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Leadership Spirit
Leadership Spirit
Leadership Spirit
Ebook102 pages1 hour

Leadership Spirit

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A succinctly simple, yet rich and engaging, exposition of the the three keys of character and experience that comprise successful secular and spiritual leadership.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 14, 2022
Leadership Spirit

Dr. Cynthia King Bolden

Apostle Dr. Cynthia, King Bolden is a dedicated advocate in law and in the body of Christ. Born premature in 1955 and immediately declared as good as dead, she immersed herself in her Beloved Abba, Adonai Jehovah, as early as 18 months graced with Prophetic dreams and visions. She grew up in a male dominated family and has been eminently successful in two male dominated professions, law and ministry which she attributes to the early masculine indoctrination. She is accustomed to the Pauline brand adversity that accompanies effectual and fervent open doors. Fast forward 68 years, she is an accomplished scribe of 21 books in the past decade plus one bestseller in Christian Counseling, Social Issues and Religion. Her passion is public speaking, writing, and battling community and domestic violence, while mediating and drafting initiatives against pervasive societal ills. She just received the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award , medal and pin from the Honorable President Joseph Biden. She is a celebrated semi-retired government and private sector attorney. The courtroom and pulpit are both arenas to propound righteousness and deliverance. Her lifelong pursuits are child advocate and youth mentor, champion of the homeless, addicted, disenfranchised and disadvantaged. She just returned from 14 days preaching, affirming apostles, dedicating churches, cottage industries in grain, animal nurturing, soaps, oil, tailoring and jewelry for sustenance and independence, encouraging orphans, and those who are bound in Bo, Kenema and other outlying villages. Graduating from Georgetown Schools of Foreign Service,1978 and Law, 1981, Dr. is licensed in Ohio, California and Pennsylvania. She has founded 3 churches and presently serves as Presiding Bishop of Greater Love/New Mercy Seat Ministries. She is currently pursuing a second doctorate in theology through International Miracle Institute. In the public sector, she worked for the US Dept of Justice Commercial Litigation Division, Small Business Administration and General Counsels Office of TVA. She has also worked for Jones. Day, Brown & Bain, Erie County as Child Counsel and San Diego County, where she was awarded ATTORNEY OF THE YEAR in 1999. She is a member of Phi Alpha Theta, Alpha Sigma Nu , and Pi Sigma Alpha. When not in Africa, India, Bangladesh, or the Philippines, at home she enjoys gardening, relaxing with her 14 AKC German shepherds and her horse.

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    Leadership Spirit - Dr. Cynthia King Bolden

    Copyright © 2022 by Dr. Cynthia King Bolden.

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    Rev. date: 06/14/2022






    Foreword by Bishop Stanley K. Smith

    Foreword by Cheryl Renee Cooper, MBA



    Summary of the Legal Side Scenario

    ‘Secular’ Pronouncement’ Synopsis

    The Spiritual Side

    Chapter 1     Learning & Loving It

    Chapter 2     Empathy & Energy

    Chapter 3     Availability/Accountability/Action; Accomodation; Addressing Adversity

    Chapter 4     (Inter) Dependence, Dedication, Determination & Discernment

    Chapter 5     Education & Experience

    Chapter 6     Responsibility, Respect, Resilience

    Chapter 7     Sacrificial Suffering

    Chapter 8     Humility & Honesty

    Chapter 9     Intentional I-Less Integrity

    Chapter 10   Passion, Perseverance and Perfection


    Other Books by Author

    It was reputedly stated that the late Steve Jobs posited that innovation is what distinguishes a leader from a follower.


    To all who have painstakingly endeavored to instill purpose and direction in my life and dual(ing) careers. I truly thank God for Rev. Papa Jon S. Goshay, a Pastor, a head above millions, who trained five women (Zelophehad’s daughters) for ministry in the midst of taunts, jeers and snickers. He and his late wife Rafalda, children and St. James AMEC church family in Erie permanently immersed us in unconditional love.

    Thank you Adonai Jehovah for all of the churches I have been blessed to assist, lead, found or otherwise feed.

    To all of my brothers, classmates, nieces, nephews for being such tolerant first model experiments.



    We live in an age where true leadership is at a premium. It seems many use their honored platforms to promote, market, and pitch themselves as opposed to offering themselves to those they lead. Creating a brand has become more integral than building up man. I believe this has occurred because being a leader has become severely misunderstood. In my estimation, the greatest leader in all of history was the God-Man Jesus Christ. His form of leadership was to lead by serving or by becoming a servant leader. This style of leadership doesn’t seek a platform, is not looking to become popular, and is uninterested in gain at the expense of others. It looks for ways to serve, be a blessing, and walk-in quiet integrity and strength even to its own demise.

    When Apostle Cynthia King Bolden shared that she had a new offering entitled Leadership Spirit, Motivating Followship my spirit jumped. She is an accomplished leader with years of dedicated experience. We need people like Apostle to share with us keys to embracing the true spirit of leadership which in turn will motivate genuine heartfelt fellowship and produce much-needed unity.

    I encourage you to read, contemplate and digest this new work. I am sure it will help you in your quest to grow, hone and develop your leadership skill. Over the years I have found that the best leaders are actually the best servant followers. I pray that this new book helps you to develop into both.



    I met Dr. Cynthia King Bolden over 40 years ago when we were both undergraduates at Georgetown University. I was a student in the McDonough School of Business and Dr. Bolden was a student in the Walsh School of Foreign Service and later a graduate of Georgetown’s Law School. We both have had successful careers over the years and while I pursued a leadership path mostly in the not-for-profit world, she went on to become a corporate lawyer, public defender and ultimately became an ordained Bishop. Our friendship has grown over the years and I am delighted to introduce you to this book.

    Leadership Spirit contains a wealth of information relevant to any leader. Dr. Bolden has had significant accomplishments in her career, both as a lawyer and a member of the clergy. In this book, she provides secular and Biblical lessons important to being successful, both as a leader and also, in my opinion, as a human being. She deftly merges secular teachings on leadership with spiritual ones from the Bible and shares her personal experiences in both worlds.

    As a leader, she aptly notes that you are a role model and will face many challenges. To help, Dr. Bolden shares the 12 traits of effective leaders and asks the reader, What legacy or sign will there be that you were ever here in the first place? Along the way, she provides examples of good and not so good leaders, while providing the reader with the tools necessary to be one of the good ones.

    While there are many books about leadership, Leadership Spirit is one that extracts the essentials from corporate teachings and the Bible. Dr. Bolden’s passion and authenticity are evident in this book and as an experienced leader myself, I learned a few things. I am sure you will too.

    Cheryl R. Cooper

    Former Executive Director, National Council of Negro Women

    Washington, DC


    One of the major instruments amongst others of a good leader, successful leader and successful leadership is hearing or listening to and respecting or rather obeying the owner, the Master of the Work, God Almighty in major and minor decisions concerning the work or ministry. This I found in the leadership of Mama Apostle Cynthia. I also see compassion in her leadership. And Jesus had compassion on them.

    Another attribute is boldness or courage, the ability to tell the truth no matter who or what is involved. God demanded Joshua to have courage.

    Apostle Edibo John

    All Souls Mission

    Niamey, Niger Republic

    On behalf of Bethel AMEC San Diego’s former

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