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Positive Affirmations for Black Women: 10000+ Empowering Affirmations for BIPOC Women to Increase Self-Esteem, Confidence, and Success. Uplifting Words to Become a Strong Fearless Woman & Badass Mother!
Positive Affirmations for Black Women: 10000+ Empowering Affirmations for BIPOC Women to Increase Self-Esteem, Confidence, and Success. Uplifting Words to Become a Strong Fearless Woman & Badass Mother!
Positive Affirmations for Black Women: 10000+ Empowering Affirmations for BIPOC Women to Increase Self-Esteem, Confidence, and Success. Uplifting Words to Become a Strong Fearless Woman & Badass Mother!
Ebook475 pages9 hours

Positive Affirmations for Black Women: 10000+ Empowering Affirmations for BIPOC Women to Increase Self-Esteem, Confidence, and Success. Uplifting Words to Become a Strong Fearless Woman & Badass Mother!

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About this ebook


Other people don’t have the power to measure your worth – their opinion is not your truth.

While you can’t control what others think of you and how they treat you, building yourself up from within can make you more confident in your own skin and unstoppable in pursuing your dreams.

As Oprah once said, "If you want your life to be more rewarding, you have to change the way you think."

This takes constantly renewing your mind if you want to get stronger and stronger every day.

And here's where you can get help…

In Positive Affirmations for Black Women, you will discover:
- What drives your actions and behaviors — and how you can rewire it to get positive results in life
- How to build your self-worth so you will love yourself more without needing other people’s acceptance
- How to identify your emotions without judgment — and how to manage them to avoid self-sabotage
- Why you’re worthy of love, even if you don’t feel it
- Healthy ways to face your fears so you can be fearless without going overboard
- How to recover from failure — and get closer to your goals
- How to boost your confidence and happiness levels, even if it seems like the most far-fetched possibility
- How to overcome the emotional challenges of pregnancy and motherhood

And much more.

There’s so much potential in you… and you’re capable of unlocking it only if you choose to take action.


Release dateJun 7, 2022

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    Positive Affirmations for Black Women - Chelsie Mills

    Positive Affirmations for Black Women

    10000+ Empowering Affirmations for BIPOC Women to Increase Self-Esteem, Confidence, and Success. Uplifting Words to Become a Strong Fearless Woman & Badass Mother!

    Chelsie Mills

    Copyright © 2022 by Chelsie Mills

    All rights reserved.

    It is not legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited and any storage of this document is not allowed unless with written permission from the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events, or locations is purely coincidental.



    How To Get The Most Out Of This Book

    1. Life Seems Difficult

    Affirmations for When Life Seems Difficult

    2. I Feel Low and Inadequate

    Affirmations for When Feeling Low or Inadequate

    3. Beauty and Finding Love

    Affirmations for Beauty and Love

    Affirmations for Aging

    Free Goodwill

    4. My Career

    Affirmations for Business Women & Aspiring Entrepreneurs

    Affirmations for Fashion Designers

    Affirmations for Other Creative Professionals

    Affirmations for Sports Women & Aspiring Athletes

    Affirmations for Women Pursuing Intellectual Careers

    General Work Affirmations

    Preparing for Exams Affirmations

    5. Health and Fitness

    Affirmations for Health and Fitness

    6. Marriage

    Affirmations for Marriage

    Affirmations for Women Unmarried by Choice, Chance, or Circumstance

    Affirmations for Women Going Through Divorce

    Affirmations for Stay At Home Wives

    Affirmations for Women Not Good at House Work

    7. Motherhood

    Affirmations for Motherhood

    Affirmations for Mothers With Unhealthy or Differently-Abled Children

    Affirmations for Women Who Cannot Conceive

    8. Handling Rejection, Personal Loss, Failure, Tragedy, and Trauma

    Affirmations for Handling Rejection

    Affirmations for Dealing With a Financial/Career Loss

    Affirmations for Dealing With Personal Loss

    Affirmations for Victims of Rape, Sexual Abuse, and Bullying

    Affirmations for Women Changing Careers Due to Health/Personal Reasons Beyond Their Control

