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Three Paths to Autonomy and Self-Actualisation
Three Paths to Autonomy and Self-Actualisation
Three Paths to Autonomy and Self-Actualisation
Ebook172 pages2 hours

Three Paths to Autonomy and Self-Actualisation

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All people have a deep yearning for Self-Actualisation, Autonomy, finding their purpose, and reaching their full potential, albeit usually unconscious. On the conscious level, abundance, happiness, love, success, is strived for, which is fine, but the deeper level of being and connection to spirit is often lost. Many people don't know how to reach Self-Actualisation and Autonomy. They instead may experience  fear of the 'Un-Sung -Song-Syndrome.' Fearing never reaching their full potential. Feelings of anxiety, depression, feeling lost, unhappy and feelings of being an orphan are often present.

The big question is, what stops people from reaching self-actualisation and connecting to their inner spirituality?

PublisherLinda Gregory
Release dateJul 31, 2021

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    Book preview

    Three Paths to Autonomy and Self-Actualisation - Linda Gregory

    Three Paths to Autonomy and Self-Actualisation,

    for Therapists and Clients

    Integration of Transactional Analysis, Spirituality and Quantum Field

    Workbook for connecting to Spirituality


    Working towards Self-Actualisation and Autonomy

    Linda Gregory Ph.D.

    Three Paths to Self-Actualisation and Autonomy, for Therapists and Clients

    Sub-Title  Integration of Transactional Analysis, Spirituality and   Quantum Field.

    Published by Gregory Institute of Transactional Analysis, WA Australia.

    Book available via Gregory Institute and Amazon books.

    e Book from Amazon and Linda’s web pages.

    Subjects. Transactional Analysis, Spirituality, Quantum Field, Self-Actualisation, Transcendence, Self-help, Personal Growth.

    Copyright © 2021 Dr. Linda Gregory

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the Copyright owner.

    Dr. Linda Gregory. E mail

    A catalogue of this book is with the WA Sate Library.

    ISBN 978-0-6451590-0-4

    Create Space  ISBN 9781530604623 

    CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

    Cover design by Joe Whiteside, Snap Mandurah

    Printed by Snap Printing Mandurah, WA, Australia

    Edited by Christina Houen,

    Limits of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty

    The author of this material has used her best efforts in preparing this this workbook. The author makes no warranties with respect to accuracy, applicability, outcomes, or completeness of this program.

    The author disclaims any warranties (expressed or implied) commercial, or ability of the program for any particular purpose.

    The author will in no event be held liable for any loss or damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. The author advises readers should seek the advice and assistance of experienced legal, medically certified, or professional psychotherapist practitioner.

    About the Author

    Dr. Linda Gregory, Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst (TSTA), ITAA and USATAA, Ph. D in Sociology, Murdoch University, Perth WA, Australia.

    Linda has practicing psychotherapy/counselling/coaching/TA training  for over forty years, from her Gregory Institute for Transactional Analysis.

    For the past ten years, Linda has developed on-line TA training from her institute.

    Linda is also a certified Imago therapist, and Heart Math practitioner, and teaching meditation.

    Linda has presented at several conferences nationally and internationally, and for the past two years has been conducting on-line TA training with TA schools in Russia and China.

    Linda’s passion is to integrate spirituality with TA training, teaching the power of working with conscious intentions within the Quantum field of all possibilities. Linda believes personal deep connection to spirit is essential to mental health and well-being. Linda believes this is the next evolution and cutting edge of Transactional Analysis training.

    Teaching TA, re-connection to our Being state, spirituality, mindfulness, living in the Now of life, meditation, integration of all parts of self, correct use of intentions with the Quantum field is Linda’s passionate purpose in life.

    Married for over fifty years, three children, five grandchildren, and one great granddaughter. Linda was born in Indiana USA and came to Australia in 1966. Loves Australia, enjoys reading, writing, fishing, and music, and has been a regular meditator for fifty years.

    Other publications.

