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Ways To Improve Your Erections
Ways To Improve Your Erections
Ways To Improve Your Erections
Ebook119 pages1 hour

Ways To Improve Your Erections

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About this ebook

If there is something vital, absolutely important for all men, it is the quality of our erections, the quality of our sexual relations, our self-esteem depends on it. In this book I am going to talk to you about ways to improve the quality of your erections, the tips and causes of erectile dysfunction, as well as food to increase libido. I will also explain how to increase testosterone naturally and everything related to it.

Release dateJun 11, 2022
Ways To Improve Your Erections

Read more from Ing. Iván Salinas Román

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    Ways To Improve Your Erections - Ing. Iván Salinas Román

    Tips to improve the quality of erections

    For many years, various active principles, drugs, various strategies have been proposed so that all men can be a sultan in bed, that we can have an incredible quality of erections or that we can have multiple orgasms throughout the night. and that our sexual conditions are the best.


    Up to 65% of men throughout their lives will have problems in the quality of erections due to various circumstances, whether due to vascularization problems, diabetes, hormonal, senile problems, etc. and it is therefore vital that you attend to these top tips to increase your erection quality.


    ❖  Improves vascularity

    ❖  Monitor Sex Hormone Levels

    ❖  Correct stress management

    ❖  Correct nutrition

    ❖  Phytotherapeutic active ingredients

    ❖  Vasodilators

    ❖  Control of your emotional area

    Improves vascularity

    Improving the vascularity of your penis is vital to have a better quality of erections, in many cases what is happening is a small arteriosclerosis, a loss of elasticity of the arteries that have to reach the cavernous muscles in such a way that variables such as the excess tobacco, such as possible diabetes both type 1 and type 2, excess sugar, excess triglycerides, cholesterol, clotting and blood density.


    All this is generating a small arteriosclerosis, a loss of elasticity of your arteries and obviously when you are going to have sex there is not the necessary flow of blood and oxygen at the level of the muscles of the penis so that you will not achieve the efficiency of the erection you are looking for.


    For that you can put yourself in the hands of a urologist, you can have an ultrasound and various tests that can verify if there are vascularization problems in that area, before which there are later various treatments.

    Sex hormone levels

    Monitoring the level of your sexual hormones is vital and necessary, due to two variables:

    First of all, thanks to the correct levels and bioavailability of your sex hormones testosterone and estrogen, we will achieve a higher quality of erections.

    What happens when you have little testosterone in your body?


    It happens that the muscles of your body may decrease, it may be that you even go to exercise and do not obtain the benefits in terms of hypertrophy, the muscle power that you are looking for and as soon as you regulate your testosterone levels that are very low at the beginning from doing sports, then your muscles begin to respond.


    Exactly the same is going to happen with the cavernous muscles that we have in the penis, which depends on testosterone. In these cavernous muscles we have receptors and when you have a low amount of testosterone and when you have estrogen elevations it can seriously affect the quality of your erections.


    So the first thing you have to do is do an analysis, a laboratory analysis, where you observe values such as total testosterone, free testosterone, SHBG, which is a parameter that indicates the bioavailability of testosterone.

    You will also observe the estrogen levels and speak with your urologist, with your endocrinologist to observe if you have a negative impact on the quality of your choices as a consequence of having unbalanced levels of sex hormones.


    From there you will have to establish various tools, it may be that

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