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The Honeywood File: An Adventure in Building
The Honeywood File: An Adventure in Building
The Honeywood File: An Adventure in Building
Ebook284 pages4 hours

The Honeywood File: An Adventure in Building

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This classic epistolary novel wittily documents the trials and tribulations of a young English architect as he designs and builds a mansion.

In this first US publication of a richly comic classic—originally published in England in the 1920s—the pitfalls and vicissitudes of home building are presented in sharp and unforgettable detail, in the form of letters to and from the architect—a hapless young man named James Spinlove, who, in his valiant attempts to create the Honeywood mansion for Sir Leslie Brash, encounters a motley collection of contractors, surveyors, plumbers and town planners—to say nothing of intensely litigious lawyers, and Sir Leslie Brash himself, along with his good lady. There are letters from the subsidiary but crucial characters named Nibnose & Rasper, Mr. Snitch, V. Potch, and Hoochkoft the surveyor of bricks, among others.
    Release dateAug 1, 2014
    The Honeywood File: An Adventure in Building

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      Book preview

      The Honeywood File - H.B. Creswell




      Dear Sirs, 28.3.24.

      I understand that you have done work for many years on Lord Imagwire’s estate. I want some trial holes dug in the meadow south of Honeywood Spinney on the top of Honeywood Hill. The enclosed plan shows the ground and the position of the holes, which should be 8 ft. deep. If you can undertake this work I will ask you to put it in hand at once and give me notice so that I may go down and see the ground.

      If you are accustomed to building large private houses will you tell me of some you have built and give me the names of two or three architects under whose direction you have worked?

      Yours faithfully,

      Spinlove seems to have forgotten that he is an agent of Sir Leslie Brash. In ordering this work without making clear that he acts as agent, he assumes responsibility and could, in fact, be made to pay for it.

      The following letter seems to have found its way into the file instead of the wastepaper basket. It is a circular, with the name of addressee and subject added, printed by a firm which claims that its output is indistinguishable from autographs, and that it brings business. The sort of work done by firms who depend upon this means of getting it, would not suit Spinlove, as no doubt he perfectly understands.



      New House for Sir Leslie Brash

      Dear Sir, 2.2.24.

      As a practising Architect of eminence you will be aware that, however dainty and refined the architectural design of a domestic habitation may be, the two things which will count with your client are comfort and efficiency, and these we are prepared to absolutely guarantee with the minimum of trouble to yourself, as our large staff of experts are always at your valued disposal.

      We understand that you are the architect for the above house, and shall be glad to prepare estimates at the shortest notice for Electric Light, Heating, Water Supply, Lifts, Sanitary Work, &c., also for Carving in any material, Ornamental Plaster, Lead, Iron, and Decorative Art-craft Guild Handiwork of all descriptions.

      May we call your attention to our Ultra-Violet Ozone and Water-Softening installations, without which no daintily appointed modern gentleman’s house can be considered complete. On receipt of a card or telephone message we will immediately arrange for one of our expert representatives to wait on you. Awaiting your esteemed favours.

      We are dear Sir,

      Yours faithfully

      for domo idealo ltd.,

      b. pidge,



      Dear Sirs, 28.3.24.

      Your name has been given me as builders of large country houses. If you are willing to tender for such work in the neighbourhood of Marlford I should be glad to know of buildings carried out by you and to receive the names, as references, of architects under whose directions you have

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