    9. Dealing With Habits

    Affirmations for Dealing With Habits

    10. 300 Reasons to be Grateful

    300 Affirmations to be Grateful

    Final Words


    Be content with what you have; rejoice in how things are; when you realize nothing is lacking, the whole world belongs to you. - Lao Tsu

    Can you recollect an incident in life when you were complimented for one thing and then criticized for the same thing by someone else? For instance, you dolled up in a brand new outfit to work on a festive day, and one coworker insulted your dress while another complimented you for it. Out of the two, which did you dwell on? With all the confidence in the world, I can tell you that you couldn't stop thinking about the insult. However, don't worry; this behavior isn't a characteristic of your personality. It's a human tendency, researched and medically proven by the scientific community. According to neuroscientists, the human brain focuses on the bad rather than the good, on the negative rather than the positive, on what isn't instead of what is. When we repeatedly keep thinking and acting in this way, this pattern moves from our conscious to our subconscious mind, and the process then becomes automatic. Our brain, which should be in our control, begins to run on autopilot. As a result, we feel discontentment, misery, sadness, self-doubt, and all the negative feelings in the world. We end up facing a lot of issues in our life. Our health and relationships suffer, and we cannot do our best and make the best out of life and much more.

    This doesn't have to be reality. You don't have to be stuck in this vicious maze of discouraging thoughts and negativity. The power to create the life you want for yourself is within you. You possess everything necessary to build the life of your dreams, break all shackles, and live happily. All you need to do is: awaken the powers lying dormant inside of you. Positive self-talk is a genuinely effective method for creating an optimistic mindset and changing your outlook on life. If used regularly, these upbeat statements can transform your life for the better. As stated in a popular study, it takes five positive thoughts to dilute one negative one.

    This book offers 10,000 ways of filling you with all things optimistic, encouraging and inspiring. Set foot on the path to becoming what you have always wanted to be. This book can be your magic pill when the weather gets gloomy and a dose of energy for every day of your life. Use it to pick yourself up when you fall, believe in your abilities, change your life, and go out there and change the world. You are worth everything you aspire to have.

    How To Get The Most Out Of This Book

    Before we kick off this book, it is crucial that you understand how to get the most out of it. This book is divided into ten chapters, each filled with affirmations for a different life experience or feeling you might be going through. You may read or listen to the affirmations in order, chapter by chapter, or pick the affirmations that resonate with you the most based on your life circumstances. There are no set rules for using these affirmations, but the secret lies in practice. Repeat them to yourself as often as you can, and see the magic unfold in your life.

    If you wish to read or listen to the affirmations chapter-by-chapter you can skip to the next part of the book. However, if you want targeted affirmations for a particular life experience or current situation, you can choose from the following:

    Chapter One - Life Seems Difficult:

    The affirmations in this part of the book are for when you feel lost or are going through difficult times. They will help you to believe that there is always light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how far or how many obstacles you have to overcome.

    Chapter Two - I Feel Low and Inadequate:

    In life, there will always be rough patches where you get put down or don't feel worthy of where you are right now. With the affirmations in this part of the book, you will be able to push through those barriers and regain that sense of self-worth.

    Chapter Three - Beauty and Finding Love:

    For those who doubt their inner and outer beauty, the affirmations within this part of the book will help you overcome any self-doubts you have about yourself whether that is to do with aging, appearance, or who you are as a person. You will build confidence and abundance in knowing you are a beautiful BIPOC woman who will be able to find love whenever you choose to.

    Free Goodwill:

    This part of the book will provide you with an opportunity to be an angel in another BIPOC women's life. You can be that magical fairy spreading happiness, light, and health all around the world. You can stop someone's marriage from breaking. You can shift the direction in someone's career. You can save a life. (This is a must-read/listen-to part of the book that will grant you the opportunity to give back to someone just like you.)

