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Chosen by the Alien: Sci-Fi Alien Romance
Chosen by the Alien: Sci-Fi Alien Romance
Chosen by the Alien: Sci-Fi Alien Romance
Ebook167 pages4 hours

Chosen by the Alien: Sci-Fi Alien Romance

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She takes one desperate chance to find freedom in submission...and power in love...


Katya Solis is an engineer on Argos Station. She spends her workdays on dangerous spacewalks, repairing the huge orbital station and working alone in the void of space. Yet, her love life is the opposite of exciting. Or dangerous. Or...anything really. So when the chance comes to super-charge it, she throws caution to the wind. The offer is simple. Become a chiyon—a willing sexual partner in which submission is the path to the highest pleasure—to an alien lover, and he will give her the experience of a lifetime. Only the alien she meets is far beyond her wildest expectations. She is chosen by Darval D'verik, a wealthy and powerful graxon with a perfect body and a kiss that rocks her world. She fears he is too far out of her league. But she can't deny that the heat between them is scorching, the loveplay beyond satisfying, and being Darval's chiyon is everything she ever dared to dream. Yet, there are those on Argos who hate the love between a human and an alien and will do anything to drive them apart forever.


Darval D'verik lives in the most luxurious district on Argos. He has everything he could ever want. Except a female worthy of his skills in the bedchamber...and a mate worthy of his love. That may be arrogant, but Darval isn't about wasting time, and he can back up his every promise. When the pretty human female responds to his call for a chiyon, he's immediately fascinated and chooses her. Katya's responsive body is a wonder he delights in exploring. The longer he is around her, the more he comes to believe he has found the mate he seeks. But while Katya eagerly submits in the bedroom, her bouts of feistiness and self-doubt complicate things...and he is a male used to getting whatever he wishes. He soon learns that it might not be Katya who ends what is turning out to be the most intense romantic entanglement of his existence. It might be his fellow graxon, the ones who hate him for daring to choose a human mate...


Reader note: contains hot alpha aliens, SF Romance elements, and a happily ever after

Release dateJul 24, 2022
Chosen by the Alien: Sci-Fi Alien Romance

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    Book preview

    Chosen by the Alien - Jayne Ripley

    Table of Contents


    Table of Contents

    Acclaim for Jayne Ripley

    Look for these titles from Jayne Ripley

    Title Page

    Copyright Warning


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight


    About the Author

    Also by Jayne Ripley

    More Romance Available Now

    Excerpt from Mated to the Xenshi by Aria Bell

    ~ Acclaim for Jayne Ripley ~

    For The Firefighter’s Mate

    "The Firefighter's Mate was a good read for me. The story was sexy, suspenseful and entertaining from beginning to end. The characters in this book were vivid, intriguing and life-like. The writing and development were excellent."

    —Long and Short Reviews

    For Captain’s Captive

    [A] thrilling, erotic sci-fi story that pulled readers in from page one. I loved the tension Ms. Ripley created between Arlen and Rhihann. If you're looking for a sci-fi adventure with a lot of love, look no further!

    —Spanking Authors Romance Review

    Look for these titles from Jayne Ripley

    Now Available

    Chosen by the Alien

    Claimed by the Alien Warrior

    Her Savage Mates

    The Alien Catch Series

    Captain’s Captive (Book One)

    Tevra Enslaved (Book Two)

    The Werewolves of Cadillac Falls Series

    The Firefighter’s Mate (Book One)

    Chosen by the Alien

    Sci-Fi Alien Romance

    Jayne Ripley

    Etopia Press

    Copyright Warning

    EBooks are not transferable. They cannot be sold, shared, or given away. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is a crime punishable by law. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded to or downloaded from file sharing sites, or distributed in any other way via the Internet or any other means, electronic or print, without the publisher’s permission. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000 (

    This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are fictitious or have been used fictitiously, and are not to be construed as real in any way. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

    Published By

    Etopia Press

    1643 Warwick Ave., #124

    Warwick, RI 02889

    Chosen by the Alien

    Copyright © 2020 by Jayne Ripley

    ISBN: 978-1-949719-64-2

    All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    First Etopia Press electronic publication: December 2020


    To M.M. with love!



