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Destiny of Determination: Faith and Family
Destiny of Determination: Faith and Family
Destiny of Determination: Faith and Family
Ebook315 pages3 hours

Destiny of Determination: Faith and Family

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"Destiny of Determination: Faith and Family" illuminates the stark realities of immigrants determined to settle in America, a land of opportunity and freedom. While young Hrant's Armenian story parallels the horrors experienced by far too many cultures in both the past and present, Book 2 in the Destiny Trilogy also highlights the strength and h

Release dateNov 2, 2022
Destiny of Determination: Faith and Family

Cathy Burnham Martin

Born in Goffstown, New Hampshire, Cathy Burnham Martin's eclectic career path wove through recruiting, communications, television broadcasting, management, and bank organizing. An active board member and community volunteer, she received Easter Seals' David P. Goodwin Lifetime Commitment Award. This professional voiceover artist, journalist, corporate communications geek, and dedicated foodie earned numerous broadcasting awards as a television news anchor. She wrote, produced, and hosted dozens of groundbreaking documentaries, TV specials, and news reports, ranging from the Moscow Superpower Summit and the opening of the Berlin Wall to extensive coverage of New Hampshire's First-in-the-Nation Presidential Primaries.Some of her most challenging work includes news stories behind the Iron Curtain under the scrutiny of foreign military personnel touting loaded AK-47s. While she met and interviewed Presidents and candidates, other interviews ranged from inventor Dean Kamen, best-selling authors Og Mandino and Richard Lederer, and Star Trek originator Gene Roddenberry to Popcorn icon Orville Redenbacher, Boston Pops conductor Arthur Fiedler, superstar New Orleans chef Paul Prudhomme, and filmmaker Ken Burns.Among little-known facts about Cathy? She once sang with The Beach Boys and with the marvelous Marvelettes, shared a dressing room with Ella Fitzgerald, and emceed for Tony Bennett. She also performed on stage with comedian Adam Sandler, actor Dan Lauria, and director Alek Keshishian.Dubbed The Morale Booster, this 20-year professional member of the National Speakers Association remains a business speaker, media coach, and member of the Actors Equity Association. Proud of her Eurasian heritage, Cathy Burnham Martin narrates her own books and those of other authors. Audiobooks appear on such sites as as well as Amazon and iTunes. Author of 20+ fiction, nonfiction, and cookbooks, Cathy writes articles for her website. When not writing or in full production mode, Cathy and her husband enjoy traveling, boating, music, visual arts, and great food.

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    Destiny of Determination - Cathy Burnham Martin

    Destiny of Determination

    Faith and Family

    Copyright © 2022 Quiet Thunder Publishing

    Naples, FL  Manchester, NH  Columbus, NC 

    All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written permission from the publisher or authors, except for the inclusion of brief quotations

    embodied in critical essays, articles, or reviews,

    or as permitted by law. 

    These articles and/or reviews must state

    the correct title and author by name.

    Paperback edition:  ISBN 978-1-939220-60-8

    eBook edition:  ISBN 978-1-939220-61-5

    Audiobook edition:  ISBN 978-1-939220-62-2

    Published and printed in the United States of America.

    Library of Congress Control Number:


    ANY REFERENCES TO HISTORICAL events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual events, places, or people, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


    Ihumbly dedicate this book to Glenna Burnham, the amazingly wonderful woman I am honored to call my mother. She has dedicated her life to her family, faith, friends, and community without hesitation, question, or complaint. And she has done so with a deeply unwavering love and passion. I could have won a multi-million-dollar lottery and not been any richer than I already am to have grown up under her blessed guidance, unconditional love, and living example.

    Author with Glenna Burnham

    SHE TAUGHT US TO OPEN our doors, hearts, minds, and lives to others who were in need. She showed us the importance of always doing our best. And when we fell, she made us get back up and try again. She has led more people to healthier, happier, more fulfilling lives than she is likely to ever be aware. But she has never sought recognition or even a pat on the back, although she deserves every possible accolade available and more.

    She helped me maintain historical integrity in writing this literary novel about her family. For that and much more, I am deeply grateful.

    I am forever touched by her unjaded passion. When someone does or says something sincerely giving or kind or meaningful, she bubbles over with the telling of their wonderfulness. And she does so with emotion cracking her normally steady voice and with heartfelt tears welling in her eyes.

    Thank you, Mom for always loving, helping, and encouraging others. I can truly have no greater honor than proudly recognizing you as my mother.

    With deepest love forever,


    Table of Contents



    Some Primary Characters from Book 1

    Chapter 1 Dial 9-1-1

    Chapter 2 Thieves!

    Chapter 3 Treasure Lost

    Chapter 4 Voyage to America

    Chapter 5 Liberty Ahoy!

