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The Love That Prevailed
The Love That Prevailed
The Love That Prevailed
Ebook325 pages5 hours

The Love That Prevailed

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Set in the 18th century, The Love That Prevailed follows a beautiful story with the backdrop of the rise of Methodism. John Wesley, the leader of this movement, forms one of the central characters in the novel. Along with giving a history of the period, this story presents an exciting romance that will keep the readers curious till the end.
Release dateJun 13, 2022
The Love That Prevailed

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    The Love That Prevailed - Frank Frankfort Moore

    Frank Frankfort Moore

    The Love That Prevailed

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    DigiCat, 2022


    Table of Contents




























    Table of Contents



    Table of Contents

    The old church ways be good enough for me," said Miller Pendelly as he placed on the table a capacious jug of cider, laying a friendly left hand on the shoulder of Jake Pullsford, the carrier, as he bent across the side of the settee with the high back.

    I ne'er could see aught that was helpful to the trade of a smith in such biases as the Quakers, to name only one of the new-fangled sects, said Hal Holmes, the blacksmith, shaking his head seriously. So I holds with Miller.

    Ay, that's the way too many of ye esteems a religion—' Will it put another crown in my pocket?' says you. If't puts a crown in your pocket, 'tis a good enough religion; if't puts half-a-crown in your pocket, 'tis less good; if't puts naught in your pocket, that religion is good for naught.

    The speaker was a middle-aged man with a pair of large eyes which seemed to vary curiously in colour, sometimes appearing to be as grey as steel, and again of a curious green that did not suit everybody's taste in eyes. But for that matter, Jake Pullsford, the carrier, found it impossible to meet everybody's taste in several other ways. He had a habit of craning forward his head close to the face of anyone to whom he was speaking, and this movement had something of an accusing air, about it—occasionally a menacing air—which was distinctly distasteful to most people, particularly those who knew that they had good reason to be accused or to be menaced.

    Jake Pullsford goes about the world calling his best friends liars without the intent to hurt their feelings, was the criticism passed upon him by Miller Pendelly. Other critics were not so sure on the subject of his intent. He had never shown himself to be very careful of the feelings of his friends.

    The religion that puts naught in thy pocket is good for naught—that's what you be thinking of, Hal Holmes, he said, thrusting his head close to the face of the smith. But the smith did not mind. The man that spends most of his days hammering out and bending iron to his will, usually thinks good-naturedly of one who uses words and phrases as arguments.

    I don't gainsay thee, Jake, he replied. If you know what's in my thought better than I do myself, you be welcome to the knowledge.

    I meant not thee in special, friend, said Jake. What I say is that there are too many in these days that think of religion only for what it may bring to them in daily life—folk that make a gain of godliness.

    And a right good thing to make a gain of, says I, remarked the miller with a confidential wink into the empty mug which he held—it had been full a moment before.

    Ay, you be honest, miller: you allow that I am right and you have courage enough to praise what the Book condemns, said Jake.

    Look'ee here, friend, said the miller, in his usual loud voice—the years that he had spent in his mill had caused him to acquire a voice whose tone could successfully compete with the creaking and clattering of the machinery. Look'ee here, friend Jake, 'twould be easy enough for you or me that has done moderate well for ourselves in life, to turn up our eyes in holy horror at the bare thought of others being godly for what they may gain in daily life, but for myself, I would not think that I was broaching a false doctrine if I was to say to my son, 'Young man, be godly and thou 'll find it to bring gain to thee.' What, Jake, would 'ee have a man make gain out of ungodliness?

    Ay, that's a poser for him, miller: I've been thinking for that powerful proposal ever since the converse began, said a small man who had sat silently smoking in a high-backed chair. He was one who had the aspect of unobtrusiveness, and a figure that somehow suggested to strangers an apologetic intention without the courage ever to put it in force. His name was Richard Pritchard, and he was by profession a water-finder—a practitioner with the divining rod, but one whose successes were never startling.

    When he had spoken, all the room, to the number of three, turned anxious eyes upon him, as if they were surprised at his having gone so far and feared a painful sequel. He seemed to feel that he had justified their worst forebodings, and hastened to relieve their minds.

