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A Clash of Spies: The Phoenix Project, #2
A Clash of Spies: The Phoenix Project, #2
A Clash of Spies: The Phoenix Project, #2
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A Clash of Spies: The Phoenix Project, #2

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The Phoenix Project Volume 2: A Clash of Spies

Pages - 477


Time had passed since achieving his goal, but now, Chris Tyler is struggling with the path he's chosen. Killing takes its toll and he has discovered that the hard way. Now, a new target takes centre stage. Stephanie Rosewood, a former MI6 spy.

Tracking her down isn't going to be easy. For this reason, another spy is brought into Tyler's circle. Harmon Knox. A blunt and arrogant man with secrets of his own. Can they put aside their differences or is this a partnership doomed to fail?

Innocent lives are dragged into Tyler's path and the police are hot on his trail. Not knowing who can be trusted, the clash of spies begins.

Release dateJun 29, 2022
A Clash of Spies: The Phoenix Project, #2

Evan J Ridgoth

I am sure like most people, I left university without any idea what I wanted to do with my life. In the end, I started writing simply because I was bored. I had an idea and I couldn't get it out of my head no matter how hard I tried. I took it slow and gradually drafted a book. Once the first draft was complete, I felt such an overwhelming sense of accomplishment but it didn't last long because before I knew it, I was planning the next one and the next. Writing is something I never thought I would enjoy. Something I never expected to be doing with my life. I write books because I love it. I am not writing to please anyone other than myself. If you like it too, great. If not, doesn't matter. Hopefully one day, I will write one that you do enjoy.  I have a lot of stories I want to tell and I hope you will join me on this adventure. I am in this for the long haul…….

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    A Clash of Spies - Evan J Ridgoth


    There was a strong smell of salt in the air. A light breeze that pushed the scent deeper into my nostrils; it was almost suffocating. My body stung all over. My head was heavy. My body, stiff and sore. Moving was agony but I had to keep going. Stopping meant the end.

    GET HER!! someone yelled over my shoulder.

    I stumbled. My foot smacked into something hard. My shoe slipped off but I didn’t dare try and retrieve it. I didn’t want to go back. I didn’t want to. I could not go back.

    I turned and slipped down a gap in-between two containers. It was narrow and dark. I scrambled through moving as quickly as I could. The sound of my pursuers growing fainter.

    Owww I cried.

    My hair got caught on something. I felt the roots pull uncomfortably but I didn’t stop. I squeezed through until I reached the other end. I had no idea where I was going. No idea how to escape. I just kept running.

    GO AROUND!! someone shouted.

    They were still close. I ran through another narrow gap and turned to find my path blocked by two men pointing guns at me.


    I backed into a wall. There was another gap between the wall and the container. Big enough for me to squeeze through.

    BANG!! BANG!! BANG!!

    I dived into the gap, covering my ears with my hands as the bullets hit the metal container and ricocheted. It echoed painfully in my head but still, I pushed on.

    STOP SHOOTING, WE NEED HER ALIVE! someone shouted.

    My foot hit something and I fell forward. My hips swivelled around and got caught between the wall and the container.

    Owww I whimpered again.

    I wriggled around, desperately trying to reach the other end. I grabbed the edge and with one final heave, managed to free myself. I fell out and onto the floor with a soft thud, right in front of an armed man.

    GOTCHA! he shouted triumphantly.

    He grabbed me around the waist and held on tightly. I struggled with everything I had but I couldn’t break free. He was too strong.

    GET OFF I shouted desperately, LET ME GO!

    Easy little girl, I don’t want to have to kill you he said maliciously.

    He threw me into the side of the container with ease. I hit it hard and slid down to the floor. My head pulsing painfully. Little lights popping up in front of my eyes. Something warm trickling down my nostrils. I wiped it with the back of my hand and saw a bloody smear. My foot throbbed and now that I saw it closely, I could see blood from where I had lost my shoe.

    Now, I suggest you stop struggling the man said, seizing me by the hair and pulling me to my feet.

    I felt another sharp pain as more of my hair was ripped out by the roots.


    My eyes fell to his belt. In an act of desperation, I kicked him with every ounce of strength I had, right in the groin. He grunted in pain. His grip on my hair slackened and I fell to my knees, scraping them on the concrete.

    You bitch he growled.

