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Energy Detox: Self-Healing from Abuse and Limitations
Energy Detox: Self-Healing from Abuse and Limitations
Energy Detox: Self-Healing from Abuse and Limitations
Ebook94 pages1 hour

Energy Detox: Self-Healing from Abuse and Limitations

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Heal from Your Core

Through the Basis of the Universe

If you have been abused or unable to shed longstanding problems, this book offers a DIY solution you can apply anywhere any time to shed the effects of abuse or to achieve a breakthrough in your personal development.

Written succinctly in everyday language, this is a revolutionary step-by-step that works on the most fundamental level of the universe --- energy.
PublisherJason Young
Release dateJul 28, 2022
Energy Detox: Self-Healing from Abuse and Limitations

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    Energy Detox - Jason Young

    Chapter 1: The Energetic Dimension To The Universe

    The Chinese have a saying: All things in the universe are energy (qi).

    According to Classical Chinese Philosophy, energy or qi is the force that makes up and binds together all things in the universe. It is, paradoxically, everything but also nothing.

    The Greeks share a similar belief called Hylozoism. They believe that energy exists in all matter. Seemingly inert or inanimate objects such as rocks, trees or even the air, contain an energetic flow.

    These two beliefs are backed up by simple science. Everything in the universe (including our bodies) is made up of atoms and molecules. Regardless of the state of the substance (solid, liquid or gas), the atoms or molecules are vibrating or randomly bombarding one another. Whether they are vibrating or bombarding one another, the sheer fact that they are moving (vibrating or bombarding one another) is irrefutable proof that energy is coursing through everything in the universe, even in seemingly unmoving, inanimate objects. The field of Quantum Mechanics describes that even in atoms, at the sub-atomic level, energy is operating. Since energy is operating at the fundamental level of sub-atomic particles, it can be said that energy is at the core of our entire existence.

    In our bodies, we feel the operation of energy too. At times, we feel a lack of energy in our bodies. We recognize that as hunger or fatigue. We know enough to consume food to replenish the energy or sleep so the body can rest and renew itself. We know that different energies feel differently in our bodies. When we feel fear, it is a particular sensation in our bodies. The same goes for other emotions such as joy, anger etc. Hold both your palms about one inch away from your face as if you are about to cup your face. Do you feel the tingly sensation? That is energy.

    Traditional Chinese Medicine has long recognized the operation of energy (qi) in our bodies and the importance energy plays as a fundamental pillar of our health. Energy flows through the body along paths known as meridians. When energy is blocked along these meridians, this gives rise to physical, mental or emotional ailments.

    Since the release of the movie The Secret and the subsequent publication of the book, there has been a growing consciousness of how the Law of Attraction works. In a nutshell, the Law of Attraction operates as follows: whenever you hold a thought, you send out the energy of that thought and you attract the manifestation of that energy to you. For example, you hold the thought of a loving relationship and you attract your ideal partner to you. In other words, we are constantly shaping our realities through the thoughts or energies we hold and send out.

    However, if our realities are the result of the energies we hold and send out, why is that we do not necessarily get what we consciously want, will and desire? Instead, we find ourselves in undesirable situations. The Law of Attraction is a law of the universe. It is unfailing, unyielding and works every time. It makes sense that the undesirable circumstances we face must have somehow been attracted to us by the negative, undesirable thoughts or energies we hold.

    As such, there is a need to examine deeply the energies we hold inside us. To fix our circumstances, it makes sense therefore that we need to fix the energies we hold within us. This will prevent us from repeatedly manifesting undesirable circumstances as a result of unexamined negative energies. In other words, a deep examination and energy detox of negative energies can save us from a never-ending loop of unwanted situations without an apparent escape or respite in sight.

    My Personal Story

    The techniques advocated in this book come about through self-observation, following my intuition, independent research and experimentation on myself.

    All throughout my life, I struggled with low self-esteem and felt like I was undeserving. It was a huge block to me in terms of my career and personal life. I was underachieving, kept attracting the same kinds of situations and I put up with way too much rubbish. I felt like my life was on a loop with no way out.

    It Starts With The Self

    Finally, I had enough and decided to do something about it. It quickly became obvious to me that it all starts with the self. No amount of external validation (money, partner, trophies, toys) can salve and solve our inner turmoil. Moreover, with closer introspection, it became clear to me that whatever fortunes or problems we encounter, they are all attracted and manifested by our inner selves. As such, to improve and elevate our lives, it is necessary to work on ourselves. No amount of external things (money, partners, toys etc) can ultimately make us feel better in a real and substantial way. We have all seen people who are rich but unhappy. Conversely, the relatively poorer Kingdom of Bhutan is often ranked as the happiest country in the world. Whatever circumstance I face in my life, it all emanated from me. I had to clear my energy to bring about a real, lasting change in my life.

    No matter your external circumstance (rich or poor, single or attached), how you feel, your inner-scape, is with you 24/7, completely determining whether you feel up or down at any moment. Ultimately, by working through your external problems and internal conflicts, the point is to come to feel genuinely good. You will come to create for yourself a state of peace and abundance that is dependent on nothing and no one. No one can take this inner happiness away from you.

    Other Benefits

    Besides a general sense of peace and well-being, there are a host of other benefits to be had from energy detox:

    Working better with the Law of Attraction

    The Law of Attraction is an all-knowing law. You can never deceive it. Even if you pretend to be a positive person and project positivity when around others but inside you are harbouring resentment, inadequacy or anger, you will attract correspondingly negative experiences into your life.

    By clearing your energy through energy detox, you ensure the energy you send out into the universe is clearer and less muddled by the unwanted negative energies you have unconsciously accumulated in you over the years. In this way, with a cleaner and more positive energy that you send out,

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