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The Dragon's Mark: The Faerie Crown Series, #1
The Dragon's Mark: The Faerie Crown Series, #1
The Dragon's Mark: The Faerie Crown Series, #1
Ebook417 pages6 hours

The Dragon's Mark: The Faerie Crown Series, #1

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Neela, a castle servant, has reached Faerie adulthood. When her attempt to escape her world with the prince she loves is shattered, she must adjust to the new passions and urges that come with reaching The Age.


Duty and desire conflict as she finds herself torn between three Royal brothers - Cabor, the youngest prince who stole her heart; Ranor, the newly crowned King, who wants her as his Queen; and Azor, the prince of her past, unwilling to let her go.

Release dateJun 29, 2022
The Dragon's Mark: The Faerie Crown Series, #1

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    Book preview

    The Dragon's Mark - Rosa Meronek



    Neela pressed closer to Cabor as the gale of woodland debris lifted from the ground, cycloning above them in the small glade. Leaves and rocks grazed Neela’s arms and legs, tearing at her damp clothes and whipping at her wings. She smiled as Cabor wrapped his wings protectively around her, cocooning them within his emerald and jade feathers. She cuddled into his warmth.

    Neela shivered as his fingers stroked her silky, turquoise and magenta feathers. His pale amethyst eyes shined with emotion as he squeezed her hand, and his indigo hair brushed against his shoulders in the wind.

    Are you ready? Cabor shouted as the hot gust of wind circled the clearing, trapping them within the wall of the windstorm and warming her chilled skin and clothes. The archway of braided trees formed the only entrance into the glade, hidden in the forest by the solid wall of evergreens stretching higher than the towers of the King’s castle. Above them, the treetops curved together, allowing only a small glimpse of the deep crimson Fire Moon that illuminated the dark sky.

    Cabor’s fingers caressed her cheek, gently turning her face up to his as he brushed his lips against hers.

    A sharp pang stabbed at her chest, and the pit of her stomach twisted in knots. Pushing him back so she could look in his eyes, Neela asked, Are you sure you want to do this? To forgo being Prince Cabor? Her gaze lowered over him, a small smirk pulling at her mouth. A wardrobe full of royal clothing, and all he ever wore were dark, tattered pants that looked like they belonged on a servant. No. A servant would never be allowed to wear such ragged clothing.

    I want to be me. Just Cabor. Free of my father. Cabor cringed. And his crown.

    Neela tightened her grip on their interlaced fingers. She swallowed, slipping one hand to stroke the piece of obsidian hanging around his neck – the official stone of the royal family of the Western kingdom. The smooth facets hummed under her graze.

    Caressing his bare chest, her fingers traced the ridges of warm, hard muscle. She breathed in deeply as heat ignited in her middle, spreading in rippling tendrils through her body.

    Cabor’s breath shook as he gripped her hips, pulling her more tightly into himself. His lips caressed her neck and nipped at the pointed tip of her ear.

    Neela shuddered at the new sensation. Her eagle-shaped custos, the thing that had kept her hormones under control for far too many cycles, had released at daybreak now that she was of age. Twenty-two cycles. Finally. The lightweight metal cuffs had simply fallen off her ears while she slept. It was strange to feel the cool of the night on the bare skin of her ears. The touch of Cabor’s lips. It would take her ears a lifetime to reshape to normal – she had been bound longer than most.

    Her fingers skimmed the tip of Cabor’s ear. His custos had fallen off several moons prior. Every day since Cabor reached The Age, Neela had been terrified that he too would abandon her.

    Cabor sucked lightly on her neck and stole her thoughts. Her breathing came in gasps as she allowed her eyes to close, enjoying the play of his tongue.

    Cabor lifted her, his hands gripping her backside.

    Wrapping her legs around his waist, Neela yanked him closer, pushing herself against him. Her moan matched his as she felt him harden beneath his pants.

    He claimed her mouth, and his tongue pushed between her lips.

    She slid her own tongue against his, sucking on the tip, tugging it gently between her teeth, then moved to his ear, biting at the point.

    Cabor groaned, his fingers digging into her as his strong arms held her to him.

    Neela’s hands dropped to skim Cabor’s ornuma, the sensitive area on his back where his wings connected. A deep shudder shook his body as she caressed him. Since Cabor had reached adulthood, she had thrilled in making him tremble and quiver as she stroked that special spot between his wings. It was supposed to be even more sensitive, more pleasurable, than her most intimate places.