    I tried to run again but he grabbed my shirt. I felt it rip down the shoulder as he pulled me closer to his chest, holding me tight. There were things dangling on his belt, one I recognised instantly.

    I quickly looped my finger around the pin and pulled.

    "YOU LITTLE CUNT!!! The man yelled throwing me away.

    He fumbled with the grenade still attached to his belt, a look of terror spreading across his face. I turned and ran without looking back. No sooner had I rounded the corner, there was an almighty bang. I didn’t know if he had managed to free himself or not, I just kept running.


    More of them had appeared behind, firing in my direction. I slid under the metal fence, catching my jeans on the wire.

    I SAID ALIVE!! someone shouted at the top of their lungs.

    I was on all fours, panting for breath. My chest was tight. My body ached all over. I didn’t know how much further I could go.

    Just then, I heard a shriek and a soft thud. Something had landed in front of me, rolling away. A nearby light hit it and I saw what it was. My gut wretched uncomfortably. It was the head of a man. Eyes wide with fear etched forever onto his face.

    I pushed myself onto my feet and hurried towards the main docking area. There were two large cargo ships loading and unloading containers. I could see the cranes at work high up in the sky. Little lights flashing on them as they moved.

    The sound of voices drew nearer. I didn’t know what to do so I sprinted for the nearest ship, my only hope of escape.

    I scurried up the ramp and jumped aboard. I crouched on the floor, out of sight and tried to get my breath back. I could still hear people shouting nearby. I peered over the edge to the docks below where I spotted a group of men, all armed to the teeth. The large man in the middle was giving the orders.

    Check the ships he shouted, She couldn’t have gotten far.

    They broke off into smaller groups, one running left and the second heading right for me.

    Keeping low, I scrambled along the deck, weaving in and out of the containers, desperately trying to find a place to hide.

    Oi someone shouted.

    I stopped dead and looked around. There was no one in sight.

    Oi the voice said again, Will you shut that fucking container up. We need to move this thing.

    Very carefully, I peered around the corner and my eyes fell on an open door. There was a hand on it, ready to close it. He was facing the other way. I glanced back. The group were on the ship. I could hear them. They were getting close. This was my one and only chance.

    I hurried forward and slipped inside the open container just as the man closed it behind me mere seconds later.

    Darkness consumed me. I couldn’t even see an inch in front of me. I fumbled blindly. There was something large in front of me. It felt like a stack of boxes. I ran my hands along it until I found a gap. A path leading right to the very back of the container. I moved down very slowly until I reached the end. Nowhere else to go.

    Hey, who are you? the man said loudly.

    I am looking for a little girl who might have come this way someone replied. About three and a half feet tall, looks around ten years of age. Dark hair, brown eyes. Have you seen her?

    It was the man in charge. I recognised his voice from barking orders earlier. He was mere feet away from me.

    No the man said, I have not seen a little girl.

    There was a pause.

    You are not police, are you?

    There was another pause.

    I suggest you leave before I call them.

    I could hear the footsteps. They were moving slowly. I could hear them echoing in my head. A ripple of fear crawled down my spine.

    Hey.... what are you...?

    There was a groan and a croak. It sounded like the man was choking.

    I am going to ask you again the voice said quietly, Have you seen a little girl around here?

    N.... Nooooo the man croaked.

    There was another pause followed by a soft crack and a thud.

    Sir...we can’t find the girl; it appears she is not on the ship, said another voice.

    Fuck the voice muttered, Maybe she headed for the gate instead. Go and check to see if the others have had any luck. I will head for the main gate.

    Yes sir.

    You...go and check on my brother.

    Did you see her? someone else whispered close by, We should have killed that bitch when we had the chance.

    Boss wants her alive the voice said sternly, Is that going to be a problem?

    No sir the man said quickly.

    Get moving, we need to be out of here before morning.

    Yes sir they said in unison.

    The sound of footsteps grew fainter. They were leaving. I fell back against the wall of the container and slid down it into a small heap. It was cold and dark. My mind was a fog, I couldn’t remember what had happened. The last thing I knew I was waking up on the ground. A small voice in my head telling me to run.

    I wrapped my arms around my legs, squeezing them tight. My head buried between them. My body hurt all over. I couldn’t move. I was scared. I didn’t know what was going on or what was going to happen to me. All I knew was that I could not go back. Something had happened. Something bad. I couldn’t remember but I knew.

