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A woman is sadistically killed and dumped like the trash. Pittsburgh Metro Police Lieutenant Julie Markos is on call and gets the case. Police Chief David Kirkpatrick and billionaire dominatrix Dana Cross are with her and out for the evening. They all go to the crime scene. Everyone that sees the woman’s body throws up, the damage to her body and the suffering she endured are so bad.

Julie needs a partner who knows about sadists. She asks for Rosemary Finn the ex-police chief Julie forced to retire. Rosemary agrees but has an agenda, to humiliate Julie to extract her pound of flesh for forcing her to retire.

The victim has a brand, it says she is the property of J Teddington Hawthorne III. They discover that Teddy, as he likes to be called is a billionaire sadist that owns legal slaves. He forces them to endure only pain, no pleasure, as well as chemical pain for one, three, or five years in exchange for millions of dollars.

Teddy likes to have S&M sex parties and suggests Julie attend his next party as a submissive so she can meet all the possible suspects. Julie reluctantly agrees but only if Rosemary can attend. There Julie sees the sadistic extent that Teddy and his friends will go to legally as long as no permanent harm or damage comes to the submissive.

There are two more murders, each woman suffered longer and longer than the previous. The killers are trying to see how long they can keep the women alive and in pain. Each woman is more beautiful and sexier than the previous.

The dominant killer has met Julie, she is the most beautiful and sexiest woman he has ever seen and he has to make her his ultimate victim; planning on keeping her alive and in pain for months. Julie and Rosemary know she is probably on the killer’s radar so now it is a race to catch the killer before he can abduct her and make the rest of her life truly a living Hell.

PublisherRich Olsen
Release dateJun 30, 2022

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    Monsters - Rich Olsen

    He loved the look of fear that he saw in her eyes. She was bound, naked and helpless. She didn’t really need to be bound, not with the curare in her. It was just the right dose. Just enough to paralyze her, but make her aware of what was going on, and the pain she would suffer. The binding was more for effect than anything else.

    Her eyes were still alert, he had experimented with the drug for years to get that effect. He had to see the fear, and soon the pain. He had to be able to see her suffer. He wished there was some other way, but he didn’t know of any. Any normal person would become unconscious from the pain before he was finished with them. That wouldn’t do.

    He was a sadist, a sexual sadist, and he knew it. He didn’t care. He was videoing his victim and he would spend much time watching her suffering while he masturbated. He wished he could do it now, that would be so nice, but semen could leave DNA. He considered using a condom, but if he touched her in some manner, some of his hair or skin might brush on her, and that would leave DNA. But he could have his companion suck him off. That would work, and it might add to her torment.

    This was his first one, and he didn’t want it to be the last. When he was finished with her, he would dump the body. It would be found, there was nothing he could do about that, but they would never suspect this place or either of them. As long as they left no trace of themself, on her, they would be safe.

    She was so beautiful and sexy. Those big firm tits of hers were so sexy. He knew they weren’t real, but that didn’t matter now. Since this was his first time, he wasn’t sure where to start. Sure he had made masochists suffer, but this was different. This time he could do whatever he wanted. He could cause them real harm, permanent physical and mental damage, because in the end, he was going to kill them, so what did he care about any harm to them. He smiled as he thought about that. The idea of no permanent physical or mental harm meant nothing now, because now, only death was permanent.

    It was his companions first time also, so he couldn’t help either. Beside, his companion was the submissive one in the relationship. Every relationship has a dominant and a submissive. He was the dominant and his companion the submissive, so his companion wouldn’t be much help as to where to start her torment.

    He was so excited, his dick was rock hard. He wished he could pull it out, stick it in her somewhere. He was thinking that his companion sucking his dick might be a good idea, especially when he really got busy on her. Maybe next time he would shave all the hair off his body, but could he really be sure and get it all. And then how would he explain that.

    He was so excited, he was afraid he’d pop off right here and now. He considered putting on a condom in case he did. That would trap the semen inside and he could dispose of it later. It was too soon to use his companion’s mouth.

    How do you like her? he asked his companion, another man.

    She’s very beautiful and sexy, he said. Just like you promised.

    Do you see the fear in her eyes. That is very important. It means we are her true masters, that we are in control of her and her fate.

    Yes, I do. It was decided that they would not use names, even though they were going to kill her in the end. It was better that way.

    Where should I start? he asked his companion.

    I’d make a small cut, not too deep and then pour in salt water, he said.

    Yes, I like it. We will start out slowly. Maybe slice off her skin as well. Soon it will be time to work on the nipples and clit, especially the clit. That contains so many nerve endings that the torment and pain will be divine. That will display even more fear in her eyes, but not too soon, we want to save that pain for later.

    The woman on the table could hear them talking. She was scared out of her mind. She wanted to move or scream, but she couldn’t, not with the drug paralyzing her. They were discussing the pain they were going to inflict upon her like she was a slab of beef. She had been subjected to this level of pain before, by him, but she always knew that he would cause her no permanent physical or mental harm, but not this time. This time she heard him say just the opposite, he was going to actually to permanent harm to her before he killed her. She had to escape, but she couldn’t move. She knew he would kill her, and her only hope was it would not be too painful, but from the way they talked, that was a fantasy.

    He set up a television right in front of her eyes. Then he hooked up his camera to it. He set up another camera which was focused on her face and eyes. Now she would be forced to watch everything that they did to her. He figured it would only add to her suffering and their pleasure, especially since he was recording her eyes and her face.

    They made the first incision. It was a long incision and slightly deep. He wanted to be able to pull the skin apart. He took some forceps and put one on each side and then opened the wound. Hold it open, he said to his companion, while I pour in some salt. She was forced to watch as he did just that; pour it into the incision he had made. The pain was horrible. She tried to scream, but couldn’t. She tried to move and thrust around, but couldn’t. He looked in her eyes, the pain and the fear was there. For him it was the beginning of his trip to heaven, for her it was hell.

