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Movie Title Typos: Making Movies Better by Subtracting One Letter
Movie Title Typos: Making Movies Better by Subtracting One Letter
Movie Title Typos: Making Movies Better by Subtracting One Letter
Ebook69 pages7 minutes

Movie Title Typos: Making Movies Better by Subtracting One Letter

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

In Movie Title Typos, artist Austin Light removes just one letter from a well-known movie title to inspire a surprising and hilarious visual scenario. There's Obocop (a robotic police officer works through his PTSD by playing smooth jazz), T. (a boy meets a jewelry-clad alien who pities fools), Harry Otter, The Princess and the Fro, Finding Emo, Pup Fiction, and many more. A massive viral hit when he first posted sketches of the work online (1.2 million hits in the first 6 hours), Light has created new full-color illustrations for all, with the majority of the book's content never before seen on the Web. Here is a parallel universe glimpse at could-have-been films possibly better—definitely funnier—than the originals.
Release dateSep 22, 2015
Movie Title Typos: Making Movies Better by Subtracting One Letter

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Rating: 3.9166666666666665 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    nice book about movies title typos! you never know what the movie is about from the title alone!

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Movie Title Typos - Austin Light

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