    Find.... The small voice whispered in my ear.

    Find what? Who was this? What did it mean?

    I pulled my legs tighter to my chest. My eyes burning with tears. They flowed down my cheeks and into my lap before I could stop them.

    Help me I whispered through the darkness, Help me. I can’t do this anymore.

    Chapter 1

    Tick. Tick. Tick. The sound of time. It was running out and fast. My MP5 clasped tightly in my hands. The strap pulled on my arm, reminding me that it was secure.

    The strong smell of gun oil entered my nostrils from where it had been cleaned mere hours ago. It was important to keep your weapon in tip top condition. If possible, after every use. A clean weapon was a good weapon. A good weapon kept you alive.

    My eyes snapped to my watch. The moment was approaching. Just a little longer.

    I inched closer to the door. My shoulder brushing gently against the brick wall. I could hear the sound of it rubbing against my clothes. The crunch of the dirt under foot. Everything was amplified in the silence.

    There was movement a few feet away from me. Someone was approaching the door from the other direction. Keeping to the shadows. Moving slowly. Head to toe in black. MP5 in hand. Flash bang grenades on his belt.

    Ed Morgan. Twenty-seven years of age. Stood around five-foot eleven. Half British, half Scottish. His accent only came through when he was in a temper.

    He nodded. I did the same and together we crept along the wall of the house towards the front door.

    I turned my head. Two more crouched low a few feet away, guns trained on the door. One armed with a shotgun, the other with an MP5. I caught their gaze and slowly, they nodded.

    Michael Forrester and Thomas Gregory. Twenty-nine and thirty years respectively. Forrester was dark of skin, while Gregory was as pale as milk. Together, they formed the second part of our team.

    I stopped right next to the door, glancing down at my watch. Just a few more seconds.

    My heart was racing. Pounding in my ears. Deafening me to my surroundings. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. I had done this before. This was not the first and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. This was just another day. Another job. Another mission.

    I could taste the plastic from my mask. It was sticking to my lips as I breathed.

    The countdown was upon us. I could see the numbers in my head. Ten. Nine. Eight.

    I gripped my MP5 tighter and edged slightly closer to the door. Ed did the same. My finger slipped down and stroked the trigger. Preparing.

    Seven. Six. Five.

    I licked my lips. My tongue catching the plastic of my mask.

    Four. Three. Two. ONE!!!

    Ed slapped an explosive on the door, causing it to shatter inwards. The other two sprinted forward and stormed in with me and Ed bringing up the rear.

    A blast from the shotgun in Forester’s hand as the first enemy went down. Two rapid bursts from an MP5 from Gregory and the second followed suit.

    Two X-rays down, hostage one and two secure.

    Forrester stood over two hostages lying on the floor, hands and legs bound by tape.

    Copy that Delta one.

    With the hostages secure, the two of them stormed into the kitchen while me and Ed headed for the stairs. I took point moving fast with Ed watching my flank.

    I took a knee at the top of the stairs, covering the corridor with Ed taking point.

    There was a burst of fire from below.

    X-ray down.

    Copy that Delta two. Three x-rays down, five remaining.

    We reached the bathroom. Ed held up a closed fist causing me to stop.

    Once again, I dropped to my knee, gun trained on the corridor, covering him. He kicked in the door and opened fired. An unlucky target caught with his pants down made an easy kill.

    X-ray down.

    Copy that Delta four.

    Four enemies down, four remaining.

    He indicated to me to take point so I took the lead. We paused outside the first bedroom. I pulled a flash bang grenade from my belt and threw it inside.


    There was a flash of white light and an ear ringing pulse which echoed through the room but we were barely affected.

    With our targets blind and disorientated, we hurried inside. There was a large bed standing right in the middle of the room with a chest of draws on the right and a wardrobe on the left, close to the door.

    Two enemies, one on the left and one on the right. I fired a burst from my MP5 into the right-hand corner while Ed took care of the left. With the targets down, I moved to the figure on the bed. Just like the others, their hands and legs were bound.

    Two x-rays down and hostage secure I said quickly.

    Copy that Delta three.

    We quickly headed back out onto the landing and hurried for the master bedroom.


    X-ray down.

    Copy that Delta one.

    One enemy and one hostage remaining.