    Neela pulled her lip between her teeth, longing for Cabor’s fingers to touch her there. To stroke her and let her experience it for herself. She had been forced to wait too long.

    His teeth bit just a little too hard on her neck, sending exquisite shivers of pain through her as his warm breath washed over her skin.

    His chest expanded, and he slowly lowered her to the ground. Not like this, Neela.

    She tried to sound confident, teasing, as she rubbed against him. Are you sure?

    He groaned then pushed her back a little farther. His eyes closed as he tried to calm his breathing. After a wing’s beat, his eyes opened, and he took another step back. Are you having second thoughts?

    Her eyes flicked to the blazing phoenix tattooed on his right shoulder. Lifting her hand to brush it, Neela’s touch was light, almost as if the blue and black flames of the firebird could burn her. She sighed and shook her head, looking back up at him. It’s just so sudden.

    The wind gusted, swirling Neela’s black hair into her eyes. Her wings fluttered.

    Cabor brushed a few strands off her face, tucking them behind her ear. A deep frown pulled at his lips, and his forehead creased. If we stay, my brother will stop at nothing to separate us. The muscles of his jaw flexed. To claim you for himself.

    It was all happening too fast. She wished she had more time to ask questions. To say goodbye. What about Sarayne? And Asenai? Neela shouted as the wind gusted louder.

    Pale blue eyes penetrated her thoughts, and her chest tightened.

    Cabor shook his head. Neela, there’s nothing you can do for Sarayne. And Asenai... she’s getting older. His soft purple gaze met hers. You have to think of yourself. His lips caressed her cheek. Of us.

    Neela tilted her head a fraction to glance at her left arm, towards the blue dragon tattoo hidden beneath the burgundy sleeve of her bodice. She took a quiet, steadying breath.

    Are you sure it’s not something else? Cabor’s hand raised to cup her cheek. "Someone else?"

    Neela lifted her head to look into his eyes and studied his face. It was so different from his brother’s, but she saw him there too. The smile that haunted her dreams. Her breath caught, and her heart quickened. Glancing away, she swallowed the dryness in her throat and shook her head.

    Neela’s breathing faltered as Cabor’s fingers skimmed her chest, lifting the cut of obsidian he’d given her. If it’s Azor–

    Neela’s gaze met Cabor’s, the gentle hue drawing her in, and the warm pull in her chest grew steadily inside her. It’s not, she said firmly.

    He returned her smile. Are you trying to convince me or yourself? he asked, bringing the small chunk of volcanic glass to his lips and kissing it before settling it back over her heart. The brush of his knuckles against her bare skin sent liquid heat through her body.

    A loud rumbling shook the ground around them. Overhead, the trees swayed as if a great storm was approaching.

    Cabor smiled sadly, shouting to be heard. I’ll miss your wings.

    Neela glanced over her shoulder at the vibrant hues of her feathers. Each feather tip looked like it had been dipped in gold. They shook in the wind, and she turned back to Cabor, looking behind him at the rich greens that colored his wings.

    The Old World.

    Like everyone else, she’d grown up hearing the stories. No wings. Yellow sun. Blue oceans. So very different from the violet light their own sun cast, and the lavender waters of this world.  Few who crossed over had ever returned to tell of the other side. In the entirety of the Western Kingdom, she knew only of Nestau. Like all children, she had been enthralled by the Gatekeeper’s stories of his travels back and forth across the veil separating the worlds. But the old man hadn’t been seen or heard from in many cycles.

    Cabor hadn’t shared with her how or where he had found the recluse.

    She dropped her gaze to the clear crystal ring he gave her, the cool metal around her index finger. A copy of the ring he wore, and a necessity for crossing through The Divide. Without them, their memories of this world – of each other – would be lost. 

    A loud crack ripped through the trees, and the wind died, immersing them in an unnatural quiet – ominous silence enveloped the surrounding forest. An ink-black oversized ovoid revealed itself, hovering before them – its mirror-like surface reflecting Neela and Cabor.

    The Divide.

    Neela stared at the gateway between worlds. Countless hours she’d spent at Nestau’s feet, listening in rapt attention to his tales of the Old World. Of crossing between worlds. She never imagined she would actually see The Divide in person. It was like a myth. A very small part of her had thought it might not be real. Just a story made up by a crazy old man.