    Chapter 6 Tedium  

    Chapter 7 Hello! Good-bye!

    Chapter 8 Waiting Game 

    Chapter 9 Good Morning!

    Chapter 10 Boston 

    Chapter 11 Blessings

    Chapter 12 The Farm

    Chapter 13 Salisbury Life

    Chapter 14 Treaty! 

    Chapter 15 More Armenians

    Chapter 16 Reflections

    Chapter 17 Destiny Knocking

    Chapter 18 Love and Longing

    Chapter 19 Promised Love

    Chapter 20 Determination 

    Chapter 21 Mothers

    Chapter 22 Challenge and Change

    Chapter 23 Opportunity Knocks

    Chapter 24 Partings

    Chapter 25 Emergency!

    Chapter 26 Growing Up Gulumian

    Chapter 27 The Winds of Change 

    Chapter 28 Life in York

    Chapter 29 Going Goffstown

    Chapter 30 Totally Engaging

    Chapter 31 Life Marches Onward

    Chapter 32 Loss and Learning

    Chapter 33 Farewell

    Chapter 34 Days of Love and Tears

    Chapter 35 The Water Will Find Its Way

    Final Note

    Author’s Invitation

    Gulumian Armenian Family Recipes

    Armenian Manti Dumplings

    Grampa’s Lamb Shish Kebabs 

    Armenian Meatball Soup (Kololik)

    Armenian Lavash

    Almost Za’atar 

    Rosehip Syrup 

    Aghavni Refresher

    Pomegranate Molasses

    Nazook Pastry 

    Armenian Pakhlava

    Historic Timetable

    More Family Photographs

    Resources and Further Reading

    About the Author

    Other Titles by Cathy Burnham Martin

    Partial List of Audiobooks Narrated by

    Cathy Burnham Martin


    Just when we think that, as a civilization, we humans might be evolving, we are confronted with yet another wave of forced refugees. Many cultures and countries have suffered this fate. In 2022, the terror featured Ukrainians, literally fleeing for their lives, just as my Armenian family did in attempts to escape the Ottoman Turks’ genocide against them and other Christians early in the 20 th century.

    Armenians had lived peacefully in the shadow of the great Mount Ararat for thousands of years, and under the rule of a variety of conquerors. When Armenia became the world’s first Christian nation, however, the Ottoman Turks’ ire remained stirred for generations.

    While the first book in this trilogy, Destiny of Dreams... Time Is Dear, focused largely on the suffering of Armenians trying to survive and escape death marches and outright massacres, it also reflected the importance of a family’s love and fortitude. Book one honestly and bluntly shared the brutality of a time in history when the once powerful Ottoman Empire was declining, but it is not essential to have read it before starting here with the second book.

    Destiny of Determination... Faith and Family continues my family’s story. And yes, it is a true story. My family’s true story. I write it for you as if you were sitting right beside me, and I was telling you the tale.

    Thankfully, unlike the first book, this one needs no warning about violent content. Not all struggles must hail from intrinsically evil places.

    Again, for privacy, I have changed the names of those still living among us, but I believe you will see and perhaps even feel the sincere reflections of our deep commitment to faith and family. Primarily, I hope you sense the positive power in a family’s struggle to move from immigration through discrimination on the road to freedom. America offered hopes and dreams to thousands of families, then trying to emerge from harsh political turmoil, religious persecution, economic chaos, and the ever-present threat of extermination.

    As a friend of mine often says, every inch of earth is conquered soil. With that in mind, I hope that you, dear reader, feel as proud of the refugees in your ancestry as I do of mine. They fought for survival and a chance for a better life for the likes of us. May their sacrifices continue to prove worthwhile.

    While language, religious, and cultural differences may initially feel dauntingly difficult to overcome, we can do it. From each group of refugees come new hopes and dreams, plus our next bounty of inventors, entrepreneurs, teachers, first responders, artists, leaders, parents, and much more.

    May we strive to see the good, embrace the dreams, and encourage the very best. Thank you for believing. Thank you for being enough.

