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A Secret He Can't Keep: A Brookview Novel, #2
A Secret He Can't Keep: A Brookview Novel, #2
A Secret He Can't Keep: A Brookview Novel, #2
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A Secret He Can't Keep: A Brookview Novel, #2

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Some memories can't be left behind…

After a tumultuous childhood, Emily Smith likes predictability. So when her seemingly predictable boyfriend dumps her for another woman, she's shocked to say the least. What's worse? She's due to see her ex—and her replacement—at an upcoming wedding and she doesn't have a date.

To escape his past, Brandon Hill left his hometown of Brookview, Ohio, vowing never to return. But after being laid off, a position back home feels like his only option—because it is. On move-in day, when he's ready to meet his neighbor, his dog does the pooping in her yard.

In the spirit of being neighborly, Emily overlooks the incident. But when Brandon's dog destroys some meaningful flowers of hers, she can't let it slide. She confronts Brandon and gets an idea—he can be her wedding date. With his killer good looks, he's sure to make her ex jealous.

One date leads to two, and soon there's an attraction between them they can't deny. Right when Emily opens up her heart, Brandon discovers a connection between Emily and his past which reopens old wounds. But telling Emily the truth about his past might mean losing her forever.

**Each Brookview novel is a standalone with no cliffhanger endings.

PublisherAutumn Marks
Release dateSep 28, 2021
A Secret He Can't Keep: A Brookview Novel, #2

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    A Secret He Can't Keep - Autumn Marks


    Summer in Ohio was generally a hot, swampy affair. It meant a lot of sunshine (never a problem), a lot of humidity (sometimes a problem), and a lot of bugs (always a problem). Unfortunately for Emily Smith’s clients, the home she was showing them wasn’t doing much to keep out summer’s worst. Spurred on by the influx of home renovation shows, her clients had wanted a fixer-upper. With a leaking skylight in the kitchen, misaligned windows in nearly every room due to settling, and a broken HVAC system, just to name a few, this home certainly qualified as one.

    I think a home should be a place of comfort and relaxation, Emily said, thinking about her own home, her pride and joy. This home does have potential and could work for you two, but these repairs are going to be costly and I’m not sure that’s within your budget.

    She left her clients, a couple married only a month ago, to look around the vacant home once more while she stayed in the kitchen. Her clients needed to see for themselves that they were in over their heads with this house and no amount of her talking now would convince them.

    A fly buzzed around in the kitchen, right near her head, before coming to land on the windowsill next to about fifty of his dead buddies. Emily’s fingers twitched. She wanted nothing more than to grab some cleaning supplies and give this kitchen a good scrubbing. This home hadn’t been lived in for several years and it showed. Every time she came across a neglected home like this, she appreciated her home that much more.

    A good home had the power to transform a person’s life for the better. She’d seen it firsthand and had experienced it herself. And this home could do that for the right person—but not these clients.

    I think we’re going to pass on this one, the husband said when they rejoined her in the kitchen.

    Emily nodded. I think that’s a wise decision.

    She’d been a real estate agent in her hometown of Brookview for five years now and had a knack for matching people with the right home. As soon as she pulled up to this house with her clients, she’d known it wasn’t the one for them. But she wouldn’t be doing her job if she didn’t at least entertain their request to see it.

    On the way out of the house, she locked the door and met her clients at their car. I’ll let you know as soon as a new listing comes my way. She registered the look of disappointment on the wife’s face. Don’t lose hope. Summer is our busiest time. We’ll find your forever home soon.

    Forever home. She hadn’t chosen those words lightly. Forever meant permanence, something this couple was seeking out, and something she’d achieved with her own home. What this couple had that she lacked was the permanent relationship to go with it. But it was possible tonight might change all that.

    Tonight, Jason, her boyfriend of five years, was taking her out to dinner at one of the fancier restaurants in Columbus, where he lived. He’d been tight-lipped about the reason for the dinner out, which had her mind swirling with possibilities.

    Was he going to propose?

    Did she want him to propose?

    She’d never really considered being married to Jason. He’d always said he wasn’t interested in marriage, that he didn’t need that kind of commitment to show her how much he cared. And she’d been okay with that. But seeing this couple tonight and watching them plan their new life together—in the same house—had her wondering what that kind of life would be like with Jason.