    I'm all friendly, friends, and Jake in especial, he said. Don't forget that though a man on the spur of the moment, and in the fierce stress of argyment, may say a bitter hard word or two, there may still be naught in his bosom's heart but neighbourly friendship, meaning no offence to you, Jake, that be a travelled man, viewing strange cities quite carelessly, where plain and simple men would gape and stare.

    Jake, the carrier, gave no sign of having heard the other speak.

    There's a many o' us in these parts as strong as in other parts, that be ready and willing to take things as they come, said he; to take the parson's preaching as they take the doctor's pills.

    Ay, wi' a wry face, acquiesced the blacksmith with a readiness that one could see the carrier thought meant no good.

    He leant across the table once more until his face was close to the smith's, and said:

    That's where you be wrong, Hal Holmes. You know as well as the most knowledgable——

    Meaning yourself, Jake? said the smith drily.

    You know well that though you may make a wry face when gulching down the doctor's pill, ye dursn't so much as show a wrinkle or a crinkle on your face when Parson Rodney is in his pulpit, replied the carrier with emphasis.

    'Cause why? said the miller. I'll tell ye truly—'tis because the parson gives us no bitter pills, only——

    That's what I've been leading up to, cried the carrier triumphantly. The parson, like thousands of the rest of his cloth throughout the length and breadth o' the land, is content to preach pleasant things only, even as the false prophets of Israel prophesied fair things.

    And why shouldn't he be content to preach pleasant things, friend Jake, if so be that we be content to hear them? and for myself I would muchly listen to an hour of pleasant things—ay, rather than half an hour of unhappy ones.

    Ah, miller, what would you say if the doctor, who, when he saw your body suffering from a canker, gave you a sugar-plum and withheld his knife from cutting out the plague spot because you were apt to be squeamish at the sight of bloodletting!

    There was an uneasy pause when the carrier had asked this rehearsed question. He asked it with a triumphant air, and, as if he felt it to be too large a question to be answered by the miller singlehanded, he, as it were, swept the whole company by a glance into his interrogation.

    The water-finder made a motion with his hands as if trying to smooth away an imaginary roughness in the air. There was a general feeling that the carrier had triumphed in his argument. He was one of those people who, by speaking in an air of triumph, succeed in making some people believe that they have triumphed. The farmer shook his head with the disinterestedness of an arbitrator. The smith continued looking into the empty mug from which he had just drunk. The silence lasted several seconds, and every second of course added to the triumph of the carrier. The man was not, however, adroit enough to perceive this. He was indiscreet enough to break the silence. When his eyes had gone round the company they returned to the miller.

    Answer me that question, man! he cried, and then everyone knew that he had not triumphed: the last word had not been said.

    I'll answer you when you tell me if you wouldn't bear friendly feelings for a doctor who gives you a sugar plum instead of blooding you when he finds you reasonable well, said the miller.

    'Tis when a man feels healthiest that he stands most in need of blooding, said Jake, not very readily and not very eagerly. And so it is in the health of the soul. 'Let him that thinketh he stand take heed lest he fall.' Friends, is there one among us that can lay his hand on his heart and say that he believes that our parsons do their duty honestly and scripturally.

    It took you a deal o' time to lead us up to that point: you'd best ha' blurted it out at once, remarked Hal Holmes.

    Nay, we all knew that it was a-coming, said the farmer. Since Jake found himself as far away from home as Bristol city, he has never lost a chance of a dig at the parsons.

    I don't deny that my eyes were opened for the first time at Bristol, said Jake. Bristol was my Damascus, farmer.

    The farmer gave a jerk to his head, for the carrier had laid undue emphasis upon the first syllable of the name.

    So bad as that? he whispered.

    The blacksmith laughed.

    Not so bad, farmer, he said. 'Tis only our neighbour Jake that compares himself with St. Paul, the Apostle.

    I heard the profanity. He would ha' done better to abide at home, said the farmer severely.

    The blacksmith laughed again.

    There fell, as it were, scales from my eyes when I heard preaching for the first time—when I heard a parson for the first time, resumed the carrier, looking out of a window, and apparently unconscious of any of the remarks of his friends. Ay, 'twas for the first time, albeit I had scarce missed church for a whole Sunday since I were a lad. That was what struck me most, neighbours—that I could go Sunday after Sunday, in good black cloth, too, and hear the holy service read, in a sort of way, and the sacred psalms sung, while the fiddle and the double bass and the viol made sweet music, and yet have no real and true yearning after the truth, seems little short of a miracle, doesn't it?

