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Christian Leadership for Today’s World
Christian Leadership for Today’s World
Christian Leadership for Today’s World
Ebook238 pages2 hours

Christian Leadership for Today’s World

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PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 13, 2022
Christian Leadership for Today’s World

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    Book preview

    Christian Leadership for Today’s World - Dr. Jean Marc Désiré

    Copyright © 2022 by Dr. Jean Marc Désiré.

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    Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version.

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    Rev. date: 06/09/2022





    I dedicate this book to my late father Pastor Loulou Désiré who helped me answer God’s call, to my mother Anne Marie Soiyeuse Désiré, who faithfully supported me during my ministry, to my brothers and sisters Emmanuel, Edith, Voegeli, Joël, Louis Desire Jr and Rebecca who all supported me in one way or another in my pastoral career.

    I dedicate this book to my wife Junie and our two adult children Marc Brian and Sarah who are all precious to me and useful to the work of the Lord.

    Dr. Jean Marc Désiré



    The Fall Of Christian Leadership


    Contemporary Leadership Development


    The Meaning of Leadership

    The Models of Leadership

    The Measure of Leadership

    The Methods of Leadership




    Exemplary Leadership


    Model the way

    Inspire a shared vision

    Challenge the process

    Enable others to act

    Encourage the heart




    Leadership In The Local Churhch


    Description of a local church conflict

    Development of a local church conflict

    Prescription for a local church conflict

    Resolution of a local church conflict




    Christian Leadership And Relationship


    Peter’s relationship with the Lord

    Conflicts resolution between Christ and Peter

    Lessons learned from Peter’s relationship with the Lord



    Christian Leadership And Family Failure


    David’s failure to teach his children

    David’s failure to discipline his children



    Christian Leadership And Forgiveness


    Stewing about reasons not to forgive

    Seeking revenge and demanding justice

    Withholding trust and avoiding the whole incident

    Complaining that forgiveness is too much work




    Competent Leadership In Ministry


    Competency in Ministry

    Practical competency in ministry

    Spiritual competency in ministry

    Scholastic competency in ministry




    Christian Leadership And Ministry Issues


    Evil in the world

    Sacredness of human life: Abortion, euthanasia, suicide, racism


    Suicide and Euthanasia


    Divorce and remarriage

    Same-sex marriage




    Christian Leadership And Poverty


    The Call to minister to the poor

    The Cost to minister to the poor


    Sources Cited


    Christian Leadership And Counseling


    Assignment and Nature of Lay Counseling

    Exposition of the Plan

    Execution of the Plan

    Assessment and Structure of Lay Counseling

    Expectation of the Work

    Evaluation of the Work

    Accomplishment and Stature of Lay Counseling

    Explanation of the Results

    Estimation of the Results

    Advancement and Future of Lay Counseling

    Exception and objective

    Evolution And Perspective




    Christian Leadership Coaching

    External Adaptation and internal integration

    Reality and Truth

    The Nature of Time and Space


    Strategic Leader And Follower Development


    The Importance of organizational culture

    The current and preferred organizational culture change

    The Meaning of Changes to the Culture

    The Implication of Organizational Culture Change

    The Illustration of the Desired Culture

    The Strategy toward the desired Culture

    The Implantation of a Leader-follower Culture Change

    The Identification of Immediate Wins

    The Leadership toward Immediate and Long -Term Wins

    The Impact of Organizational Culture Change

    The Identification of Metrics, Measures and Milestones

    The Identification of Strategic Communication




    In 1989, I went back to Haiti after Ministry Training in the USA, I started pastoring a small church of 150 members with preaching assignments including Bible study four times a week.In 1991, the church attendance doubled, and since the sanctuary was small we ended up having two services on Sunday morning and my preaching assignments got heavier .In 1993, I started the very first church plant out of that one church three miles away in a community of five thousand people with no church and found myself under the obligation to train workers since I did not have able men . The Bible Institute for Christian workers was born and I had the responsibility among many other things to teach Old and New Testament Bible Survey and Personal Evangelism to the core group of that new work while doing additional Bible studies for new believers over there as well. In 1996, I received a call to fix a church that was in deep waters of divisions and strife .Many of the brethren had already left and the rest of them that stayed wanted to go for another round of fighting and disputes. When I realized that their main problem was in a lack of Christian education, I started teaching them about what the church is all about. A healthy new Testament doctrinal diet mixed with prayer healed the church that came to be a part of our missionary enterprise after a replant work was done and a sister church was planted one hundred miles away in the north country side, with the help of the brethren from that church that almost perished . More training was needed to have faithful workers to surround me in obedience to the biblical model of leadership and help me carry the load of regular teaching and evangelism.In 1999, with four churches on our account and close to four thousand people to minister to, there was a need to organize our Christian education for the Baptist Association that we have created as an umbrella to those churches. I created at the same time the Haitian Institute of Christian Communication, which served as a writing ministry that prepares bible studies and Sunday school lessons for all the churches in the ministry . I wrote and edited in French an Adult Sunday school book for a whole year,that mostly covered topics and books from the New Testament. I wrote and edited a yearly Bible study Book to be used in all the churches of our Association with the objective of preparing a harvest of able servants.