    Book - Past, Present, and Future, 2008 

    Book – Preventing Domestic Violence by Promoting Non-violence. 200Article - We Treat Then God Cure Them, 1988, Western Pacific Association for Transactional Analysis.


    Introduction     Page 15

    Chapter 1.Introduction to main topics.  Page 23

    Chapter 2. Evolution of Transactional

    Analysis.    Page 33

    Chapter 3.What brings clients to

    Therapy?    Page 45

    Chapter 4. Process of work for self

    and clients.    Page 49

    Chapter 5. Self-Actualisation.  Page 53

    Chapter 6. Heart Math.   Page 57

    Chapter 7. How Personality types

    Develop.     Page 63

    Chapter 8. Masculine and Feminine

    Values.     Page 73

    Chapter 9. Areas of Life.  Page 79

    Chapter 10. The Big question.   Page 107

    Chapter 11. How is Script Formed? .Page 115

    Chapter 12. Working consciously

    with Quantum Field.   Page 123

    Chapter 13. Writing a New Story.  Page 133

    Chapter 14. Other ceilings that cause Stuckness. Page 139

    Chapter 15. Intuition.    Page 143

    Chapter 16. Taking Action.   Page 151

    Chapter 17. Becoming.    Page 167

    Chapter 18.  Create Your Dreams.  Page 17s

    Chapter 19. Living in the Quantum Field.   Page 177

    Chapter 20. Meditation.    Page 193

    Chapter 21 Spirituality.    Page 203

    Bibliography.     Page 215


    Three Paths to Autonomy and Self-Actualisation, for Therapist and Client.

    Subtitle,  Integration of Transactional Analysis, Spirituality and Quantum Field.

    All people have a deep yearning for Self-Actualisation, Autonomy, finding their purpose, and reaching their full potential, albeit usually unconscious. On the conscious level, abundance, happiness, love, success, is strived for, which is fine, but the deeper level of being and connection to spirit is often lost. Many people don’t know how to reach Self-Actualisation and Autonomy. They instead may experience  fear of the ‘Un-Sung -Song-Syndrome.’ Fearing never reaching their full potential. Feelings of anxiety, depression, feeling lost, unhappy and feelings of being an orphan are often present.

    The big question is, what stops people from reaching self-actualisation and connecting to their inner spirituality?

    This book explores inherited and developed belief systems, and how they have stopped us from reaching our deep I AM (part of the Universe) self, dreams and goals.

    In Transactional Analysis theory, Scripts, negative beliefs about self, others, and life are often stoppers. Stopping us from reaching our full potential, finding our purpose, and/or having a deep connection to our inner spirituality/universe/God/higher-self/holy-spirit/intelligence.

    This book presents a process to achieve the deep yearnings of self-actualisation, autonomy, deep inner connection to spirituality, and how to positively live and work with the Quantum Field with correct use of intentions.

    The intended audience for this book is Transactional Analysts, and all other modalities of therapists/counsellors/coaches, as well as all  general public as a self-help book.

    Spiritual connection is essential for mental health and well-being.

    People want to create abundance and happiness in their lives, but often don’t realize that early negative beliefs, may well be blocking positive intentions. Unconscious negative beliefs carry strong energy vibrations effecting the Quantum Field and may well sabotage our attempts to manifest on a conscious level.

    This book explores how to identify old beliefs that can block efforts to manifest in the Now. It also offers many experiential meditative exercises for Redecisions, to integrate all parts of self, heal and manifest our intentions.

    Self-Actualisation and Transcendence are deep inner needs that all people have, even if the person is unaware of this need. Connection to spirituality, and learning how to work within the Quantum Field, are necessary to self-actualize and to be mentally healthy.

    Quantum physics is currently being talked about in wide circles; and is proposing that our consciousness, our thinking, plays a part in creating our world. Our present

    state of consciousness creates our world, either positively, or negatively.

    This book presents a psychotherapy/counselling/ coaching plan to use with clients to discover inner needs and desires. This program looks at various areas in life to discover longings, and facilitate movement towards self-actualisation.

