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Love in the Spring
Love in the Spring
Love in the Spring
Ebook199 pages2 hours

Love in the Spring

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Follow Jay on his journey through clothing-optional Hot Springs and the intimate "connections" he's made through the years. The joy, the sorrow, the awakenings, the passion... the sex! It will all be yours! Jay holds nothing back and gives you every erotic detail. Every chapter is a chance to learn something new. All you have to do... is read.<
PublisherJay Donati
Release dateJul 4, 2022
Love in the Spring

Jay Donati

Small town Actor, Singer, Songwriter, Author...Entertainer.

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    Love in the Spring - Jay Donati

    Love in the Spring

    Lived by - Jay Donati

    Edited by - Don San Li

    Self Published

    Copyright © 2022, Jay Donati, all rights reserved.

    All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. For permissions contact:

    Cover by: Audrey Lim

    ISBN: 978-1-879051-21-8 (Digital Online)

    The opinions expressed in this book are solely of Jay Donati. The stories told are his perceptions of what transpired, and do not necessarily represent any other reality. All names have been changed to protect anonymity, as well as descriptions of places visited. The cover photo is a randomly selected Hot Spring not typically visited by Jay, and not in the book in any other way.


    This book discloses a small, yet profound, portion of my life. May you enjoy reading it… as I enjoyed living it.

    The contents are for adults 18 years and beyond.


    Before you Dive in…

    I’ve spent the last Forty-plus years of my life looking for love, acceptance, and validation. I’m not alone. Those needs are part of our human design… a design that keeps us wanting… yearning for one another.

    This book is more than the sharing of an erotic adventure. It is an expression. It goes beyond words, into the magical realm of body language…leading to the arrival of… a conscious-awareness.

    As you experience my journeys, perhaps you will come to appreciate your own, and realize that we are all, in reality… connected.


    Every journey offers an opportunity for Discovery. At the age of five, my mom took me on what would turn out to be my first fishing experience… and an unforgettable Discovery. We went to the lake to walk around and skip rocks, but as fate would have it, while searching for little flat rocks we called skippers, I found a tangle of fishing line on the shore. I wondered how it got so jumbled up… did a fish do it? Just then, I noticed a small hook in the center and began unraveling… untangling.

    My mom, admiring my handy work said, If you had a stick, you could tie that line to it and fish… like that angler over there. She pointed to a fisherman about ten yards away. He had three fish on a metal stringer in the water. I wanted one! Can you help me find a stick, mom? We searched the banks and found a five foot long, bendy branch at the tree line.

    Noticing my mom helping me tie the line to my fishing pole, the angler walked over. Probably angling for my mom, he kindly gave us half a jar of salmon eggs to use as bait.

    The man put a small weight on my line, just above the hook and helped me cast it out. Leave it there until a fish bites, he said, as he walked away… winking at my mom. I waited… I visualized a fish eating my hook… wanting the eggs… I got a bite! I was so excited… I didn’t know what to do. My mom yelled, Back up, back up! I walked backward, tree branch bending, line tightening… until I saw the fish hit shallow water. He was splashing around… I watched him in awe. My mom yelled, Keep going, Jay! I turned around and ran, with my tree branch pole over my shoulder. I ran as fast as I could. I looked back and the fish was being dragged along the sand, flopping about on dry land… Stop Jay, you did it! As she said, stop, she barely got the rest of the sentence out due to her laughing hysterically… the angler was laughing too, but I was jumping for joy.

    I was hooked! On that day, I discovered a satisfying activity…

    Fishing has taken many forms for me over the years. Aside from landing little swimmers, I instinctually fish for answers, companionship, love, acceptance, and people.

    It’s people that give me the most joy. I need them… especially kind people… like the angler, or my mom. Kindness seems to be fleeting, and stress rules the day. Let’s get back to the water… when life was simple. But first, it’s time for a wakeup call…

    The Chapters that follow are equivalent to a B-12 shot in the ass…


    Tuesday morning… none of us slept well… damn downgraded hotel. We were seven grumpy subcontractors… None of us were singing, Hi-Ho, so no chance of Snow White showing up to brighten our day.

