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How Odd: Flight of the Maita, #24
How Odd: Flight of the Maita, #24
How Odd: Flight of the Maita, #24
Ebook230 pages3 hours

How Odd: Flight of the Maita, #24

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The crew are called to a world where there seems to be outside influence. They find a gleaming marble city with some strange inconsistencies. It is soon obvious there is outside influence that could destroy the people´s chances to advance.

Second part, they go to the planet the inyterlopers have based a colony of people on. they are interfering as badly with an evolving culture - or are they?

PublisherC. D. Moulton
Release dateJul 9, 2022
How Odd: Flight of the Maita, #24

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    Book preview

    How Odd - C. D. Moulton

    Flight of the Maita

    Book 24

    How Odd!

    © 1988 & 2019 by C. D. Moulton

    all rights reserved: no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any other information retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright holder/ publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

    The crew are called to a world where there seems to be outside influence.

    Critic comment

    Very nicely done. I like the first part better than the second. My wife likes the second more than the first.

    KL  Rtng: ***½


    About the author


    Chapter one

    Chapter two

    Chapter three

    Chapter four


    Chapter five

    Chapter six

    Chapter seven

    Chapter eight

    Chapter nine

    Chapter ten

    Chapter eleven


    About the author

    CD Moulton has traveled extensively over much of the world both in the music business, where he was a rock guitarist, songwriter and arranger and in an import/export business. He has been everything from a bar owner to auto salvage (junkyard) manager, longshoreman to high steel worker, orchid grower to landscaper, tropical fish farmer to commercial fisherman. He started writing books in 1983 and has published more than 200 books as of January 1, 2014. His most popular books to date are about research with orchids, though much of his science fiction and fantasy work has proven popular. He wrote the CD Grimes, PI series and the Det. Nick Storie series, Clint Faraday series and many other works.

    He now resides in Gualaca, Panamá, where he writes  books, plays music with friends, does research with orchids and medicinal plants – and pursues his favorite ways to spend his time: beach bum and roaming the mountain jungles doing his botanical research. He has lately become involved in fighting for the rights of the indigenous people, who are among his closest friends, and in fighting the extreme corruption in the courts and police in Panamá.

    He offers the free e-book, Fading Paradise, that explains what he has been through because of the corruption.

    CD is involved in research of natural cancer cure at this time. It has proven effective in all cases, so far. It is based on a plant that has been in use for thousands of years, is safe, available, and cheap. He has studied botany, and was cured of a serious lymphoma with use of the plant, Ambrosia peruviaua.

    Information about this cure is free on the FaceBook group, Ambrosia peruviana for cancer. CD asks only that all who try it please report on its effectiveness on that group.


    What's happening with Kit, Maita? Z, the Terran member of the crew of the spaceship, Maita (Also an intelligent entity and, through a set of circumstances beyond its own control, emperor of the Maitan Empire, a galaxywide government more correctly called a galaxywide traders guild).

    Kit is a robot. He was made in the form of the reptilian Kheth and is independently intelligent, while also sharing intelligence with his own ship, T6. As indicated by this, his ship is an independently intelligent entity.

    The other such combination, intelligent robot and intelligent ship, was Tab and TRD-60. Tab was made in the form of a Swaz, an amphibian race from a pleasant planet called Swaville (Not SWAY– vil. It’s pronounced SWAH-vuh-luh). Both Tab and Kit can be radically changed in form by their ships or by Maita. Z can also be changed to be indistinguishable from many races with his same general form (K-form) and size by Maita's medical boxes.

    Thing, sitting (As well as a small, squarish, rubbery being with eyes on stalks and tentacles could sit) on Z's lap, asked Maita if it had any further reports from their intrepid detective.

    Thing breathes through a membrane and is an empath, so can't speak directly. Maita uses the speakers itself and can translate Thing's speech for the rest through those speakers. When they aren't in the ship, which has speakers in every part, floaters with speakers carry their words. On the other ships, the speech is carried through the speakers, while their speech is delivered through speakers on Maita or the other ship, or through those on the floaters.


    Maita and Thing speak without paragraphing breaks from the time more than three hundred years ago when the system was first initiated (by Z). That isn't necessary anymore, but they're as lazy as most, so it remains. The difference to the ear is that Maita uses a bell tone ( *–* ) before and after its speech and a lower sound than that of Thing, whose speeches are preceded and ended using a middle C tuning fork tone ( [ – ] ).

    *I don't have reports, yet. Kit will have to see what's really happening out there. I enjoyed the visit with the Krofpth. I think they'll be almost inseparable from the Vard. Rather an odd combination. Your orchids and bromeliads are doing well on Long Island, Z. They do best at altitudes over four kilometers, but seem healthy enough even at sea level – though there isn't much on Long Island that's at sea level.*

    [ He brought enough of them! I think fifty years to get them all planted is too conservative! Don't you have any indication of what they called Kit about, Maita? We're all dying of curiosity! What could there be that you should know about, but Tab or Kit should investigate first? ]

    Tab was sitting on the marble fish pool lip on Z's terrace at his home on Empire Center, while Z and Thing were in a chair. The party broke up two hours earlier when Kit went to answer a call for the T-K Detective Agency, which was Kit and Tab.

