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Spiritual Chemo: You Could Be Cancer Free in 13 Weeks
Spiritual Chemo: You Could Be Cancer Free in 13 Weeks
Spiritual Chemo: You Could Be Cancer Free in 13 Weeks
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Spiritual Chemo: You Could Be Cancer Free in 13 Weeks

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Spiritual Chemo can save your life in thirteen weeks; and without any side effects.

Over the last 50+ years I have watched many people get and die from cancer. However, it seems many did not die from the cancer, but rather from the side effects of the Chemotherapy.

Having been in the ministry for 40+ years, I have also seen

Release dateAug 19, 2022
Spiritual Chemo: You Could Be Cancer Free in 13 Weeks

David Crumbaugh

PASTOR DAVID CRUMBAUGH has been Pastoring churches for over 42 years with his wife, Pastor Cynthia Crumbaugh. Pastor Dave has been writing books since he was ten years old. 'Defining Moments', and 'Primrose Kids' are two of his published books.However, in recent years Pastor Dave has felt an urging from the Holy Spirit to get this book out to the world.Watching many people die from cancer and knowing and experiencing God's power in his own life brought him to write the book 'Spiritual Chemo.' This is a book that everyone can relate to and find a real hope in what sometimes feels like a death sentence. Filled with God's truths in the Word of God, you can find your healing.

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    We need to understand and convert the material and wisdom to an implementation practice.

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Spiritual Chemo - David Crumbaugh


Spiritual Chemo

You can be cancer Free

in 13 weeks

David Crumbaugh

Trilogy Christian Publishers


Trilogy Christian Publishers

A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Trinity Broadcasting Network

2442 Michelle Drive

Tustin, CA 92780

Spiritual Chemo

Copyright © 2022 by David Crumbaugh

Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Scriptures marked KJV are taken from the King James Version (KJV): King James Version, public domain.

No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without written permission from the author. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA.

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Trilogy Christian Publishing/TBN and colophon are trademarks of Trinity Broadcasting Network.

Cover design by: Beth Harp Photography, Lagrange, Indiana

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Trilogy Disclaimer: The views and content expressed in this book are those of the author and may not necessarily reflect the views and doctrine of Trilogy Christian Publishing or the Trinity Broadcasting Network.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.

ISBN: 978-1-63769-974-4

E-ISBN: 978-1-63769-975-1


I would first like to acknowledge the Holy Spirit for directing me to write Spiritual Chemo. Without God, the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, and God’s Word, I would not be here today to write it.

Secondly, I would like to thank my wife for all the support she has given me during the many hours I have spent in front of the computer writing. Also, she has helped me with correcting errors and other things that I have missed along the way.

Third, I was encouraged to pursue this assignment that God asked me to do, by a dear friend, Jeff Argetsinger. Without Jeff’s constant help throughout this project, it would have taken much longer to complete.

Along the way, there have been many pastors and teachers that have instilled in me valuable teaching in the Word of God that has helped me throughout my life and now will help you.

To all those who have had a part in the publishing of Spiritual Chemo that I have not mentioned, thank you from the bottom of my heart. May God bless all of you.


Over the last fifty plus years I have watched many people get and die from cancer. However, it seems many did not die from the cancer, but rather from the side effects of the Chemotherapy.

Having been in the ministry for forty plus years, I have also seen many people healed of cancer without the Chemotherapy. It is for this reason that I wrote this book. Over the years of ministering to the sick, I have found thirteen principles in the Bible that can help you live and not die, and not experience the horrifying effects of the conventional treatment.

Spiritual Chemo will show you how to not only receive a miracle, but also how to keep your healing. However, it is imperative that the reader do every step laid out in this book. What is outlined throughout each week of teaching is from over fifty years of experience. If followed, I am convinced that anyone can receive a miracle of healing within thirteen weeks.

Unfortunately, many people will think they can just do part of it, then wonder why they didn’t get healed. I am always amazed that people will do whatever their doctor will tell them to do, with all the side-affects that come with it, but not do the spiritual things I have presented here from the scriptures.

I am asking that you take the next thirteen weeks and concentrate on following all the instruction you will receive, and watch God work miracles in your life.


Week 1. Preparing to Win 1

Week 2. Voices 5

Week 3. Reading the Bible 10

Week 4. Faith 16

Week 5. Doubt 26

Week 6. Fear 31

Week 7. Unforgiveness 35

Week 8. Being Double Minded 41

Week 9. Commanding vs. Prayer 47

Week 10. Corresponding Action 53

Week 11. Are You Desperate for God? 60

Week 12. Visualize Yourself Being Healed 66

Week 13. How to Keep Your Healing 73

Putting It All Together 82

How Can ‘Spiritual Chemo’ Save Your Life? 99

Week 1

Preparing to Win

King David says in Psalms 103:2-5 (NKJV), Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases, Who redeems your life from destruction, Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies, Who satisfies your mouth with good things, So that your youth is renewed like the eagles.

As you can see, God gives benefits to the soul that praises the Lord. In other words, those that are born again believers have certain benefits that they can obtain, compared to those who do not trust in the Lord.

If you were to stand in your garage every day, would that make you a car?

With that in mind, it is very important to examine your life. Many people say they are a Christian because they were baptized as a little child, or brought up in church, but that doesn’t make you a Christian. For example, if you were to stand in your garage every day, would that make you a car? The Bible tells us in John 3:3 You must be born again. It goes on to say in verse 5, that unless one is born of the water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.

Being born of the water is your natural birth; being born of the spirit is completely different. The Bible tells us in Genesis that we were made after the likeness of God. In other words, body, soul, and spirit.

We are a three-part being. We have a body, which is temporary, we have a soul, which is eternal, and we are supposed to have a spirit, which is eternal. However, most people are walking around as a two-part being, with just a body and soul. That is a problem. You will always have an emptiness; feeling like something is missing in your life. People try all kinds of things to fill that emptiness: drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, sex, and more; all to no avail. Because the only thing that will fill the hole is Jesus.

Jesus came to fix that problem. He came to make a way for you to enter the kingdom of God. By the way, that’s not just making sure you have a ‘Get out of hell free’ card.

When you acknowledge

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