    She lived eighteen hours, eighteen long hours of pain, suffering and hell. He had his companion suck his dick three times during the proceedings and he sucked his companion’s dick once. Every minute was more and more painful for her. She prayed for death when she could stop thinking about the pain. The end did not come quickly or peacefully.

    When they finished with her, knew she was dead, they untied her. They put her in their vehicle and left the place. They would clean up later, tomorrow, since it was Sunday and they didn’t have to be at work. It was dark out, but that meant nothing in Pittsburgh anymore. Since it had become Sin City East, the town was open twenty-four-hours a day.

    His only regret was that her death was unsatisfying for him. Her pain had been so severe that she welcomed death. There was no fear of death. He would have to work on that. Next time he would have to see if he could make even death terrifying.

    They had decided on the place to dump her body in advance. With luck, her body wouldn’t be discovered for several days, maybe even a week. The place was in Oakland in a place called Panther Hollow. Boundary Street was a dead end street. The street ended at the expressway. Student housing was on the street, but that ended after a couple of blocks. There was only one house in about a mile of fields, and the road to it was more of a dirt road than anything else. It was the perfect spot, since there was a new moon tonight.

    They drove down to Boundary Street. They shut off their lights and donned night goggles. They drove about a quarter of a mile until they could see no house lights and then they unceremoniously dumped her, like they were discarding an old washing machine in an empty field they no longer had a use for. Then they turned around and drove back;. there was no one around, so they turned on their lights and drove away.

    He asked his companion to spend the night. His companion was more than happy to do that. Neither man was gay, only a little bisexual, but they were both so excited from the day’s events they had to do each other again.

    In the morning they went back to where they had had their fun. They cleaned it with bleach. She had been on a stainless steel table and the blood that had bled out of her was collected in a stainless steel pail. The bleach water they used to clean the table was collected in another pan. This would be dumped in the river. It was such a nice disposal site for fluids.

    He had bought some luminol to check the table and floor for any traces of blood. None were found. They cleaned the place completely. He would take his tools, his toys to another storage site that even his companion didn’t know about, one that wasn’t even in his name. Then after he dumped the fluids, there would be nothing to trace this place or the murder back to him, nothing.

    Chapter Two

    Lieutenant Julie Markos was having dinner with David Kirkpatrick and Dana Cross. It had been very difficult to arrange this. She was attracted to both of them, and they knew it. The problem was David was the Chief of Police and Dana was a multi billionaire that everyone assumed had to be a criminal. Either that, or she had people like David in her pocket. Julie knew that neither of them were true, but David had to be conscious of public perception.

    David had only been Police Chief a few months. He was Chief of Detectives, but when Julie discovered the old Police Chief, Rosemary Finn, was the leader of a sadist organization called the Coven of the Whip, or Whip Coven, Julie forced her to resign. She had withheld evidence from her that was vital to the case, and in her opinion, she caused Julie to have sex with people she didn’t want to have sex with. That was rape.

    Also, the former Chief of Intelligence Richard Bonniger, was arrested by Julie for murder; a murder he committed and tried to pin on Rosemary so he could be Police Chief. But that was all behind them now, and David Kirkpatrick was the new Chief.

    Dana wasn’t the only woman Julie was interested in. Lieutenant Markos was also interested in her boss, Captain Adrian LaDuke. Captain LaDuke was in charge of Homicide and Julie was her Lieutenant. But Adrian was married and happily married at that. Adrian was interested in Julie, but then, Adrian was married and neither Julie, David or Dana were.

    That didn’t stop Julie, and even David and Julie from visiting Adrian twice. It was fun, but they knew they had to be careful. No one wanted this to influence their working relationships. They had a good working relationship now.

    It hadn’t always been a good one. People saw Adrian as a snob and a bitch. Adrian insisted people call her Captain, instead of referring to her by her first name. Under Rosemary’s leadership, most officers were on a first name basis. Adrian had presented her case to Julie and then David. Adrian convinced them that more respect was needed. Now Adrian was referred to in public as Captain. Julie was Lieutenant and David was Chief. In private it was a different matter. They had a good working relationship once they finally understood each other. No one wanted to see that damaged by a little sex, no matter how enjoyable it was.

    But David was still the only man Julie was interested in. She had been seeing David for about two years now. He wanted her to move in, but she didn’t want that. Now Dana wanted her to move in also, but that was also something she didn’t want.

    The main differences between David and Dana, aside from the physical ones, were David was content with Julie and no one else. Dana though, was a dominatrix and enjoyed going to the Amazon Club, a private S&M club, to play her mistress games with a lot of willing submissive woman.

    Julie also enjoyed those games as well with Dana from time to time and other women, but unlike with other women in Dana’s life, sometimes her and Julie engaged in straight lovemaking as equals. Sometimes Dana wanted Julie to be the dominant and Dana would be the submissive. Dana admitted her best orgasms were as the submissive, but she wasn’t about to give up being a dominatrix. She enjoyed it too much.

    Julie and Dana met at the Amazon Club when the Lieutenant went undercover for two days as a dancer. The purpose was to try and discover who killed Roberta Parker. As it turned out, it was Richard Bonniger. Dana was one of the suspects. Julie was forced to play her sex games to get Dana to answer her questions since the billionaire was a suspect. The courts today gave the suspect the upper hand. But Dana played a different game then some of the others that forced Julie to play their game. She treated Julie like a submissive, and an equal as well. She also made her the dominant.

    Dana was a very tall, beautiful and sexy woman that would wear four, five or even six inch heels to tower over women and most men. She was a ruthless, self-made business woman, but Julie believed and still did, and honest one. That’s not to say Dana wouldn’t take advantage of you if she could, but that’s human nature.