    Chapter Four - My Career:

    No matter what your current career is or the career you wish to pursue, the affirmations within this part of the book covers all career paths. Whether you wish to be an entrepreneur, athlete, designer, or maybe you are just studying you will gain the confidence to succeed in any field you choose to pursue.

    Chapter Five - Health and Fitness:

    Our thoughts are our most effective medicines when it comes to our health. Illnesses come to everyone, but half your battle is already won if you think you are fine. All of the affirmations in this section of the book can be your source of comfort and positivity.

    Chapter Six - Marriage:

    Finding a soulmate and getting united with him or her in the holy bond of marriage is a heavenly feeling. They say marriages are made in heaven, and it’s true, but the husband and wife have to do a lot to materialize it on earth. Marriage comes with its own problems, emotional ups and downs, complications, and much more. The pressures can alienate a woman’s self-confidence. Repeat these affirmations that follow, and your married life will be full of happiness and bliss now and forever.

    Chapter Seven - Motherhood:

    A baby is a bundle of joy, a true angel, but it can also be a source of stress and chaos in your life. The journey of motherhood isn’t easy, and every mother in the world will agree with me on this. We don’t want the stress, but we still want to be mothers, right? These affirmations for motherhood in this part of the book can help make your life as a mother easy and beautiful.

    Chapter Eight - Handling Rejection, Personal Loss, Failure, Tragedy, and Trauma:

    No woman has ever lived a life free from failures and rejections. Unforeseen tragedies and heartbreaking, traumatic incidents suddenly jump into our lives and turn them upside down in a flash. Phases like these are challenging, but they are not impossible to traverse. The affirmations within this chapter can shed light on positivity in your life during these tough times and help you sail through them with ease.

    Chapter Nine - Dealing With Habits:

    Do you have a nagging habit that you want to get rid of? Or are you tired of getting rid of some addiction, obsession, or craving? Or do you want to make your life brand-new by adding some amazing habits? Whatever it is that you want to do, all of the affirmations in this part of the book can help you. Tame your habits, take control of your life and enjoy the journey on this beautiful planet.

    Chapter 10 - 300 Reasons to be Grateful:

    Life is a combination of little moments of joy and pleasure, but we are always searching for the big stuff: big gains, big successes. There is so much right in our lives, but we tend to focus on what is wrong. Being grateful for what we have is the most organic way to feel happy. You are truly blessed. So start counting your blessings from this moment, and you will see them multiply. The affirmations within this chapter will open your gateway to happiness.

    Come on, let's get the ball rolling. Together, let's create a happier tomorrow. Either select the chapter that resonates with your current situation or carry on to the next part of the book.

    Chapter one

    Life Seems Difficult

    From a Domestic Servant to One of the First Black Self-Made Millionaires

    This is the story of Mary Ellen Pleasant, a black African woman born impoverished in 1814. She was separated from her parents at a very young age and sent to Massachusetts to work as a domestic servant in the homes of wealthy white men. She didn’t know how to read or write and had no formal education. She spent her days washing dishes, preparing meals, and tidying up homes. Life was tough, and no one liked to have her around them. She was looked down on with disdain. She had no identity and no respect in society whatsoever.

    She, however, didn’t let her circumstances tie her down. She was not allowed to talk to people or shake hands with them, so she spent her time observing from a distance. She was not allowed to enter gathering halls and meeting rooms, so she remained in the background, listening to conversations from behind closed doors. She had no means to educate herself formally, so she used books she got out of the trash to learn language and communication skills. She did this every day, day after day, month after month, eventually studying investing.

    She began following overheard investment advice and started putting a part of her monthly wages into real estate, gold and silver mines, and other things. Her capital soon multiplied, and she went on to buy several local businesses. She amassed large amounts of wealth and acquired several properties, including a 30-room mansion in what is today one of the most high-profile neighborhoods in San Francisco.

    She managed to turn her life around, going from rags to riches all by herself. Her net worth in today‘s value would be equivalent to that of a billionaire’s. Of course, she had obstacles to deal with, but she used them as stepping stones to success. She might not be a household name, but her story surely deserves to be in the history books. She reached the pinnacle of success with just one trait--her ability to see the light in the dark, positivity in bitterness, and treasure in the trash. Her story is truly inspirational!

