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Feeling Machines That Think
Feeling Machines That Think
Feeling Machines That Think
Ebook119 pages1 hour

Feeling Machines That Think

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

In today's fast-paced and constantly evolving sales landscape, it's more important than ever for sales professionals to master emotional intelligence and harness the power of technology. "Feeling Machines That Think: Practical Insights for Sales Pros" provides practical guidance and actionable insights for sales professionals looking to improve their performance, build better relationships with customers, and drive business success.

Drawing on the latest research in neuroscience, psychology, and sales, this book explores the intersection of emotion, technology, and sales. From understanding the basics of emotional intelligence to leveraging AI and other advanced technologies to enhance the sales process, "Feeling Machines That Think" provides a comprehensive guide to developing the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the modern sales landscape.

Whether you're a seasoned sales pro or just starting out in the field, "Feeling Machines That Think" offers valuable insights and practical tips to help you succeed. With real-world examples and case studies, this book shows you how to leverage the latest tools and techniques to build stronger relationships with customers, close more deals, and drive business growth.

Release dateJul 25, 2022
Feeling Machines That Think

Bruce Q. Msimanga

Bruce Msimanga is a leadership expert and sales specialist with years of experience in the industry. He offers highly dynamic and engaging training sessions that push audiences to recognize and capitalize on their strengths and undergo mindset and attitude changes. Msimanga has 14 years of experience assisting leaders, teams, and organizations to achieve high performance. He is a qualified specialist in organizational design, a certified NLP and Emotional Intelligence Master Practitioner, and a social psychologist. His clients have grown accustomed to Bruce's lively and fascinating sessions.

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Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Practical book, read it in under an hour. not bad
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    People definitely are feeling machines that think!! This book helps to understand how to trigger positive emotions

Book preview

Feeling Machines That Think - Bruce Q. Msimanga


Welcome to the world of Feeling Machines That Think, where emotional intelligence meets technology to transform the way we sell. As sales professionals, we navigate a complex landscape of human interactions, where emotions often drive decisions and outcomes. In this context, mastering emotional intelligence is key to building authentic relationships and driving sales success.

But what if we could leverage the power of technology to enhance our emotional intelligence and take our sales game to the next level? What if we could use machine learning algorithms to analyze data and identify patterns in customer behavior, emotions, and preferences? What if we could use chatbots, virtual assistants, and other AI-powered tools to streamline our sales processes, increase efficiency, and improve customer experience?

In this book, we explore the intersection of emotional intelligence and technology in sales, and provide practical insights and strategies for sales professionals who want to leverage the latest tools and techniques to achieve their goals. From understanding the ethical implications of using customer data to building trust and rapport with prospects, from using AI to augment our emotional intelligence to adapting to change and embracing a growth mindset, this book offers a comprehensive guide for anyone who wants to thrive in the ever-evolving world of sales.

Whether you're a seasoned sales pro looking to stay ahead of the curve or a newcomer to the field seeking to build a strong foundation, this book is for you. Get ready to explore the exciting possibilities of Feeling Machines That Think, and take your sales game to the next level!

Selling is not easy. It involves persuading someone to take a particular action, whether it be buying a product or service, signing up for a program, or agreeing to a proposal. It requires a combination of skills, including effective communication, relationship-building, problem-solving, and the ability to read and respond to the needs and emotions of others.

Furthermore, selling can be challenging because every customer is unique and may have different needs, preferences, and concerns. This means that sales professionals must be adaptable and able to tailor their approach to each customer. Additionally, they must often navigate rejection, objections, and negotiations, which can be mentally and emotionally taxing.

Despite the challenges, sales can also be incredibly rewarding. A successful sale not only benefits the sales professional, but it also provides value to the customer by meeting their needs and solving their problems. Therefore, by mastering the art of selling, sales professionals can make a significant impact on the lives of others while achieving their own personal and professional goals.

Bruce Msimanga


The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Sales.

The Role of Technology in Sales.

Neuroscience and the Psychology of Sales.

Sales Automation and Personalization.