    So the problem was they both wanted her to live with them, and Julie wanted to live with neither. Like Dana, Julie wanted some freedom. She realize that to those people in the early Twenty-first Century she sounded like a slut, but now, several decades into that Century, this is the way things are done.

    There was a looser sense of morals. People lived together; but not being married was no big deal. Homosexuality wasn’t frowned on. People realized that for centuries about ten to fifteen percent of the population was homosexual. It wasn’t a choice, but it was genetic, like blond hair or blue eyes. Finally people excepted homosexuality for what it was, a recessive gene. Society also realized that most people were bisexual to some extent. Few people were truly bisexual, but most people occasionally found someone desirable that was the opposite sex of who they were normally attracted to.

    David was willing to sleep with other women as well, but he didn’t find any that interested him like Julie did. Lieutenant Markos, by the same token, would sleep with other men, but she couldn’t find any other man that interested her like David did either.

    David was a handsome man with dark wavy hair and brown eyes. He was tall, over six feet and lean. He was almost as tall as Dana. He worked out religiously, and tried to play eighteen holes of golf twice a week. He would play eighteen holes of golf twice in the morning and twice in the afternoon seven days a week if he thought he could get away with it. David’s secret fantasy was to play in the Senior PGA tournament. He wanted to be a professional golfer. He was good, but not that good. He knew it. He knew he was a better cop than golfer, but that didn’t stop him from dreaming.

    Julie Markos was gorgeous, truly beautiful. The pharmaceutical companies had perfected inexpensive and safe ways for women and men to be attractive. As a result, few men or women were unattractive unless that was what they wanted. Most women had large firm breast, and Julie was no exception. In her case, except for a little added firmness, she did not have to enhance what nature gave her. She was in her early thirties, but looked to be twenty-five. Again, that was normal. Women of fifty or sixty looked like thirty-five years old did in the early Twenty-first Century. Julie was just slightly taller than average and like David, she watched her weight. To Julie’s benefit, or curse, depending on your orientation, her natural beauty and sexual appeal made her attractive to all straight men and gay and bisexual women. Add to the fact that Julie had learned that she enjoyed a certain amount of sadomasochistic sex, meant there was always someone that was willing to show her a good time. Now she had finally gotten David and Dana together so the three of them could talk.

    Both David and Dana wanted more and more of Julie’s time. They both wanted her to move in with them. Julie found herself living in three places. David’s house, her house, and Dana’s enormous mansion. It was beginning to wear on her. So she suggested the three of them get together and see if they couldn’t work something out. What would be great for Julie was for David to move into a wing of Dana’s house, and Julie have another wing. That way she wouldn’t have to travel so far to see the two people she desired most. But like David’s dream of playing in the Senior PGA Tournament, it was nothing more than an unrealistic fantasy.

    The three of them were eating in on of Julie’s favorite places, the High Rollers Dining Room of the Tower Casino. Dana owned a third of this casino, and actually was the majority stock holder. But she knew nothing about running a casino and was happy with the current management. Therefore, Dana gave her stock proxy to the Chairman of the Board and told him he could vote her stock.

    Pittsburgh had become Sin City East when the liberals in control of Washington decided that the victimless crimes should be abolished. Pittsburgh, in an attempt to lure tourist to the City, as well as permanent residents, legalized gambling, prostitution, and the natural drugs, heroine, pot, opium and in some places, even cocaine. Alone with that, the private clubs allowed open sex acts to take place. It was fine, but no sex in public and no advertising what went on behind closed doors. It increased the city’s population, but also increased the crime. Although, the crime had not risen as fast as the population.

    So the problem is, Julie said, how do we make everyone happy? Before anyone could answer, her phone rang. She looked at the number, it was Police Dispatch. She had no idea why they were calling her. If they wanted David, they had his number, she thought.

    This is Lieutenant Markos, she said.

    Lieutenant, I’m sorry to bother you, a woman on the other end said. But there’s been a murder, and you are the Homicide command person on call tonight.

    She sighed. She had forgotten she would be on call tonight when she made these plans. She had finally gotten the three of them together, and now it would be to no avail. She would not even be able to order that ribeye steak she was so looking forward to. However the High Roller Room was open twenty-four hours a day, so maybe she could return later for dinner, either alone or with or both of them.

    Business calls, she said.

    What is it? David asked.

    A murder, That’s all I know. I’m on call, I forgot. It must be bad if they called me, Julie said.

    I’ll go with you, David told her.

    It isn’t necessary, David, Julie replied. I can handle it. Besides you haven’t eaten.

    No offense, David said, to either of you ladies, but somehow I don’t think Dana really wants to have dinner with just me. Then turning to Dana, he continued. I like you, Dana, and we may have been wrong with you, but the two of us eating together is like the two opposing teams sitting down to dinner together before the big game. We both want the same thing, and we can’t have it.

    Yes, David, I agree. It would be awkward for the two of us to have dinner without Julie.

    So see, Julie, David said, I may as well go with you.

    And I want to go also, Dana said. I may not be a cop, but I want to go. This was to be the three of us, so we’ll make it the three of us.

    Julie just looked at both of them. This could take a long time, she said. David, this is just a homicide and not something for the Chief of Police. Then to Dana she said, and Dana, you might not want to see this. Sometimes the sight and condition of murder victims is not a pleasant thing.

    Fine, Julie, we can all take separate cars if you like, but I want to go, and somehow I don’t think you are going to talk your boss’s boss’s boss out of going either. So why don’t we all get into my limo and you can arrive in style.

    Again Julie sighed. She could see where this was going. Fine, we all go, but Dana, this is a police matter. You will not impede the investigation. If you get sick, throw up in an area that won’t compromise the scene. Is that clear.

    Yes, Mistress Julie, Dana said with a smile in her voice. I love it when you command me like that.