    Cathy Burnham Martin


    Some Primary Characters from Book 1

    Destiny of Dreams: Time is Dear

    Garabed Ohanes Gulumian – 1870-1915 Van, Armenia; died April 1915; merchant, tradesman, and tailor; head of household in Van, Armenia; 2nd son of Ohanes Argistis Gulumian; ambushed and executed by Ottoman Turks in late April 1915

    Aghavni Gadara Gulumian – born 1871 in Salmas, Armenia; 2nd daughter of Ara and Gadara (Movsesian) Samargian; married Garabed Gulumian in 1887 and bore all his children; set sail from Norway to United States 08/06/1916 with youngest sons Vahram and Hrant. (Aghavni’s mother’s maiden name was Movsesian.) Lost her paternal grandfather in Hamidian Massacres in late 1890s

    Ohanes Argistis Gulumian – Garabed’s father; lost his wife during Hamidian Massacres; younger brother of Argistis Gulumian, who moved to Constantinople following Hamidian Massacres at end of 19th century; ambushed and executed by Ottoman Turks in late April 1915

    Ohanes Garabed Gulumian – born 11/08/1888 in Van, Armenia; 1st born son of Garabed and Aghavni; emigrated to United States 11/09/1909; filed petition in Boston, MA to become naturalized U.S. citizen

    Aram Garabed Gulumian – born 11/28/1893 in Van, Armenia; 2nd son of Garabed and Aghavni; emigrated to United States 6/30/1912

    Vahram Garabed Gulumian – born 3/26/1898 in Van, Armenia; 3rd son of Garabed and Aghavni; pernicious anemia, a rare blood disorder left him small, pale, and sickly

    Nazeli Gulumian – born 3/26/1898 in Van, Armenia; twin sister of Vahram; engaged to marry Toros Kherbekian; raped and shot by Ottoman Turks in Gulumian home in late April 1915

    Anush Gulumian – born 5/1/1901 in Van, Armenia; youngest daughter of Garabed and Aghavni; raped and shot by Ottoman Turks in Gulumian home in late April 1915

    Hrant Garabed Gulumian – born 3/6/1906 in Van, Armenia; youngest son of Garabed and Aghavni; 9 years old when he, brother Vahram, and mother Aghavni ran for their lives to escape marauding Ottoman Turkish soldiers in 1915

    Hulianna Terlemezian – Aghavni’s best friend; widowed during Hamidian Massacres; sister-in-law of Garabed’s friend Grigor Terlemezian

    Dajad Terlemezian – born circa 1890; son of Hulianna Terlemezian; celebrated Armenian hero since, as a teenager, assassinated the Armenian traitor Davajan Davo in March 1908

    Toros Kherbekian – 2nd son of Garabed’s merchant friend Kherbekian; engaged to marry Garabed and Aghavni’s daughter Nazeli; forced into Turkish military service; Turks disarmed and shot his entire unit, but he and one other Armenian survived

    Dr. Paul Corasian – friend and mentor of Ohanes Gulumian in Boston; witness on Ohanes’ application to be considered for U.S. citizenship

    Also introduced to:

    Marjorie Rowe Gulumian – born March 22, 1908; Hrant’s future wife

    Gabrianne – born June 25, 1930; Hrant’s future daughter

    Bob Bishop Burnham – born November 2, 1931; Gabrianne’s future husband

    Diana – born September 13, 1951; Hrant’s future 1st granddaughter

    Cassie – born May 10, 1954; Hrant’s future 2nd granddaughter; suffered torturous, repeating nightmares in junior high school, leading to many healing months spent with Hrant and Marjorie, followed by them gifting to her Aghavni’s wedding ring, the only item from Armenia that made it to America.

    Dial 9-1-1


    CASSIE AND ROY arrived home from work as usual, parking the SUV on the pavement beside the garage attached to their Cape Cod gray, center hall colonial home. The day’s tasks at his telecommunications office had been plentiful.

    Darling, Cassie began. Vacation was so wonderful, but today was just not long enough to catch up on all the details. I fear I barely got through the emails and voicemails. 

    I agree. We need a vacation to recover from vacation. Thankfully, the staff had kept the day-to-day operations humming smoothly. Roy continued, And you, my marketing queen, made all those prior arrangements that were set in motion in our absence. Everything is fine. With so much happening, we had missed our vacation for two years.  2011 is our year. That Caribbean cruise had been a long-awaited and much-appreciated respite for us both. I loved traveling with you again.

    As they pulled into their long, tree-lined driveway, Cassie had smiled upon seeing their lovely farmer’s porch with its inviting Adirondack chairs and ottomans. She and Roy especially loved coordinating the 6 large, hanging baskets with seedlings each spring. Now in the full swing of summer, the late July warmth had coaxed them to overflow with colorful abundance.  

    You’re right, Babe, she responded. I loved traveling with you, too. As we arrive home, I also appreciate your attention to detail. Thank goodness you painstakingly used that clear plastic tubing to create our invisible automatic watering system for the flower baskets. Even after being away for 10 days, the flowers are still vibrant and healthy.

    Though a bit tall, the lawn looks perfect, too. Roy beamed as he admired the green grass.

