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Return To Paradise: Tropical Heat, #2
Return To Paradise: Tropical Heat, #2
Return To Paradise: Tropical Heat, #2
Ebook173 pages2 hours

Return To Paradise: Tropical Heat, #2

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Mason Caldwell is a luxury resorts tycoon, a busy, determined man with goals to meet:

-- build a perfect art studio in their beach house so his sexy, estranged wife will have to live with him while working

-- lure Leilani back to Hawaii by commissioning her (through a third party) to adorn the walls of his newest resort with massive canvasses.

-- find proof that he's innocent of adultery, and

-- get his short-lived marriage back on track even if it means encouraging the sparks flying between them to burst into flames.

Still feeling betrayed and manipulated by Mason, Leilani returns to O'ahu with her own agenda:

-- ignore her attraction to her handsome husband

-- finish the tropical paintings commissioned by him

-- earn the money to pay for her mother's medical care, and

-- get Mason's signature on divorce papers.

Resenting his deceptive methods, Leilani struggles with conflicting messages from her heart and her head, especially with Mason's familiar touch and heat-filled gazes tugging at her heart.

Can they fight the love and passion that rages between long enough to rebuild trust in their marriage, or will their relationship implode once again?

This book is the second in the Tropical Heat series, which includes Sunset Beach Sizzle. However, each book is a standalone title and can be read out of order.

Other titles by this author:
Sweetwater Springs series
A Suitable Wife
Her Unexpected Family
His Small Town Princess

Tropical Heat (all standalone novellas)
Sunset Beach Sizzle

Other Standalone titles:
Nobody's Baby
Heart 2 Heart (a short story collection)
Home for Christmas

Crainesian series (writing as Annie Rayburn):
Insight (short story)
Phantoms & Fantasies
Bittersweet Obsessions

Check Annie's website for an up-to-date list of titles available.

Reviews say Carol's books are:
"Highly captivating!" "intriguing and a wonderful read" "Emotional and heartwarming" "Engaging!" and "Great reading!"

Release dateJul 4, 2022
Return To Paradise: Tropical Heat, #2

Carol Burnside

Carol Burnside is an award-winning author of "Sizzling romance with heart and humor." Her personal second-chance-at-love story resulted in a marriage to her high school sweetheart. They reside in the Texas hill country, where Carol enjoys watching visiting wildlife from her covered back porch or poolside. Like any true southerner, she drinks tea in some form year-round. Carol's novel-length manuscripts have placed in numerous contests and won several, including the prestigious Maggie Award for Excellence. She also writes as Annie Rayburn. Visit her blog at Like her page and interact with her on Facebook:

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    Book preview

    Return To Paradise - Carol Burnside

    Return To Paradise

    A Tropical Heat Romance

    by Carol Burnside

    Mason Caldwell is a luxury resorts tycoon, a busy, determined man with goals to meet:

    —build a perfect art studio in their beach house so his sexy, estranged wife will have to live with him while working

    —lure Leilani back to Hawaii by commissioning her (through a third party) to adorn the walls of his newest resort with massive canvasses

    —find proof that he's innocent of adultery, and

    —get his short-lived marriage back on track, especially if it means encouraging the sparks flying between them to burst into flames.

    Still feeling betrayed and manipulated by Mason, Leilani returns to O’ahu with her own agenda:

    —ignore her attraction to her handsome husband

    —finish the tropical paintings commissioned by him

    —earn the money to pay for her mother’s medical care, and

    —get Mason’s signature on divorce papers.

    Resenting his deceptive methods, Leilani struggles with conflicting messages from her heart and her head, especially with Mason’s familiar touch and heat-filled gazes tugging at her heart.

    Can they fight the love and passion that rages between them long enough to rebuild trust in their marriage, or will their relationship implode once again?


    Published by B & R Bookery

    Copyright 2022 Carol Burnside

    All rights reserved.

    Edited by Emily Sewell

    Cover Design by Dar Albert

    This is a work of fiction. People and locations, even those with real names, have been fictionalized for the purposes of this story.

    Discover more about Carol Burnside and her alter ego, Annie Rayburn at

    Table of Contents

    Story Blurb

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    About the Author

    Books by Carol Burnside

    Books by Annie Rayburn

    Copywrite Notices

    Chapter One

    Paradise or purgatory?