    This time both Julie and David sighed. This isn’t a laughing matter, Dana, Julie said.

    You know, Dana, David said. The Lieutenant is right. This isn’t a laughing matter, and it is no place for civilians.

    I’m sorry, Dana said. I know it isn’t my place, but I promise I won’t get in the way, and if I do, you can tell me to go somewhere that is out of the way. If our Lieutenant is going to be on a case, both of us will be spending even less time with her than we are now, and we both know we want more of her time, not less.

    Alright, David relented. We will both be seeing less of Julie than we are now, but, Dana, remember this is a police action, and you are not the police.

    I understand, Chief Kirkpatrick. Now I’ll get the bill. She signaled the waitress over, told her she had to leave. Gave the waitress her credit card and put a generous tip on it. Then they all headed to Dana’s limo.

    Chapter Three

    Julie had never been to Panther Hollow. Dana’s driver had no idea where it was. Even David had never been to this part of it. They had to call Dispatch to learn just where to find the incident. It soon became evident from the sea of blue flashing lights on the patrol cars. They stopped the limo.

    David rolled down his window. Officer, he said, and the cop came over.

    Yes, Chief, he answered as soon as he saw who it was.

    Let us pass.

    Yes, Chief, sorry, Chief, he said embarrassed.

    That’s okay, officer, David replied. You were just doing your job.

    Yes, Chief, thank you, Chief, he said, relieved to see the limo drive by and then wondering why the Chief of Police was in a limo, but that wasn’t his concern. He was only glad he wasn’t in trouble.

    They reached a point where the driver said if she continued, she might not be able to get out. Fine, David said, stop here, we will get out.

    Julie look at Dana when they were stopped, You can come, but remember what I said. Also, this doesn’t look like a great place for women in heels. If you want to stay in the car I’ll understand.

    Julie, Dana said, you have heels on and it isn’t stopping you. I can afford ruined shoes more than you can, so I’ll go with you. And I’ll even buy you some new heels.

    Fine, she agreed, but remember what I said.

    Yes, Lieutenant, Dana answered, being serious and respectful.

    They came to the banner tape and the officer there was surprised to see the Chief of Police with Lieutenant Markos. Everyone knew that the Chief and Lieutenant Markos were a couple, but still, they didn’t expect to see him here at a murder. The officer realized this meant that the Chief and Lieutenant had been out, especially seeing the way they were dressed. Lieutenant Markos had on a rather nice low cut, short dress on and high heels. He just hoped the Chief wouldn’t tear him a new asshole for disturbing their night out.

    Then he saw another woman with them, an Amazon of a woman towering even above the Chief. Like Lieutenant Markos, she had on a low cut, short dress and what appeared to be five or six inch heels. He had heard some rumors about Lieutenant Markos and a billionaire woman. Now he figured it must be true, but the Police Chief with these two women?!

    She’s with us, Lieutenant Markos said to the officer at the tape. He said nothing, just smiled at them like he just learned State’s secrets. Well, it can’t be helped, Julie thought. My relationship with Dana is going to come out at some point. Everyone knows about David and me, soon they will know about Dana and me also. Maybe that’s good, maybe it will help David come around to my way of thinking. Maybe I can get both David and Dana to agree on him living in a different wing of her house.

    Julie could see the body. It was covered with a blanket. Has anything been touched? she asked Ted Platt the Homicide Detective that had caught the case and then called her.

    "No, Lieutenant, nothing. The scene has been photographed and combed for evidence, but the body hasn’t been moved, only covered up. No one has contaminated or compromised the seen.

    Good, Detective, she said. Stay here, she said to Dana, and went over to the covered body. She lifted the blanket and looked at the body. She got white. Oh Christ, she said, who could possibly do this to another woman. Christ, I think I’m going to be sick. Then she replaced the blanket.

    She didn’t throw up, but she did kneel there in the dirt a while. When she recovered, she turned to Dana and said, you need to go back to the car and wait.

    Lieutenant, with all due respect, maybe I should see the body. Maybe I can help somehow.

    You don’t want to see this body, Dana, trust me, you don’t.

    David came over. Julie looked at him and said, David, I don’t think you want to see this either.

    He ignored her and lifted up the blanket. He was squatting, and he just stared and stared. He lowered the blanket, quickly walked outside the banner tape and threw up.

    Dana, Julie said, get us some water. And don’t come back inside the tape. I’ll enforce that if I have to.

    Dana didn’t argue. She just walked over to David and said, come on, David, let’s get you some water.

    This is how you found her? Julie asked Platt.

    Yes, Lieutenant, and just so you know, I was able to get fifty feet away before I threw up.

    Who can be so sick as to do that to a woman. And then she ran outside the tape and she too threw up.

    One of the police officers seeing that went over to Dana’s limo and told her the Lieutenant might also need some water. Dana came over to her. Let me get you back to the limo also, Julie. I think your right, I don’t want to see the body.

    I’m okay, she said. I need to go back to the body. When David is up to it, have him join me. Then she thought a minute and said, Dana, don’t leave. I might need a shoulder for support.

    Anything you need, Julie, you know I’m always here for that.

    Thanks, she said.

    Julie went back to the body. She didn’t look at it again. She went to Pratt. Do we have any kind of ID on her?

    No, Lieutenant, he said. This is how we found her.

    Alright, who found her, and who was the first unit on scene.

    She was found by a couple of college students looking for a place to have some privacy. They found her. The woman screamed, the guy got out a cell phone. Neither really saw her, it was too dark. They are in a patrol car. The first unit on the scene is also still here. They called me. When I arrived and saw what I had I told dispatch to notify the Homicide Command person that was on call.

    You did the right thing, Ted. Has the Coroner been notified yet?

