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Master Your Emotions - How To Find Balance During Stressful Times And Reduce Anxiety
Master Your Emotions - How To Find Balance During Stressful Times And Reduce Anxiety
Master Your Emotions - How To Find Balance During Stressful Times And Reduce Anxiety
Ebook48 pages48 minutes

Master Your Emotions - How To Find Balance During Stressful Times And Reduce Anxiety

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About this ebook

How To Find Balance During Stressful Times And Reduce Anxiety

Learn about your emotional body, how your mind impacts it, and how you can live more at peace.


When you are emotionally aware and understand the root cause of emotions, you become better equipped to grow and rise above emotional reactivity.


When you deepen your understanding of your emotional body and seek to understand why you react in a certain way, you become emotionally intelligent.


Emotional intelligence is one way to steer away from stress and anxiety. 


Here is what you will learn in this book:

  • What is the emotional body;
  • How you can assess the emotional body and get a better sense of your emotional health;
  • How you can benefit from embracing emotions and introducing changes in your relationships with your feelings; 
  • 5 facts about emotions and what it means for you;
  • How emotions and feelings are different;
  • How your mind impacts your emotions and what you can do about it;
  • 5 emotional wounds that lead to emotional reactivity and how you can heal them in 5 steps;
  • What is emotional awareness and how you can embrace your emotions;
  • 3 techniques that you use to cope with emotions and how you can break that cycle;
  • To identify your emotional reactivity and how you can stop emotions before the feeling controls you;
  • Exercises to better are aware of your emotions and how to defuse them;
  • What are the behaviors that can influence your emotions and how it impacts you;
  • Two breathing techniques that will assist you in finding inner peace amid chaos;
  • How you can feel at peace in all situations of life;
  • Why mindfulness and meditations are essential practices when it comes to dealing with anxiety;
  • How you can reconnect with your emotions more healthily and learn to embrace them;
  • What is emotional intelligence and 4 ways you can improve it;
  • Gain a deeper understanding of your emotions, what they are trying to communicate to you and how you can heal them;
  • How you can be more self-aware and improve how you react in conflictual situations;
  • 7 techniques to eliminate anxiety in your life;
  • Over 50 additional resources that will deepen your knowledge on how to master your emotions and be free of anxiety;
  • And much more!

Discover how to master your emotions and eliminate anxiety.

What are you waiting for? Grab a copy today!

Release dateMar 31, 2022
Master Your Emotions - How To Find Balance During Stressful Times And Reduce Anxiety

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Easy read , lot of helpful tips you can take

Book preview

Master Your Emotions - How To Find Balance During Stressful Times And Reduce Anxiety - Angel Holmes

Chapter 1: The Emotional Body

As humans, we have three bodies: the physical body, the mental body, and the emotional body. All three are necessary and must be balanced on a physical plane.

Consider it like a triangle; if one side isn't balanced, the triangle loses its shape and balance. When one of them is out of balance, it causes conflict with ourselves and others. That is why, in order to find balance in life and live a peaceful reality, the emotional body is just as important as the physical or mental body.

This book focuses on the emotional body because it is the most difficult to manage and understand, and it also has a significant impact on anxiety and emotional imbalances.

It is also the emotional body that has the power to make us do anything. It has the potential to influence us into making poor decisions that lead to conflict.

Because it has such a strong influence on us, the emotional body can and even does make us physically and psychologically ill when it is unhealthy. You can have a perfect body but be an emotional wreck.

Humans can cause a great deal of harm or damage to themselves if they are not conscious or do not take the time to care for their emotional body. Any deficiency causes a blockage, which in turn causes discomfort or illness in one of these three bodies. Let's see how you rank in terms of emotional body health. Check the box that best describes you.

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