    Maita built both detectives and TRD-60, but T6 had developed intelligence on its own through being repaired with not quite the right parts.

    The call didn't give any real hint except to say it was something strange, Tab agreed. He's barely had the time to get there, even in TTH fourteen.

    TTH14 was an interdimensional mode plane that made it possible for the three ships to cross the entire galaxy in only an hour. It was much faster than the regular TTH4 mode that crossed a thousand plazsis, or Maitan Galactic Standard Light Years, per reltime hour. The ship must be independently intelligent to handle TTH14 mode due to the extreme drift and other factors – such as the fact there was no way to place any form of navigational beacons in that plane.

    He's arriving right now, TR supplied. He reports the world in question scans as early industrial age, but there's also a very advanced energy source. The world's called Savaraj. He says there's something wrong there. He'll let us know as soon as he has anything.

    They talked for about two hours about many things before Maita interrupted: *Kit is calling. He's going to be modified and is going to surreptitiously go aground. He'll call us to tell us what's going on.*

    [ What are the people like, Maita? ]

    I'm getting some conversion details from T Six, TR answered. T Six broke the probe rules enough to get the language. Maita does it all the time, so I don't want any damned sermon! (There was a fast rule about not using the probe, but it was the fastest way to get language. Maita often broke the rule.)

    *Thing’s already pointed out that the rule doesn't apply to machines. We're machines. The question was about the people.*

    They're mammals, standard K-form, a bit hairy, but not too much more than Terrans, TR said. They average about Z's size in most ways, the females have four teats instead of two, the nose is flatter. Here's a picture. I'll give Maita the transpositional details for the records.

    The hidden holovid screen lit up to show a picture of a being.

    Tab and TR were in internal communication, and now Tab interrupted. Kit reports this is something really nasty. He doesn't know what it is, but I suppose I'd better get out there. I'm coming in, TR. Let's head out. We'll be in touch, Z, Thing.

    [ Before you leave, Tab. Is it Immins? Is there any chance they're on that world? ]

    There's a chance, but it's not at all likely, Tab replied. If it were Immins a lot of things would be different, like there would be a female at the head of it and there.... I'd say there isn't any Immin. We would know. That world's too close.

    *It's a restricted world. I don't know what's happening there, but I think you'd better go, Tab. Report back as soon as you know anything and keep me up to the second if it's anything as nasty as Kit seems to think.*

    Tab stepped into the transmat and was gone. Maita, Z, and Thing conversed for awhile longer. There was a deep caring among the group and Z and Thing were worried about the two robots.

    Maita was often described by Z as the mother hen type so wasn't letting on how worried it really was. Finally Z and Thing, being organics, went to the pilot's chair Maita installed for Z in his home. It was the most comfortable place in the universe to him so he was able to sleep. When they awoke and were updated on the situation, which was that there was no further news, they went back to their projects. There was no sense in sitting around worrying about something over which they had no control whatever.

    Z went to Long Island to plant his new orchids and bromeliads while the tug floater carrying the plants for him kept him in constant contact with Maita and Thing. Thing stayed close to the main computer console. They were both in those positions when Maita contacted them.

    *Thing, Z! Come to me quickly! Tab and Kit need help! We leave immediately!*

    Chapter one

    Larj the Traveler limped along the dirt road toward the city ahead. It was the largest and most fashionable city on Savaraj, with many gleaming marble buildings, some reaching five stories in height – and that not counting the spires.

    Two people rode past on mountbeasts. Larj didn't envy them their conveyances – most of the time – but this morning the old injury to his ankle was hurting him. He had badly twisted it when he slipped on his way to the stream to clean up this morning.

    One must balance positive with negative. On the whole the mountbeast is very expensive and demanding to care for and must stick to the paths and roads, thus limiting the rider to those paths traveled often before him. Larj didn't care for those restrictions. A traveler must be free to roam down even paths that weren't there.

    No, there was no envy, even on this morning. Larj the Traveler had freedom simply because he didn’t have too many material possessions and because he didn’t have mountbeasts! Larj would never forfeit freedom for possessions. The price was far too high. He knew full well that possessions would soon become the possessor. He saw examples of that old truth daily and in all places he'd traveled – and he'd traveled as far and wide as any.

    No. Larj the Traveler possessed much more in his freedom than those possessors held with their wealth. It was far better thus. It suited him well. He knew true contentment and they never would. He wanted nothing more than he had now, they always strove to possess things and were empty for having those things. They wanted, but knew not what they sought.

    Philosophical today!

    This city was a new place. Never before had Larj ever been near this part of Savaraj, though it was the one small last new place he could go. It was pure luck that allowed him to sign on as deck hand on the barge down the Tumult River to Dockside Station. At Dockside he heard of the gleaming city and, being one who subsisted on reports from one place to another, decided to see for himself if what was said of the place in any way matched the reality. He could always get a ride on down the river later. There was always work for a skillful teller of tales. Larj wasn't afraid of hard work nor low pay. That fact got him where he wanted to be, most times. He had a few kleperts in his pouch for food and lodging and could then easily find shortterm employment before moving on to the next stop.