    Yes, he should be here by now. He was notified at the same time as you. Then as if he had heard them talking, the Deputy Coroner that was on duty was walking over to them, along with David. You look better, Julie said to her boyfriend.

    Thanks, okay, so what do we know?

    Nothing, yet, she said.

    Then the Coroner said, is this the body?

    Yes,, and Bill, you have to be prepared for her. She isn’t a pretty sight.

    Julie, he said, I’ve been doing this a few years now, probably longer than you’ve been a cop. I think I can handle it.

    He went over to the body and lifted the blanket. He took one look at her, and said, oh my fucking god, and ran outside the tape. Like everyone else he got on his hands and knees and threw up. Dana had come up behind him, against orders. She had some bottled water. When he finished throwing up, she handed him the water. He took it and rinsed his mouth out. Then he came back into the taped off area.

    "Julie, I owe you an apology. I was wrong. In all my years as a medical examiner, I thought I had seen every way a person could inflict pain and suffering onto another person. I was wrong. I can’t even begin to imagine what that poor woman must have gone through before she died.

    I know that we have accepted sadists and masochists as just a different form of sex, he said. I’ve even enjoyed a little S&M in my life time. I know a few sadists, Rosemary being one, and a few masochists, rumor has it, Lieutenant, that you enjoy a certain amount of sexual pain from time to time, but, Julie, this is the work of a monster. Your normal sadists would never think about doing something like this. This person, this monster, he or she enjoyed his or her work. I’ll have to do the autopsy myself, because I don’t want to submit anyone else to the horrors of this body. Let me look again."

    He went over to the body and again lifted the blanket. Julie came over next to him. She was kneeling on the ground, it made no difference now. He saw her next to him. You going to be okay, Julie?

    I think so, Bill, like you, I’ve thrown up already. I think I can handle it. So what do you see?

    Suffering, horrible, horrible suffering. Our killer, I’m guessing, took his time. I also think he started out in nonsexual areas, possibly here on her arm. This cut looks older. Now, when I say he, I’m guessing. It could be a woman, but I don’t want to keep saying he or she.

    Alright, Julie said. So he starts on places like the arm and works his way in.

    Yes, I’m also guessing that the nipples and clitoris were last. You’ll notice they are missing. You’ll also notice that she probably had breasts implants. They have been removed.

    How could she remain alive with all this pain?

    Drugs, probably, he said. I can’t do much more here. I’ll take the poor woman back to the Morgue. Once I clean her up, and truly examine her, I’ll know more.

    Can you leave her here a little longer? Julie asked.

    Sure, I don’t see why not, why?

    I want Adrian here as well.

    "Fine, but you better warn her.

    I will, but it won’t do any good, Julie told him.

    No, it won’t.

    Then Julie got up and went over to David. David, I’m calling Adrian in. I think she needs to see this, then we are going to see Rosemary.

    Rosemary, why Rosemary? You don’t think she did this do you?

    No, but I think I’m going to need the help of a sadist that knows police procedures, and Adrian can’t be my partner, so I want Rosemary.

    But she’s retired, he reminded her. "Remember, you forced her to retire."

    Yes, David, I know, Julie said patiently. So we employ her as a private consultant. Pay her what her old wage was and give her complete police authority as long as she is with me or another officer.

    In effect you want to pay her double, he said not believing his ears.

    Yes, David, unless you know someone more qualified. But you don’t have to agree yet, we can run this past Adrian. I’ll need her approval anyway.

    Fine, was all he said.

    Twenty minutes later, Captain Adrian LaDuke arrived. She had dressed quickly, and was just wearing jeans, a tee shirt and running shoes. Even in this outfit, she looked good. Since Julie had been her Lieutenant, she started to dressed sexier and more appealing. Julie knew she was part of the reason, but it was more than that. Now that the new Police Chief looked at things from Adrian’s perspective, and Adrian was getting the respect she and the others deserved, she didn’t have to be or dress like such a hard ass.

    Since they were out of earshot, Adrian said, alright, Julie, David, what do we have.

    Adrian, there is no way I can you for the horror you are about to see, so I won’t try. To the best of my knowledge, everyone that has view the body has thrown up, even the Coroner.

    Even the Coroner?! she asked.


    Well, I consider myself a hard ass Homicide cop that has seen all of man’s inhumanity to man, but at the risk of my stomach contents, I guess I should look.

    She walked over, picked up the blanket, took one look, dropped the blanket and ran out of the crime scene area. When she was finished throwing up, Dana was there, with water.

    When she recovered, she walked back to the others. We have to catch this monster. I didn’t think anything could cause me to throw up, but that... that! She left the sentence unfinished.

    I want to bring Rosemary into the case, Julie said. I want her as a consultant. You, Adrian, and her are both sadist, of course not to that extreme.

    Thanks for that, Lieutenant. she said.

    No problem, Captain, Julie replied, but I think you know what I mean. You can’t really be my partner, you have to run Homicide, and Rosemary knows police procedure. And as I understand it, she was a good detective in her time. So I suggested to David that we pay Rosemary her salary she received as Chief, along with her pension and give her police authority while she is with another officer and use her for this case. I need your approval, as well as David’s.

    Adrian thought about it. I’m inclined to agree with Julie, David, what do you think?

    I don’t like it, he said. I don’t like the idea of paying her double to do a job that she was in effect fired from.

    She is the most qualified person for this job, Julie told him. You know that, I know that and so does Adrian. If you don’t want to use Rosemary, who do you suggest, oh might Police Chief?

    So now we are being sarcastic, Lieutenant, are we? Then he thought about it for a few minutes. I guess the two of you win. I don’t like it, but you’re right, she is the most qualified. Now what?

    I hate to say this, Julie said, but I need some food. We didn’t get to eat. I need something light.

    Yes, Adrian answered, I ate, but I could use something light also. I can cook for the three of us.

