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Meditation, Defining Your Space
Meditation, Defining Your Space
Meditation, Defining Your Space
Ebook101 pages59 minutes

Meditation, Defining Your Space

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Use Defining your Space to help you discover and enjoy many different ways to transform your practise. It is the difference between a simple and a more enhanced practise. Even simplicity can be enhanced.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJul 19, 2022
Meditation, Defining Your Space

Elizabeth Banfalvi

My name is Elizabeth Banfalvi and I have been teaching meditation since 1996. I enjoy teaching meditation and I learned as much from my students as I hoped they learned from me. I enjoy watching my students changing and gaining new insights about themselves. I started writing my books in 1998 and have written 6 books so far. I am looking forward to adding more on a variety of topics. Enjoy the journey with me.

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    Meditation, Defining Your Space - Elizabeth Banfalvi

    Copyright © 2022 Elizabeth Banfalvi.

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    ISBN: 979-8-7652-2940-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-7652-2941-5 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date:  05/21/2022

    Change is what makes life interesting. Being able to change makes it worthwhile.

    Elizabeth Banfalvi


    1.    Introduction

    2.    Helpers

    3.    Perceptions

    4.    A Higher Order

    5.    Journaling

    6.    Nature

    7.    Themes

    Meditation Themes




    8.    Elements


    Elements Uses

    Element Meditations

    Astrology and the Elements

    Astrology Meditations

    9.    Numbers

    Numbers and Their Meanings

    Cards and Their Meanings

    Lucky Bamboo Stalks

    10.  Time & Directions

    Time Captured

    Portions of Time

    Directions and Belief Systems

    11.  Vibrations

    Colors and Their Meanings

    Candles and Ambiance

    The Power of Scents

    Music of the Soul

    12.  Crystals, Gems and Metals

    Crystal Uses

    Crystals Cleansing

    Crystals, Gems and Metals

    13.  Meditations

    A New Direction

    Celebrations – Time

    14.  Final Thoughts

    15.  Glossary of Meditations


    This book is about defining your space and using helpers to make it personal, comfortable or whatever you want to feel. Helpers are a way to make your meditations become easier and more interesting. They are a way of finding connections with nature and different aspects. It is also a journey of awakening in a different way. It is a way to focus and have fun but bring a novel way to change your meditations.

    When you begin to meditate it is can be difficult to just sit and try to rid your mind of all the different thoughts you have running around in your head. But if you can physically hold an object then your focus is on the object and the physicality of it. The roughness of a crystal, or a pine cone or the softness of a feather can help you concentrate and direct your thoughts better.

    There are helpers in nature, Native American culture, Feng Shui, crystals, colors, music and so many varied ways to help you concentrate on what you are focusing on. Introduce time into your meditations and it can be an ally. Use the many meaningful holidays, seasons, days and months as a focus. You can use the beginning of the day to introduce yourself to a new way of thinking or to make a new beginning. At the end of the day, you can find a completion in how you are feeling and know that in the morning, you can begin again in newness.

    In life, there is a continuous cycle of beginnings and endings and that is a natural process. Everything has a cycle.

    This book is full of information and different aspects which can be used in a multitude of ways. Not all the information will be what you want to use and that is perfectly alright. Use what feels right and experiment in other things. This book is about presenting ideas and novel ways to enhance your meditation process. The internet has more information if you want to investigate more in depth than what I have offered. Use all things in a positive context and you will find what works for you.

    Have fun doing all sorts of things and try as many as you can. I always instruct my class to use what you need when you need it and then let it go. Learn to use helpers but also learn to let them go to be able to connect all by yourself. You can still use them but don’t become dependent on them.

    Included in this book is a

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