    Not when one knows that your heart was hard, Jake—ay, sir, it must ha' been harder than steel, said the blacksmith, shaking his head in mock gravity.

    You scoff, smith, you scoff, I know; but you speak the truth unwittingly, said the carrier with some sadness. My heart was like the nether millstone—your pardon, miller, I meant not to say a word that would cast a slight upon your calling: 'tis right for your nether millstone to be hard.

    The harder the better, and no offence, neighbour, said the miller generously.

    None was meant, sir, said the carrier. We were discoursing of my heart—hard—hard. And I was a reader o' the Book all my life. That's the strange thing; but I sought not to understand what I read and I got no help from parson—-no, nor yet from Archdeacon Eaton, that I listened to twice—no, nor the Dean himself in his own Cathedral at Exeter. With the new light that came to me, I was able to perceive that their discourse was a vain thing—not helpful to a simple man who thought something of himself, albeit jangling with the other tinkling cymbals every Sunday, kneeling (on the knees of my body) when we called ourselves miserable sinners. Miserable sinners! I tell ye, friends, I gave no thought to the words. I slurred through the General Confession at a hand gallop—just the pace that parson gets into when he warms to his work.

    "There's few left of the cloth and none of the laity can pass parson when he gets warmed to it. To hear him in the Litany is like watching him go 'cross country when he be mounted on King George, his big roan," said the blacksmith reflectively.

    There's none rides straightlier, said the farmer. "And there's no better or steadier flyer than King George, first foal to my mare Majesty. When I heard that parson had need of a flyer that was a flyer, after poor Gossip broke her neck at the Lyn and her master's left arm, I held back, not being wishful to put myself for'ard, though I knew what I knew, and knew that parson knew all I knew and maybe more; but he got wind o' the foal, and then——"

    One at a time, farmer—one at a time is fair play between friends, said the miller, nodding in the direction of Jake, who had suffered the interruption very meekly.

    Your pardon, friend, said the farmer. Only 'twas yourself brought in the parson's pace. For myself, I think all the better of the cloth that rides straight to hounds.

    'Miserable sinners,' said the carrier, picking up the thread which he had perforce dropped. "I tell ye, neighbours, that there's no need for any parson, be he a plain Vicar or of high rank such as a Dean—nay, a consecrated Bishop—no, I'm not going too far, miller—I say in cool blood and in no ways excited, a consecrated Lord Bishop—I say that not one of them need travel in discourse all his pulpit life, beyond that text 'Miserable sinners.' That was his text—the one I heard at Bristol. 'Miserable sinners.' For the first time in my life I knew what the words meant. I felt them—I felt them—words of fire—I tell ye that I felt them burn into me. That was at first—when he began to preach; a red-hot iron brand stinging me all over, and before he had done I felt as if all my poor body had been seared over and over again with red-hot letters that go to the spelling of 'miserable sinners' You mind Joe Warden's trial when we were lads, and how he was branded in the forehead and right hand before he was sent to the pillory. He uttered neither cry nor moan when the hot iron burst his skin——"

    I smell the smell o' 't in my nose this moment, said the water-finder gently. The farmer nodded.

    But the look that was on his face when he stood up there a marked man forever! cried the original speaker. It told everyone that had eyes what the man felt, and that was how I felt, multiplied an hundred fold, when my preacher had done with me. I felt from the first that he had singled out me—only me out of all that assembly, and when he had done with me, I say that I could feel myself feeling as Joe Warden felt, the rebel who suffered for slandering the King's Majesty.

    'Tis no marvel that the man has had most of the church doors banged in's face, if so be that he makes genteel churchgoers with ordinary failings to feel so unwholesome, remarked the smith.

    And so you comed away, said the farmer. Well, I wouldn't look back on it as if I was satisfied. If I want that sort o' preaching I'll e'en throw myself prone on my nine-acre field when the seed's in, and command my man Job to pass the harrow o'er the pelt o' my poor carcase.