    Leilani Tomas couldn't decide as she navigated the breezeway between the gates and main terminal of Honolulu International Airport, trepidation growing with each step. The scents of plumeria, jet exhaust, and ocean air swirled around her, all painful reminders.

    It was here she’d made her biggest error in judgment, marrying Mason Caldwell, über wealthy CEO of Caldwell Properties International and her soon-to-be ex. That she’d returned to the island mere weeks before their first anniversary was no accident. Mason had planned it that way, leaving her little choice in the matter.

    O'ahu was a South Pacific paradise, but if she let the memories of her Waikiki beach wedding and luxurious honeymoon crowd in, this trip promised to be pure— What the hell?

    The sign held by a young Hawaiian woman said Tomas-Caldwell in bold black letters. Damn Mason anyway. He was well aware she didn’t use his name.

    How typical of him to simply ignore what he didn't like. She marched over to the sign bearer. I'm Leilani Tomas.

    "Aloha. Welcome to Hawaii."

    "Mahalo," Lani murmured, bending forward to accept the fragrant leis. Good heavens, three of them?

    The fragrance of white ginger, tuberose, and plumeria filled her nostrils, tempering her irritation with Mason's gifts. She smiled and accepted the brief, customary kiss on her cheeks.

    What else has Mr. Caldwell arranged?

    The girl grinned. He took care of everything. Would you follow me, please?

    Well, of course he did. Lani forced a wider smile and nodded, then smiled again while giving her luggage stubs to the waiting skycap. By the time he'd delivered her into the hands of a uniformed chauffeur, Lani's cheeks hurt from the effort.

    I'm sorry for your trouble, but I have a rental car reserved. I can handle things from here. Thank you. She reached for her luggage.

    The closest door of a white stretch limo sprang open.

    Hello, Lani.

    Her stomach lurched at the familiar, deep timbre, and she had a sudden urge to flee. Only her feet refused to budge. She sucked in much-needed oxygen.

    Long khaki-clad legs swung from the dark depths of the limo, muscles bunching beneath soft fabric as he emerged into the heat in dress slacks and a white golf shirt.

    Mason. His name was all she could manage. He took her breath. He'd always had that infuriating ability.

    Welcome home, darlin’. Mason leaned forward as if to kiss her.

    She stiffened and pulled back at the last second. His nearness and the deep, quiet tones of his voice were unnervingly intense. Why was it men who were bad for you always came with an attraction potent enough to knock a woman off balance? Lani donned dark sunglasses against the late afternoon sun, hoping to look casual and dismissive, though she felt anything but. That had been too close. For a moment there, she'd almost leaned into the kiss.

    Without turning her head, she observed him. He still wore his thick, brown hair long, secured at his nape with an elastic band. His tan accentuated cautious hazel eyes and the features too rugged to be classically handsome.

    One corner of his mouth pulled up in a slight smirk. You're looking well. Miss me?

    Oh, God, yes. She shrugged and turned away, watching the driver stow her luggage. When she was sure her voice wouldn't waver, she turned back to Mason.

    Let's wait until we're in the car, shall we?

    He nodded once and swept his arm wide.

    Lani entered the vehicle and took a seat close to the opposite door. Mason followed, and the door shut beside him. The tropical climate she could handle but having him so near raised her inner temperature.

    We're alone now. No kiss for your husband after you've been away?

    She removed her shades in the darkened interior and stared at him, disbelieving. He sounded as if she'd been on a trip, not separated from him for six months. As if nothing of importance had happened. As if she hadn't left him with her heart sliced open and bleeding.

    He needed to understand their separation would continue. Let's get one thing straight. ‘We’ are not part of the bargain. I'm here to fulfill the contract, not to renew our relationship. Are we clear?

    Crystal. The gentle flare of his nostrils and the tiny tic along his jaw told her she'd driven her point home, and he didn't like it one bit.


    As usual, other than well-controlled anger, he showed no signs of her words affecting him. Why did she keep looking for some glimmer of hope? Even if she believed he'd once had feelings for her, it didn't change the fact that she couldn't trust him. Lani refused to live her life like her mother had, waiting for crumbs of affection that were never enough.

    I appreciate the royal treatment, but there was no need. I have a rental car reserved. If you could have the driver stop—

    Your Mini-Cooper and the Jag are here, and both are in perfect working order. There's no need for a rental.

