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Broken Hearts & Souls
Broken Hearts & Souls
Broken Hearts & Souls
Ebook143 pages53 minutes

Broken Hearts & Souls

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About this ebook

I attended a private school and was constantly under pressure from my strict parents that believed being “sheltered” from the world was the only way to live a pure and healthy life. I was repressed in everything that I did and as I grew up in this environment. I was never exposed to any of the harsh realities that most modern children of today see by just turning on the television set.
But the day finally came, that I had to leave my hometown. I
had to leave this blanket of comfort that, Unbeknownst to me, was
smothering all of my social development. I was married very
young, still a child in mind and body, and I was thrown into the
city and the hard tough world that I could not understand, nor
could I cope with alone.
During this time, I eventually met another woman, similar to
me, and she became my guardian angel. With her help, and by
making the hard decisions I was able to overcome tragedy in my
life and become the person I am today.
This screenplay was adapted from my true life story. A story of how parents can mean well, while doing harm that may take years to overcome. This screenplay sends a positive message to parents who intend to place their children in private schools or home school.
Release dateJul 13, 2022
Broken Hearts & Souls

Doris Anne Beaulieu

Life isn't always easy. Some say life is a struggle, a challenge. We often hear the saying “up a creek without a paddle.” Life can be a test,You're either prepared or unprepared. Who we become as adults is greatly influenced by the way we are raised as children. The abilities and skills to survive and excel in this test of life are forever ingrained in us by our parents and educators. In this fast-paced ever evolving world, the prepared are able to rise to the challenges of life and fortune of success. For the unprepared, life is not so. My book paints a very clear picture of the closeness of families who live a protective, sheltered life going to a private school. One is raised to believe the whole world lives this way. Individuals only speak the truth because one is taught a person is only as good as his/her word. It is also emphasized that everyone treats others with kindness at that is the pure moral way to live life. I give details of how my life was lived year after year. Readers will clearly see that what is instilled in a child be it right, wrong, or naive, becomes a permanent and lasting part of one's being. No matter the direction life may take, make no mistake, one's childhood mentally follows him/her throughout life, causing doubt in every move because one knows how naive he/she was raised and things are just not the same in the world he/she now must live in.

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    Book preview

    Broken Hearts & Souls - Doris Anne Beaulieu

    Broken Hearts

    & Souls




    1663 Liberty Drive

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    © 2022 Doris Anne Beaulieu. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 07/13/2022

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-6468-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-6469-4 (e)

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    Fade in:


    We are in the backwoods country of Maine. Small lakes and patches of woods, open fields, and rough dirt roads.


    From a distance we come upon THREE CHILDREN, each holding a basket, making their way through a wild, overgrown, berry patch.

    The youngest, a four-year-old, Patrick, stops and picks two berries and pops them into his mouth. He picks another and puts it into his basket. His picking ratio is an obvious pick one, eat two.

    His older sister, Doris, comes up behind him. She is a wispy eleven – year – old.



    Patrick turns, a big smile on his face and berry juice dripping down his chin.



    Patrick we can’t eat all of the berries.


    (mouth full)

    I’m not.

    He giggles.


    Momma will have your hide.

    Patrick eats another berry.

    Doris hugs him and kisses him on the mouth. Patrick grimaces playfully.



    I’m gonna kiss you every time you eat one of Momma’s sellin berries.

    Patrick shakes his head.

    His eyes wide in mock fear.

    He starts picking berries, each one going directly into the basket.



    That’s better.

    She pulls on his ear, laughs and begins to pick with him.

    Out of thicket comes the third CHILD, a lanky twelve – year – year old, Steven.


    This spot is no good.

    He shows them his nearly empty basket.



    There aren’t enough berries here. Too much work. Why does Momma keep telling us to come here?


    She says, any berries at all is worth the work.


    I know how we can fix it so we never have to come to this spot.



    Steven walks into the deep thicket and comes back holding a long vine.


    Hold out your arms.

    Doris and Patrick stretch their arms out towards him.

    Steven rubs the vine all over the skin on their hands and arms, then he does it to himself.


    What is it Steven?


    Poison ivy!

    Doris screeches a loud wail. Patrick follows suit.

    CUT TO:


    We see a large, wood frame, farmhouse surrounded by fields of crops and patches of woods. The birds are singing and the wind is blowing through the trees. It is a peaceful farm setting, until...

    Patrick, Doris and Steven come running out of the woods, all three of them, screaming like banshees.

    From the house comes Momma. She is thin, but country- tough.

    She hears the children screaming and expects trouble.


    My goodness!

    (yelling back into the house)

    Roger, get the shotgun!

    The screaming children run to their Momma.


    Momma, Momma, look!

    He holds out his arms which are now covered in bright re bumps.


    What in heaven’s name?

    From the house, ROGER, a tall fifteen - -year -old-, appears carrying a shotgun.



    Poison ivy, Momma! From the berry patch.

    Roger comes toward them.



    You want me to shoot the berry patch, Momma?


    No! Put that gun away and fetch me some buckets.

    Momma grabs Doris and Patrick by their waist, and pushes Steven.



    Let’s get to the creek.

    CUT TO:


    They are gathered at the side of the creek.

    Momma is mixing clay and water in a bucket and coating the children’s hand and arms.


    Tsk, tsk, tsk. You children are gonna be very itchy for a few days. This

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