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Area 51
Area 51
Area 51
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Area 51

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Dr. Jorgenson sets up an experiment on an Alien craft engine at Area 51. He leaves the test site unattended and the test goes crazy setting the Earth and its inhabitants on a long slide to extinction. He doesn’t know that volcanos are unleashing deadly ash. Neither does he know that the San Andreas Fault has given way and California has slid off into the ocean. Can he reverse the seismic process or even deal with it? It would help if he just understood what he had done. An unearthly hologram seems his only hope! The hologram has the answer, but will the doctor listen to him and take his advice?

Release dateJul 1, 2022
Area 51

Joe Bob Newman

I have been writing mystery and fiction books since 1982. I have never considered having any published until now. My career has been in writing technical documents for the defense industry. By profession I am a mechanical engineer, P.E. I have six grand children.. During the summer months, I spend a lot of time in the mountains of New Mexico. Watching wildlife and observing the ecology. i also enjoy riding my 4-wheeler. I built a cabin by myself, just above a stream filled with trout, perhaps i should say am building, I have been working on it for twenty years and it is still not finished, but it is livable, it has electricity, running water and a septic system. With that, I am happy to live there in the summer months and for a week or two in the winter, but I have found that I am not much of a "snow" person. I do hope you read and enjoy my books as much as I enjoyed writing them! Thanks for visiting my page. Joe Bob Newman

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    Area 51 - Joe Bob Newman

    AREA 51

    Joe Bob Newman

    AREA 51

    Copyright 2022 © Joe Bob Newman

    Cover Design by: Laura Shinn

    Published by: Smashwords

    License Notes:

    This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. All rights reserved.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

    Written, Edited, and Published in the USA

    AREA 51

    Other Books by Joe Bob Newman:

    The Craft (Science Fiction)

    When Time Stood Still (Science Fiction)

    Phantom Canyon (Western)

    The Rig (Action/Romance)

    The Executive (Action/Romance)

    Cabin Fever (Action/Romance)

    Cabin Cruiser (Action/Romance)

    One for the heart (Action/Romance)

    Mystic Moon Man (Action/Adventure)

    Lady Texas Ranger (History/Action)

    The Alamo (History)

    Texas Football: The Lone Star of Texas (Sports)

    In The Dark of The Night (Suspense)

    Bad Decisions (Mystery/Suspense)

    The Old Bull (Suspense/Thriller)

    CIA - The Slave Traders (Spy/Thriller)

    A Really Bad Day (Murder/Mystery)

    Tennessee Kyle (Western)

    When the Reaper Calls (Suspense/Thriller)

    The Craft II - A New Beginning (Science Fiction)

    The Cravings of an Old Man (Fiction)

    The Lost Highway (Mystery/Suspense)

    After the Reaper Calls (Suspense/Thriller)

    The Boys of Texas (Historical Fiction)

    Lady in the Lake(Murder/Mystery)

    Rags to Riches (Drama)

    Texas Tales (Short Stories)

    Time Tunnel (Science Fiction)

    The Gold Mine (Action)

    Benghazi (Historical Action)

    The Thin Line (Action/Romance)

    AREA 51

    Authors’ Notes:

    Regardless of how you feel about the Roswell UFO incident (unidentified flying object, was it a balloon or a flying saucer?), it is clear that something did happen near Roswell, New Mexico on or about July 2, 1947. Whether it was an alien space ship or a man-made weather balloon, something crashed. It is unclear whether the sky lit up from an explosion and little grey men were found and captured by the US Army. Who knows, probably there are a few people still living who really know the truth. As they say on the X-Files, The truth is out there!

    Some say that it would be nearly impossible to NOT be able to distinguish the difference between a balloon and a space ship. I tend to agree. A balloon is made of fabric, cord and small pieces of wood. A space ship is made of fancy metal apparatuses. At the time, the Army-Air Force stated that mannequins were attached to the balloon. Space men don’t look like dummies at all. Why would dummies be attached to a weather balloon? You be the judge!

