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Befriending Your Biology; Physical Health from the Inside Out
Befriending Your Biology; Physical Health from the Inside Out
Befriending Your Biology; Physical Health from the Inside Out
Ebook604 pages4 hours

Befriending Your Biology; Physical Health from the Inside Out

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65,000 words
How healthcare evolves beyond drugs, surgery, experimental vaccines, etc. to become more workable for the 99% of people worldwide--in about 100 years. How a new, more workable story of internal terrain and wellness gradually supercedes old, worn-out anti-germ theory. A positive Story of Restoration for public healthcare and Public Health Education.

A more workable method of whole-body healthcare, Worthy of Our Affection, already exists, innovated in 1931. This biomarker-based healthcare method was not even a fringe topic until 1968. The attempt is made to open people's minds to this little-known method, still in danger of becoming a lost art and science. This is strange as this biomarker method is the likely origin of several famous holistic health memes:

- whole body acid~alkaline--currently encumbered with much MISinformation,

- drinking water with lemon juice, tho existing in Egypt, in holistic health, it began here,

- trace minerals as a significant topic likely began here,

- The interwoven problems of agriculture and human health. Carey Reams was among the first generation, the first handful of doctors and agronomists calling attention to this.

In this book, in the year 2052, Dr. Reams is awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine. This is near-term science fiction. Main text pretends to be a freshman 2122 textbook for young adults, becoming healthcare professionals.

Why go 100 years into the future to tell this story? It will take this long:

- To get beyond current misinformation and cancel culture,
- For colleges to again be places for free, independent thinking,
- So journalism can do its job again,
- So in turn, public opinion can evolve,
- So in turn Public Health Education can be redeemed and upgraded.

This project does NOT teach medical procedures. A real medical textbook with depth and detail on this method already exists; so, is not repeated here. Rather the focus is how mainstream culture over ten decades evolves to a better, more workable healthcare for the 99% of people worldwide.

PublisherBruce Dickson
Release dateOct 1, 2021
Befriending Your Biology; Physical Health from the Inside Out

Bruce Dickson

Thanks to his mother, Bruce is a second generation nutrition-health-metaphysical researcher. Since 2001 he worked professionally as a Health Intuitive. He has lived in seven intentional communities and visited several more. He's visited 25 US Waldorf school communities. He's MSIA, PTS, Waldorf, USM, NVC trained and IFS-educated. He recently studied Iain McGilchrist's new brain-lateralization topics and wrote a REader's Digest version for friends..He's self-published several series of books-booklets:- Best Practices in Energy Medicine,- Holistic Brain Balance,- Best Practice in Group Process,- Growing Sustainable Children and Schools Worthy of Our Affection series:- Growing Sustainable Children and Schools Worthy of Our Affection (5 short volumes)- Group Process as an Art-form (3 books)- Holistic Brain Balance (7 books-booklets)- Best Practices in Energy Medicine (20 books-booklets)- Book series: Group Process as an Art-form (3)- Book series: Best Practices in Energy Medicine all others- Book series: New Directions in Holistic Brain Balance (7)- Team Human, a theme for Waldorf K-12's second 100 years (5)ONLINEhttps://HolisticBrainBalance.wordpress.comhttp://blog.GoetheanScience.netGift initial sessions available by phone-Zoom if you have not worked with me professionally before.

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    Book preview

    Befriending Your Biology; Physical Health from the Inside Out - Bruce Dickson


    Befriending Your Biology,

    Healthcare Worthy of Our Affection;

    Mainstream Medicine In the Year 2122;

    Physical Health from the Inside Out


    Bruce Dickson, MSS, MA

    Tools That Heal Press

    Best Practices in Energy Medicine

    Series # 36

    Befriending Your Biology; Physical Health from the Inside Out

    Cover image made by present author

    Published by me © Bruce Dickson 2021. 1.0 first ed March 26, 2022.

    Edition 1 - This book was created using Jutoh.

    Other publisher inquiries welcome

    Dedicated to magnifying the ministry of John-Roger

    for the highest good of all concerned.

    eBook Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to the publisher and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.

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    The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

    InnerSunshine Press book titles

    COVER IMAGES visible at end of this book

    Resources for the Hero’s Journey of Self-healing; Self-healing as if soul & spirit mattered

    All books below available in PAPER with diagrams-charts; or, eBook without most images. All written with humor by a Waldorf-trained, practicing Health Intuitive.