    But, it was real. And, she was about to cross it. Into the Old World – where they had all come from. Millenia ago. She knew the history of her people well. The ancestors who had escaped a dying world by creating this one. Throughout the cycles, many had crossed The Divide, wanting to return home. Risking themselves in the hope of finding a healed planet. Now, Neela would see it for herself.

    Her fear and excitement was reflected back at her in the floating portal. A small frown formed on Neela’s lips as she stared at their images. Their wings were gone. Her large, beautiful wings. She would never again glide on the wind.

    And Cabor’s lustrous deep blue hair was darkened to dull onyx, his beautiful pale purple eyes clouded over like smoky quartz. Neela’s own brilliant sapphire eyes faded to an ordinary aquamarine.

    Cabor turned to Neela, holding his hand out to her. Don’t let go.

    His smile calmed her fluttering wings, and Neela placed her hand in his palm, her fingers brushing the clear stone of his ring. He took a step into the gateway, the surface molding to him as he passed through.

    Cabor pulled her with him, and Neela stepped into the barrier. The surface wrapped around her leg in a warmth that felt like basking in the sun-soaked sand. Little sparks flashed against her skin, like thousands of miniature lightning bolts. Her head throbbed with the sting as she pushed through the portal, and she gasped at the oppressive heat.

    The endless terrain of tall green, cylindrical vegetation was unlike anything she’d ever seen before. With waxy, urchin-like skin and crowns of white flowers – against the backdrop of a faded blue sky. Gone was the violet sky of the world she’d always known. A blue sky.

    Cabor turned to look at her, his soft purple gaze shining at her.

    Hands yanked Neela back through the gateway, her fingers pulled from Cabor’s.

    No! She struggled against the arms that held her. No! Let me go!

    The portal between worlds started shrinking.

    Neela reached up, digging her nails into soft flesh.

    She threw her head back, smashing into hard bone.

    A loud groan erupted behind her.

    The tight squeeze around her waist loosened.

    She twisted and swung her elbow back.

    Bone crunched.

    He let go.

    She fell to her hands and knees.

    She kicked at the man’s groin.

    He collapsed.

    She scrambled to her feet, sprinting toward The Divide.

    He grabbed her ankle.

    Neela crashed into the forest floor, her palms scraping on the ground as something tumbled from her hand. A ring. Cabor’s ring.

    A second thundering crack broke through the trees.

    The gateway vanished.

    No! Her scream was loud and raw in the silence of the night as her stomach clenched. Hot, angry tears pricked at her eyes.

    Did you really think I would let you go? The familiar voice called from the archway.

    Neela’s back stiffened. Azor.



    Y ou really thought you could leave me? Azor asked, striding towards her in the clearing. His hair, white like opals, fell below his shoulders, and his eyes shone like pale sapphires. His wings were the dancing lights that appeared in the northern sky on cold winter nights – an iridescent white, shining with glimmers of blues and greens and purples. Unlike any other wings Neela had ever seen. Her breath caught. His ethereal beauty was undeniable – it always had been.

    His chin lifted a fraction, his gaze behind her.

    Her attacker hoisted her from the ground, dragging her to stand in front of Azor.

    Azor stalked around her. His eyes roamed over her body, lingering on her chest. His fingers threaded through her hair, jerking her head back as he tugged Neela’s face to his and crushed his lips into hers. His other hand gripped her hips, digging into her as he pulled her body hard against him, groaning into her mouth.

    Neela suppressed her own moan of familiar excitement and turned her head, pain tearing at her scalp.

    He brushed her hair over her ear, lightly rolling her newly exposed ear tip between his fingers – the corner of his mouth lifted.

    Neela didn’t have to look at Azor’s ears. After eight cycles free of the custos, the points were a little less prominent.

    Azor’s warm breath washed over her face, a mix of chocolate and spiced vanilla.  You belong to me.

    I am not property, Neela ground out – clenching her teeth as he tightened his fist in her hair.

    Azor tore at the left sleeve of her blouse, exposing the deep blue dragon, outlined in gold, on the outside of her upper arm. His mark. You swore your loyalty to me, Neela. A dark smile crossed his lips. You wanted my mark, he whispered at her ear. Begged me for it. His teeth pulled at her earlobe. You are mine.

    Leaves crunched behind Neela. As though her attacker had shifted from one foot to the other.

    Neela’s scalp stung with the tug of Azor’s fingers in her hair. She swallowed against the strange shudders that shivered up her back as he dropped his gaze, his finger tracing her exposed collarbone.