    In this case, out there started out about seventy-five miles north of Roswell, New Mexico. There were plenty of eye witnesses, the only problem is, their stories don’t all match and they seem to change each time they are told. In their defense, most criminologists will tell you that this is a common occurrence. It happens all the time. Eye witness testimony rarely matches the exact facts. People see different things, what one person deems as important, the next person finds the same thing trivial. A thing or an event is valued differently by each person or witness. But again, the difference between a weather balloon and an alien space craft is the difference between a sand mound and mount Everest. You just can’t misidentify them!

    William Brazel, a foreman working on the Foster homestead, noticed clusters of debris in a pasture not far from the ranch house. This debris was the remains of the item in question. Brazel told the Roswell Daily Record that he and his son saw a large area of bright wreckage. He said that he paid little attention to it but returned on July the fourth with his son, wife and daughter to gather up the material. There is a problem right there. If he gathered up debris, where is it? Why did he not keep a piece just for himself? I would have kept a piece regardless of what anyone said, but that is just me.

    The next day, Brazel heard reports about flying discs and wondered if that was what he had seen scattered on the ground. It should be noted here that deflated or crashed balloons don’t scatter all over a field.

    On July 7, Brazel went to visit Chaves County Sheriff Wilcox, and whispered kinda confidential like, that he may have found a flying disc. On July 8, 1947, Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF) public information officer Walter Haut issued a press release stating that personnel from the field's 509th Operations Group had recovered a flying disc, which had crashed on a ranch near Roswell.

    Note: I was never able to confirm how the army found out about the wreckage.

    Also, on July 8, RAAF Captures Flying Saucer on Ranch in Roswell Region, was the top story in the Roswell Daily Record. But was it true? It also should be noted here that not a single fragment of the craft or balloon has ever surfaced. If it was a balloon, why not just put it on display and that would have been the end of the story.

    On July 9, an RAAF official clarified the paper’s report: The alleged flying saucer, he said, was only a crashed weather balloon. However, to anyone who had seen the debris (or the newspaper photographs of it), it was clear that whatever this thing was, it was no weather balloon.

    Photos that I have seen are unclear and subject to interpretation. It is my opinion that the best eye witness would have been the newspaper photographer. But I could find no mention of him or his testimony anywhere.

    No one seems to know what happened to the object that crashed. Whatever it was, it was rather quickly hauled away by troops of the 509th Airborne Bomb Group. The Army troops literally crawled on their knees picking up the remnants. It is known that the remnants were taken to RAAF, and then the remnants seem to disappear. If it was a crashed weather balloon, it was probably just disposed of. If it was an alien craft, it was probably taken to Area 51, or some other similar place. According to RAAF officials, the object material left Fort Worth aboard a B-29 air plane and was moved to Wright Air Base, now Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Very strange for the Army to guard a weather balloon and transport it to the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio. This is unheard of! It should also be noted that Wright Patterson Base has a number of quite secret area’s. The question seems to be, why such secrecy over a weather balloon?

    During my research, I did not uncover anyone who claims to have a piece of the object. That seems strange, had I been there, I would have pocketed a small piece, as I would think possibly someone else would have. No one admits to having a piece of the space ship or balloon. I could not find one single piece of irrefutable evidence, but that never stopped a good conspiracy story.

    This story is fiction! However, had it been a real alien spacecraft, this is very likely what would have happened. You decide and I hope that you enjoy the story. You can leave me your comments at my website: I look forward to hearing from you!

    AREA 51

    Historical Information:

    July 2, 1947 A bright disc shaped object is seen by many people in Roswell, New Mexico, it was traveling northwest. No specific time was given, but all individuals that saw it agreed that it was in the evening.