    Argos Space Station

    The Taunedos System

    I walked down the private corridor in the Argos Station’s top level, trying not to sweat. I didn’t want to ruin my dress. Believe me, it wasn’t easy.

    I was nervous. I was excited. I couldn’t make up my mind which to be.

    The station’s wealthy and powerful lived in this district of the space station. These luxury living quarters were known as Tantris. This part of the station was completely secure and isolated from the rest, a world unto itself. It was as mythical and beautiful as an afterlife paradise to most of the humans and alien species living on Argos.

    And I had an invitation.

    It made me feel special, although I knew I wasn’t. Not really. I had never been here before. My kind didn’t belong here. I didn’t mean humans by that, either.

    By my kind, I meant a Hull Integrity Specialist like me. Basically, a girl who put on a spacesuit and went outside the station to maintain Argos’s structural integrity. I was an engineer by trade. I was a girl more at home wielding a laser welder instead of wearing shade-shift lipstick or clutching a Toroso designer handbag. I carried a Toroso bag right now, but it was the lowest credit one in their line. That was all I could afford. And the handbag was two solar cycle seasons out of date. Any of the truly wealthy would immediately know I wasn’t the real thing.

    But I didn’t care.

    A security guard sat behind an imposing desk at the entrance to Tantris. He was human and giving me an icy stare. Maybe I smelled like a commoner. He didn’t look like the type to know fashion, so my dress and handbag couldn’t have tipped him off that I was an outsider.

    Behind him were two rodin—a militaristic species from Prixon that made up much of the Argos Station’s security force. They stood at rigid attention. Their black uniforms were spotless. Both had laser pistols at their sides, a reminder that they weren’t messing around. They were here to keep the wealthy and powerful safe.

    The human security guard looked me over as I approached the desk. It was impossible to miss the mix of desire in his eyes even as his mouth tightened with suspicion and he tried to cover it up by looking tough and imposing.

    I couldn’t help but take a little pride in that, at least. I could still turn a few heads, even though I was an engineer.

    Tonight, I was wearing my sexiest dress, one I’d bought at Hosta’s. It had cost me almost a month’s worth of credits. The crimson jarl fabric clung to my body like a second skin but was never constricting. My neckline was plunging, revealing plenty of cleavage. The dress came down to mid-thigh. I wasn’t wearing panties. The cool air on my most intimate place kept me in a constant state of low arousal. I felt naughty, but then again, panties would only get in the way of what I’d come here for.

    Because I’d come here for something simple, primal. I’d come to be taken. Owned. Dominated with pleasure. Driven out of my mind. The male who would do it? He was a graxon. As a species, their males were notorious when it came to power, strength, dominance…and bed play. Graxon males would take females of any species as a chiyon—something that translated as apprentice but with added elements of sexuality, submission, and sensual transcendence. It wasn’t merely about obeying, judging from everything the Argos information libraries had on graxon culture. It was about letting go, indulging everything your body could give you, finding connection through intimacy and trust.

    Those were high ideals. Those were what I used to reassure myself whenever I had doubts or second thoughts. But I couldn’t deny that part of me simply wanted to get good and laid. I wanted to feel good, and I wanted a male who would make me feel that way.

    So I was here to take up a role as chiyon to the most powerful, influential graxon on the station. A male of wealth and power and deep purple eyes that seemed to glow, even in holo-pictures.

    But first, I had to get to him. They didn’t exactly approve of my kind here—a girl who had to spend a lot of time scrubbing the grease out from beneath her fingernails.

    State your name, the guard at the desk demanded. His crisp uniform rustled as he turned to use his computer.

    My name is Katya Solis.

    A smooth computer voice—vaguely male—began to speak. Katya Solis. Human female from Idris in the Ermoni System. Employed by Argos in maintenance and engineering capacity. Hull Integrity Specialist.

    That’s me, I said, smiling a smile I didn’t really feel.

    What’s your business here? The guard was glaring at me suspiciously now, all previous lust gone from his eyes, replaced with contempt and distrust.