    The idea of Jason moving into her home, her sanctuary, unsettled her and not even the drive to Columbus, not even picking him up from his apartment, not even the drive to the restaurant and the obligatory reading of the daily specials was enough time for her to wrap her mind around the idea.

    But if tonight’s dinner was supposed to be a marriage proposal, shouldn’t he look her in the eye once in a while? Now that she thought about it, he hadn’t looked at her much all evening. Something was clearly off. Jason was usually so carefree, nothing ever fazed him, but he’d been tripping over his words, wringing his hands together, and fidgeting with his phone more times than necessary.

    She looked across the table at Jason, who was clearly more interested in his phone than her. Who are you texting? she asked.

    He jerked his head up. Nothing. No one, he said, putting his phone back down on the table. A few seconds later, his phone vibrated and he checked it again.

    Maybe he’s just working up the courage to do it.

    Emily, you must be wondering why I asked you out here tonight, he said, his eyes finally trained on her.

    Only the whole evening. Did you finally get that promotion you were going for? Are we here to celebrate?

    Jason shook his head. No, it’s nothing like that.

    Then what is it?

    I don’t know how to tell you this, he said, picking at the edge of the tablecloth, his eyes once more looking everywhere else but her.

    Tell me what?

    Jason looked her in the eye. I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately…and I think it’s time we break up.

    Heat rushed to her face and she sat perfectly still, stunned by what he had said. Wait, what? Why? Out of all the reasons for him to ask her out tonight, breaking up had never crossed her mind.

    Because I met someone else and one thing led to another…

    Emily’s heart sank and hot, angry tears pricked the corners of her eyes. You slept with her, she said, connecting the dots that didn’t take a genius to figure out.

    He nodded.

    So that’s it then? You’re not even going to give me a chance to forgive you?

    He shook his head. I don’t want your forgiveness. I don’t deserve it.

    You’re right. You don’t deserve it. She examined Jason from across the table. He was holding something back. She just knew it. You’re not telling me everything, are you? There’s something else going on here.

    I love her, Emily, and I want to be with her.

    But that’s ridiculous. You’ve only just met her. How can you love someone after sleeping with them only one— Emily saw Jason’s pleading stare, as though he was telling her not to go on any further. She took a sip from her water glass, stealing that moment to compose her thoughts. I see. It hasn’t been just the once.

    He reached across the table for her hand.

    Don’t touch me! she yelled, earning a few looks from the diners around them.

    Okay, I’m sorry. I won’t touch you. But please keep your voice down, he said, glancing around the room. He gave a half-hearted smile to show that everything was okay.

    She narrowed her eyes. That’s why you brought me here. That’s why you insisted we go out tonight. You didn’t want me to make a scene.

    I thought that we could just get it over with and go our separate ways. I didn’t want to drag it out all evening.

    Oh, well, that’s so kind of you to spare both of our evenings, Emily said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. How long, Jason? How long has this been going on?

    I don’t want to say.

    How long? she demanded.

    Jason stayed silent.

    Dammit, Jason, you brought me here so you could dump me. After five years together, you could at least do me the courtesy of answering my question.

    Six months, okay? Does it make you feel better to know?

    And does your new mistress know you already had a girlfriend?

    Not exactly.

    Six months. Emily couldn’t believe it. He’d been stringing her along for six months of her life and she never even suspected something was amiss. She thought she’d known him so well.

    She took a deep breath, then another, and asked the question that was still lingering. But why now? Six months is a long time to put off breaking up with someone.

    Trust me—

    I don’t.

    He continued. I wanted to do it earlier. I was having a hard time finding the right time and the right words. But then something changed and I couldn’t put it off any longer.

    What changed? Don’t tell me you developed a conscience because I know that’s not true.

    He ignored her tone. I love her, Em, and I want to ask her to marry me.

    There it was. The nail in the coffin. After six months, Jason had fallen in love and was ready for marriage. Funny, coming from the guy who had always said he was never the marrying type. You never wanted to get married before. A beat passed. But now I see that all this time you never wanted to get married to me.

    Jason’s lips turned down slightly in a frown. I’m sorry. I never wanted this to happen.

    Emily gave out a small huff. You’re not sorry. And don’t ever tell me you never wanted this to happen. You’re the one who cheated. That was your choice. You clearly didn’t feel too bad about it then, and I doubt you feel bad about it now. Right now, you see me as nothing more than an obstacle in your way. You’ve really shown your true colors tonight. She folded up the napkin that had been on her lap and stood up from her seat. She smoothed down her maxi skirt and bent down to pick up her purse. Unless you have something else to say, I think we’re done here. Over and done with. Just like you wanted.