    Azor gripped Cabor’s pendant. With a sharp yank, he ripped it from her neck, tossing it away as his other hand released her hair and slipped down to stroke her ornuma, rubbing small circles over the sensitive nerve at the base of her neck.

    A flood of pure euphoria crashed over Neela, surging ecstasy through her blood.

    Neela’s eyes slammed shut as the tidal waves of pleasure spread through her, nearly buckling her knees. Her head was light – numb and groggy as with too much wine. She tried to blink away the spots blurring her vision. Her body hummed. Her insides throbbed.

    Neela’s voice trembled. Azor, she moaned, biting her lip. Please... she gasped. Don’t do this.

    His hand moved away, and her breath caught in her throat. Her chest tightened, and her stomach sank as the tips of his fingers left her skin. Her nerves fired, a flush sweeping over her neck as she opened her eyes to glare at him. She firmly told herself her anger was because he had touched her. Not because he had stopped. Not because he had teased her with rapture then wrenched it away.

    His fingers brushed her cheek gently. But I know you want me to, Neela. You want this.

    Neela bit her lip, her breath ragged. She cursed her body for reacting to him. Cursed him for knowing just what his touch did to her.

    A smug smile lit his face. I’ve waited a long time for this. His voice was low and gruff. Releasing her, he stepped back. Bow.

    Her left arm stung – Azor’s sigil burned as her body started to bend at the waist of its own volition. She clenched her jaw and fought the overwhelming urge. Her arm pulsed as her muscles tightened and cramped.

    Azor’s finger traced her jaw. Let go, Neela. His thumb pulled at her bottom lip. I promise you’ll enjoy it.

    Neela jerked away from his touch.

    So. Azor stepped close and pressed his mouth to her collarbone. Very. His lips brushed a kiss against her skin. Stubborn. His voice was soft, his tone tender, as he skimmed the hollow of her throat with the tip of his tongue. He leaned into her, his teeth dragging across her neck.

    Give in to me, Neela, he breathed against her.

    A soft moan escaped Neela – she bit hard into her lower lip, drawing the taste of blood on her tongue.

    Behind her, the man cleared his throat.

    Azor raised his head, glancing behind Neela for a moment before meeting her eyes. The corner of his mouth lifted. Leave us.

    Your Highness– The man’s voice was familiar, but Neela couldn’t quite place it.

    Now, Azor commanded.

    After several wingbeats of silence, the man’s footsteps faded as he walked away – the residual energy of The Divide preventing his flight within the clearing.

    Neela’s heart sank as the man left. A part of her had held onto the lingering hope that he would help her. That even though he had yanked her back through The Divide, he would stop Azor from hurting her. Claiming her. But he had left her alone with Azor.

    Azor’s eyes lowered over her and narrowed. He reached up to his right shoulder, tracing the blue dragon on his own arm with his finger. Kneel.

    His command echoed through her, a call that couldn’t be ignored. It pounded at every muscle in her body, demanding her attention.

    Neela’s left arm felt on fire, the scorching heat compelling her obedience. Her breathing grew ragged. Her body fought her will, bending forward an inch, forcing itself lower.

    Neela’s face reddened as she ground her teeth and clenched her fists. Cycles of servitude, and she had never been brought to her knees. Never dejected in such a manner.

    Her knees buckled.

    Liquid bliss flowed from the dragon on her arm, easing the hot pain in her shoulder. The reward for her body's obedience.

    Good girl. Azor’s voice was rough, matching the thundering storm in his eyes. Those blue eyes. His wings pulsed in excitement.

    Neela cringed, her lip curling as her stomach lurched, and bile rose in her throat. She swallowed hard, disgusted at the spark of arousal creeping up her spine. She refused to look at him, focusing instead on the flaming eyes of a phoenix in the tree in front of her.

    The firebirds were believed to be a sign of good fortune, named for the Fire Moon under which they found their mates. The firebird burst from the tree, and across the clearing, another phoenix launched into the air. Their gleaming blue feathers made it seem as though they were streaking a trail of blue flames as they circled together then flew off into the scarlet light of the night. Mates for life.

    She envied the birds. It was so easy for them.

    Neela’s gaze met Azor’s. His breaths were deep. She licked her lips, and his eyes flashed with lust. A secret part of her, buried very deep, felt the fervid desire too. She wanted him. Longed for him. To feel his lips on her. His body against her. Inside her.

    Neela shook her head, refusing to give any power to those thoughts. Those desires were from times long past. And best forgotten.

    She tried to stand.

    No. Azor’s voice was firm.

