meant to be a proper Luna. Would it be enough?



    Dressed in running shoes, a bright pink tank top and black leggings, I fastened my hair at the top of my head for the second time this morning. The messy bun I chose to wear for breakfast had, in fact, been too messy after all. I knew, because my mother kept giving not-so-subtle glances in its direction and at one point, Axel had bunched up his napkin, placing it on top of his head, grinning at me like an idiot. 

    Although both of us turned sixteen two months ago, Axel behaved more like a toddler than a teen. I never understood how he could act however he wanted, while Cas and I were expected to perform. Deliver. Be grounded and moulded into people we barely recognized anymore. But Axel? He did as he pleased. Was it easier for him since he wasn’t expected to lead one day? Or did he simply not care about the consequences of his actions?

    Whatever it was, I was jealous of him. I wanted what he had. A sense of freedom. An identity other than ‘Luna’. I wanted to figure out what I liked. What made me happy. Would I enjoy learning how to paint? Garden? Cook? None of those things mattered because they weren’t expected of a Luna. Instead, I was taught to fight. To think politically. Most importantly, I was taught to keep my mouth shut and act polite in the company of others.

    As I stared at myself in the mirror, the food I ate during breakfast churned in my stomach. Who was this girl staring back at me? Why didn’t I know her anymore?

    Pulling at my haphazard ponytail, a ragged breath left my lips. You only fail when you stop trying. Two deep breaths. You only fail when you stop trying. A motivated, strong inhale. You only fail when you stop trying.

    Okay, I was ready. On the menu for today; agility and endurance training. Not exactly my favourite, but definitely needed in order to become a great warrior, or in my case, Luna. Heading to the training grounds with a new sense of encouragement, I met up with the rest of the warriors who were standing around, waiting for the training to begin. We had about ten minutes to spare and I immediately walked over to my best friend, Sala, where she stood with hands on her hips, talking to Axel, Cassius, and Chase.

    The five of us were close and usually grouped together during training, or any other pack activities. Chase, like Cas, was eighteen and trained alongside him to be the future Beta. As our current Beta's son, he would be taking over from his dad as soon as Cassius stepped into his role as Alpha.

    The Beta wolf was second in command, after the Alpha and Luna. They acted as head of discipline to reinforce the Alpha’s decisions and enforced the rules of the pack. The Betas also stood in as temporary leaders whenever the Alpha was absent or unable to rule. Although they weren't as strong as the Alpha, they were stronger than the average wolf and highly trained - both in combat and politics.

    Will you be attending tonight’s festivities? Chase asked Sala as I joined the group. 

    As soon as I reached her, Sala wrapped one arm around my neck and pulled me into a sideways hug, squashing our cheeks together. She grinned from ear to ear and I found myself returning the smile. The gesture was sweet, but the hold she had on me was pretty uncomfortable.  

    I won’t be able to join you guys for dinner, she answered, her tone mocking, as it’s only for high-ranking pack members, she added, over emphasizing each word. Sala grinned. But I'll definitely be joining the festivities outside the castle.

    Sala was training to become a pack warrior, which meant she wasn’t considered a high-ranking pack member like the rest of our group. We didn't care what her title would be one day; she was our equal in every single way. She was just as much a part of us as any other family member.

    Tonight’s dinner would take place in the castle’s dining hall. It was a formal dinner and only invited guests were allowed inside. Usually, guests consisted of the Alpha and Beta households from attending packs.

    Most Alphas travelled with a small group of warriors when entering the borders of a neighbouring pack. These warriors weren't allowed inside the formal hall and set up their tents outside the keep, making huge bonfires and taking part in their own festivities. Drinking, dancing and catching up with old friends. This was where the real fun was, and the partying normally carried on into the early hours of the morning.

    Alright pups, gather 'round! The voice of Delta Kane boomed across the open field, summoning us. Today we’ll be running along the border of the pack as a warmup.

    Axel and I immediately made eye contact, both of us cocking a brow at the same time. I knew his thoughts were in line with my own. Right now, it was a ‘we're as good as dead’ thought.

    Most of you are training to become warriors or other high-ranking individuals, which means you’ll be taking part in border patrols on a regular basis. Loud groans could be heard throughout the group, but Delta Kane continued without being fazed. Start getting used to it! He eyed us one by one, the border will be your new best friend; get to know your friend intimately! You'll spend most nights on the border, instead of back home with your pretty little mate. 

    Very dramatic, Axel mind-linked, rolling his eyes. I couldn’t help but chuckle under my breath, make love to the border, get married to the border, be one with the border, he continued to mock, his voice deliberately high-pitched.

    Because we were connected to our family members by blood, we could mind-link with one another, a special ability gifted to us by our queen and deity, Celene. In other words, we could communicate with anyone in the family at any time through thought alone. Alphas, because of their high level of power, could communicate with other members of the pack through the link. We called this a pack link. Pack links were established through birth or a small blood ceremony where one’s essence would be linked to the Alpha’s by

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