    Just like the last five years of her life. Over and done with in the span of about an hour. How quickly things can change.

    Jason kept quiet.

    I’m sure you’ll understand why you can find your own way home, she said. They’d taken her car this evening because Jason’s was still in the shop from an accident he’d had the week before. But I bet you probably counted on that and have someone waiting outside for you. Your new mistress perhaps?

    No, Matt. He’s on his way here now, Jason said, his gaze focused on the table.

    Of course. Matt was one of Jason’s friends from college, a serial cheater himself. He’d probably been texting Jason pointers throughout the evening. Emily took a few steps away, but Jason’s voice stopped her.

    Are you okay to drive? It’s a long drive home.

    Oh, now you’re concerned? Spare me. But I do hope you’ll tell her about me someday. She might want to know what she’s getting herself into. You know what they say, ‘once a cheater, always a cheater.’

    Emily didn’t stick around to wait for a response. As she walked away from Jason, she struggled to keep it together under the multitude of emotions weighing her down. She’d barely made it to her car before tears streamed down her face, impeding her vision. She willed herself to stop crying. He wasn’t worth it. She knew that. But five years of memories were going to be hard to let go of.

    And to think, she’d been so close to opening up her home, her personal space, to him. But she’d always been the giver in the relationship, always putting Jason’s needs before her own. No more. Now that Jason was gone and out of the picture, it was time for her to do something she’d always felt guilty about doing. She was going to do things solely for her. She was going to do things that made her feel good. She was going to be selfish for a change.

    She was going to put herself first.

    Brandon Hill thought fate was playing a cruel trick on him. He wasn’t supposed to be back in this town. This place hadn’t been home for fourteen years. His father had made sure of that when he kicked him out of the house when he was twenty-one.

    His father had told him to get out and get his act together.

    Brandon had told him he was never coming back and was going to make something of himself, just you wait and see.

    And that was exactly what he had done.

    He moved away to North Carolina, went to college on his own dime, and landed a job as a high school history teacher at Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools. For the first time in many years, he’d been happy.

    But now, at thirty-five years old, Brandon found himself back in Brookview, Ohio, a victim of the latest round of budget cuts. Out of all the places he had applied, Brookview School District was the only one that responded. Go figure.

    Brandon hopped out of the moving truck and walked over to the other side. He opened the door and there, standing on the passenger seat with his tail wagging, was his ten-year-old dog, Ollie. Ollie was his pal and had stuck by his side through many part-time jobs, a few girlfriends here and there, a couple of moves to different townhomes, and now this long-distance move. Even with only three legs, Ollie hopped out of the moving truck without issue and sat next to where he stood on the driveway.

    Brandon took a moment to admire the brick ranch home. It looked exactly as the pictures had shown—unassuming, bland, but perfectly suitable. Before walking around to the back of the house, he looked down to where Ollie had sat only a second ago. But there wasn’t a medium-sized beagle mix sitting there. Instead, Ollie was off exploring the neighbor’s yard.

    Ollie had a tendency to wander and unfortunately, this home didn’t come with a fenced-in yard. With so much to do already, putting in a fence at this rental home would have to wait.

    Because of the yard, Brandon wouldn’t have chosen this place. The whole time he’d owned Ollie, he’d lived in townhomes and he wanted nothing more than to let Ollie wander in his own patch of grass. But in a town of about two thousand, the home rental market wasn’t exactly booming and choices were limited—this home being the only one available.

    Brandon retrieved his dog and brought him inside before he could run off again. The door was unlocked, just as he knew it would be, because his mother was already inside waiting on him.

    Brandon, how are you? Brandon’s mother, Linda, stepped in from the kitchen and looked her son over for a second before wrapping her arms around him.

    He had voiced his displeasure about having to return to Brookview more than once, so she knew this wasn’t a happy occasion for him. I’m all right. I’m glad to be out of the moving truck though. It wasn’t a comfortable ride.

    Can I get you anything? I brought some drinks for you and put them in the fridge. I also got a few quick meals for you so you won’t have to go out tonight.

    Thanks, Mom. I’m fine…really.