    In the year 2001, we made the second church plant the main church of the ministry and built a sanctuary for seven hundred and a Christian school for seven hundred . I developed a curriculum based on the New Testament to teach all our students about Jesus Christ.From 2002 to 2007, in an effort to improve our ministry Christian education, I published a six-hour teaching video tape on what the New Testament teaches about Baptism, about the church and church membership . I also created an innovative evangelism activity called Bible School of Salvation built on New Testament Teaching. Unbelievers, sensitive and curious seekers, were invited to study parts of the New Testament with us. In so doing, most of them came to know the Lord through studying the Word. The numeric growth was certain, the attendance in every church doubled through good Christian education. The sanctuary of the main church was rebuilt to sit fifteen hundred people, and with the growth came the need to upgrade our Bible Institute and to start training more leaders for the work of ministry in obedience to the biblical model of leadership.

    From 2008 to today, the ministry Bible School started focusing on training pastors and I became the founder and dean of our Bible School in Haiti, with the responsibility to teach, and improve the curriculum on a regular basis so as to prepare faithful workers to meet the spiritual needs of our community .

    Moses was counseled to teach the statutes of God to the leaders who will teach the people in return; the author of this book has constructed his ministry around teaching and training; the practice of more than 30 years of pastoral ministry,and the faithful involvement on my part in discipling new believers, edifying the saints and training Christian workers have enabled me to implement to a great extent the biblical model of Christian leadership as found in this book .May it be a blessing to everyone.

    Dr Jean Marc Desire



    The 18th century came to be known as the enlightenment period during which was birthed a radical orientation in European politics, philosophy, science and communications. The enlightenment gave birth to liberal modernity with its skeptical rationalism and empiricism, shucking of Christian beliefs and church authority¹.Everything was affected all through this period as new thinkers inaugurate what they called the Age of Reason, which started questioning everything toward the objective of improving humanity. The new mentality that emerged during the enlightenment resulted into new thinkers, new books writing, new scientific discoveries, new laws, and the making of wars and revolutions impacting for better or for worse the biblical view of the sacredness of life in the centuries that followed.

    Numerous anti-religious innovations embarked on questioning God’s intervention in the universe and human affairs during the Enlightenment. Evidently, it marked a laudable expression or a lamentable rejection of Christian thought and values . The reasoning was if the Christian God does not exist, Christian thoughts and values cannot stand; consequently, the universe has no lawgiver entitled to dictate his laws and everyone’s rights, which leaves human free, according to some, to develop their own laws and create their own moral. Men of good influence (like John Locke) came on the scene during the enlightenment period to plead and prove that humans belong absolutely to God their maker, not to their fellow humans, and not even to themselves in any absolute sense and that every human being made in God’s image is equal and have the same rights and special dignity derived from God ². Locke’s contribution and writings on Godly morality and human rights have impacted many generations. But, on the other end,later on, the emergence of Immanuel Kant on the scene refuted the tradition of God in the moral decisions of humanity as Kant himself declared the notion of a Supreme being is in many respects a highly useful idea …incapable of enlarging our cognition with regard to the existence of things. Such dismissing of God by Kant advocated that there cannot be an objective moral order and a Godly foundation of morality; therefore, Kant pleaded for everyone to act as if the maxim of your actions were to become through your will a universal law of nature ³. The centrality of moral autonomy proposed by Kant, rejects any normative role either for religion or for God In morality, while gradually de-Christianizing what was left in Christian tradition and leadership, which set up the stage for Friedrich Nietzsche’s Godless philosophy.

    Many have noted in Nietzsche’s writings an anti-God mentality with a fierce critic of the morality inherited from Judaism and Christianity through centuries of influence in European cultures. For Nietzsche, since we are the products of a Godless universe, human’s religions and moral are just a created redemptive illusion, a prevailing myth, leaving humanity at a dead end since there is no deity who cares about the value of each and every individual human life ⁴. Such Nietzschean philosophy creating a society with no justice, no rights, no equality, no pity, no hope, can explain the cruelty, the Nazi assaults on human life, the wars and bloodshed of the 20th centuries, when injury, violence, and exploitation; appropriation, overpowering, and suppression; and hardness rather than sentimental weakness were the order of the day⁵. In such a Godless, moral disaster and bloody atmosphere, Christian leadership grew dimmed as Nietzsche became the first to make the staggering declaration God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him… What after all are all these churches now if they are not the tombs and sepulchers of God?⁶. Such is the mentality

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