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Messages from Love: A Journey of Awakening and Remembering: Moving Towards Peace and Freedom in Your Life
Messages from Love: A Journey of Awakening and Remembering: Moving Towards Peace and Freedom in Your Life
Messages from Love: A Journey of Awakening and Remembering: Moving Towards Peace and Freedom in Your Life
Ebook138 pages1 hour

Messages from Love: A Journey of Awakening and Remembering: Moving Towards Peace and Freedom in Your Life

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The awakening journey continues in Messages from Love: A Journey of Awakening and Remembering: Moving towards Peace and Freedom in your Life by author Connie Cord. In this second book, she shares dialog channeled directly from Spirit. This new guidebook teaches you how to lift the veil of illusion, deepening your understanding of your personal connection with God.

Cord shares a host of thoughts inspiring you to live life fully every day, to live a purpose-filled existence, and to enjoy the journey along the way. She encourages you to create the lens of your choosing by doing the work it takes to see with Eyes of Love. Love is the answer to everything in life. It’s all about the love. When you can see with love, you are ready to experience a beautiful existence.

Messages from Love seeks to stimulate your desire to awaken and find God in the silence. It reaches beyond the box of exclusion, creating a beautiful spiritual perspective of love, unity, and inclusiveness. It deepens your connection with God and allows your soul to soar with peace and freedom.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJul 14, 2022
Messages from Love: A Journey of Awakening and Remembering: Moving Towards Peace and Freedom in Your Life

Connie Cord

Connie Cord was born in Portland, Oregon, and raised in Northern California. After making her home in the Bay Area, she married; became a mother of a daughter, who has gifted her with two granddaughters; divorced; and found professional success as an aesthetician and owner of a skin care business for more than thirty years. Her true passion in life is the study of spirituality and the divine realm.

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    Messages from Love - Connie Cord

    Copyright © 2022 Connie Cord.

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2022911565

    ISBN: 979-8-7652-3047-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-7652-3049-7 (hc)

    ISBN: 979-8-7652-3048-0 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 07/05/2022




    Chapter 1


    Chapter 2


    Chapter 3


    Chapter 4

    Loneliness versus Being Alone

    Chapter 5

    The Chattering Mind

    Chapter 6

    Your Built-In Guidance System

    Chapter 7

    Your Inner Circle

    Chapter 8

    Know Thyself

    Chapter 9


    Chapter 10


    Chapter 11


    Chapter 12

    The Treasure in Our Memory Boxes

    Chapter 13

    Truth and Awakening


    Creative Living


    List of Authors, Books, and TV Shows from Book One

    To those on their continual journey of awakening,

    yearning to live on Earth as it is in Heaven. May peace

    fill your soul as your journey continues to unfold.

    With Gratitude

    A Message to My Readers

    I am forever grateful for the dialogue that runs through my mind in my meditative state and for the gift of being used to write these beautiful Messages from Love. May your lives be touched by these words and may you be sparked to open up and feel God’s presence within your hearts, minds, and souls as well. Everyone without exception has the same capability to hear and write God’s messages and words of wisdom. May this book stimulate your desire to awaken and find God in the silence. The God of your understanding will start a conversation with you if you will take the time, be open, and then listen with no filters to the beautiful narrative that flows through. Ask the question, What will you have me know this day, my Father? Then quiet your mind and listen. God will answer; just start writing.


    All you can do is the best you can do at any given moment in time. This is one of my favorite sayings. I love it because it creates universal grace for all with an understanding that each person’s journey has given rise to a unique set of circumstances, which creates the playing ground from which each person views life. Your actions will always be based on your personal experience and perspective. If your heart and intention is in a kind and loving place as you make your choices and decisions in life, you will never have to live with regret. With this perspective for yourself and others, everything is always good. Forgiveness becomes natural to you because the lens through which you view life causes you to understand this to be so. You will move forward in this human experience riding all its ups and downs with the beautiful understanding that through the ebbs and flows of life, there is invariably a silver lining, an opportunity for your soul to mature in ways that only this Earth school can teach. There is a natural grace that gets delivered to you and others, understanding that all of us are doing the best we can with what we have to work with and with where we are on the path of growing our souls experientially.