    I've only told you of that part of his sermon that made one feel sore and raw with hot wounds all over, said Jake. That was one part. I told you not of the hand that poured soothing oil and precious ointment into the wounds—that came after. And the oil was as holy soothing as what ran down over Aaron's beard even unto the skirts of his garment, and the ointment was as precious as Mary Magdalen's of spikenard—in the alabaster box, whose odour filled the whole house. The whole life of me became sweetened with the blessed words that fell from his lips. I felt no longer the sting of the brand of the truth that had made me to tingle all over. Oh, the dew of Hermon's holy hill was not more soothing than the words of gracious comfort that came from him. I had a sense of being healed and made whole. The joy of it! A cup of cold spring water when one has toiled through a long hot harvest day. Oh, more than that. The falling of a burden from off my shoulders like the great burden of Christian, the Pilgrim; and then the joy—the confidence—the surety—I cannot tell you how I felt—'tis over much for me, neighbours—over much for me to attempt.

    Say no more, Jake; you have made a good enough trial for such as us, said the miller, laying his hand on the carrier's shoulder, and speaking only after a long pause. The others of the party began to breathe again, some of them very audibly.

    The carrier's eyes were shining with an expression his friends had never before seen them wear. He had been swept away by the force and fervour of his words, and like one who has been breathing of a rarer atmosphere than that of the plain, he gasped for several moments, and then there was a sob in his throat. He went quickly to the door and, letting into the room the sudden glow of a beautiful Spring sunset, he passed into the open air, without speaking another word.


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    No one in the room had watched the man except in a furtive way, after he had spoken, although while he was speaking every eye had been fixed upon him. The sight of the effect of a great emotion makes some people feel strangely abashed, and the miller and his friends were among such persons. When the carrier had gone they remained silent for some time. Each of them seemed to be thinking his thoughts.

    Poor Jake! said the miller at last. He was ever the sort of man that would be like to have a twist, and he hath got one now. He's made us forget the cider, lads. Blest if the jug has been touched since Jake began his story! Hal, man, pass the jug to your neighbour.'Tis Jake that should have swallowed a mouthful before he left: talking is drouthier work than listening.

    The smith passed on the jug of cider without replenishing his own mug; and then knocked the ashes out of the bowl of his pipe.

    I don't know that there's a deal in all this, he remarked. What do you say, miller?

    I don't say nought: I only looks on, replied the miller cautiously.

    Ay, that may be, said the smith. We all know Jake. He never wronged his fellow—nay, there's some of us knows that if the worst came to the worst with us, Jake 'ud be the first to hold out a helping hand, with a guinea or two in it, as the case may be. Still there may be something in what he said about being brought to feel himself a miserable sinner.

    He allowed that the preacher on'y kept him in that suspensory way o' thought for a brief space, said the miller.

    Ay, there's men that be mortal sinners, and for all that their luck is tremendous and saves 'em from the eye of their fellow-men, said the smith.

    I feel bound to say this to the credit o' parson, remarked the water-finder with deprecatory suavity: he never makes a simple countryman feel himself to be a miserable sinner. He is of such a good nature that he slurs over the General Confession so genteelly that I defy the wickedest of his churchful to feel in any ways as if parson was dictating the words to him.

    That shows that parson's heart be in the right place, nodded the farmer. He gives us all to understand at a glance that he reads the words 'cause they are set down for him in the solemn prayer book, and hopes that there's none among his hearers who will hold him responsible as a man for their ungentility.

    True, sir, true; parson's an am'able gentleman, always 'cepting when the cock he has hatched from the noblest game strain fails him in the first main, said the blacksmith.

    And who is he that would be different, tell me that? cried the miller, who had fought a few cocks in the course of his life. Ay, we be well content wi' parson, we be so; but I don't say that if Jake's Bristol preacher came within earshot I would refuse to listen to him—only out o' curiosity—only out o' curiosity. But I do wonder much that a man o' the steadiness o' Jake Pullsford owning himself overcome by a parson that has no church of his own.

    'Tis as humble as allowing a toothache to be cured by a quack at a fair, when a wholesome Doctor of Physic, like Mr. Corballis, has wrestled, with it for a whole week, said the water-finder.