    I didn’t let the security guy’s contempt upset me. If I cared what other people thought of me, I wouldn’t be here right now. In fact, I would never have responded to the message on the Argos holo-net.

    The message had been simple. Graxon seeks chiyon.

    Nothing else. I’d sent in a holo-vid of myself. I hadn’t even been drinking, either. My voice had been shaky. I’d been feeling a little lightheaded about the huge change I might be making in my life. But it was only after I’d sent in the holo that I learned exactly who the graxon was that had put out the call for a chiyon.

    Darval D’verik. Wealthy interstellar trade magnate. A graxon who, it was whispered, had supplied the freedom fighters on Jost with weapons. A graxon standing nearly well over two meters tall. Layered in muscle. A jawline like a rock shelf. Purple eyes with the intensity of laser beams. Hands… Big hands. And that meant…big other things.

    I swallowed and tried to drag my attention back to the current situation and stop fantasizing about the graxon I was on my way to meet. But I couldn’t remember the question after the distracting surge of anticipation and arousal. I’m sorry?

    Your business here. What is it?

    Oh. I’m here to meet Darval D’verik. I’m expected.

    His lips twisted into an ugly smirk, but his stare hardened even more. You like that alien cock? Is that it?

    One of the guards behind him snickered and the other one coughed whore under his breath.

    I didn’t react. They could make things even more difficult for me than they already were. I also didn’t care what a bunch of jerks thought about me. I wasn’t a whore. I was doing this for me and me alone. It was a promise I made to myself after I lost one of my good friends. Tessa had passed two solar years ago. Before she was gone, she made me promise to stop being such a coward and to live the life I wanted.

    Responding to that holo-net posting was my biggest and boldest attempt to make good on my promise to Tessa. Tonight might be a mistake…or the best time of my life. Either way, I was going to give it a try.

    My love life had been in the bin for far too long. At least I would get laid. Sometimes, life came down to something as simple as that. I didn’t feel like being ashamed of it, either.

    The guard took his time reviewing my identification scan. He made a show of looking me over again. This time, it was clear that he wanted me to feel cheap and ashamed. I still refused. Finally, he jerked a thumb at the ornate doors leading into Tantris.

    Go on, then. You’re on the list and cleared. But if things don’t work out for your VIP alien, come back around here. I’m happy to send you home walking funny.

    The guards laughed. I rolled my eyes. But I gave him my sweetest smile. I definitely will…if I ever want someone with a smaller…gun.

    I’d warned myself to behave coming here. I knew I didn’t belong in this part of the station, but I worked with guys all day long. I knew that sometimes you needed to be cheeky and stand up for yourself. Or make penis-size insults. Those always got a reaction.

    The two guards standing by the wall laughed at what I’d said. The guard behind the desk looked angry at first. Then he surprised me by grinning and jerking his thumb at the doorway again. Follow the lights on the floor, he said, although he didn’t sound all that pissed at my insult after all. Now, get the fuck out of here.

    I put them out of my mind as I headed toward the doors. The doors were decorated with glimmering uvio scrollwork. The patterns were intricate, almost too much to take in, even if you stared at it for hours. The doors slid open for me. I took a deep breath and headed through.

    Welcome, Katya Solis, a feminine voice said in Galactic Common. It was the AI for Tantris. Please follow the guides to your destination.

    I did what was asked of me, following blue lights that appeared where the walls met the floor. They pulsed in the direction I was meant to go. I followed them, my heart beating faster the closer I came to my destination.

    This was it. I was nervous and eager. I was horny, and yet my stomach fluttered with tension, not all of it sexual. The competing emotions had my head spinning, but I refused to run away. Taking control of my personal life had started the instant I’d submitted my holo-vid.

    Or more precisely, the moment I’d received the reply from Darval D’verik telling me I’d been chosen. There had only been another short message, one that was almost curt. It was also only text, not a holo message.

    Come to me in Tantris. You’ll be expected. Be ready.


    Was I ready? I had to be. I’d come all the way here. I wasn’t wearing panties. If that didn’t say ready, I didn’t know what did.

    I followed the pulsing lights down wide halls lavishly decorated with art from different cultures and flowering plants from different planets. It was all a very different change from

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