    Ah, as you may have noticed, Julie said, there’s four of us. Dana is here also.

    Adrian just looked at her. I guess I forgot, she said hoping Dana might disappear.

    David, Julie said, will you excuse us for a couple minutes? I need to speak with my boss alone.

    Yea, sure, I’ll see if Dana wants to entertain me and then he left.

    After he was gone, Julie said, jealous, Adrian?

    I’m sorry, Julie, but yes. I know I have no right to be. I’m married, and happily married, but yeah, I’m jealous. I can’t compete with her. She’s more beautiful, and sexier than I am, and she has more money than I do. She’s a dominatrix as well, so I can’t even offer you that because so can she. I know I have no right, but yes, I’m jealous.

    Adrian, I’m sorry, but as you said, you are married. I enjoy our sessions, they are different than with Dana or David, and you enjoy the occasional session with David and me which Dana doesn’t, but all I am to you is a diversion, a diversion from Frank. Now I don’t mind that, I like the fact that it is a no strings attached diversionary relationship, but we both know it will never be anything but that.

    But what if you decided to be a one woman and that woman is Dana? she asked.

    But Dana has her own diversions. As I’m sure you know, she still goes to the Amazon Club and does her dominatrix thing. Dana would like me to move in with her, but she is still going to go to the Amazon Club, and you still go as well. So it would appear that no one is going to be faithful to just one woman, so in that respect, you have nothing to worry about. And if it does happen, then it happens.

    I know I have no right to be jealous, but I am and I’m sorry.

    Actually, Adrian, I like that your jealous. I like that David is jealous and that Dana is jealous. It goes to my head. So, now I’ll see if Dana wants to go to your place or if she wants to buy a light dinner for four.

    Alright, but tell me, Julie, how did you get David and Dana to both go out with you for dinner at the same time?

    It wasn’t easy. I had something I wanted to discuss with both of them, but it never happened, I got interrupted.

    Chapter Four

    Dana agreed to go to Adrian’s house and that Adrian could cook. Dana was aware of Julie’s relationship with her boss, but said nothing. So David, Julie and Dana got back in her limo to headed to Adrian’s. Along the way, Julie called the crime lab. She told them she wanted a complete set of photographs printed and brought to Captain LaDuke’s house as soon as possible. They told her it was take half an hour to print them, and another twenty to thirty minutes to have them delivered.

    Fine, she said and hung up.

    They arrived at Adrian’s house about twenty minutes later. Dana had never been there, so Julie told her driver the address. They arrived a few minutes before Adrian did, so they waited.

    After this, Dana, we will go with Adrian to visit with Rosemary Finn, Julie said.

    No, we can all go in my limo. It is more comfortable.

    This is a police matter, David told her, not for the first time.

    Thank you, David, I had almost forgotten from the last time you mentioned that. So if this is a police matter, why are you visiting a civilian?

    That civilian is the retired Chief of Police, he reminded Dana.

    "And your point is, other than the fact that she is, like me, a civilian?"

    She used to be a police officer and knows police procedures.

    And I, Dana replied, have been accused of having police officers in my pocket. Some believe I still do. Therefore, if I own police officers I am just protecting my investment by visiting a retired officer, who I may own. She smiled at him when she said that.

    Finally it was Julie that interrupted them. "Look you two, I know what this is about, it’s about me. Maybe not directly, but indirectly it is. Adrian’s jealous of Dana, David is jealous of Dana and Dana is jealous of both of you. Maybe I should just get a dog, they are loyal and don’t ask me to choose.

    "David, I love you. Dana, I love you. And as for Adrian, I enjoy my occasional time with her. Now that we’ve cleared that up, David, stop thinking with the small head. Dana, stop trying to control me like you control your businesses.

    Now, Julie continued, David, I suggest that Dana accompany us to Rosemary’s. She’s come this far, let her go there as well. We are talking about a sadistic killer, so three sadists are better than one. She smiled when she said that.

    The problem we have, as I see it, Julie went on, is that our three sadists, Dana, Adrian and Rosemary combined, at their worst and most sadistic, aren’t even close to what we saw tonight. Our three sadists enjoy seeing people in pain, but only to bring about greater pleasure when both of them have orgasms. Somehow I don’t think our killer has the least bit of interest in using pain to add to the person’s pleasure. This wasn’t a sex game that went too far. You don’t do those things to someone and still expect them to achieve an orgasm in the end. So with three sadists, one part time masochist, and a man that will do whatever is necessary to see his girlfriend happy, and maybe a psychiatrist, we may be able to get some insight into our killer’s behavior. Personally, I’ll take all the help I can get.

    Alright, the Chief said, relenting. Dana can come. Sometimes I wonder who is running the Police Department.

    Julie batted her eyes at him, you are, of course, sweetie. But sometimes you need a little help in making the right decisions. You know that old saying, ‘behind every great man is a woman telling him what to do.’

    This time it was David that smiled. That’s know quite the way I remember the quote. Dana, do you have a riding crop with you. I think I need to beat Julie severely.

    Now David, you stick to police matters, I stick to beating Lieutenants. This time they all laughed which helped break the tension everyone was feeling, and not because of the killer.

    When Adrian arrived, they entered her house. Adrian knew Dana from the Amazon Club, but that was it. So Julie said, Captain Adrian LaDuke, Dana Cross. I realize you two know each other from the Amazon Club, but I am now officially introducing you as something other than dominatrix.

    Hello, Adrian, Dana said, reluctantly. This is a nice house.

    Thank you, Dana, Adrian replied. There was a coolness to both of them.

    Do I have to beat both your butts? Julie asked. I was hoping we all could be civilized.

    I’m sorry, Adrian, Dana said. If you’d like, I can slip you some tongue.

    Fine, she said, and began to remove her jeans. That broke the ice and everyone laughed. Adrian zipped her jeans back up and led them into the kitchen to see what she could make.