    I hope I haven't offended any friend by my homeliness when the talk was serious, he added, glancing around, not without apprehension.

    No one took the trouble to say a word that might place him at his ease. The farmer took a hasty drink out of his mug, and sighed after. The blacksmith cut up some tobacco and rolled it between his palms. There was a long silence in the room. It seemed as if the weakness which Jake, the carrier, had displayed had saddened the little company. It was pretty clear that they were all thinking of it.

    Hey, neighbours, cried the miller at last, with a loud attempt to pull his friends together. Hey lads, what's amiss? These be doleful dumps that have fallen on us. A plague on Jake and his quack preacher! Now, if I'm not better satisfied than ever with parson may I fail to know firsts from seconds by a sniff of the dust. Come, farmer, tell Hal what answer you gave to Squire's young lady when she asked you if you made the cows drink wine wouldn't they milk syllabub? He told me before you looked in, Hal! Droll, it was surely. You'd never think that the farmer had it in him.

    Nay, nay, said the farmer with a smile that broke up his face into the semblance of a coloured diagram of the canals in Mars. Nay, miller, 'twas on the spur o' the moment. I had no time to think o' some ready reply that a young miss might think suitable to her station in life coming from a humble yeoman that has no learning but of tillage.

    I'll swear you'll esteem it neat as a sheep's tongue, said the miller. Come, farmer, out with it, and don't force me to spoil it i' the telling.

    Oh, well—— began the farmer, pursing out his lips and assuming the expression of one who is forced into a position of enviable prominence.

    Oh, well, 'twas o' Tuesday last—or was it Monday, miller?

    You told me Monday, replied the miller.

    Did I? Well, if I said Monday I sticks to it whatever may hap; for as ye know me, friends, I don't go back on my word, even though I be wrong, that being my way, so to speak, that came natural to me ever since poor father said to me——

    But the revelation as to the terms of his father's discourse which had produced so lasting an impression upon him, was not to be made at that time; for before the slow farmer had spoken, the porch door was opened, and there appeared against the background of the spring green side of the little valley slope, the figure of a young girl, rather tall, wearing a cloak by the lined hood of which her pretty face was framed.

    Hey, cried the miller, this be an improvement. After all we won't need your story, farmer.

    Your servant, Master Miller—gentlemen, I am your most obedient to command now as ever, said the girl, dropping a curtsey first to the miller, then to his guests. Oh, Master Hal, black but comely as usual, and rather more idle than usual. And Farmer Pendelly, too—fresh as a new-washed cherub on a tombstone. Master Pritchard, with his magic wand up his sleeve, I doubt not. I didn't know that you was entertaining a party, miller, or I—I——

    Don't tell us that you would ha' tarried, Nelly; that would be to pay a bad compliment to my company as well as to me, said the miller.

    I was about to say that I would have hurried, not tarried. Maybe I'll not tarry even now, in spite of the attractions you hold out, sir.

    While she spoke the girl conveyed the impression of making another general curtsey to the company, though she had merely glanced around at them with an inclusive smile. She made a pretty pretence of drawing her cloak around her—she had thrown back the hood immediately after entering the room—and made a movement towards the door.

    Don't you dare to think of fleeing, hussy, said the miller. If you was to flee just now, there's not one of us here that wouldn't hale thee back by the hair o' the head—and a nobler tow line couldn't be found.

    He had put his arms about her and patted her hair, which was the lightest chestnut in colour, and shining like very fine unspun silk.

    Hey, Nelly, where did ye pick up that head of hair, anyway? All your household be black as night, he continued.

    Where's the puzzle, sir? said she, without a suggestion of sauciness. I favour the night, too, only a moonlight night. My hair is the flash o' moonlight.

    The lass never was slack in speaking up for herself, said the blacksmith.

    True, friend Hal; but haven't I ever been moderate? Have I ever gone even half-way to describe my own charms? said the girl with a mock seriousness that set everyone laughing—they roared when she looked at them more seriously still, as if reproving their levity.

    I'll not stay here to be flouted, she cried with a pout, giving the miller a pat on the cheek. "Ah, here comes Sue to protect me. Dear Sue, you come in good time. Tell these gentlemen that I haven't a red hair in

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