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Thoughts of Serenity: Words of affirmation, healing, and encouragement to a happier today
Thoughts of Serenity: Words of affirmation, healing, and encouragement to a happier today
Thoughts of Serenity: Words of affirmation, healing, and encouragement to a happier today
Ebook374 pages1 hour

Thoughts of Serenity: Words of affirmation, healing, and encouragement to a happier today

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About this ebook

Thoughts of Serenity is a collection of words of affirmation, healing, and encouragement to move you closer to a happier today. Learn to heal and discover more of yourself as each day of the year passes with these daily devotions. If you're looking for hope to receive, here it is. The goal is for you to find more self-love in everythi

Release dateJun 21, 2022
Thoughts of Serenity: Words of affirmation, healing, and encouragement to a happier today

Jillisa Lynn

Jillisa Lynn is a multitalented artist and entrepreneur. Originally from Rochester, New York, and has made her way around the map by making waves in Hollywood. She is an award-winning actress, and international cover model who has been featured in numerous magazines and news articles.She is a singer and songwriter who has been in the entertainment industry for fifteen years. She finds great purpose in life, helping and healing others through her art and inspirational words.In her daily devotional book debut, she shares with you her encouragement with great passion, love, light, and faith. Lynn has evolved from overcoming her own traumas, anxiety, and depression that has spanned generations, all to bring you Thoughts of Serenity.

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    Thoughts of Serenity - Jillisa Lynn

    January 1

    Start each day with a smile of gratitude. This is the first day of your new beginning. It's ok if others look past you and don’t give the same energy you give them. We tend to see and judge others for what we lack or project from ourselves. It's all perception because we are all a reflection of one another. When you look for the good in others then the good shines through you even more. Today, let your goodness shine on others so they can reflect back on you. Be kind and never throw shade when you have the power to shine light.

    January 2

    Balance is not something that we find by looking and filling voids, it's something we create, by working and planning. Your time management will help this; writing things down will help this. Creating a plan of action, then taking that action will create your balance. Check in with yourself and the goals you set early this year. It's hard to receive what you don’t work for. One thing that has always assisted me with my growth is structure. Create that for yourself.

    January 3

    Rise and shine my love, get the new year started. Guard your heart today, you only have one to love with. Protect your body, it's your only place to live authenticity. Cherish your dreams because only you can make them happen. Be mindful of your actions, you can’t always get another chance. Think less drama, think more abundance. Thoughts of serenity—everything will be ok.

    January 4

    Be fierce and strong today. Life isn’t always simple. It can be so crazy you will barely sleep some nights. You may have something you want to say, but you don’t always need to. We all have flaws and that's OK. Here's what will set you apart, when you’re down, get right back up. You’re an incredible being in your own way. You’re unstoppable. Smile for me.

    January 5

    What's destined to be will always find a way to your grace. Sit back, trust God, the universe, and enjoy the journey. The destination will be everything you hoped for. Keep your mind at ease. Open your heart to new ways of being and thinking, have patience.

    January 6

    You’re been given a special chance in this life, don’t ever waste it. We all fight our own internal battles. Although someone can appear happy on the outside, able to make people smile and give joy, you may find out that on the inside they need more joy, love, and laughs themselves. I believe laugher can sometimes come from pain. Life is priceless, cherish the people who light up your everyday. Try to cast your shadows away today. I understand people won’t see your clouds sometimes, but it may still be rainy for you. I’ll stand with an umbrella next to you in spirit; let's get through this storm together.

    January 7

    A smile and self-love can be your best medicine. Silence and success in your own right can be your best revenge. You don’t have to be spiteful. Faith is being able to have the soul and mental power to look past what is happening around you. Focus on good thoughts and how to get through the things you’re facing. Create the energy around you that you hope for in return. God is working within you.

    January 8

    The power you exude to stand alone can be destroyed by the need to lean on others all the time. Co-dependency only hinders your growth. If you must lean, lean on yourself and find balance. This way you will become strong enough to be your best. Your brave heart of a lion is something people will be inspired by. If you can’t stand anymore and need a break, kneel and pray for as long as you need. 

    January 9

    If your eyes feel pain, just close them. If your body aches, learn to rest it. If your heart feels broken, you have all the tools to mend it. When your soul feels lost, be assured that you will be the one to find it. All the power is within you. You can’t see the beauty in yourself until you learn to take better care of yourself. Start today. Take care, my love. Thoughts of serenity.

    January 10

    You can rush the process and finish quickly, or you could take your time. It's not a race either way. Remember your purpose during any confusion. Your goal is already a thought to be accomplished. Nurture the process and you will have a greater outcome. Take your time, be gentle on your journey. Most importantly be patient with yourself.

    January 11

    On those dark days you feel dim, know that someone will soon come along and ignite your flame again. You have to keep trying through. Make your dreams big enough to capture your own heart and deep enough to satisfy your spirit. Then you can really be thankful when someone sparks your desire even more. You are the one who is the prize. You shine all on your own.

    January 12

    When your heart has purity, then your mind can find beauty in everything. It's my nature to be kind, gentle, loving, and encouraging because that's the only energy I wish to receive. Try your best to be receptive of these traits, you should always want to see the good around you. Starting with yourself. You’re too darn good to be seen otherwise.

    January 13

    Embrace yourself. Don’t compare or compete with others, today or ever. What makes you different, makes you even more unique. Don’t let someone's labels or standards define you. You’re beautiful in your own way and the world needs you. I need you here with me reading and being encouraged. I embrace you and your time, everyone around you should too.

    January 14

    Cherish the power and uniqueness you were born with. I don’t mean a physical thing, it comes from the inside. Release any grudges, anger, or pain you may feel. It's not your baggage to carry anymore. Forgive those who did you wrong. It's all a negative binding to your soul, that you have the power to break and heal from. Cherish your strength to do so. Lead your life in a loving way, it's so short after all, why be resentful?

    January 15

    If you don’t believe there is goodness still in this world, how will you ever find it? Adjust the way you look at your life today. The secret is; paying attention to your thoughts and what energy you are putting into the world, about yourself and others. The good ones will come back I promise. Lend a hand when you can. You’re so helpful when you want to be.

    January 16

    Let your guard down today. When you build up barricades to keep all the evil out you are actually stopping the good from coming in and blessing you also. Feel yourself get strong as you make room for those blessings to heal your pain. May your life be filled with love, prosperity, and everything your heart truly desires. Amen.

    January 17

    I want you to find a reason to smile today. The obstacles you are going through aren’t permanent. Stay focused, healthy, and smiling. Blessings come with gratitude and patience. This I believe and you can too. You should be your favorite person and encourage yourself to persevere. I’m just here to assist you on the way. Let's go together, smiling of course.

    January 18

    Something I had to learn was I don’t always have to talk, prove my point, or steal the show. Some are known as courageous because they can stand up and talk, they run the show, but it takes real power and attention to be silent and listen. Today, just try listen. Let others take the stage sometimes. You care, so you share the spotlight beautifully.

    January 19

    Be twice the person you needed. Pick up the pieces you thought you lost and put them back together. Become obsessed with taking better care of yourself and creating routines. It takes discipline to embrace change. You’re twice the person you needed because you’re willing to try. Thank you for being one of those people whose pieces are fixable.

    P.s Today is the most important day for me of the year, my mommie's birthday! I pray God blesses her wishes to come true. I pray for your good health, healing, strength and endless love. Momma, you made this journey worth fighting for and this book even possible. Thank for gifting me life and being the most precious; and rewarding gift that life could ever give back. Happy Birthday my Queen may the sun forever shine because of you. I love you more than words can be

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