    Why did he always need to run the show? To control the ones he loved—correction, the ones he felt were his responsibility—and shower them with gifts, things?

    The perfume from the leis wafted around her, and Lani sighed. She did so enjoy the custom-made Mini, a birthday gift from her husband. Correction. Soon-to-be ex-husband. With Mason, the gifts and taking charge weren't just courtesy, but an obsession she'd come to recognize as a substitute for emotion.

    How many times had she wished for a declaration of his feelings instead? No matter. It would have been a lie. His betrayal had hurt worse than she'd thought possible, teaching her she couldn't believe his generosity was in any way tied to real emotion. Still, the car was hers, and he’d gone to considerable lengths to have it shipped all the way from Texas. It was silly not to use it. She’d always found it fun to drive.

    Fine. Whatever. She could stand being polite and distant if the result was what she wanted—a fast, uncontested divorce. Is the studio ready?

    Of course. Supplies and canvases all waiting for the artist. If there's anything else you need, just ask.

    And you're certain I'll have enough quiet to concentrate?

    I'm sure of it.

    Thank you.

    No problem. I was curious about the number of smaller canvases you ordered, though. You do understand I need oversized pieces for the hotel’s common areas? He angled toward her, his body language inviting.

    She looked out the window at the never-ending traffic of Honolulu, refusing to be taken in by his charm again. They're for a personal project. I'll reimburse you. The vivid tropical scenes she had planned would brighten her mother's drab room.

    For heaven's sake, Lani, I’m not worried about the money. Mason's clipped tones revealed his exasperation. How long are you going to do this?

    Until the paintings are finished. When I agree to a commissioned project, I finish it.

    "Don't be coy. It isn’t cute. How long do you plan to punish me for something you think I did?"

    Anger, hot and suffocating, shot through Lani's veins. The man could be such a bastard sometimes.

    You forget I witnessed you leaving that... woman’s room, instead of mine, at two a.m. We were supposed to be together that night, working on our marriage, but apparently, that wasn’t high enough on your priority list.

    And I've told you nothing happened. How can you believe rumors and circumstantial evidence over your own husband? Mason's voice boomed in the confined space.

    Because his story doesn’t hold water, and I know what I saw. She held up her hand before he could reply. I'm not rehashing this again, Mason. I'm not. Lani touched two buttons, lowering her window, and opening the skylight. We’re over. Yesterday’s news.

    Talking wouldn’t help, anyway. Mason insisted he was innocent, once he’d had time to concoct some ridiculous story about running into an old friend who’d wanted to get married and he’d helped the couple accomplish it. Sure, sure. Didn’t everyone want a friend tagging along, joining them in their honeymoon suite at a Caldwell luxury resort in Cancun? Of course, when she’d demanded proof, the couple had conveniently vanished.

    How stupid did he think she was? After she’d left and had time to think, she’d realized that even if Mason’s ridiculous story proved true, it didn’t change the fact that their marriage hadn’t been important to him. Never had been. She’d been the afterthought, the last check-off box on his daily to-do list. Hell, she and their shaky marriage hadn’t even been on his radar that night despite his agreement to meet her for dinner to discuss how to fix their relationship. If so, he would’ve at least called to let her know he’d been held up. That she’d meant so little to him still stung.

    She leaned her head back against the seat, released a shaky breath, and pushed the thoughts away. The last few weeks had been difficult, trying to get her mother into a decent facility to convalesce after a bad fall and reassuring her she wasn't being abandoned. To Lani’s horror, hot, fat tears gathered and spilled over her lashes. She straightened and brushed them away, desperate that Mason wouldn't see her fall apart.

    She could do this because the outcome would mean her freedom and a new start. Mercifully, Mason didn’t pursue the subject of their past. Let him be accommodating, solicitous. Let him try to save their marriage. He could attempt to ply her with gifts and shower her with false adoration all he wanted. She was no longer the naive co-ed to his sophisticated, hard-edged magnate. The heartache of the last six months had seen to that.

    This time she knew what to expect, was aware of the true measure of the man, and couldn’t be seduced. He’d soon tire of the exercise and go on to the next unsuspecting female.

    The very thought of him with someone else made her stomach lurch. Her gaze fell on the large canvas tote bag at her feet, its contents hidden from view. She’d learned from experience to carry overnight essentials within its sturdy walls and items she

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