    Spirituality, I feel, has to a large degree been missing from Transactional Analysis Theory and practice. I believe that what I am presenting here will be the next cutting edge and evolution of the theory and practice of Transactional Analysis, and other therapy/counselling modalities.

    This program is intended to be used in conjunction with all the excellent TA theory and tools, and used when clients are ready and willing to move towards self-actualisation, spirituality and learning how to use the Quantum Field. I also feel for a psychotherapist/counsellor/coach to practice this work with clients, they also have to do, or have done this work themselves.

    We can’t take clients where we have not gone ourselves.

    Deep questions are discussed, and proposed answers are given in this book. What does the universe want from me? What is my path, my purpose? Who am I, and Why am I here? Many of us, I’m sure, have asked those questions.


    We were all born with a capacity for autonomy, which is spontaneity, awareness and intimacy, and a Physis drive for self-actualisation and transcendence. It is my wish for all that you regain these capacities, and my intention in writing this book.

    Eric Berne said many years ago that regaining the autonomy we were born with is the goal of Transactional Analysis treatment with clients. This is fundamental to our spiritual growth.

    In Transactional Analysis (TA) theory, the early developmental stages are firstly, Being, and later, Doing. Our life has a purpose of both being and doing, which are inner and outer, and need to be in balance. Being is our primary purpose, doing is secondary. Our Being purpose is to awaken, to become aware. To live in the state of being, being aware and awake, bringing consciousness to the world, listening to our inner voice, our inner feelings, being aware of what is going on inside. From that state, we will be guided to our outer or doing purpose. However, our culture is out of balance with an emphasis on doing, which is the masculine way of living. Being has been discounted, lost, overlooked, and not valued to a large extent. Being is the feminine way. Masculine vs Feminine ways will be discussed in this book.

    Learning to ‘be’ has been a challenge for me, and I suspect for many of you. I have always been such a doing kind of person. Always doing something, not often sitting still, always thinking ahead, ‘What do I need to be doing next?’ I developed this mode as a survival tactic when I was young. I believed I had to be one step ahead to stay out of trouble and be safe. Sound familiar to anyone? I did acquire many gifts from that experience. I learned to be very organised, and developed a high energy level and clear thinking; but I lost touch with knowing how to just ‘be.’

    Being fully present, in the state of being, allows the energy of pure consciousness, the energy of Source/Universe/Spirit/God, to come forth into our lives and this world more totally. We become a channel for pure consciousness to enter this world. We become connected to the universal energy; but more to the point, the universal energy has access to us, and through us to this world.

    The purpose of reaching our full potential, self-actualisation, and transcendence is to be aware, awake, and present to each moment. The Now of life is allowing pure consciousness to channel through us into our world. Consciousness will guide us, inspire us, lead us to our required service and action, and bring love and compassion to our world, within us, between us, and to all matter. We need to stay aware while in action as well as in stillness.

    Why now?

    Our world is in a crisis at this time of writing — early 2021. None of us really know when or how the pandemic will be over. So many millions of people have been affected the world over. It is my feeling that many changes are required. The topics in this book, Transactional Analysis (TA), Spirituality, and Quantum Field (QF) have been my passion for many years. Meditation, which in my view is part of spirituality, is essential to mental health and well-being. I have been a regular meditator for over forty years. More than 35% of Australians, and possibly higher in other parts of the world, experience chronic distress, and one in four live with high levels of anxiety... Suicide remains the leading cause of death for people aged 15-44. (The West Australian, 13 March 2021.) It is clear that something needs to change.

    I have presented several papers and workshops at international conferences around the world, and I now feel it is the time to integrate these three paths to autonomy and self-actualisation and present my developed process in this book. Being awake to our inner spirituality, knowing that our I Am self is part of the universe, is essential for our mental health, in my opinion. In fact, spiritual awareness is also helpful to physical and emotional health. Regular meditation brings remarkable benefits which can reduce the need for medical treatments in mental health care.

    We can all take part in healing our world by the use of positive intentions and meditation. Several research studies (which you will learn more about in this book) have proven that our minds, our positive thinking and intentions send energy into the quantum field and have an impact.

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