    We moved swiftly towards the closed door and took up positions on either side. This was it. The final room. The end. I looked at Ed who nodded. I nodded back. I jumped out, standing right in front of the door and kicked it in with all my might. The door almost flew off the hinges as I forced entry.

    A master bed sat in the middle of the room with a chest of draws and a desk on the left-hand side of the room. A massive walk-in wardrobe on the right, next to an en-suite bathroom.

    The final target. He was standing by the window with a hostage sitting on a chair close to him. I raised the gun to my eyeline and aimed for the head. I was seven, maybe eight feet from him. He was exposed. I had a clear shot.

    My heart was racing uncomfortably. My eyes had jumped to the hostage. They were too close. What if I missed? What if I hit them? What if my hand slipped? What if they moved at the wrong moment?

    My, my whole body was burning. Sweat was pouring down my cheeks under my mask. I could almost hear it dripping onto the plastic. My breathing was becoming erratic. Agonising scenarios flooded my mind and my hands started to shake. But failure was not an option. I could not afford to lose. I had to take the shot.

    I gripped my MP5 even tighter and took a deep breath. I forced my eye down the iron sight towards the target and squeezed the trigger. My finger slipped and my hand jerked to the side a fraction just as the gun went off.

    A second passed and I knew that I had failed.

    Next moment, Ed jumped forward and fired a small burst.

    X-ray down, hostage secure he said slowly.

    Fuck I breathed.

    I lowered my weapon and pulled off my mask.


    The lights flicked on. I held up a hand to shield my eyes; the intensity was blinding. I ran a hand over my hot, wet face. My heart was racing. My hands shook a little but I didn’t care, it was over.

    Never mind eh Morgan said slapping me on the shoulder, Everyone chokes the first time.

    Thanks I muttered irritably.

    And you your highness, you did well. How are you feeling?

    I... he began but he was cut off by the sudden appearance of his chief aide who played the role of the second hostage in the spare bedroom.

    Prince George, is everything alright? Are you injured?

    I’m fine he said waving them off impatiently, I must say it was experience to say the least.

    He smiled but his aid continued to fuss.

    Still, it was very risky for them to use live ammunition he said pompously, What if you had been hit by a stray bullet?

    Jack, please stop fussing, I am fine Prince George said as we walked down the stairs and towards the front door. I had every faith that I would be fine and that they knew what they were doing. The SAS regiment are the best after all.

    It was amazing. Here I stood in front of royalty who had just participated in a hostage rescue exercise involving live ammunition. Though he looked a little shaken up he wasn’t letting it get to him. He was strong.

    You flatter us sir Morgan grinned.

    But something tells me things wouldn’t have gone down too well if I had shot you I added quietly.

    He laughed.

    I’m glad you were concerned for my safety.

    He took a deep breath and looked up at the sky before rounding on us.

    Sorry, I didn’t catch your names? he asked, holding out his hand.

    Ed Morgan he said taking it, It was a pleasure to work with you sir.

    Chris Tyler, sir I said taking his hand and giving it a brisk shake.

    He smiled.

    Well, Chris Tyler, what if this had been the real thing? Could you have done it then?

    If this had been the real thing, sir, I wouldn’t have missed I said slowly.

    I had fired a burst of four rounds. Two had hit the brick wall behind the target. One had grazed the foam targets shoulder and the last had connected with the arm. It was a hit but not a kill, therefore, I knew it would be deemed a failure.

    I like your confidence he said beaming, How long have you been in the SAS regiment?

    Still training, sir I said automatically, Before that I served three years in the parachute regiment.

    Part of my cover. It was difficult to forget as many soldiers who join the SAS start out in the parachute regiment. As such, it was imperative to keep the details to the bare minimum in order to avoid awkward questions.

    Impressive he said nodding approvingly, I think you have a bright future ahead. Keep up the good work.

    Thank you, sir.

    Sir, we really must be getting along Jack said.

    He was dancing around the prince not unlike an over excited puppy greeting its owner. All he was missing was a tail.

    Of course, he said turning to leave, Well, I hope we can do this again sometime.

    You never know, sir I smiled back.

    As he walked away, I felt a small twinge of guilt gnaw at my stomach. I know I had sounded confident but the truth was, I didn’t know how I would fare against the real thing. Prince or not, a hostage was still a hostage. An innocent person being held captive and I had just failed to save them.