    When they all entered, Dana just stood there amazed. This is your kitchen?!?!

    Yes, was all Adrian said.

    Adrian, my kitchen isn’t this well-equipped. Do you know how to use all this, or is it just for show?

    Neither, she said, contradicting herself. I’m still learning, but I know what most of it can do. Actually, I know what it all can do, but I don’t know my limits or all the possible uses from these things, especially the food processor.

    Maybe you should quit your job as a Police Captain and become my chef, Dana said.

    I’ll pass, she replied. I’d love to be a gourmet cook and even a chef, but I’ve learned one important lesson in life, be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.

    They all looked at her like she was crazy. I guess I should explain, she said. I’d love to be a gourmet cook, maybe a chef, but as much as I love to cook, I love being a cop more. So if I wished to be a cook, I might get it, and then find out I don’t like it enough to do it eight or ten hours a day, five or six days a week.

    I understand, Dana said, and the others nodded. You are very wise in that respect.

    Thank you, Adrian replied. Now, something light. I could make soup, but that takes an hour or two. I could make breakfast, but that’s not really light. I know Julie loves my Eggs Benedict, but it takes time to make the hollandaise sauce. So I suggest I just broil some chicken breast. I have a variety of sauces, most of which I’ve bought. I can sauté some veggies to go with it, maybe some sauteed zucchini in white wine and dill?

    They all agreed it sounded good. Adrian turned on her broiler, and stuck the chicken under it. Then she sliced two zucchini with her food processor. When the time was right, she sauteed them in a skillet. The timing was perfect. She had everything on the table just as the zucchini and chicken finished, and Frank walked into the room.

    Hi, Frank, Adrian said. Impromptu Homicide meeting, join us, we may need to pick your brain. Oh, and this is Dana Cross. Dana my husband, Doctor Frank LaDuke. He is a psychiatrist.

    Frank shook hands with Dana and said, please, Ms Cross, just Frank. In my house, I’m Frank.

    Alright, Frank, she said, then I’m Dana.

    Alright, Dana, he said in return. So who was murdered that you need my help?

    Frank, Julie began, we don’t know her name, but she was tortured, probably to death, and her body was horribly and painfully mutilated. I believe she was alive through all of it. Everyone that saw the body, including Adrian and the Coroner threw up when they saw her.

    Both my wife and the Coroner threw up at the sight of her?

    Yes, Julie.

    Then it had to be bad. Adrian dear, I thought you had seen it all and that nothing could make you sick.

    I was wrong, Frank, and I hope I never see this again.

    Frank was silent for a few moments and then said, you may. If you don’t catch this person, they will probably do it again. It sounds to me like they enjoyed their work. If that’s the case, they will want to do it again.

    Yea, we’re afraid of that, David said.

    So why would someone do something like this? Julie asked as they all sat down to the chicken and zucchini. Adrian had thought ahead and made a plate for her husband. She opened a bottle of white wine and a bottle of red, saying she didn’t know what everyone liked.

    Frank took his plate and thanked her. Then he poured himself a glass of red wine. I know that red wine doesn’t go with chicken, but I don’t like white, so to my wife’s displeasure, I drink red with everything.

    It’s okay, Frank, Adrian said and smiled. It’s better to drink what you like than what others tell you what to drink.

    Okay, Julie, to answer your question, Frank said after taking a bite of chicken. "Your murderer or murderers are the worse kind of sadists. They care nothing for what their victim wants, or even if they are a masochist. All they care about it how much pain can they inflict on someone. We all know that Adrian is a dominatrix, and from what I’ve heard, so is Dana, but neither of them should be confused with these men. Dana and my wife enjoy seeing women in pain, but not real pain. They like to see people like Julie in sexual pain, pain that in the end provides pleasure to both the sadist and the masochist. The normal sadists only give the normal masochist the pain the masochist wants. It makes both of their orgasms so much better. But not these men.

    These men, Frank continued, could care less about the woman. They would choose Adrian, Dana or Julie for their victim. It would make no difference to them, because the victim will not experience pleasure. For them it is about the pain, and the fear that they can see, feel and experience in the victim. The victims pain, and fear, especially in their eyes and maybe in their pleading is all that drives them. And the more pain, the greater the fear and the more the victim pleads, the greater these men’s pleasure.

    You said ‘men,’ Frank, Julie said. You believe this was the act of men, and not women?

    I haven’t seen the body, and I have no desire too, but if it is as bad as you say, I can’t imagine any woman sick enough to do that to another woman. It would be like a man slicing another man’s penis lengthwise. At some point the man would have to think about how terrible that would feel if someone did it to them, same with a woman. But a man could, say, slice a woman’s nipples or clitoris slowly and painfully without worrying about how it feels, because men don’t have those items. Yes we have nipples, but not like women do. That’s why I think it is a man or men.

    Anything else? Adrian asked.

    They probably hate women, he said. Maybe not openly, in fact, they would probably ask women out, and have sex with them, but secretly they probably hate women and are either gay or at least bisexual. Assuming there are two, the dominant one is probably rather intelligent.

    You said the dominant one, David said. Does that imply one is a dominant and the other a submissive?

    No, Frank said. "In any relationship, one person is always more dominant then the other. It is human nature. So in this killing relationship, one is dominant, and he is probably intelligent. The less dominant one could be more intelligent, but he would still take orders from the other. Also if the less dominant one is more intelligent, he would not take orders from someone he would consider an idiot, unless he is completely mentally unbalanced or suffering from a huge inferiority complex.

    Adrian, Frank continued, again, very good chicken and veggies. It’s amazing the gourmet meals you can whip up on the spur of the moment.

    Everyone agreed with her. Adrian was beaming, and said thank you. At that moment the doorbell rang.