    July 4, 1947 About seventy-five miles north west of Roswell, William Brazel, with his son and daughter find wreckage scattered in a pasture. The Sheriff was notified and he may have notified Major Jesse Marcel, of the Army 509th Bomb Group. It seems strange but the Army took immediate action. Many would say that is very unusual as the Army and later the Air Force down play reported sightings, frequently never responding. The big question seems to be, if it was a weather balloon, why was it kept so secret?

    July 8, 1947 An official press statement was released confirming that the wreckage of a flying disc had been recovered. The Roswell Daily Record (Roswell’s newspaper), Tuesday, July 8, 1947 stated RAAF Captures Flying Saucer On Ranch in Roswell Region. Colonel William Blanchard was ordered to load the debris on a B-29 and fly it to Wright field, (now Wright-Patterson AFB) at Dayton, Ohio, for examination. Were these soldiers familiar with weather balloons, why did they not recognize it?

    July 9, 1947 A very thorough search was performed, covering approximately a hundred yards wide and three-fourths of a mile long. A rather large area for a weather balloon. An unknown number of military personnel went over the area inch by inch, literally, they were on their knees picking up pieces. A search of this kind has never been repeated (It gets even more strange)! Why would the military conduct such a thorough search? There is obviously more to the story than anyone will tell.

    July 10, 1947 The B-29 carrying the debris stopped at Carswell Army Air Force Base in Fort Worth, Texas and General Roger Ramey took charge and ordered Marcel and every one on the plane not to talk to reporters. Again, a very unusual directive for a crashed weather balloon. A second official press statement was issued, again stating that the debris was nothing more than a weather balloon. The wreckage was then sent to Wright Field under armed guard. Marcel returned to Roswell and rancher Brazel and his family were held under guard while the rest of the wreckage was systematically stripped from his ranch. Major Marcel has since stated that small I-beams were found in the field. It should be noted that weather balloons of that time did not have any I-beams in them at all.

    August 12,1960 The object believed to be the engine of the Roswell UFO craft is finally removed. The engine is sent to Area 51 under extreme secrecy and the disassembly finally begins. While attempting to retro-engineer the engine a series of significant explosions occur, the engine is again left in storage.

    January 03, 2015 The engine is again disassembled and four small propulsion models are made from it. Three of the models are attempted to operate, each detonates with a significant loss of human life. Oddly, nothing is reported in the news on the detonations nor the loss of life.

    August 18, 2021 A model was successfully operated for a short period of time. The model was modified and enormous energy was seemingly safely produced. Dr. Robert Jorgenson is the brain behind the successful operation. The model was named The Mark IV Propulsion System. Dr. Jorgenson’s tests were nearly two hundred feet below ground at a very classified building site at Area 51. The site or building is so secret that it doesn’t even have a name or a number known outside Area 51.

    Area 51

    Area 51 - Groom Lake

    Satellite image of Area 51 and Groom Lake. Runways, buildings and roads shown. Courtesy of Google Earth.

    Area 51


    Building # Name

    200 Hangar # 4

    202 Hangar # 5

    206 Hangar # 7

    213 Fire Station

    217 U-2 Hangar

    265 Administration Bldg.

    267 Dining Hall

    269 Old Base Headquarters

    275 Services Facility

    285 Shipping and Receiving

    299 Underground Test Lab

    300-335 Dormitories

    412 Main Security Bldg.

    430 Hangar # 18

    443 Hangar # 8

    476 Power and Steam Plant

    485 Weapons Bunker

    710 Control Tower

    Note: Each Area 51 building has a number such as 200,

    they also may have a more specific onsite name such as Hangar # 4.

    Keep that in mind as you read this story!

    Area 51

    Dr. Jorgensons Notes:

    The following reconstructed account of what happened at Area 51 is taken directly from my notes. Please bear with me that the account is written from the perspective of a Scientist/Engineer. It is as accurate as I could make it.

    I hope you enjoy the account, it was the best that I could do, under the circumstances.

