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A New Heaven and a New Earth: 40 Practical Insights from John’s Book of Revelation
A New Heaven and a New Earth: 40 Practical Insights from John’s Book of Revelation
A New Heaven and a New Earth: 40 Practical Insights from John’s Book of Revelation
Ebook134 pages1 hour

A New Heaven and a New Earth: 40 Practical Insights from John’s Book of Revelation

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Gain insight into one of the most intriguing books of the Bible: Revelation

The end times. The second coming. When Jesus returns. No matter how you refer to the last book of the Bible, Revelation is an epic battle between good and evil. Through evocative imagery that sparks our imagination, the final book in the New Testament can both intrigue and confuse believers.

Stop spinning your wheels, trying to unlock the secret code of what might happen when, how, and where.

A New Heaven and a New Earth: 40 Practical Insights from John’s Book of Revelation will help you read Revelation and study it with the goal of applying it to your life today. Even if you’ve been in church your whole life, it will inspire you to hope in Christ’s return and the establishment of a new heaven and earth.

Through forty daily readings, you’ll discover how Revelation can best inform what we do, think, and believe today. A combination of Bible study teaching through a devotional style, you’ll discover practical and understandable insights you can apply to your life and spiritual journey right now.

In this Bible study devotional on Revelation, you’ll: 

 - gain a fresh approach to the book of Revelation 

 - explore how to apply it to your life in meaningful ways 

 - gain a broader and more impactful view of John’s Revelation 

 - hold on to hope that good will triumph over evil in the end 

 - trust in a God who holds the past, present, and future in his hands 

Join Peter DeHaan, a lifetime student of the Bible and founder of the A Bible a Day website, in this study on Revelation that will teach and encourage you. Through forty daily insights, you’ll gain practical application about the final book of the Bible and feel more confident in your understanding of this often-confusing book.

Through short readings, application questions, and additional biblical references, you’ll receive hope and assurance that God is in control over every future event. This book is ideal for individuals, small groups, and Bible studies.

If you’ve ever wondered how Revelation can apply to your life, then start with A New Heaven and a New Earth to discover what God’s final words can teach you.

Get your copy today.

Release dateSep 8, 2022
A New Heaven and a New Earth: 40 Practical Insights from John’s Book of Revelation

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    A New Heaven and a New Earth - Peter DeHaan

    A New Heaven and a New Earth




    BOOK 8


    A New Heaven and a New Earth: 40 Practical Insights from John’s Book of Revelation Copyright © 2022 by Peter DeHaan.

    40-Day Bible Study Series, book 8

    All rights reserved: No part of this book may be reproduced, disseminated, or transmitted in any form, by any means, or for any purpose without the express written consent of the author or his legal representatives. The only exception is short excerpts and the cover image for reviews or academic research. For permissions:

    Unless otherwise noted, Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The NIV and New International Version are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2022905788

    Published by Rock Rooster Books, Grand Rapids, Michigan


    978-1-948082-97-6 (e-book)

    978-1-948082-98-3 (paperback)

    978-1-948082-99-0 (hardcover)


    Developmental editor: KathrynWilmotte

    Copy editor/proofreader: RobynMulder

    Cover design: TarynNergaard

    Author photo: ChelsieJensenPhotography

    To Chris Alexander

    Series by Peter DeHaan

    40-Day Bible Study Series takes a fresh and practical look into Scripture, book by book.

    Bible Character Sketches Series celebrates people in Scripture, from the well-known to the obscure.

    Holiday Celebration Bible Study Series rejoices in the holidays with Jesus.

    Visiting Churches Series takes an in-person look at church practices and traditions to inform and inspire today’s followers of Jesus.

    Be the first to hear about Peter’s new books and receive updates at


    The Book of Revelation

    Day 1: The Revelation of Jesus

    Day 2: The Alpha and the Omega

    Day 3: Do Not Be Afraid

    Bonus Content: What Is and What Will Be

    Day 4: The Church in Ephesus: Their First Love

    Bonus Content: Recurring Words and Themes

    Day 5: The Church in Smyrna: Fearless Suffering

    Day 6: The Church in Pergamum: Repent

    Day 7: The Church in Thyatira: Sexual Immorality

    Day 8: The Church in Sardis: A Dead Church

    Day 9: The Church in Philadelphia: Weak but Worthy

    Bonus Content: Satan at Work

    Day 10: The Church in Laodicea: Lukewarm for Jesus

    Bonus Content: Summary of the Seven Churches’ Letters

    Day 11: Praising God as Holy

    Bonus Content: Eternal God

    Day 12: Praising God as Worthy

    Day 13: Who Else Is Worthy?