    She furrowed her brow. I wish I could believe you.

    It was his mother who had urged him to apply for the job in Brookview and he had done so to pacify her. Am I happy to be back? I think you know I’m not, but I’m happy to be gainfully employed.

    I really thought you’d have some choices with all the applications you sent out. I didn’t think Brookview would be the only option.

    You and me both. But I’m sure there’s a reason for me to be here. As soon as the words had come out of his mouth, he regretted them. He had opened up the door for his mother to chime in with her thoughts on why he had been forced back to Brookview.

    You know what I think about that already.

    Yeah, he knew. And there was no way in hell that was going to happen. If Dad wants to talk to me and reconcile, he knows where to find me. I’m not that far away now.

    I see Ollie survived the trip, Linda said, reaching down and scratching Ollie behind the ear. Ollie leaned into her scratching and then rolled over to offer up his belly for petting.

    Brandon chuckled at the sight. Yeah, and he hasn’t lost any of his manipulative behaviors either.

    His mother stood up from her crouched position. Do you need help moving anything? I can help you unpack if you need it.

    No thanks. Trent is coming by in a bit to help me lift some of the heavier items. The smaller stuff I can get by myself.

    That’s right. You told me a while ago you had reconnected with Trent.

    Trent Stephens and Brandon had been good friends in high school and had reconnected several months ago through social media. When he had told Trent he was moving back, Trent was more than happy to lend a hand—and he’d even asked Brandon to be his best man at his upcoming wedding. I texted him and told him I was here. He said he’d be here in a few.

    Well, if you don’t need anything, I’ll get out of your hair. Your sister wants you to let her know when you get settled in. Lilly is anxious to see you.

    Lilly is probably more anxious to see Ollie than me. I’ll text her once I get everything moved in. Lilly was his five-year-old niece. He’d seen her only a few times each year because of the distance, but kept in touch as often as possible through video chatting. Now that he was back in town, he looked forward to being able to see her more.

    All right. Let me know if you need anything else.

    I will. Thanks.

    While Brandon waited for his mother to drive away, he walked around the house to acclimate himself to where everything was located. He had rented this house sight unseen but his mother assured him the house was nice. She wasn’t wrong. The kitchen looked like it had been updated recently and the home had a partially finished basement which was a bonus.

    He walked outside and began unstrapping his car from the tow dolly behind the moving truck. He had instructed Ollie to stay inside the house but Ollie wasn’t the best at listening. Ollie trotted right alongside Brandon, smelling all the different scents of the yard.

    A white car pulled into the driveway of the neighboring home with a young woman wearing sunglasses behind the wheel. When she got out of the car, her height caught him off guard. She had to be almost six feet tall. Brandon knew he shouldn’t stare, but her legs seemed to go on for days.

    He walked across the small strip of yard between the two houses to where the woman was standing. Hi, I’m Brandon. I’m moving in to the house next door with my dog Ollie.

    So I see, the young woman snapped, not bothering to remove her shades.

    What the hell is her problem? Uh… He muttered, unsure of how to respond.

    The woman turned toward her house and started walking up her front steps. She whipped her head around and pointed a finger toward her front yard. If we’re going to be neighbors, you need to tell your dog to stop pooping in my front yard!

    Brandon followed the direction of her finger. There, squatting down right smack dab in the middle of her yard was none other than Ollie, putting on quite the display of bodily functions. Heat rushed into his cheeks and words escaped him as he struggled to form an apology.

    But the young woman wasn’t going to wait around for one. She slammed the door to her house leaving Brandon out there in her driveway with Ollie bounding toward him, now finished with his business.

    That went well.


    Emily looked at her reflection in the mirror the next morning. Even after a shower, she still looked like how she felt—a wreck. Her face held the telltale signs of an all-nighter spent crying: bags under her eyes, blotchy cheeks, and red-rimmed eyelids. Even her head was getting in on the fun by continuing to throb and ache despite the two aspirin she had taken when she woke up. Some makeup would help. If nothing else, it would be a mask to conceal what had transpired the day before so every time she looked in the mirror, she wouldn’t be reminded of him.

    Jason. Damn him.

    Even though she knew she shouldn’t, she blamed herself for not picking up the signs that he’d been seeing someone else. There were times when he wouldn’t answer her phone calls, even ones late at night. Texts went unanswered, sometimes for more than a day.

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