    We forget our true nature—our oneness with our Creator—as we come into this world and navigate our lives blindly until we experience the blessing of having the thick iron curtain of illusion lifted just a little more every day, allowing us to see clearly. As we choose to move in a direction based in love, we gain wisdom. This wisdom leads us on our path to en-lighten-ment. As you do the work, the curtain thins and becomes a gossamer veil that allows you to start seeing just a bit more clearly.

    As your desire for Truth stirs your soul, the excited Universe responds to your call, and the awakening begins. God, the creator of all things, along with your personal divine posse will bring forth a magical, magnetic force that creates synchronicities that help you on your journey to awakening.

    This journey is the magic of life, for the miracles are undeniable. Your faith in the unseen realm strengthens as you move forward with excitement and feel your soul resonating in the deepest way. Finally, you can breathe. Finally, your heart can sing. Finally, your body can relax because you are realizing step by step, day by day that nothing really matters except doing the best you can at any given moment on your path to feel this amazing resonance. Kindness and love flow out of your soul with ease, and you gain the beautiful understanding that there is no one sitting on high judging you. You have come to realize that you are your own judge, and forgiving yourself leads to forgiving others. As you forgive, you are forgiven and set free. Freedom of the soul is where you will find your true nature and authentic self. Once you do this, you find your way home—home on Earth as it is in Heaven.

    We are all striving to live on Earth as it is in Heaven by creating our own unique experiences of Heaven on Earth. As we strive toward this goal and go through the motions in our lives to achieve it, we slowly but surely allow our perspectives to broaden. This openness allows the gossamer veil of illusion to lift just a little bit more every day. Every day, we have the opportunity to understand who we really are a bit more deeply than the day before.

    We may or may not choose to go down this path called enlightenment. Enlightenment merely means that we are each a work in progress of remembering. The paradox on Earth of learning through opposites is the ultimate way we grow spiritually. The phrase we have everything we need inside ourselves to create anything of our choosing means that at the core of our beings, we are all God, pieces of the One Whole that is everything and all things all at the same time. The spirit within each of us is God, an individuation of the Great I Am that is yearning to experience and create.

    This individuation is called the soul. Our souls have been created for us to have our own unique ways of experiencing. When we decide to come to the dimension of reality called Earth, we need vehicles to do this in, and these we call our bodies. The tricky part of this decision is that when we come to the earthly realm to learn and create, we come in with amnesia. We forget who we really are. This is the perfect setup, as it allows us to learn and remember who we are through that which we are not. We have the opportunity to create in a contextual field of opposites. These opposites are what we refer to as light and dark, good and bad, love and fear, right and wrong, and so on.

    As we move through our individual experiences here on Earth, we may or may not make choices that start lifting this veil of forgetfulness. Either way, life is an experience of creating, and creating is what we are here to do. In light of this, there is nothing that is not good because everything creates an experience. The only true desire that we come forth with is to experience and create; therefore we create and experience.

    Our spirits are our unique parts of the One Whole that is God. Consequently, we are already perfect as we are; we have just forgotten. Our perfection wanted to experience something other than itself for the purpose of really understanding itself completely. The only way to achieve this goal was to experience the opposite. And learning through opposites ultimately creates the opportunities to learn unconditional love and allowance for ourselves and others, for we truly are all one. Each of us is a part of the perfect and whole individual aspect/spirit of God, and we are here to create our unique individual journeys in our own ways.

    As we continue journeying down the road of awakening and remembering, we begin to more fully understand our inherent perfection, to understand that we are perfect eternal beings in motion. Then, when we have fulfilled our missions for this incarnation, we are ready once again to return home to our Source and eventually meld back into the Oneness

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