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Writing as Conversation: Literature, Writing, Reading, and Expression: A Transformative Examination of Writing Styles and Communication Through the Complexity of the English Language
Writing as Conversation: Literature, Writing, Reading, and Expression: A Transformative Examination of Writing Styles and Communication Through the Complexity of the English Language
Writing as Conversation: Literature, Writing, Reading, and Expression: A Transformative Examination of Writing Styles and Communication Through the Complexity of the English Language
Ebook190 pages2 hours

Writing as Conversation: Literature, Writing, Reading, and Expression: A Transformative Examination of Writing Styles and Communication Through the Complexity of the English Language

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Writing as Conversation: Literature, Writing, Reading and Expression

A transformative examination of writing styles and communication through the complexity of the English language.

A writing that gives the best nuances of the human intellect, Writing as Conversation: Language, Writing, Reading, and Expression is a book on written and verbal communication within literature. A selection of chapters includes the very precise aspects of how and why writing is an important tool of discovery. This is also a book that may serve the criteria for authors to hold to their own abilities as a potential resource for insight. Writing is expansive; the world of books and literature and communication for that matter is a definite one and requires the right attention. Authors and the like may prefer reading this book as a self-qualified, esteem-driven volume that brings forward the writing of this author. The author of this book wishes for you to enjoy it and give it your own thumbs up or thumbs down. Either way, Writing as Conversation is a book that reinterprets the skill of interpretational writing in the universal theater of literature.
Release dateJul 19, 2022
Writing as Conversation: Literature, Writing, Reading, and Expression: A Transformative Examination of Writing Styles and Communication Through the Complexity of the English Language

Ata Asheghi

Ata Asheghi Architectural Engineer and Author University of Hartford Central Connecticut State University

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    Writing as Conversation - Ata Asheghi