    Below you will find 978 lines of positivity that will fill you with everything you need to sail smoothly across every challenging sea you encounter on this journey called life. Let’s begin!


    Affirmations for When Life Seems Difficult

    I am a super-powerful black woman who has the strength to jump over every obstacle.

    I am very patient at all times.

    I can face every challenge that comes my way.

    I am extremely strong, more than I know, and much more than others think.

    I have everything it takes to solve my difficulties.

    I can traverse this storm with utmost bravery and vigor; no storm in this world is powerful enough to crush my strength.

    I will easily solve this problem.

    I will most definitely find a way out.

    I have, within me, the intelligence to change my circumstances; I don't need anyone else.

    I will fight this battle and emerge victoriously.

    I feel courage running through the veins of my body.

    My troubles cannot break me.

    I have done it in the past, and I can surely do it again.

    This is just a small bend in the road, and I am confident I will go through it.

    I will smile despite my difficulties.

    I will keep trying; today, tomorrow, and every day of my life.

    I can see the end of my problems.

    I feel the haze clearing up.

    I will clear up the mess.

    I know for sure that this too shall pass.

    I will find a roadway in the wilderness.

    I will never give up.

    I can, and I will.

    I have a robust support system to walk with me.

    I am not the first one to face this.

    Life is a cycle of good and bad times, and I will see the sunshine again.

    I know how to solve this.

    I will be brave.

    I will look at the bright side.

    I will see the positive in everything that happens to me.

    I will take charge of my situation.

    My life is in my control.

    I am more than my problems.

    I can make it happen.

    I am powerful.

    I am enough.

    I am a magnet that attracts positivity.

    I make peace with the fact that I cannot control everything.

    I am on the path towards something better.

    I believe that tomorrow will be better than today.

    I can create the life I want for myself.

    My possibilities are countless.

    I have an answer to every question.

    I can better my circumstances with whatever I have.

    I can get out of this maze.

    I know that nothing is permanent, and that includes my problems.

    Every problem is only making me stronger.

    These difficult times are sculpting me into the best version of myself.

    I can handle every difficult person in my life.

    No harsh word can break my calm.

    No amount of rudeness can disturb my inner peace.

    Every time I breathe, I inhale positivity.

    I am a rock, not the silt that can get eroded.

    I will make my life beautiful again.

    Today is going to be better than yesterday.

    I will push through this.

    I will make the right decision.

    My words have power.

    My actions can create change.

    I can find a way where there seems to be none.

    I can manage my life.

    I can handle these difficult circumstances.

    My skin color is black, and that's a sign of how strong I am.

    I can set things right.

    I am synonymous with power.

    I will win.

    I can resolve every conflict.

    I am designed to defeat.

    I can mend every strained relationship.

    I will come out of this soon.

    My troubles are about to end.

    I am capable of finding a solution.

    I can endure this today and every day.

    I will get to the finish line.

    I believe in myself.

    I trust in my abilities.

    I am a problem solver.

    I will persevere until I find a solution.

    The bad thing is that my life is currently stormy, but the good part is that I am still standing strong.

    Problems cannot crush me; they haven't to date, and they will never be able to.

    Resolving is in my nature.

    What I am currently going through might be sour, but It's an invaluable life lesson that will benefit me immensely.

    I will make the best out of my current circumstances.

    I will find a way to move ahead despite the roadblocks along my path.

    I will keep progressing every day.

    I will be true to my values, no matter how difficult my circumstances.

    I choose to be happy despite my problems.

    I choose to be peaceful, no matter how hard my situation.

    I am unshakable.

    I can open the unopenable.

    I can manage myself even if I stumble.

    My life is beautiful despite what I am facing currently.

    My problems cannot overwhelm me.

    I will rise out of this storm.

    My troubles will lose momentum.

    My challenges will turn into opportunities.

    I don't fear the seemingly impossible.