    We caravanned in to find a dead cable truck blocking the loading bay door. Well, we’re screwed… How long until you can move this truck, Sean asked the guy looking under the hood. Sorry guys, I think the battery is dead, we called it in… someone is on the way. Sean looked at me, This day’s pissing in the wind. Sean cracked me up.

    All of us strolled into the break room. Terry looked over at the counter, At least they bought us doughnuts. I laughed… I don’t think those are for us. They never feed subcontractors. Someone go get a remote so we can put on sports. We sat at one of the tables… waiting. A small TV hung in the corner, playing a 24-hour news channel. Breaking news interrupted! Sean yelled out, NO! We all watched in horror as a commercial jet flew into the second Twin Tower. The first was already on fire from another plane. They kept showing the plane hitting the building… None of us could look away. Just then, the branch manager walked in and said, All work is canceled… go home! …We are at war!

    I drove like a bat out of hell to get home to my family. In shock, I was glued to the radio… listening for updates. Not since Pearl Harbor in 1941 had such an attack happened on American soil. The news reported that people were jumping to their deaths… instead of being burned alive. It was horrific!

    I pulled into my neighborhood completely distraught, but thankful to soon hold my wife and 6-month-old daughter. Turning into the driveway, I saw my ten-speed road bike out on the lawn. Huh? Why is my bike outside? It’s too tall for my wife to ride… was she cleaning the garage and got distracted by the horrible news? I opened the garage to find it almost completely empty. On the middle of the concrete floor, where there should have been a 4-Runner, lay one of my most prized possessions… an oil painting of me standing amid several pillars in a Roman Colosseum. A dear friend had painted it. Laundry detergent was smeared in a giant circle, dissolving my face and hair. It was completely destroyed! The washer and dryer were gone, and a pile of clothing was in front of the door. In a panic, I kicked them aside and burst in. I stepped around the corner and the smell knocked me back. Everything from the refrigerator and freezer was on the counter… the refrigerator… gone! An entire chicken had defrosted, and bacterial slime was puddled along the counter, and dripping down to the floor… Gross! I moved forward to the living room. The TV… the couch… nightstands… gone! Our marriage picture smashed and lying face up on the fireplace bricks. I ran into the bedroom. My bed was still there, but clothes were strewn about like the place had been ransacked. Were we robbed? No… robbers wouldn’t destroy our marriage picture and my painting! I ran back to the kitchen, and on the table, I saw a note that read…

    09-11-2001 - Jay, I hope you’re happy with whomever you’re with. I went to stay with my brother in Kansas

    What! She knew where I was! Every time I went out of town for a workweek we talked before bed. Hell, I had just talked to her last night! I could tell she was driving, but she said she was just putting our baby to sleep. I brushed it off because she did that often.

    I called the Sheriff and reported it. Officers came out but snickered to each other as they looked around. They told me that she had the legal right to destroy the stuff because we were married… it was hers too… my only recourse would be to file a small claims case against her in court. They left, still snickering, and I went back inside to survey the damage further. My cell phone rang…

    I’m in Colorado!

    What? Why? …and what the hell did you do to this house? Where is everything?

    You’d better be nice to me, or I am not coming back.

    What? What makes you think I want you to come back after what you did? How am I going to live here without even a refrigerator? What did you do with everything?

    I sold it all Monday morning after you left for work. Why are you home early anyway?

    Why am I home…? Do you not know about the attack? Jesus Christ Sybil… What did I do to deserve this? What were you thinking!


    FUCKING BITCH! My roar filled the house as complete helplessness consumed me.

    …that was my 9-11… and the start of my second divorce.