    Her foot pulled back from beneath her. Dirt and rocks bit into her palms, tearing at the knees of her pants. Her head fell forward, her face and ears burning as her chest tightened, her ribs squeezing her.

    Azor squatted in front of Neela. She swallowed, his nearness filling her vision with his obvious excitement.

    His fingers touched the top lacing of her shirt. Open these.

    Neela blinked back the sting in her eyes as her hands moved against her wishes, lifting towards her chest. Her muscles tensed as she willed them to stop. Her left shoulder smoldered, lit ablaze with the agony of her defiance. She looked up at him, refusing to beg.

    Azor traced his finger over the dragon on his right shoulder. His royal mark. The same dragon that had manifested on her own shoulder when she swore herself to him so many cycles ago. Over and over, he stroked the curve of the blue figure. The gold outline. His pale eyes fixed on her.

    Neela’s fingers opened the top lace. A flicker of ecstasy sparked through the pain, enticing a soft moan from her lips.

    Her fingers moved quicker to open the next lace, and another flash of euphoria drowned the anguish. Her teeth dug into her lower lip, unable to hold back a louder moan.

    Neela’s breathing deepened as the intoxicating sensation settled in her chest. The delicious recompense for her compliance. She gritted her teeth, meeting his captivating gaze with her own. Pain or not, she refused to give into him so easily.

    At the third lacing, she tried to stop herself again. Her arms strained. Her body wouldn’t listen. It clung to the promise of pleasure rewarding her submission. She squeezed her eyes shut, struggling to pull her hands away. Her muscles refused to obey her will. Her breaths were quick and shallow, as if she’d just flown several leagues. She focused all her strength on refusing Azor, defying his commands.

    Searing pain crashed over her like a tidal wave.

    Her fingers freed the third lace, the fourth, and finally the fifth as swells of warmth rolled over her.

    Her bodice fell open.

    Her hands dropped to her sides.

    Her wings sagged.

    Her lips parted as the sweet balm of bliss flowed through her veins, soothing her trembling muscles as the icy night chilled her skin. A tear trailed off Neela’s cheek, sending a small puff of dust into the air when it hit the ground.

    Dirt pushed under her nails as she dug them into the forest floor, clutching fistfuls of earth in her hands. She glared at him.

    He stared at her exposed flesh, and his eyes clouded over like an oncoming storm. His mouth parted, and his chest rose and fell in a slow deep rhythm.

    Don’t move. His voice was rough and thick as he reached towards her.

    Neela’s body ached, her muscles weak. She couldn’t fight anymore. She didn’t try. She...didn’t want to.

    Azor’s fingers brushed a trail of heat over the curve of her breasts.

    She shuddered, turning her head to look away. Pain carved into her temples, dragging an agonized scream from her.

    Azor grabbed her jaw, forcing her to look at him, a scowl etched deep into his face as he stared into her eyes. I said...don’t move.

    The pain dissipated. He pushed her head to the side, opening her neck to his mouth. He nipped at her, coaxing a moan from her lips. Neela balled her fists at her sides.

    The bronze cast of moonlight shone bright in the clearing. Azor’s touch seared her skin as the glint of Cabor’s obsidian caught her attention from where it lay in the dirt. She took a shaky breath, shifting her gaze up at the red glow of the fire moon. Her eyes closed in bliss as Azor’s tongue stroked against her neck.

    Firebirds in the nearby trees called to their mates. Howlers bayed in the distance.

    Her eyes sprung open at Azor’s touch on her shoulder. Liquid flames. It hurt so good. She stared at him as he traced his finger over her dragon, moving in slow curves along its back and curled tail. Azor’s eyes locked with hers with an intensity that both scared and excited her.

    His touch dragged across her collar and down her chest, between her breasts, leaving a scorching trail in its wake. It seeped into her neck and down her spine, flowing like warm honey through her body. She swallowed and licked her lips, her eyes drifting closed. Her wings beat in a slow pulse. It felt so good. She hated it. Hated that she couldn’t stop him. Hated that she didn’t want to. Her breathing slowed and deepened. Fog rolled over her mind as waves of pleasure coursed through her.

    Azor leaned forward, bathing her shoulder with his warm breath, sending charged sparks into her body. His tongue traced over the mark. She pressed her lips tight together, but a soft whimper escaped.

    She tried to move away. Tried to push him away. To clear her mind. But, her body didn’t respond, and her brain flooded with euphoria.