    Bonus Content: The Number Seven

    Day 14: Breaking the Seven Seals

    Bonus Content: Zechariah’s Prophecy

    Day 15: The Mark of God

    Day 16: Everyone

    Day 17: Survivors of the Great Tribulation

    Day 18: Silence from the Seventh Seal

    Day 19: Seven Trumpets and Three Woes

    Day 20: Some Still Will Not Repent

    Day 21: The End Is Near

    Day 22: Two Witnesses

    Bonus Content: The Third Woe

    Day 23: Worship

    Day 24: The Blood of the Lamb

    Bonus Content: Daniel and Revelation

    Day 25: Whoever Has Ears

    Day 26: The Harvest

    Day 27: Seven Plagues to Complete God’s Wrath

    Bonus Content: Recurring References

    Day 28: A Thief in the Night

    Day 29: It Is Done

    Day 30: The Lamb Will Overcome

    Bonus Content: In the Spirit

    Day 31: Leave Her

    Day 32: Hallelujah

    Day 33: Jesus Is the Word

    Day 34: The First Resurrection

    Bonus Content: The Lake of Fire

    Day 35: A New Heaven and a New Earth

    Day 36: The Bride of Christ

    Day 37: Tree of Life

    Bonus Content: Old Testament in Revelation

    Day 38: Worship God

    Day 39: The Alpha and Omega

    Bonus Content: Don’t Add or Subtract

    Day 40: Coming Soon

    How to Have Your Name Written in the Lamb’s Book of Life

    For Small Groups, Sunday School, and Classrooms

    If You’re New to the Bible

    About Peter DeHaan

    Books by Peter DeHaan


    When I ask people what book of the Bible they’d like to understand better, the most frequent response is Revelation . I get that. John’s future-focused vision recorded in the book of Revelation overflows with evocative imagery that sparks our imagination even as we struggle to make sense of it.

    Revelation is an intriguing prophecy, full of fascinating allusions, overflowing with enigma. What does it mean? When will it happen?

    Many people have invested time—perhaps too much time—attempting to interpret the uncertainty of John’s epic vision. Even with their best work, it’s as if we see into the mirror dimly (1 Corinthians 13:12).

    Additionally, each person who tries to explain this vision often piles on additional complexity to an already complicated narrative. Too often, I fear, in a pursuit of clarity they end up connecting dots that may not relate.

    We should not strive to make Revelation into something it’s not. It’s not a precise cipher detailing what will happen in the future. We also shouldn’t try to link John’s compelling narrative with real people, places, or events. Instead, we should understand Revelation as the glorious mystery it is, embracing one essential, concluding idea: In the end God will prevail, vanquishing the enemy permanently and living for eternity with his purified bride, the Church of Jesus.

    The goal of this book is to take a fresh approach. Read on to find out what to expect and what not to expect in this book. As you move forward, my prayer is that you will walk away with practical and understandable insights that you can apply to your life and spiritual journey today.

    To begin, let’s consider the three basic options we could take to explore the book of Revelation.

    A Future Look

    The apostle John’s vision as recorded in the book of Revelation is a future-focused glimpse into what will one day be. The most common investigation into Revelation examines this prophetic future and attempts to explain it.

    If you’re someone who wants a detailed treatise on what the end times will look like, I’m about to disappoint you.

    Here is the essential summary, the key takeaway concerning the future, from the book of Revelation:

    At the end of time, we will see an epic battle between good and evil.

    God wins.

    The end.

    The details don’t matter to us today. Not really. Here’s why.

    First, let’s consider prophecies in the Old Testament, which anticipated Jesus, the coming Messiah who would save God’s people. Though today we can read the Old Testament text with clarity and understand what the prophecies predicted, most people in Jesus’s day got it wrong. Even his disciples were slow to catch on (Luke 24:25).

    Two thousand years ago, most everyone’s understanding of the prophets was to expect a military savior who would free the people from the tyranny of an oppressing ruling nation (John 12:13). Few people expected a spiritual savior who would free them from the tyranny of sin (Matthew 1:21 and 1 Timothy 1:15).

    The people of that day had much less information to deal with than we do now, whereas we have a multitude of narratives and conflicting views constantly bombarding us. If they were confused then—in a simpler time—how much more likely are we to face confusion and make a wrong assessment of John’s New Testament prophecy?

    Next, Jesus says that no one will know when the end will happen. Yet many attempt to use Revelation as a primer to unlock the code that will reveal exactly what Jesus said is unknown (Matthew 24:36, Mark 13:32, and Revelation 3:3). Paul and Peter agree with Jesus (1 Thessalonians 5:1–3 and 2 Peter 3:10).

    Third, many people think we’re currently living in the last times and that the end is near. Yet Jesus’s followers thought the same thing two millennia ago (1 Peter 4:7). Every generation, I suspect, has voiced this same

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