    AREA 51

    August 16, started out just like any other Friday. I woke up in my quarters, Building 312, got dressed and went to Building 267, the cafeteria or dining hall for breakfast. I had coffee, scrambled eggs, crisp bacon and Texas toast. I looked up and saw the group of people all staring at me. Then, one spoke something and they all began to laugh. I wondered what was so funny?

    It wasn’t unusual for people to stare at me. I do look like an oddball and possibly even some of them may know what I do and what I am working on. Even though it is ultra secret, people at Area 51 do talk and share information. I was dreading that they might come question me, I hated lying, but it was part of the job.

    At eight o’clock that morning, I was at my work station, in Building 299, nearly two hundred feet below the surface of Area 51. I was running circuit tests on the Mark Four Propulsion System. This system was a descendant of the power plant removed from the UFO found at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. The system name of Mark Four simply meant that it was the fourth test system or engine to be tested at Area 51. It wasn’t really a propulsion engine, but it was to mimic the original engine taken out of the alien flying craft. No one seemed to really know how the engine functioned or propelled the spacecraft, but it did!

    About sixty years ago, in 1960, the engine had been crudely removed from the craft and taken apart piece by piece. It had been studied and a series of similar engines had been produced here at Area 51. Some of the brightest minds in the world had looked at and studied the engine, but no one knew exactly how it propelled the craft. The manuals and diagrams for the engine were in a language that couldn’t be deciphered at the time. Most of the symbols shown appeared to be quite similar to ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. I had now deciphered some of the symbols and had a working knowledge of how the engine worked. Not completely, but enough to understand that this was a very dangerous job that I had been given. No one else in the world had any idea what I was doing. My boss, the General had given me the task of finding out what it was and how it worked. That was all that he knew and I hadn’t told him much else. The President had been briefed often but I had never briefed him. If I ever did, I planned to tell him the truth.

    There were actually two engines on the alien craft, one at the end of each wing. The craft looked like a short boomerang with an oblong globe in the very center. It didn’t have a tail and appeared unable to fly in Earth’s atmosphere using conventional methods. That is, either propeller or jet engine driven. The skin of the craft almost seemed alive. It would actually move when touched. The skin didn’t appear to be a metal, truth was, we had no idea what the skin was made of. There were no apparent seams in the skin, and it is my opinion, that if the door of the craft hadn’t been open when the craft was found, no one could have found the door, much less entered the craft.

    There were three levels in the craft. The middle level had a ceiling high enough that I could stand in it, which meant the aliens were about our size. The upper level was a crawl space used for storage. The lower level was full of advanced gadgets that we had not been able to decipher.

    The engines didn’t ingest air, rather they used some source of energy to propel the craft. An unknown fuel powered the engines and again, we had no idea how it actually operated. We had removed the fuel and kept it locked up in lead boxes. I was using a small piece of the fuel in my test.

    Since only one engine had been removed and crudely disassembled, it had been possible for me to look at the intact engine and see what had been removed and where it correctly fitted.

    James Highcloud was an American Navajo Indian Physicist who had been responsible for the one engine removal. Other than me, he knew more about the engine than anyone else in the world. The problem was, Highcloud had died last year and all his knowledge had died with him. He had not left any records of the disassembly or what had been done with the individual pieces. Highcloud and I had only had one conversation prior to his death and he was tight lipped about his knowledge of the engine.

    He had also been responsible for the first three tests that had ended in failure. These failures had put a dark stain on his reputation and he couldn’t get past the failures. I had thought that he would jump at the opportunity to help me, but he hadn’t. He was probably very competent, but he wasn’t much help to me.

    Most of the personnel that worked on the earlier systems and that had survived, had briefed me and I had taken notes. Oddly, not one of the technicians had any written notes for me. I had learned about the craft and the engine from primarily hands on practice. I now felt fairly competent to do the tests and the analysis required. I do keep my notes in my lab, if my lab should blow up, my notes will be destroyed. I don’t like that, but that is the way that it is.

    As stated, the three earlier prototypes had all self destructed during testing. It was my

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