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Poems Rising to the Occasion: Volume 7
Poems Rising to the Occasion: Volume 7
Poems Rising to the Occasion: Volume 7
Ebook165 pages1 hour

Poems Rising to the Occasion: Volume 7

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The thread that runs through these poems is a prophetic function of rising to the occasion in bubbling up truth hidden below the surface and at times questioning the status quo. Poetry that can do this serves an important role in facing evil intent and putting us on higher ground to do what is right and courageous and honest. I think poetry should be slightly dissident and have language to move us. Here is a springtime occasion to think and feel these provocative poems.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 16, 2022
Poems Rising to the Occasion: Volume 7

Ronald L. Faust

Ron is a poet and peace activist, who wrote the fiction GAPS and Prophetic Poetry: Holy Agitation for Peace, Justice, and Passion. He received his Doctorate from DREW University in Madison NJ and his ministry and counseling degrees from Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis and Northwest Christian University in Eugene Oregon. He enjoys supporting peace and justice issues, water gardening and sailing Sabbatical II. Toni received her Masters in Early Childhood from the University of Illinois and teaching degree from Eureka College. Recognized by her Excellence in Education Award, she taught children at all levels and trained as a Montessori teacher. Her secrets for raising children unfold inside these pages and her grandparenting insights can nurture and transform the social landscape.

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    Poems Rising to the Occasion - Ronald L. Faust

    Copyright © 2022 by Ronald L Faust.

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    Rev. date: 06/13/2022





    Introduction to Vol. 7

    Meditating into Night

    Campaign for Nuclear Freedom

    Black History Month

    Two thoughts for this day

    Imagine Bomb Prevention

    Meanwhile, Reminders

    Aftermath of Impeachment

    Marvelous Mars


    Peace on the Far Trail

    March Forth

    Coming out of the Pandemic

    Royalty Exposed


    The Thread Between Us



    Spring Has Sprung


    Time Out

    Shoot Outs

    Presidential Comparisons

    Ode to Jonne


    Ode to Ramsey


    Music of Sadness


    Spring Snow

    To Be Peace

    Racial Justice

    The GOP Way

    The Demo Alternative

    A Prayer for Healthy Thinking


    Genocide Patterns


    Their Identity Crisis


    Et Tu Brute

    Scars of Auschwitz

    Four Forty Four

    Second To None

    Why Racism?

    Do Nothing Birthday

    Vacation At Last

    Not Everyone

    The Wonder of a Poem


    Double Trouble

    Happy Talk

    The Grind

    Ignorance and Violence


    War and Peace

    Twenty Years Grieving

    Pebbles In the Pool

    Learning Peace

    Peace Walk



    Planting a Tree

    So Much


    Dangerous Blahs


    A Ride Into Outer Space

    Drawn Out Coup

    The Gaps in Passwords

    Poetic Justice

    Canoe Ride

    A Sip on Life

    Build a Big Deal


    Chinese Checkers

    Mistaken Priorities

    Racial Redemption


    Two or Three


    Winds of Change


    Cosmic Love






    Coo Coup


    No Sneezing

    Death Wish

    Two Birds

    Olympic Snowflakes

    The Silence of Truth

    Peace Questions

    Gun Eruptions

    Different Vibes

    Peace Pleas

    Nuclear Elephant

    The Lull of Spring

    Journey to New Life


    Walk Away

    The Dive

    Love You


    In You

    A Radical Jesus of Justice and Peace

    Rainy Daffodils

    The Great Divide


    On Earth Day

    Let Me Live

    Disarm Drones of Death

    Abortion’s Mess

    Arrested Development

    Final Destination

    May Day Massacre

    Time to Change


    Books by the Author

    Introduction to Vol. 7

    I guess what bothers me most is the news of mass extermination around a Covid world. I noted this angst in an autobiography A Room Full of Shadows in which I followed an ant around my study. I started to form thoughts about a search for values in a raucous novel GAPS under the pen name Mac Keyes in which I wrestled with scriptural background to discover core values in a drama of romance, religion and death.

    The first three volumes of Prophetic Poetry identified six significant values: Peace, Justice, and Ecology in Volume Two and Openness, Authenticity, and Love in Volume Three. The collection of stories can be seen as reflecting these six themes, developed by the prophets, such as Jeremiah, Isaiah, Jesus, Martin Luther King, Jr. and today’s poets. Primarily, it was focusing on the theme of Peace as a way to refer and talk about God. Then came Volume Four Poems For Lonely Prophets, demonstrating the difficult task that unpopular prophets endure discerning the destructiveness of some mainstream thinking. I documented the tenure of the 145th President of Chaos in the poetry UNPRECEDENTED. This was extended in Volume Six Percolating Poetry, admitting there are greater poets out there but this is what bubbles up in my free verse. Now I humbly offer Volume Seven Poems Rising to the Occasion in a sweep into the tumultuous Covid period of unraveling the coup of January 6, 2021 to the Senate Hearings on June 9, 2022.

    The thread that runs through these poems is a prophetic function of rising to the occasion in bubbling up truth hidden below the surface and at times questioning the status quo. Poetry that can do this serves an important role in facing evil intent and putting us on higher ground to do what is right and courageous and honest. I think poetry should be slightly dissident and have language to move us. Here is a springtime occasion to think and feel these provocative poems.

    Meditating into Night

    I step into death

    Death steps into me

    After reading Night

    by Elie Wiesel

    The silence is deafening

    With no echoes for answers

    On how cruel humans can be

    It snows on and on

    On the first of the New Year

    And I drink a cup of coffee

    Not knowing what line

    I will cross over next

    Starting out, I believe

    It will become better

    Until I can do no other

    I breathe in deeply and softly

    And breathe out several times

    Letting go of the night

    Focusing my attention

    On the present moment

    That life is real and energizing

    I follow this feeling

    On a new day a new year.

    1/1/21 (On occasion of starting a New Year

    in letting go the trauma of death and a difficult year)

    Campaign for Nuclear Freedom

    We’ve heard the clarion calls before

    Lest we forget

    Martin Luther King Jr. gave his speech

    Beyond Vietnam a year before

    Going to the Biblical Mountain top

    On April 4, 1968

        Shots heard around the world

        Assassinating our prophets

        To make them silent for that

        Which makes us uncomfortable

    Reminding us

    That hate will consume us through violence

    But it’s not even that, violence vs nonviolence

    It has to do with our extinction as a human race

    Black Lives Matter filled our streets with protests

    That overzealous

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