    I will learn from today's hurdles to make tomorrow smooth.

    I will see every problem as a learning experience.

    I will keep my calm at all times.

    I have the strength to hold on to difficult relationships.

    I don't believe in replying to rudeness with rudeness.

    Rude people are behaving in line with their own personalities.

    Letting go is the best option for me.

    Every person has to encounter both good and bad people.

    Arguments never lead to a solution.

    I will not try to change anyone.

    I know that I will have to live with this relationship for the rest of my life, so it's better I make peace with this fact.

    I can try to be patient when they're rude to me.

    I can try to look at the positives of that person when they hurt me.

    I understand and believe that life cannot be without problems.

    Today, I will not duck to cross an obstacle; I will jump over it.

    I accept the fact that problems will come and go.

    I am composed enough to smile through a storm.

    I will not buckle down under pressure.

    I will try my best to manage high-pressure situations.

    I will try to do my best, and if I am not able to, I will learn.

    Untangling the difficult is my hobby.

    I will treat difficulties as a part of my life and will not make them my life.

    Difficulties cannot survive my strength.

    There is more to life than my problems.

    I will not let these hard times spoil my relationships.

    Life is precious, and I will not waste it crying about my problems.

    I will take the time to organize my thoughts and find a way out.

    I want to get to a peaceful place.

    I will do everything in my power to get to that happy place.

    Handling challenges is fun.

    I will not mix my personal and professional lives, and I will keep the problems in these areas separate.

    I am confident that I will get through this phase.

    I will be free from tensions and worries very soon.

    The season of my life will change to something more beautiful.

    I will focus on the bigger picture.

    I treat problems as adventure rides and enjoy them.

    The nitty-gritty details will not bog me down.

    Everything smooth is rough first, which is true of things in my life.

    It's okay if the wind is not blowing in my favor today.

    My possibilities to find a solution are limitless.

    Change is a constant in life, so my difficulties are obviously not here to last.

    My quest for a solution has just begun, and I will attain success in this endeavor.

    My difficulties are temporary.

    The end is rarely in sight when a journey begins, but it's undoubtedly there.

    I am able.

    I accept the fact that I have problems in my life.

    Climbing uphill is more challenging than going down, but more beautiful things lie at the top of the hill.

    I accept my circumstances the way they are.

    I make peace with the reality that life cannot be merry all the time.

    Troubles cannot stay close to me for long.

    I am like that tree that shakes during a storm but never falls.

    I will try to do as much as I can to cope with this.

    I am not scared of difficulties.

    Solutions come to me effortlessly.

    I am safe.

    I am out of danger.

    An invisible ring of fire around me keeps enemies and difficulties away.

    Some people can help me get out of this problem.

    I will become stronger with every passing day.

    I will survive this.

    I will not blame anyone for my circumstances.

    I make peace with the fact that life is unpredictable.

    I will focus on the present and stay calm.

    I will not panic.

    I will not lose my patience.

    I' will always be hopeful.

    I will pass the test of time.

    Every day, I become more courageous.

    Every day, I become calmer.

    Every day, I become more positive.

    My confidence will grow every day.

    This is a phase of life; it's not entirely my fault.

    I will regain everything that I have lost.

    I will win back my most cherished friendships.

    I will earn back my reputation.

    I will get back those lost luxuries.

    My family will unite again.

    My profits will multiply.

    I have strong willpower.

    I will not quit.

    I will get this right.

    Everything will work my way.

    Closed doors will open for me.

    Things will improve for me.

    Every passing day is taking me closer to happier times.

    I will fix all the loose ends.

    I will correct everything that went wrong.

    I will make this work.

    The universe is making way for me.

    Difficult for me does not mean impossible.

    I am not stuck; I am only moving slowly.

    Courage will carry me forward.

    I may have fallen in the deep waters, but I haven't drowned yet.

    I can create the end to my problems.

    I will swim.

    I will find my way to safe territory.

    If I have made it this far, I surely can make it to the end.

    I am tougher than these challenging times.

    I will change whatever I can to make things better.

