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10 Simple Steps to Find Happiness
10 Simple Steps to Find Happiness
10 Simple Steps to Find Happiness
Ebook182 pages1 hour

10 Simple Steps to Find Happiness

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About this ebook

Giuseppe provides the reader 10 practical tools to find happiness every single day.

After encountering an individual who couldn't seem to find joy in his every day life, the author was inspired to help this individual and others like him by sharing his experiences on how he's found contentment in simple ways accessible to all.

In this book, you'll discover that anyone can find happiness.
Even YOU!

There's no key or big secret to happiness, just a few simple pages that will help you find a sparkle even in the darkest day.

Use this book as a guide when uncertainty begins to overpower you.

Use this book as a story to read yourself when you feel like the world is against you.

Use this book as a roadmap to a positive life experience.

The first step is to purchase this book.

May happiness prevail in your life.

Release dateJul 19, 2022
10 Simple Steps to Find Happiness

Giuseppe Moschella

Born and raised in Taormina, Italy, Sicilian Summer Paradise & world-wide famous for the prestigious Greek Theatre, Giuseppe developed an affinity for travel and adventure at a young age and has even explored all 7 continents - twice! After living in several countries (and partied in many more), he now speaks fluently 6 languages(German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, English & Italian) and has a degree in Language and Communication from the University of Catania, Italy having completed a full year as Erasmus + Student in Potsdam, Berlin - Germany. Giuseppe is very proud to have served as the youngest ever Cruise Director/Entertainment Director for the launch of the newest Edge Series ship, Celebrity Apex in Greece, June 2021. He has been working for Celebrity Cruises Premium Cruise Line for the past 6 years covering many positions such as Translator & Interpreter, Activities Manager & Entertainment Leader.His infectious accent and boundless energy will bring join to anyone's day. His weakness is a good homemade Spaghetti Carbonara cooked by his Mamma. Follow his crazy adventures on Instagram @thacrazysicilian

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    Book preview

    10 Simple Steps to Find Happiness - Giuseppe Moschella

    How it all began


    t was October 2021,

    I was working as a Cruise Director/Entertainment Director onboard a major cruise line. We had just launched a brand-new ship a few months earlier, and the atmosphere on board was just extraordinary since thousands of people had waited over a year to be able to cruise again, to be able to vacation with their families and friends, to be able to travel, to be able to just enjoy LIFE once again.

    That cruise we were going from Barcelona to Fort Lauderdale.

    It was a special voyage as COVID still persisted and there were still a few restrictions in place to allow guests to feel safe and secure on the sailing.

    That was going to be the first ever transatlantic crossing for this brand-new vessel and both guests and crew were beyond excited.

    The world’s situation was still very uncertain, and I must admit, some people were still worried about the successful execution of that cruise.

    We had seen and experienced several last-minute changes, cancellations, and surprises happening all around the world in every single business, but we had hope and faith that all would go amazingly well.

    I remember when guests embarked, we were cheering them on the way in, clapping, congratulating them, and thanking them for joining us on this wonderful experience.

    I was a little stressed myself, but I was happy. A new adventure had just begun, and I was leading a brilliant team of vocalists, dancers, acrobats, hosts, live musicians, a comedian, vocal groups, a folkloric group, a magician, technicians, broadcast staff, youth staff, activities people, managers and more.

    The day before the cruise begun, we had a huge departmental meeting, and you could hear the words we are back resonating through the crowd.

    We were stronger than ever before.

    I remember seeing old friends, meeting new ones, and hearing about crazy but interesting pandemic stories while sharing all the lessons I learned during that time and all the funny adventures I experienced by spending a few months in lockdown with my own mother.

    She’s lovely, but nuts.

    She’s the type of person that instead of congratulating me after winning a scholarship and obtaining the highest marks would say OUT LOUD in front of all my friends ok that’s good, but you could have done better.

    I love her to the moon and back, but damn she’s tough.

    Among all the people I’ve met on that trip, there was one I will never forget.

    He’s the reason behind this book.

    He’s the reason why I decided to help you, or someone you know, by sharing some joy in the following pages. By sharing a few life lessons, a bunch of silly events and by trying to bring a ray of sunshine in your day.