    I’m a mess! I needed something to help me dive deeper into why… Why do I keep making the same mistakes? I knew my picker was broken. That fact was relayed to me by a therapist that Sybil and I recently went to for counseling hoping to salvage what little was left. Clearly, it didn’t work! That broken picker concept was ridiculously simplistic. I knew there were deeper, more hidden powers at work that kept me stifled… but what was it? I needed something to unravel the layers… to get to the root of the problem. But, at that moment, it was all too much… I needed a distraction… something to help me cope. I collapsed on the bed and pondered… painfully recalled the nickname that my best friend Wade bestowed upon me in Highschool… Single-J.

    We were rehearsing for a dance contest, and Wade went around the room filling out the contest form. Our female Break Dancer, he called Lil-Rocket, stood about four foot six and was all muscle. She could pop & lock with the best of them. Wade called AJ The-Pilot, he wore an X-Wing fighter jet helmet to do his long head spins (yes younglings, Star Wars has been around a long time). AJ’s head spins were crazy fast. Wade pointed his number two pencil at himself, I’ll be Sir-Bubble-Pop (he thought he had a bubble butt). He then got to me, and noticed that I was the only one without a girl by my side. (Even Lil-Rocket had a girlfriend.) He made sure to point out my solitude to everyone…!

    Jay’s the only one without a girl, let’s call him ‘Single-J,’ I never see him with a girl. Laughter ensued.

    I was in 10th grade and didn’t think I needed to hook up with a girl yet, so I wasn’t trying. He was just stating a fact, so I didn’t think much of it at the time. I wondered if that branding was somehow prophetic in the way the rest of my life would play out. Thus far, it seemed that there was some truth to it.

    After the attack… Life resumed. I picked up a route, finished on time, got dinner, and settled into my hotel. I looked at my phone. Nope, no reason to call Sybil to check in. There I was… another Monday night in a hotel room… alone!

    The sun was setting, I was full-bellied, and bored. Let’s see what kind of fresh hell I can uncover. I turned on the nightstand lamp, and I saw a Things to Do in the area brochure. I thumbed through, looking for a movie. Nothing good playing! What else was there… Hot Springs? …clothing optional? Wow! That’s just right up the road. I could go… I should go… Sybil would not approve! That’s it… I’m going!


    I awoke refreshed, ready to take on the day. I was full of energy… intending to bust out my workday and check out those Springs! After all, I considered myself a free spirit. I certainly didn’t follow every rule thrown at me. Hanging out at a clothing optional Hot Springs sounded like a chance to break a few rules… or at least explore some Taboos. I was excited!

    It was September 17th. I finished my route around 2:30 in the afternoon. The sun wouldn’t set until after 8 p.m., so I had plenty of time to check the place out and get back to my hotel at a reasonable hour.

    I headed out to the Springs… my mind… contemplating!

    When I drove up to the entrance, signs on the road were posted… slow down… relax… Namaste! Oh, greetings to you too. I stepped out of my truck and immediately noticed how tranquil the surroundings were. The sounds of the creek to my right, the gentle breeze rustling through the trees, the calmness of the people waiting to register. I closed my door and stepped in line.

    A young couple in front of me were registering. I patiently waited and smiled at them as they finished and walked past. The girl, a twenty-something, free spirited, braless cutie in a long white summer dress, gave me a playful smirk as she walked by. I turned to watch her because I was confused by the look she gave me. As she stepped into the sun it radiated through her… no underwear at all. I could see the complexion of her skin, the cute dimples in her butt-cheeks, her toned legs, it’s as if the dress wasn’t even there. Wow! You don’t see that every day. Three more steps and jiggles until I caught myself in the trance. She looked back as she opened her car door. I quickly turned away. The guy she was with wasn’t paying much attention to her… maybe he was used to it. Did she give me that look knowing that my attention would follow? Her playful glance as she drove past said… yes! Mm-mm how gorgeous! I turned and stepped up to the window.

    The male receptionist was friendly. Indeed, his warm personality fit the aura of the place. It was a very good feeling just to be standing there. He glanced up…

    Be with you in a moment. he looked back down to finish his bookkeeping.

    I took the time to look over the options on the board above him. He finished, and turned to me…

    Welcome to Liberty, glad you’re here!

    "I’ve never been here before. I just want to check the place out… could

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