    Oh, how Grampa would have enjoyed this... and YOU, Cassie uttered. I know I’ve told you this before, but my grandfather, Hrant Gulumian, crosses my mind so often when it comes to little things you do. Just like Grampa, your lawn has to be perfect, as if rivaling some country club’s golf course greens. Just like Grampa, you love flowers, birds, and boats. Just like Grampa, you have extraordinary intelligence, an uncanny mathematical ability, and a seemingly natural knack for engineering and constructing things. I wish he had lived long enough to meet you.

    She smiled as Roy walked into their garage.  Cassie knew Grampa and Roy would have enjoyed each other so much.

    Why on earth did you leave the garage refrigerator door open? The irritation in Roy’s sudden question jolted Cassie back to her business of unstrapping the carry case for their little dog, Bandit. Though he had stayed with other family members while they traveled, the 7-pound maltipoo accompanied them every day to the office, becoming a highly celebrated mascot and companion. 

    I did no such thing, Cassie replied. I never went near that refrigerator this morning. But thank you for your impatience, reminding me of all the ways you and Grampa differ.

    Stepping into the garage, which housed two other vehicles, she immediately spied many of the cabinet doors gaping open also. They had added extensive cabinetry in the garage, along with a work bench and sink to give Roy an organized place for his many tools and projects. The results had marked another commonality that likened Roy to her Grampa. But now everything seemed in great disarray. She could not imagine Roy intentionally leaving the cabinetry in such a manner.

    Still carrying her work case and Bandit in his official travel bag, Cassie started up the three steps to enter the house. Roy was rapidly approaching from the kitchen. His eyes wildly glared.

    Go back. Get out of the house. We’ve been robbed!

    He helped turn her around, and they both exited swiftly through the garage. Roy hissed, "Call the police.

    Someone may still be inside."



    BEFORE TURNING AWAY , Cassie had already seen past her husband into the kitchen. Every cabinet and drawer appeared fully opened. A vast array of items lay widely spewed across the floor.

    Cassie quickly stepped outside the house and placed Bandit back in the car. Dialing 9-1-1, she thought how bizarre this all seemed. Their neighborhood was utterly peaceful, although the abundance of trees and shrubbery around their yard did offer good cover to any would-be burglars.

    Law enforcement response was rapid. The dispatcher had echoed Roy’s concern as she told Cassie to immediately leave the building in case the perpetrators were still inside. Two cruisers appeared very quickly. Officers from the first vehicle to arrive entered the home, guns drawn. Sirens blared from the second approaching squad car.

    A long-chaotic summer evening with police officers, detectives, and their home’s contents completely turned upside down had not been in the plans.  An officer supported Cassie’s arm as they finally led the couple through their disheveled home.

    Cassie gulped. As they moved from room to room, she gasped again. 

    Oh, my God! Other than that, Cassie could find no words.

    Sergeant Brown spoke calmly. Shocking is the only way to describe everything you see and will see. Our team has been working to pull fingerprints, but it appears the intruders wore gloves.

    My apologies, m’am, interjected Officer Merrill. We know this is very unsettling. And now you also have fingerprint dust on a great many surfaces. When did you leave the house this morning?

    Roy answered. We left before 8. I almost came home at lunch to mow the lawn. Arrgh! Perhaps I could have prevented this.

    Oh, no, Cassie added.  You could have been hurt by them. Also, Lynn and Patty were here this morning.  She turned to the officers and explained, They clean the house every other week. They are usually here by 10 or so.

    We will talk with them to see when they left the house today, Sergeant Brown said. At this point, it appears that the burglars probably worked as a team of 3-5 people. They have ransacked every room and even got into the basement. We also suspect that the burglars were high on serious drugs. As you are seeing, and will see upstairs, they opened and overturned everything. Even huge, king-sized mattresses have been flipped like mere rag dolls. Every possible item of furniture has been tossed, as these perps tore through the rooms, seeking money, drugs, weapons, and anything else of value that could be sold or pawned. 

    Stepping into their second-floor master bedroom, the floor remained deeply covered with the scattered contents of every cabinet and drawer.  Cassie simply closed her eyes and swallowed hard. This was far from the neat and tidy way she had left their treasured home that morning.

    She groaned as she entered their walk-in closet.  Well, so much for my precisely organized drawers that held a treasure trove of jewelry, accessories, Roy’s cherished collection of watches, and various other family heirlooms. Well, that was this morning.

    Her shoulders slumped. She felt utterly numb as she gazed at the dozens of now empty drawers, hastily dumped on the floor. How very wonderful of her to have been so organized that each drawer had been clearly labeled with its contents! She had unwittingly helped the thieves help themselves.

    We are very sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin, Officer Merrill began. To help us with our investigation, however, we need you to compile a list of everything that is missing. We know that this will take some time, for they have truly had their way with your entire home. Just take a legal pad and start jotting things down as you think of them.

    The rest of the evening passed in a foggy blur. The police finished their work and

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