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Gone Astray: Redemption
Gone Astray: Redemption
Gone Astray: Redemption
Ebook65 pages49 minutes

Gone Astray: Redemption

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Strayer races a storm to the high gathering grounds to seek out rare plants for medicinal tinctures. Along the way, a silver thread drops from sky to ground. Could it be an ancient technology come to life? And if so, why? Who would even know how to activate such a thing? Strayer and horse companions Juri & Anise go to find out. What strange sorcery will they meet along the way?

Release dateJun 23, 2022
Gone Astray: Redemption

Rei Rosenquist

Rei Rosenquist first remembers life as seen out the high window of a hotel balcony. Down below is a courtyard, swarms of brightly dressed tourists, the beach. The memory is nothing but a blue-green washed image. Warmth and sunlight. Here, they are three years old, and this is the beginning of a nomadic story-teller’s life. Over the years, they have traveled to many countries, engaged many peoples, picked up new habits, and learned new languages. But, some things never change. For them, these are stories, food service, and traveling. These three passions have bloomed from hobbies, studies, and jobs into a way of life. These days, Rei can be found in between Tokyo, Kailua, and Bellingham, Washington pouring beautiful latte art, baking off a batch of famous savory scones, and cozying up with a laptop to obsessively write mountains of dark speculative fiction. You can find Rei’s stories and blog at You can also reach them via email at or connect via Facebook (Rei Rosenquist), Twitter (rylrosenquist) and Instagram (rylrosenquist).

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    Gone Astray - Rei Rosenquist

    Gone Astray




    Weathered Ocean Feathered Sky Press

    Copyright © 2022 by Rei Rosenquist

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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    About the Author

    Also by Rei Rosenquist


    In the frame of a small fabric-covered window, a weather charm hangs. The flat ceramic disc glows faint gold around the edges. Strayer studies the color of the light coming from inside the charm, soft orange and deep lavender.

    Strayer reaches up a long-fingered, dark brown hand. Tough, well-worn hands scarred with nicks from many a thorn. Their calloused thumb rubs across the coloration on the weather charm.

    A storm is coming. But for now—they glance through the small wood-framed window—the weather is fair and clear.

    Good conditions for herb gathering.

    Strayer heads across the small cabin to a large purple ceramic bowl: a wash basin. They pour water from a glass pitcher and quickly wash their weathered, earth colored face. Fingers work long wayward strands of wavy rose-gold hair into a thick plait. They tie a simple woven grass chord around their narrow tower of a neck.

    Strayer smiles. This necklace reminds them of friends far away from the coastal plains, up north in the cities. Wearing this small charm, they are never alone.

    Outside, a breeze picks up, warning of the coming storm.

    Time to go, Strayer says aloud to no one.

    The high yaro and mountain thistle groves sit up along the edge of the tree line. To get to them, Strayer must spend the majority of the day on horseback. But, Strayer should easily be home just around blue star-down. In the cabin by dark, preparing dinner with an ample supply of fresh new herbs.

    They pack a simple travel basket and choose a few light weight stone charms from the pile collected near the door. Light-weight magic, these. Passive hiding, protection from eyes, safe passage through rough land. There are others, heavier and more aggressive, life saving and life giving charms, but Strayer plans to keep well clear of the corporate sector and such deep magic shouldn’t be necessary.

    They store a woven basket into a well-worn saddlebag, shake out a rough knit riding blanket, and pull a tan fleece vest around their shoulders. The fabric still smells of the northern edge of City Y where Nori tanned the leather xiself. Dark, smokey smells that warm Strayer’s insides. Makes them think of roast stew and sweet but sour sorrel whip tea. Friendship and whispered secrets.

    Strayer never asks about the secrets. It’s none of their business.

    Gathering is Strayer’s business. Making tinctures and medicines for people with secrets to keep.

    They head out into the grassy field in front of their small rustic home and stand among the tall grasses in a light sea-scented breeze. A hand shields their gold-brown eyes from the early orange rays of sunlight. The air smells of ocean weeds, salt, and bitter coastal shrubs.

    Strayer breathes it in a moment, then whistles expertly between two fingers and waits.

    Hooves pound the ground at a distance, moving fast toward the field. Strayer smiles. The horse Anise appears first, tall and long legged with a long starry white mane. Just behind appears the dark patchwork black and brown Juri. Anise approaches eagerly, nosing a gentle hello into Strayer’s chest while Juri stamps and champs, making the usual ruckus.

    Strayer reaches two hands out and presents a pale pink rose apple to each horse.

    Their noses flare with excitement at the gift.

    Anise and I have a job today, Strayer says as the horses chew.

    Riding goes easy with Anise, a willing bearer of burdens. Juri is another story. Never one to

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