    Author’s Written Disclosure of Information from This Book

    Chapter 1 Introducing Meaning before Writing

    Chapter 2 Author’s Statements

    Chapter 3 Writing as a Stimulus

    Chapter 4 Defining Prerogative

    Chapter 5 Reading Out Loud

    Chapter 6 Deterrence and Truth

    Chapter 7 Expressive Writing

    Chapter 8 Selective Writing

    Chapter 9 Making Corrections: The Revision Process

    Chapter 10 Research Proposals

    Chapter 11 Discussions and Similarities

    Chapter 12 Defense of the Author

    Chapter 13 Technical Writing and Critical Writing Forms

    Chapter 14 Research and Study

    Chapter 15 Preference and Vocabulary

    Chapter 16 Avoiding Personas: How to Limit Exaggeration in Writing

    Chapter 17 Educated Guesses: Dialogue and Review

    Chapter 18 Open-Source Information: The Internet

    Chapter 19 Avoiding Plagiarism

    Chapter 20 The Challenge of Opinion

    Online Reference


    This is a book that showcases expressive writing for the purpose of clarifying meaning, through the development of both the reader and the writer combined. The power of communication is the touchstone of this piece in which meaning is derived from the use of words and explanations. This book further aims to express the interrelationship between the reader and author, of any form of literature, to correlate how written material is comprehended through the compatibility of wording, syntax, and grammar. As a descriptive piece that it is as well, the writing is offered to expand the underlying thought potential of forms of written communication and expressive verbal communication. The chapters focus on viewpoints that are interwoven with ideas and methods that enable a writing process to occur for beginning authors, readers, and writers of all tastes. The fulfilment of this book is to make the reader interested in reading this material and to place a focus of attention on choice, in respect to individual opinions about the topic of writing. Literature, as used in the title as one of the selective themes of this book, is introduced to encompass the worldly abilities of the human intellect associated with the world of literature. Communication is a very difficult task, and it involves knowing languages and being able to interpret discussions by deriving meaning from accurate sources and relevant information. It is also a hindrance to those who are not capable enough to apply their productiveness into the categorical world of writing and ideas. Many books are ideally interesting, categorized by the type of book or topic, but this book is presented to make the reader aware of several obstacles and following solutions that are imbedded in the English language and when applied, how a writing becomes an absolute and indispensable method of relaying interest, ideas, goals, desires, and opinions. The book is comprised of a compilation of literary synopses that pose their own credibility through writing and through a diverse awareness of writing styles that are essential to know when reading anything. To accomplish this reading, the reader must know what it took to accomplish the writing itself. The chapters proposed offer insight into how writing styles and information fit to give the reader a compatible sense of understanding through what most of the world’s literature consists of, while at the same time, maintaining a feeling of extroversion in which the sense of learning can add to the brainstorming mechanisms that engages the reader to think outside of the box. Communication and the skills involved are by far the hardest and most divisive form of human activity, and to illuminate this further into the environment of literature, one must accept the conditions in which expression is constrained and see how writing is bound by these conditions. A reader and writer must understand how to liven what is most often concealed by the structure of the English language; only by doing so can an idea prevail, can an imagination flourish, and can a determinant philosophy be utilized. I do not think anyone has attempted this type of writing other than myself, the author of this work, and more so than attempting this, I further embellish this piece of writing as it may be read by a global audience to leave the discretion up to the reader. This is a demonstration of well-oriented skill, addressing the prevalent issue of adversity. We can only try as they say, but nothing is accomplished if it is not done by doing.



    It is important that I present this disclosure for this book that I produced. In simple terms, I did not copy, plagiarize or replicate any of the informative writing here form external sources other than what was sourced, nor did I use any means or materials, whether it be online resources or even texts. All the written material was solely dispensed by my own knowledge and experience both academic and real world driven. I have used the Merriam-Webster dictionary for reference and other than that, I have spent much time reviewing the work written to assure both the audience and myself of its own reliability. I, Ata Asheghi, as the author of this book, encourage you the reader to delve into my writing and question the authority as a self-presumed writer and book author that this book shows you, to recollect a thinking process you have that is finite, complete and evocative. The validity of any of my writing is in due respects to my proficiency in the English language and it is meant to compare the knowledge of people having been accustomed to through collegiate learning. This book is a counter-balancing byproduct of my experience from all my years in education and reading both aimed to conclude my efforts as an academic and to reinforce an attitude I have with the ideas I present. I state in this disclosure, that this writing is fully bound by expressive writing and conditional writing that has been taught through our years of education. What I ultimately wish to show is a nature of quality in this book by presenting a work that is undeniably interesting to the reader. Self-awareness and learning are two replicated human abilities and through this writing I make articulate the fabric of the English learning psyche in these chapters. I have dedicated the time and effort not to fluster over words and dialogue in attempt to set an example of myself and to have the time to write this piece to propose an intelligent version of my thinking rather than something considered egocentric or self-perceived.

    This book was produced in 2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic as a third installment to Ata Asheghi books with iUniverse publishing. Ata Asheghi, I, was a graduate student finishing a master’s degree in Construction Management. This is the written disclosure by the author, acknowledging to readers and scouts the integrity of this writing and including here my author’s trust, through IUniverse Publishing Company and their criteria for production.

    Ata Asheghi




    Introducing Meaning before Writing

    It is useful to practice learning and to identify meaning before exploring reading and writing. The meaning of something gives us readers the knowledge of actualities by engaging our understanding through what we read. Books inform us of this understanding, and we should look at reading as it is used to inform, persuade, define and correct how one can interpret written communication as well as many other qualities. Reading and writing are intellectual efforts which are interrelated into tangible and intangible aspects of the world we live in, whether it is learning how to write by direction or reading for enjoyment. However, reading for enjoyment is an activity that gives us knowledge given by an author’s perspective to provide a view of a story or reality. This is not a book meant to examine the nature behind how we read and what our preferences are toward what we are closely related to discussing for ourselves. Rather, it is a work that leans toward the infinite approach of possessing the skills to determine and examine all varieties of writing by facilitating experience, your own experience, to the reading material and to the methods and means of writing.