    I accept whatever I cannot change to make life happier.

    Life is fair, and what is happening with me is for a purpose.

    I am not afraid to make unpopular decisions.

    I will base my decisions on my values.

    I am not going to waste my time complaining.

    I will not try to prove my point to someone who cannot understand.

    My heart is not public property that anyone can hurt whenever they want.

    Someone else's rudeness cannot impact my personality.

    If they are snobbish, I don't have to be the same thing.

    I have the strength to be me irrespective of how the opposite person behaves.

    I have a fully-developed personality; I am not just a mirror of someone else's personality.

    I can learn the art of reacting to their rude behavior.

    My strength knows no limits or boundaries.

    My power is enough to handle even the rudest person on the planet.

    I will do what is right, not what other people want.

    I am brave enough to do things that don't make everyone happy.

    I can handle the people that disagree with me.

    I can stay calm even among toxic people.

    I am fearless.

    I am accommodative.

    I can reorganize every mess.

    I can sort it out.

    This turmoil won't last forever.

    This will not matter in five years as much as I think.

    All the forces of nature are in my favor.

    Everything that is happening in my life is for my own good.

    I am moving in the right direction.

    Every unpleasant happening in my life comes with a secret message to help me.

    The stars will align to bring back the good times in my life.

    This sucks, but I can go through it.

    My efforts will pay off.

    I will be rewarded.

    I am facing hardships every day, and this is an accomplishment in itself.

    I am proud that I am still able to go on.

    Everything will fall in place.

    I will find a way around the hurdles that are blocking my path.

    I will get to the root of the problem.

    Each of my problems has a solution.

    Finding a solution might be hard, but It's not impossible for me.

    My future is not a replica of my past.

    I envision a brighter tomorrow for myself.

    I will not shy away from my responsibilities.

    I will not run away from my circumstances.

    I can face it.

    Problems cannot destroy my confidence.

    This is a test of my patience, and I will win it.

    I will, and I must.

    I am a leader.

    My life is a success story.

    I have strong morals.

    My principles are my lighthouse.

    I can handle this for one more day.

    I still have the fuel to continue.

    I trust my intuition.

    I am the best person to correct this.

    Only I have the resources to solve this.

    I am the strongest person I know.

    I have the spirit of a soldier on the battlefield.

    I will live every day to my full potential.

    I will create my own success story.

    This is just an adventure.

    I will live through this adventure and see it come to an end.

    My life can improve.

    My life will definitely improve.

    I will correct everything.

    I will find all the loopholes and fix them.

    I will correct my mistakes.

    Today, I am stronger than I was yesterday.

    Today, I am more powerful than I was yesterday.

    Every breath fills me up with strength.

    My mind is clear, and I can focus.

    I can see the reality of the situation.

    I have figured out the root cause of this problem.

    I know my next move.

    I know how to make my next move.

    I have a plan, and I know it will work.

    My strategy is ready.

    I am ready.

    I have the will.

    I am well-equipped.

    I am prepared.

    I have a plan B.

    No one can corner me.

    Nothing in this world can defeat me.

    I have a sharp mind.

    I can think even in the tensest circumstances.

    This is easy.

    This is almost done.

    I have understood my enemy.

    I have identified the source of my problems.

    I have the power to change the course of things.

    I can turn complicated into simple.

    I know how to take advantage of my circumstances.

    I know what best to do at this time.

    I will stay quiet.

    I will not react.

    I will not blow things out of proportion.

    I can control my anger.

    I know how to vent out my frustration.

    I can stay calm.

    I will stay calm.

    I understand that sometimes It's best to do nothing.

    I allow nature to take the call for me.

    I make peace with the fact that sometimes nature's decision is the best.

    I will move on.

    I will do my duty.

    My journey is impressive, despite all the roadblocks and bumps.

    Life must go on, and it will.

    I am in the flow.

    I will not collapse.

    I will stand firm.

    I can still keep my head held high.

    I am not embarrassed.

    I will not resign.

    Difficult people can only make my life difficult if I react to

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