    Azor’s gaze locked with hers. Turn around.

    She turned, her body responding to his command. Connected to his desires. Unable to free itself from his control. He positioned himself behind her. A deep groan reverberated in his throat as he pressed his face to her ornuma.

    Every nerve ending fired in exquisite frenzy. He massaged her arm, continuing the flow of pleasure from his mark as his mouth brushed across the sensitive flesh on her back. Shudders vibrated through her. He licked and nipped at her skin, making her whimper and moan.

    Azor pulled away but stayed within a breath of her, letting his warmth continue to tease her.

    Please, Neela gasped.

    Please what? Azor demanded.

    Please... Neela bit down on her lip to prevent the words.

    Azor pressed into her, sending uncontrollable tremors through her. Desire caressed her every cell.

    Don’t stop, she groaned.

    Again. The whispered command at her ear excited chills down her arms.

    Neela’s breaths came fast and shallow. She tried to shake her head no, but the slow stroke of his tongue against her skin pulled a choked gasp from her.

    Tears broke free from the corners of her closed eyes. The words burned her throat. Please don’t stop.

    You, he said, his hand slipping around to cup her breast. His fingers gently squeezed her nipple.

    Neela moaned. Hesitating for less than a breath, she leaned forward, pressing herself into his touch. Hating herself for giving in so easily.

    Are. He bit the back of her neck as his other hand came around her abdomen, pulling her roughly to him, his hard excitement pushing against her. Mine. The tips of his fingers slipped under the edge of her pants. His hand stopped.

    Say it, he commanded, his voice rough and demanding. His touch stroked back and forth on the heated skin just below the waistband.

    She gripped his wrist, stopping him. Neela bit into her lip, her breathing erratic. She wanted his touch. Craved it. It was too much.

    Gritting her teeth, Neela squeezed her eyes shut, releasing a slow breath through her nose. She had to stop him. She had to pull his hand away.

    She opened her eyes, staring down at his hands. Poised to please her. To give her the rapture she so desperately wanted. Taking a steadying breath, she swallowed the last vestiges of her resistance and pushed on the hand trapped in her grasp. Urging him lower.

    The final skewer of pain unfastened and dissolved.

    Azor let her guide his hand lower, stopping – once again – before he could reach where she most wanted his touch. Needed his touch. He kissed the line of her shoulder, up her neck, whispering softly in her ear, Say it, Neela.

    He pressed into her, rubbing against her back. She groaned and tried to blink through the daze in her mind. She breathed deep. Her lips parted, but the words choked in her throat.

    His fingers started to slide up, away from where she wanted him.

    A silent whimper shook her body as panic gripped her chest, desperate to keep him in place. I’m...y–.

    Enough! A deep voice shouted from across the clearing.



    R anor. Azor’s hard voice dripped with contempt.

    A whimper of protest escaped Neela as Azor withdrew his hand away from her breast, and she stifled a frustrated groan as he pulled the other from her pants.

    He stood. Placing himself between her and Ranor.

    The ecstasy inside her ebbed.

    Squeezing her eyes shut, she released a sharp breath. Rage blazed in her stomach – she tightened her lips as her earlier meal threatened to expel. Her heart ached. Cabor had been lost only moments ago, and she had betrayed him. Neela pushed away from Azor, her face burning as she glanced up. Hating him.

    Ranor’s imposing figure filled the entryway. His shoulders and strong muscles stretched his white tunic. In many ways, he was the exact opposite of Azor. It was difficult to believe they were brothers. His dark hair was short – like the men of the Royal Guard – and his beard was trimmed close to his strong jaw.

    Ranor’s deep amethyst eyes, much more like Cabor’s but richer in hue, locked onto Azor’s soft blue ones as he strode towards them. The moonlight shone on his wings – magnificent shades of deep and royal blues.

    He stopped and offered his hand to Neela. She took it and allowed him to pull her to her feet, her legs shaking. He removed his cape, wrapping it around her shoulders. His eyes fell on hers.

    Turning her back on the two brothers, Neela tugged the sides of her blouse together across her heated skin. Her fingers shook and fumbled as they worked the lacing closed. Her muscles throbbed from the effort to refuse Azor, his touch no longer confusing her senses. No longer flooding her with waves of euphoria.

    Azor’s voice was sharp. She is none of your concern.

    Neela shot Azor a glare. Her breathing still labored, she clenched her teeth so tightly her jaw ached. Her nails dug into her palms as a sharp pang pierced her chest like a

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