    May the next few pages open your mind and soul, help you dream, motivate you to get back up even when it hurts so much. May they succeed in making you attain a peace of mind, smile with your heart, and make you feel those shivers of pure emotion that no currency in the world can buy.

    Here I was, toasting to sensational opportunities


    It was October 19th when right after closing a production show in the main theater, I was walking backstage while the crowd cheered. I remember giving a final look to the audience before disappearing from the stage and that’s when I saw him. He was around his 50s. Quite tall and sturdy. He was standing up. He was not clapping; he was just staring at me and right before I turned away, I could hear him calling my name. His voice was getting louder as he was trying to get my attention. It was one of those moments when you’re like is he actually calling me? Or is it all in my head? Shall I turn back?

    My play-out was on. It was playing Another One Bites The Dust by Queen.

    The atmosphere in the theater was just magnificent.

    The show had gone so well.

    Everyone LOVED it and the cast received a standing ovation.

    I did not want this to ruin the moment.

    He did not seem like a threat though,

    so I decided to stop, go down the stairs and speak to him.

    I was not sure whether it was a good decision.

    The guy could have punched me in the face for the last joke I said.

    He was way bigger than me, and after all, I am a very small Italian man.

    It’s hard to find someone not bigger than me, and if I do then we become best friends.

    I’m the tallest man in my village in Sicily yet the shortest man anywhere else.

    The guy, his name was Joe, was wearing glasses, had grayish hair, was quite large and utterly surprised by the fact that I came to meet him.

    He thought I would have just ignored him.

    While I was surprised, I did not fall down the stairs.

    I’m well-known for being kinda goofy.

    I am sure that would have gotten quite a great laugh,

    but that was not the moment.

    He spoke to me while the music was still playing.

    It was hard to understand him as he had a thick accent, and I am Italian.

    I have the thickest accent and the worst hearing.

    If he was moving his hands though, maybe I would have gotten something.

    He also had a very low and soothing voice.

    One thing I did understand though.

    He posed the question:

    "Giuseppe, how come you are always genuinely happy?

    What do you do that makes you always so positive?

    I was expecting him to say, what drugs do you take?

    That I’ve heard many times and I always reply, I will give you the prescriptions later. But he was not that type of man. He was not there to tell a joke.

    He was interested in the secret to my joy.

    He was waiting for the answer that could make his quest of happiness easier.

    But, what’s the answer? Is there even an answer?

    When the crowd left the theater and it was just the two of us,

    Joe opened himself up to me. He told me he had seen a spark of happiness in me he wished he could steal. He told me he had recently fallen into depression and often thought about committing suicide. He even tried once, but his wife stopped him. She was travelling with him, and she had forced him to go on this trip, so that he could escape loneliness and sorrow and find something that would make him laugh again…

    He was laughing on the ship. He was joining all activities and shows, so that he could feel like he belonged to something.

    He found a friend in me even if we had never spoken before and wanted to hear a piece of advice from his friend.

    Joe was insecure, curious, and very kind. He was asking for help.

    My mamma taught me to always help someone in need with all resources I have,

    and never to ignore someone in pain because tomorrow,

    the one in pain could be me.

    I had to do something, and I did not want to disappoint him.

    He had already been disappointed by life way too many times.

    What was I going to answer to this man?

    There’s no secret. There is no key to happiness.

    Happiness does not come with Amazon delivery,

    unless you really fancy the delivery person.

    He caught me very unprepared. I told him to wait. I would find him again.

    Why was I always happy? I asked myself the same question.

    That night, I went to the top deck. The sky was beautiful. The stars were shining brighter than ever before. The waves brought peace and calm to my soul.

    The sea was of a fascinating dark blue. I could have stayed there all night looking at the ocean. The ship radiated so much power and positivity. My mind was clear.

    I kept staring at the ocean when suddenly EUREKA.

    I felt like my fellow Sicilian Archimedes.

    I would prepare a talk. A presentation about happiness.

    I thought, maybe I should write down the top 10 things I do to be happy.

    Over the next few days, I got caught up in business. Had many people to entertain, several shows to hosts, parties to throw and meetings to attend.

    I did not forget about Joe,

    but I was also too busy to disconnect and give all my focus to him.

    I honestly hoped he had forgotten so I carried on with my chores until I met him and his wife in a lovely Italian café on board. I was going to get my 4th espresso of the day, while they were sitting there by the plaza, the center

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