    Are we expecting someone? Frank asked.

    I don’t know, are we? Adrian asked.

    I told the lab I wanted a complete set of the pictures and to bring them here, Julie responded. That should be them.

    Alright, I’ll get the door, Adrian said, got up, and looked out the peep hole. It was indeed an officer from the lab. She thanked him and took the pictures. Then she brought them back to the table.

    I don’t think we need to ruin this meal with these pictures. Frank, you can look at them if you want.

    I’ll pass, he said.

    They finished both bottles of wine, and had learned little more. Dana didn’t say a word other than to compliment Adrian on the meal. Finally they asked her what she, as a lay person and a dominatrix, thought.

    I don’t really know, I know what I like. I enjoy seeing women in pain and supplying that pain to them. In some cases, I like to be the hard ass dominatrix that cares less about my submissive’s needs, but in the end, no matter what I’ve called them or how badly I’ve treated them, I make sure they enjoy it. Why would they come back if they didn’t enjoy it? So I agree with Frank, I think your killers are two or more men that don’t care for the women’s pleasure at all. They just want to see the pain and suffering in their eyes. The greater their pain and fear, the more these guys want to get off. My only question is, how does he keep them from passing out. At some point, the pain would be so great that the mind could no longer take it and the victim would become unconscious. That would spoil these assholes fun.

    Drugs, Frank said. There are different drugs out there that they could use to keep her conscious.

    But are these drugs legal? Dana asked.

    It is a gray area. If you agree to them, yes. I can also use them if I am treating you for something and I feel you need to be kept conscious, but for a use like this, no they wouldn’t be legal, but than that would be the last of their worries, wouldn’t it.

    But how would they get these drugs? Julie asked.

    Black market or the dark web, he said. In another country, or maybe they are in the medical profession and can get them legally. Julie, you should know that people can get anything they want, one way or another.

    True, she agreed. You said the medical profession. Don’t doctors take an oath?

    Frank laughed, a big jolly laugh. Police officers take an oath to uphold the law, so I assume that means there are no bad cops in this country.

    Point made, Julie said. Well, I think we’ve learned everything we can here, and my stomach feels better. Again, great spur of the moment meal, Adrian.

    Again Adrian was all smiles.

    Now, before it is too late, we should all go to see Rosemary. Since we have been drinking, we should go in style, in Dana’s limo. Frank, why don’t you come also, in case we need the psychiatric angle.

    Alright, he said and everyone got up from the table. Julie grabbed the pictures and they all headed for Dana’s limo.

    Chapter Five

    Who the hell is at the door at this hour, Rosemary Finn thought as she went to the front door. She went to the door and opened it and saw the five of them standing there.

    What the fuck do you want? she said with anger showing in her voice.

    Rosemary, Julie said, we need your help?

    "You need me, she said, with a sneer. You are the people that forced me out in the first place. Why should I help you?"

    Rosemary, David said. This was Julie’s idea, I was against it, and for this reason. But let me remind you of something. The person that was Chief of Police before me told everyone that they had to be responsible for their actions. She didn’t want excuses as to what happen, she wanted responsibility. If you did it, take responsibility for it and accept the consequences. Does that rule not apply to the person that made that rule?

    She just glared at them. Finally she said, it’s easy for you to stand out there and tell me what I should and shouldn’t be doing. I’m the one that took responsibility and retired. I didn’t want to retire and I had done nothing wrong.

    Come on, Rosemary, Julie shot back at her. Cut the bullshit. You impeded my investigation and you forced me to have sex with people I didn’t want to have sex with, that’s rape.

    I’m sure that was a horrible thing for you. I notice that two of those people I forced you to have sex with are here with you now.

    Yes, she said, but just because it turned out I liked Dana and Adrian didn’t justify what you did. What if I didn’t like it. What if I hated every minute of it. It wasn’t necessary, because you knew that Dana, Adrian and Monica were not suspects, at least they were not the last to see Roberta Parker alive, you were. You could be in jail now, or awaiting trial. Maybe you would have gotten off, but how much would the attorney fees have cost you. And then the mayor might still have asked for your resignation and refused to give you your pension. So you aren’t the Police Chief, well it’s your own fault. If you had told me what you knew to begin with, you would still be Police Chief. So cut the ‘I feel sorry for myself crap,’ and let us in. You may even like what we propose.

    She was standing there with her arms folded in a stance of defiance the whole time. She said nothing, just stood there. Finally it was Adrian that broke the silence. Rosemary, as far as I’m concerned, if this is the way you want to handle it, than you can go fuck yourself, and we will leave. Come on, Lieutenant, we have a murderer to catch, and his civilian doesn’t want to help us. Maybe we can use Dana instead.

    That got her goat. Wait, she said. You never said anything about a murderer.

    Should it make a difference? Adrian asked. If you are too proud, too stubborn, or too petty to deal with our request, then what difference does it make whether this is a murder or not?

    Alright, Rosemary said, I was wrong. Yes, I’m bitter. Yes I have only myself to blame, but I’m still bitter. I was scared that if people discovered my involvement in Whip Coven, I would be forced out. I figured Julie could solve this case without me having to tell her I was the Grand Mistress of a secret sadistic society. I had kept that part of my life a secret for so long, it just became second nature to me. So, come in and we will talk.

    Everyone turned around now and entered Rosemary’s house. They all sat in her living room. It was getting to be very crowded. Pete is teaching a class, so he isn’t home right now. So, this is a murder.

    Julie got the pictures and showed them to Rosemary. She looked at them, oh my God, oh Holy God in Heaven. I can’t imagine actually seeing this in person. Oh my God, how can someone do this?

    Now you see why we need you, Rosemary? Julie asked.

    Because I am a sadists? You have two others in the room.

    Yes, Rosemary, you are a sadist, David answered. You are the Grand Mistress of

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