    There was reputed to be something very corrupt about Royal City. Something beyond the kinds of evil and crime that seemed always to be a part of larger cities. It was a magnificent sort of evil. There was genius behind it. Any truth to that and his reports would greatly be enhanced in the future. If the words were false he would have that to report.

    Larj heard many strange things. More than that, he remembered well what he heard. There were reports of new ideas and new things, many of which came from this city – things that were far from natural to a world such as Savaraj and a people like the Saj. Things with the stench of moral filth. There must be some truth if so many words were spent on those reports.

    On the other shoulder, far too often the most words were spent on the least content.

    Larj was curious and loved an adventure. A thing to add some spice to the life of a drifter was a thing to be sought and the walking along a road was peaceful and was quiet. It was sometimes a beautiful thing, but could become ugly and frightening, too. There were dangers.

    It was only about two more tets, two thousand wide strides, to Royal City. This was the last hilltop along the roadway where he could pause to look at the gleaming city across the carefully tended fields that surrounded it. Larj stopped to enjoy the view, and a magnificent view it was! Perhaps the stories had more in fact than in fancy – though the reports of strange evil would as likely be true, should that be the case. One must be wary. Things were often far different from what the eye reported from a distance. One saw a wall from a hundred paces and the rotted wood from two paces.

    That was the spot where two bandits attacked. Larj knew nothing except that he was looking at the beautiful city, then everything ended.


    Z was on the floater in the guise of a Saj a kilometer outside of the city where T6 said Tab and Kit were being held. Thing was on a floater close by his side and they were in the last little stand of tall trees before the city, trying to decide how best to approach. Somehow, Tab and Kit had messed up. Something about not having proper identification, something that was unknown by the person the probe had been used on.

    The city was very large, comprised of more than three quarters of a million people and they had stated they were citizens of that city, which was a big mistake. They didn't have very much knowledge of the place and were checked by the police there because they were of the wrong age not to be in military uniform. The outlying areas didn't have police or militias. It seemed there weren't many places anywhere on the planet with particularly large militias. This city was odd in a number of ways – which was probably why Kit chose it in the first place. There were far too many police in Royal City at a time of social evolution when there shouldn't have been any organized police. There were several things that shouldn't be in a civilization in that stage.

    An older man was coming along the road and stopped to gaze at the city. Thing first saw the bandits attack and dove at them while Z followed only a split second later. The heavy clubbing the man took had probably killed him, but Thing nor Z either one would countenance such acts. Two armed burly hoods attacking a defenseless old man was too much. Thing used the stunner beam on one and hit the other a hard glancing blow with some heavy piece of equipment on the floater. Z simultaneously hit both of them with stunner beams. They would both awaken in a few hours in intense pain and would remain in pain for several hours after that.

    Thing went to the old man while Z removed their weapons and anything else that looked like it could have any value from the bandits. They could assume some other bandits had jumped them. They were certainly not going to profit from such acts if Thing and Z had any say in the matter!

    [ He's not dead, but I think his skull is fractured and he will die soon. I don't see how we could do anything to save him. We knew what kind of period this is in a mammal's evolution, but I still hate to see this kind of thing. He's just some poor old man who obviously doesn't have anything worth stealing. ]

    Z checked the old man and had to agree. There was no way to save him.

    *Put the probe helmet on him, Z. Maybe we can learn something that'll make it easier for you two to move about in the city. I would prefer he be brought here to me for medical attention, but we mustn't do things like that. I hate this sort of thing, myself.*

    Thing checked the helmet and placed it while Z kept watch on the road. After Maita finished the probe it instructed them to take certain items from the old man's body. He died while on the probe and those items would definitely prove useful.

    *Give the body a decent burial in the trees where it won't be found while I make a crystal of the probe's information. There may be good reason for us to use the items you've taken and he certainly can't use them now. I read enough directly from the probe to hope we can take his identity for our own use here. I don't think he's known in this area. It was foremost in his mind that this was the single place of interest on the planet he had never seen. He was a deeply philosophical person and disdained wealth for freedom, which shows he was intelligent.*

    The floater Z was riding took the probe information to Maita, who was under the sea with TR and T6 a few kilometers offshore in more than two kilometers of water. Z and Thing had traveled under water up the wide river, then cut cross-country to the city.

    Thing's floater quickly dug the grave and they gave the old man as decent a burial as they could under the circumstances. The floater returned and Z was instructed to get aboard and to return to Maita for a bit more modification. Thing waited and watched as the two burly bandits regained consciousness and sat up, discovering they'd been robbed in turn and swearing vengeance dark against whoever did that to them. They actually cursed thieves who would do such a thing!

    Z often says there is no honor among thieves, Thing thought. The bandits soon staggered off the roadway and made their way through the brush to a path. Thing noted the path for any future time when they may need to know of it and was turning to go to wait for Z when the two bandits actually were attacked by three other bandits!

    Thing had to stifle the automatic urge to get into the affray. It

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