    So, you choked Forrester said, giving me a firm slap on the shoulder.

    Cut him some slack Gregory said, appearing at my other shoulder.

    The exercise I had just participated in was a standard hostage rescue which had taken place in the SAS's killing house. It was an accurate mock-up of a standard home but filled with foam targets. Unit size and tools to hand would affect the methods of infiltration used. In this scenario, a squad of four had demonstrated a standard four-man infiltration using automatic weapons, flash bang grenades and breaching explosives. I just had to fuck it up at the end, God fucking damn it.

    Didn’t you choke when you carried out the demonstration with the prime minister? Morgan asked with a raised eyebrow.

    Forrester laughed.

    What’s so funny? I asked.

    The Prime Minister forbid the use of live ammunition he said grinning, Guy was a pussy. They were sitting around the table in the kitchen when we burst in. Even now, I can still remember the home secretary pissing himself as we burst through the door and fired blanks into every corner of the room.

    I snorted. I hadn’t expected that.

    Oi, hop to it a voice shouted from the truck stationed just up the road.

    We hurried over. This was Sergeant Major Matthew Emmett. He was a close friend of Mark Bishop and was one of two people who knew my true identity. He was leading the blue unit and oversaw the training of new recruits. As a favour to Mark, I had slipped in among the next batch during the most recent selection process. There had been around two hundred when I started. That number quickly shrunk to fifteen within five months. Even now, the training wasn’t over.

    I followed the others over to the truck where Emmett was waiting for us. He was exactly what you would expect to describe the term, drill-sergeant. Around six-foot, early forties and a buzz cut. He was stocky and from experience, I knew just how strong he was. He could give you a nasty tap but secretly, I thought Mark was worse.

    Thirty-one seconds he shouted when we reached earshot, Given that, on this occasion, you didn’t need to carry the hostages out of the building, that’s pretty shite.

    Nobody said a word. I glanced up at the building opposite which was being used as command centre. Inside, they had equipment monitoring the killing house. This provided better evaluation of the techniques applied allowing critique for improvement. If there was one thing the SAS was proud of, it was the desire to improve.

    Thirty seconds to take down the targets and retrieve the hostages; that is the record for this setup he went on commandingly. Without needing to move the hostages, this should have ended in twenty at least.

    Well, two of our number do still lack experience, Forrester said firmly, If we were made up of four experienced members then...."

    Shut it Emmett said loudly, stepping closer causing Forrester to stumble back a little from shock. Tyler and Gregory might be new but you and Ed were taking point. What’s more, you, Delta one was the first to enter and the first to take down a target. You had a head start, so what took you so long to clear the ground floor?

    Forrester cleared his throat loudly.

    I err.... tripped he muttered.

    Gregory and Morgan snorted.

    You tripped? Emmett repeated, On what? Your big feet?

    He tripped on the rug Gregory smirked.

    It’s not my fault he pleaded, When we headed towards the kitchen it bunched up and caught on my....

    He broke off when he caught sight of Emmett’s face. The other two however where trying their best to hold in their laughter.

    Well, we did roll out the red carpet after all Morgan muttered.

    Gregory snorted loudly and even I cracked a grin which I quickly adjusted.

    Well, on the whole I can say that this rescue mission was a failure he said loudly.

    Hang on Morgan said slowly, Tyler might’ve choked but we still pulled it off, didn’t we?

    You failed he said slowly, Tyler wasn’t the only one who choked, you did too.

    He frowned.

    After reviewing the footage, you had the opportunity to take down the enemy after bursting into the room he went on.

    I held back to give Tyler a crack he said defensively, "If I fired too, I could have startled him.

    I understand that this exercise can be considered different than usual but it is still an exercise. Tyler hesitated and you allowed it. What’s more, when you stepped in to take the shot, you also missed.

    I did not miss he said incredulously.

    Emmett held up a hand and beckoned someone forward. Some of the guys were clearing the house, setting it up for the next exercise. One of them was carrying a foam mannequin, the one from the master bedroom.

    These are yours Emmett said pointing at the holes on the left-hand side of the mannequin. Shoulder and gut, no kill shot. No kill shot means you failed.

    Ah unlucky mate Gregory said as he leant over Morgan’s shoulder for a better look.

    Like Tyler, you over compensated, thus, you failed.