    As you have probably noticed already, the writing is self-aware and may allow you to rely on your own discernment, which is ultimately chosen for whatever purpose you see fit, and so to discuss the interpretation of finding meaning. Judging. Deciding. Comparing. Reflecting. Finding nuances and feeling inspired. Maybe these are what drive the brain to seek answers not sought after through conversation or through visual connection, but the motive of picking up word for word is encouraging for one to define meaning, as it is almost impossible to solidify. Written discussion and comparative reasoning are also part of this development. From a lack of awareness at a young age, the indication of one’s responses to what is read can offer unique learning opportunities to access greater fields of knowledge.

    To identify this chapter, it is important to grasp meaning beforehand in any form of reading and writing which may be intended for your further endeavors throughout your selection of books you choose to read based on a title or cover. They are usually written to describe the title premise of the writing along with an image selected for visual appeal. The additional text next to title shows four definitive practices that are explicitly titled to pose a dichotomy between conversational interpretation and conventional writing.

    As the author of this book, I would like to first and foremost indicate my presence throughout the writing as commentary to the content delivered by adding my author’s inclusions with the word "I" where it belongs. Not to deter from content as it is presumably thought of as justifiable language and more often than known as literature that follows credibility of the institution of academic interpretation, which is not at all an established institution but rather the scope of literature expanded into a few words. I will express direction and abbreviation of writing experiences through a collective sequence of chapters including this first one as addressed Introducing meaning before writing; of all chapter titles, I propose this to take weight off your shoulders through my own experiences which may sway the intent of the book, I know, but we keep it funny too.

    Meaning is what serves a purpose; it is the conformation of intent versus issue, and it is the tool of discovery in which speech contrives truth where no possible actuality exists unless it is uttered in the form of stylistic symbols and personified fonts which we know as language and it is meaning in which any associations lie. It is important to delve into giving persuasion a try at something that is ultimately a choice driven by the sense of curiosity. Some of this focus can be detailed connectively, but most of it lies in ambiguity. It is constantly challenging our methods of understanding if that is prescribed for us to explore. Stating clear and definite writing is above all a forward moving apparatus that is used to turn pages and connect paragraphs with the proposition of finding meaning throughout each topic presented. This is not to say that in your own defense of reading, you would or would not consider what you read as having a direct relation to your own understanding, rather having a notion that similarities can occur mirroring emotions.

    Emotions are important because the functions of writing and reading are balanced between the reality of comprehension and certain phases of language presented. An example would be reading a fantasy novel and having the narrator be conscious of the characters in the book while maintaining the fluidity of the writing. Emotions are non-replicable to the reader when reading and allowing to continue to read something fresh from the start of the material. As each leading paragraph brings the reader closer to unfolding circumstances, trials, and hidden messages, meanings become attainable until reaching other chapters and so on.

    Anyone interested in finding what they like to read is easy and this can be classified by the ability to choose what to read and why it is interesting. The intent of this book is to offer a range of specific interpretational analyses to show how reading and writing is a form of direct conversational skill. In addition, it may be an overly simplified assumption that every piece of writing is in shape and form the extension of the author and the author’s experience(s). The exploration of meaning throughout a multitude of dimensions in writing styles and types of books is ever present in the attainment of interest, and near this interest there lie factual resemblances to other works before newer compositions. Did anyone mention influence? I certainly mentioned in another one of my works. Authors start writing in a variety of ways, and the process can be implemented through a variety of means.

    The composition of writing is first and foremost selective, otherwise unaltered to the discretion of the author if there is no further advanced awareness of collecting information suitable to apply further. The composition is also planned usually, entailing outlines and notes, ways to achieve the writing style and the bringing of story into light through the author’s expressive experience. Authors are considerably noted for their credibility which is to showcase not only a piece of writing put on a shelf at bookstores but a piece of writing that is full of well-bound content for the reader to explore. There is a comparison between writing and reading, and it is by the rational learning environment of academia and literature that finds readers so closely particular

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