Developing a Sales Culture that Values Empathy.

Overcoming Biases in Sales.

Ethical Considerations in Using Emotional Intelligence and Technology in Sales.


The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Sales

Once upon a time, there was a salesperson named Bill who was always focused on closing deals, regardless of how his customers felt. He would aggressively push for a sale and use high-pressure tactics to get customers to commit. He often ignored his customers' emotions and needs, believing that closing a sale was the only thing that mattered.

One day, Bill was working with a potential customer named Cindy, who was interested in purchasing a new car. Bill began his pitch, talking about the car's features and benefits, and pushing her to commit to a sale right away.

Cindy, however, was feeling overwhelmed and unsure. She had a lot of questions and concerns about the purchase, but Bill wasn't listening. He continued to push for the sale, ignoring her emotional state.

Eventually, Cindy became frustrated and decided to leave without making a purchase. She felt that Bill was not interested in understanding her needs or concerns and was only interested in making a sale.

Bill lost a potential sale and a potential repeat customer because he lacked emotional intelligence. He did not take the time to understand Cindy’s emotional state or needs and did not adjust his approach to meet her where she was. As a result, he missed out on a valuable opportunity to build a relationship with a customer and make a sale in the long run.

Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to recognize, understand, and manage our own emotions as well as the emotions of others. In sales, emotional intelligence is critical because sales professionals need to be able to connect with their customers on an emotional level to build trust, establish rapport, and understand their needs and pain points.

Let us look at a few ways in which emotional intelligence can benefit you as a sales pro.

Let’s begin by considering the role of empathy. Empathy is a key component of emotional intelligence and involves being able to understand and share the feelings of others. It is the ability to put yourself in another person's shoes and understand their perspective. In sales, empathy is important because it helps sales professionals understand their customers' perspectives and needs, which allows them to tailor their sales pitch and approach to meet those needs.

Sales professionals with empathy are better able to understand their customers' pain points and challenges. They can put themselves in the customer's shoes and imagine how they would feel in a similar situation. This understanding helps the sales professional to frame the product or service as a solution to the customer's problem, rather than just a product or service to sell.

Let's say that you are selling a software product that helps small businesses manage their finances. You are meeting with a potential customer who owns a small business and is feeling overwhelmed with managing their finances manually. The customer expresses frustration with the time and effort it takes to keep track of their expenses and invoices, and is looking for a more efficient solution.

In this situation, if you are a sales pro with empathy, you will take the time to understand the customer's pain points and challenges. You might ask questions to get a better understanding of the customer's current process and how it is affecting their business. You might also try to put yourself in the customer's shoes and imagine how you would feel if you were in a similar situation.

Based on this understanding, you can then frame the software product as a solution to the customer's problem. You might highlight the software's features and benefits that specifically address the customer's pain points, such as automated invoicing and expense tracking. You might also provide examples of how other small businesses have benefited from using the software, and how it has helped them save time and improve their financial management.

By framing the software product as a solution to the customer's problem, rather than just a product to sell, you demonstrate empathy and show that you understand the customer's perspective. This can help build trust and rapport with the customer, and increase the chances of making a sale and even getting repeat business.

Emotional intelligence also helps with building trust and rapport, which is an essential part of the sales process, and empathy can be a powerful tool in achieving this goal. As a sales pro, when you demonstrate empathy towards your customers, you are showing that you understand and care about the customer's needs and perspective. This can help to create a positive and comfortable environment, which can lead to increased trust and rapport.

Sales professionals who demonstrate empathy are often good listeners. They take the time to understand the customer's needs, concerns, and pain points. This helps them create a positive experience for the customer, as they feel heard and understood. When these pros show empathy, it also helps them create a personal connection with the customer. The customer feels that the sales professional understands their perspective and cares about their needs. This personal connection helps them build trust and rapport, as the customer feels more comfortable with them. Empathetic sales pros are often honest and transparent with their customers. They are upfront about the features and limitations of the product or service, and they are willing to admit when they don't have all the answers. This honesty and transparency can help to build trust and

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