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Alantis: A Tragedy Related to Shakespeare by Tyler Johns
Alantis: A Tragedy Related to Shakespeare by Tyler Johns
Alantis: A Tragedy Related to Shakespeare by Tyler Johns
Ebook73 pages35 minutes

Alantis: A Tragedy Related to Shakespeare by Tyler Johns

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In this original tragedy, Alantis is an orphan raised by a mutated intelligent squirrel. She is trained in knighthood and finds love with a young man whose wicked father forbids the love between them. This wicked man will stop at nothing to keep them apart.
Release dateJul 6, 2022
Alantis: A Tragedy Related to Shakespeare by Tyler Johns

Tyler Johns

Tyler understood that Shakespeare was hard for most students in school to understand, however he wrote this story with its original plot based on how Shakespeare would write his tragedies.

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    Alantis - Tyler Johns

    © 2022 Tyler Johns. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse  05/13/2022

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-6011-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-6010-8 (e)

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    Author’s Note

    Chapter IThe Frozen Village

    Chapter IIRescue And Adoption

    Chapter IIIFun And Games

    Chapter IVAlantis In Trouble

    Chapter VThe Word Of Atticus

    Chapter VITraining

    Chapter VIIA Sworn Protector

    Chapter VIIIThe Journey

    Chapter IXCastle Gillagrew

    Chapter XForbidden Love

    Chapter XIPrincess Atina

    Chapter XIIA Flight Of True Love

    Chapter XIIIUnderwater Execution

    Chapter XIVThe Wombers

    Chapter XVThe Phantom Rapist

    Chapter XVIQuangrer’s Revenge

    Chapter XVIIAttack In The Forest

    Chapter XVIIISudden Death



    I have written this story on behalf of my knowledge of tragedies written by William Shakespeare. Hereby, I have decided to create my own tragic novel. In it, you will find a girl raised in a snowy forest of mutant animals, such as mammals with four eyes, or a lizard or frog with only one eye. This story shall take place somewhere near Eastern Europe in a future time of years of snow, much like an ice age in Mesopotamia.

    The protagonist visits a castle belonging to a cruel lord who wants to dispose of her. This antagonist will find a way to kill her.



    A n ice comet came crashing toward Mesopotamia. It was the birth of a new ice age. Animals, surrounding the disaster, had been transformed into intelligent, mutant beings. They became alien of their true forms.

    Meanwhile, a village was covered in a thick layer of ice and snow. People froze to death in their homes. But one mother put her baby in a basket and released it down the river nearby. That mother died in the cold as the basket flowed down the river about to enter a forest of dead trees with no leaves.



    T he baby’s basket flowed down a nearby creek next to a forest with green grass surrounded by snow. A four-eyed squirrel named Atticus, saw the basket knowing that there must be something important inside. He slid down from his tree to take a closer look. He opened the lid and found the baby from the village that froze in the ice from far away.

    This baby could be a use of the forest, Atticus thought. Far ahead,

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