    That’s bollocks that is Morgan muttered.

    The prince chose the four of you to participate in this exercise himself Emmett said, almost through gritted teeth. He wanted to see both experienced and in-experienced levels in order to better understand our process of development. Doesn’t matter if you have carried out hostage rescue a thousand times or never. As a unit, you failed and to make up for it, you will be doing laps around the field. Get going.

    There was a small intake of breath.

    How many laps? Gregory asked.

    Until it gets dark he barked.

    But it’s only two Forrester groaned but stopped again at the look on Emmett’s face.

    Understood I muttered.

    Grudgingly, the four of us set off for the field. Honestly, I didn’t really care about the punishment. I just wanted to move, to do something. The longer I stood still, the worse I felt. I had choked. Having royalty here today playing the role of the hostages might sound like a good excuse but that’s all it was. An excuse. I knew. I had known for a while now. Something had changed within me. Something was different.

    I felt.... broken.

    Chapter 2

    The gun was in my hand . I pulled the trigger without hesitation. Thud. His body hit the floor. Blood seeping from his chest and mouth. A monster that destroyed the lives of innocent people, dead by my hands and yet, how was he standing before me?

    Blood dripping from his lips. A complexion of ghostly white. A rancid smile spread across his gormless face.

    Did you enjoy it kid? he whispered.

    I said nothing. My gun was trained on him but my hand started to shake.

    Of course, you did he went on, In the end, you are just like me.

    I am nothing like you.

    My voice cracked. My hands trembled more violently but I did not lower my gun. I couldn’t. This was only going to end one way.

    Go on he teased, Do it. Prove that you are just like me. Remember that feeling when you killed me. Remember how you relished in it.

    BANG!! BANG!!

    I sat bolt upright. My heart was pounding against my ribcage, I thought it might burst. I looked around but the room was empty. It took several seconds to realise, that it was nothing more than a dream.

    Fuck I gasped.

    I slipped out of bed and placed my feet firmly on the floor. I ran my hands over my hair and down my face which was slippery from the sweat. Breath in. Breath out. Slow and steady. Gain control.

    I leant back against the wall; my head hitting it with a soft thud and closed my eyes.

    It had been five months since I killed Burrows and yet, I felt like I had achieved nothing. Mark had flown to America, chasing a lead. I had spent every day since his departure training with the SAS. Gruelling. Punishing. Exhausting. Those were just some of the words that described the ordeal I had endured, though truthfully, it was nothing compared to what Mark put me through.

    The first day was probably the worst. Two hundred new recruits were transported to Elan Valley. A vast open terrain. A beautiful sight hard to appreciate under the circumstances. We had started right off the bat with a fifteen-mile hike equipped with a twenty-pound bergen, full kit and rifle. That day alone saw our number drop by a few dozen. Couldn’t blame them really. If not for the intense training I received under Marks guidance, I wouldn’t have lasted either.

    Hiking over hills and clambering over rocks while carrying a bergen was nothing new to me. The aching muscles. The blisters, grazes and bumps. All of it was harrowingly familiar. The others did not fare so well. They might be soldiers, but this was far beyond what any of them expected. Sure, most of them were physically fit for duty, but psychologically, they broke. All of it was designed to push the spirit well beyond its limits. To break you. You break, you’re out.

    I bit my lip. My hands started to shake. I quickly balled them into fists. No, I couldn’t think about it. Don’t think about it. It was over.

    I took a deep breath and thought back to how it all started.

    Four weeks of strenuous exercise and navigation. By the end, only sixty of our number remained. Given no time to rest, we were then shipped off to southeast Asia where we spent eight weeks training in a jungle in Brunei.

    Here, we were allocated to four-man patrols with an experienced instructor and elite units of The Brigade of Gurkhas accompanying us. We learnt the basics of jungle survival, patrol and observation techniques, more navigation and concocting medicine.

    This was then followed by two weeks of surveillance and reconnaissance training of which I already had experience and then a further three weeks of parachuting. Next came the SERE training; survival, evade, resist and extract. Broken up into small teams and hunted through the woodland by the real SAS.

    Our objective, to make it to the designated safe zone. Fifty miles with no food or water and a twenty-four-hour time limit. To make matters worse, one of our number sprained his ankle, slowing us down. Of course, we didn’t last.

    I remember, they slung a bag over my head and bound my hands together. My memories blurred; this had happened to me before but I held to together. This was different than last time.

    I was then subject to a further twenty-four hours of sleep deprivation. Stripped naked, cold water poured all over my aching body. My muscles seized up, tightening to the point I thought they might snap. This was then followed by an intense interrogation.

    My stomach churned uncomfortably. I felt sick. Again, I took another deep breath. In and out. Slow and steady.

    Now, selection was over but the training wasn’t. We had now moved onto counter terrorism measures. It had only been a week before the prince showed up, wanting to participate in the killing house exercise as a hostage. Man had guts I must admit.

    I let out a deep breath and opened my eyes. It was nearly four in the morning. My sleep had once again been taken from me thanks to Burrows.

    I got up, my feet taking me to the same place I always went when I couldn’t sleep. The shooting range.

    Situated underground and running the length of roughly two hundred metres. A fairly new addition to the base; it was designed to increase noise control and also allowed easier access for anyone on base to practise. It was also a great place to escape to. I didn’t need to get involved with anyone else. I could do this at my leisure.

    I raised my pistol and fired in two burst shots. The double tap. Effective and efficient. My hand steady. My breathing, calm. My eyes focused. Target down.

    I spent a lot of time practicing down here or going on long route marches with the others. Emmett was keeping us busy with training.

    After a few bouts with the pistol, I switched it up with the MP5. A good weapon. Low recoil. Decent magazine size. Impressive durability. It was easy to see why it was a favourite weapon for the SAS.

    I pulled the butt tightly into my shoulder and peered down the sight and fired a burst into my target. It was far more accurate to fire in bursts than to simply spray bullets. Each round needed to count, otherwise it was a wasted shot.

    Three rounds in the chest. Three rounds in the head. Again, and again, I switched between the two until the paper target was torn to shreds.

    You know, you are going to get in trouble sooner or later said a voice over my shoulder. A newbie is required to have a senior member to accompany them down here until you are officially brought in.

    That’s why you are here I smiled weakly.

    He snorted.

    It was Ed Morgan. He always seemed to know when I was down here and I was grateful. At least I wouldn’t get into trouble.

    On point as usual I see.

    I said nothing. He set up next to me, raising his own weapon ripping his target to pieces.

    Don’t let it get to you he shouted over the echoing sound of gunfire, Most people would choke the first time in that situation. In fact, I doubt some of the veterans would have fared much better.

    Very true said Forrester as he walked in with a wide smile, Gregory right behind him, I reckon Emmett is probably the only one that would take the shot. Well, he and Bishop. Gotta wonder what the crazy bastard is doing now.

    I scowled at the target. I hadn’t heard a peep ever since he dumped me here.

    Probably something dangerous and exciting Morgan said, firing a small burst at his own target.

    We hadn’t seen him for over a year Forrester went on. I had no idea he was training someone. Didn’t think he was the type.

    How was his training style anyway? Gregory added curiously. Other than what people say, I don’t actually know much about him.

    I’d say it’s about the same as Emmett’s I muttered, Maybe a little worse.

    Figures Morgan snorted.

    Mark Bishop was once the leader of red unit, but due to his extracurricular activities with Mr Johnson, he stepped aside. Thankfully, due to a little rivalry between blue and red teams, I managed to avoid awkward questions.

    I emptied my clip and stepped back to admire my handiwork. The paper target was now cut in half at the head.

    Impressive Forrester said, Now you just need to do it with a hostage in the way and you’re golden.

    How do you do it? I said slowly, I mean, knowing that with the slightest slip-up, you could kill the very person you are trying to save.

    The words came before I could stop them. I felt ashamed for asking but I just couldn’t help it.

    That’s your problem Morgan said flatly, Stop over thinking it. Keep your mind calm and under control. If you can do that, your body will respond in kind.

    You’re still a baby Forrester said clapping me on the shoulder, You still got a lot to learn. Trust me, we have all been down the path of doubt. We have lost friends but we still push on because we have to. You see, the world doesn’t care about you or your own self-pity. The world is a cruel and dangerous place. Suffering continues regardless of how you feel about yourself. If you don’t like it, then change it.

    A good lesson to live by but I already had first-hand experience of this cruel world. My ordinary life had been turned upside down thanks to one man who I had now killed. My revenge had been achieved but I didn’t feel any

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