    Best Practices in Group Process Series

    Group Process as an Art-form Series; Putting group process at the center of thriving, Progressive orgs

    1) [Heartfelt Facilitator Manual] Group Process as an Art-Form; Best Practices for Facilitating HEARTFELT

    Live, Group Events, Large and Small

    2) Milling and Dyad Exercises to Enliven Group Process; Questions for Learning Conversations

    3) Scripted Closed-Eye-Processes for Live Personal Growth Event Facilitators and Group Leaders

    New Directions in Holistic Brain Balance

    All are new, many are shorter booklets

    1) Holistic Neurology, Our Two Nervous Systems, Head-spine and enteric (gut) brains, Neurology for purposes of personal growth, Physiological basis for Self-esteem and Self-concept

    2) Our Four Brain Quadrants

    3) Reactivity Is Our Best Friend

    4) Forgive from Your Soul, Slow-Motion Self-Forgiveness, the Missing Manual

    5) Inner Sunshine and How to Make More; Assessing neurotransmitter production with self-testing; The simple complexity of our unconscious

    6) Practical Epigenetics, Best Practices in Belief Change Work,

    7) Self, Others, World, God, Our Four Categories of Relationship and Support Support

    Best Practices in Energy Medicine Series

    Best Sellers

    Meridian Metaphors, Psychology of the Meridians and Major Organs (a best selling totle in this series).

    The NEW Energy Anatomy: Nine new views of human energy; No clairvoyance required (a best selling totle in this series).

    Rest of the series

    Breast Cancer & Over-giving; Therapeutic Metaphors for Women’s Issues

    Your Symbol of Peace and How to Use It 5,600 words

    You have FIVE bodies PACME; Spiritual Geography 101

    VAKOG to KAVOG, NLP Senses Updated in Light of the Inner Child 7,032 words

    From 5 to 12 Senses, How We Use Multiple Senses to Triangulate, Multiple Intelligences 2.0 10,875 words

    How We Heal; and, Why do we get sick? Including 35 more precise Q&A on wellness.

    You have FIVE bodies, PACME, Spiritual Geography 101

    Self-Healing 101! Seven Experiments in Self-healing, You Can Do at Home to Awaken the Inner Healer, 2nd edition.

    Shadow Hero Workbook, Lessons to purify the Hero archetype in you; Healthy vs. Unhealthy Hero behavior; Unconscious Patterns 201

    Adequate and Sufficient Psychic Self-protection; For Healers and Energy Medicine Practitioners

    Expanding Human Senses from 5 to 12; Rudolf Steiner’s 12 Senses to VAKOG to KAVOG

    Muscle Testing for Success; Muscle-testing exercises applied to success topics. Simultaneously published as Success Kinesiology, Dowsing for Success and Muscle Testing for Success.  All editions virtually the same except for unique covers.

    Unconscious Patterns in the Light of the Inner Child and NLP - Most readers grew up learning our psyche is a locked black box. We were taught the contents of our psyche are unknown, probably unknowable. Now we know better. The big Aha! is our unconscious is highly patterned. You can understand and learn these patterns. Up to 95% of our psyche is is patterned. Only 5% of us is NOT patterned, the 5% of us where active, deliberate, conscious choice occurs. Soul is choice. The more aware you are of UNconsicous patterns, the less likely you are to be run by them.

    Balance on All Levels PACME+Soul

    Finally, a comprehensive holistic theory; and, general holistic experimental method; The Three Sciences we use everyday; Holistic Psychology 2.0. Available as one giant book (paper, eBook), or divided into ten chunks of about equal size, one to four chapters each (eBook only).

    Inner Family + Inner Court, The Four Archetypes of Our Gut and Head

    Builds on and expands the work of Paul Dennison, Ned Herrmann, Katherine Benziger and Bertrand Babinet’s Babinetics. Along with ecumenical spirituality, God is my Partner, all of these together, give us adequate and sufficient complexity to model our psyche and personality. The intelligence of our Habit Body is here. Your Habit Body, An Owner’s Manual, is useful preparation for the current volume.

    Personal Habit Tracking as a Spiritual Exercise;

    Increase Self-connection; Build a Bridge to Your Inner Wisdom

    YOU are the greatest mystery worth solving. Tracking, experiential and hands-on, is a Best Practice in self-connection, self-healing and self-befriending. Do you need a friend? This could be it.

    What do you need to do a tracking experiment? You need:

    - A question you have high interest in getting a second opinion on,

    - Curiosity about your habits, your own Habit Body. What am I doing? What is working for me? what is NOT workable for me? This facilitates self-healing on all levels,

    - A clear idea of who you are asking, which internal part. A simple, workable model of your psyche, is needed here.

    - A format in which your inner response yesterday can be compared to your inner response today can be compared.

    This book alternates between practical tracking topics; and, sketching out contexts useful for you to have a clear conceiving of what you are doing in your own tracking experiments.

    Everyone is more likely to accomplish targets they track tangibly. You don’t have to track every day. You don’t have to track in a notebook or journal. You can track on digital apps.

    A more flexible way exists too, using printer paper, cut with scissors, into 1/4 sheets. One habit-tracking-target per 1/4 sheet of paper.

    Tracking is easier than self-testing. If you can already self-test, tracking is easier and will strengthen your ability to self-test.

    Your Habit Body, An Owner’s Manual Our habits are our best friends; why then, do we make the same errors over and over again?

    "Willingness to heal is the pre-requisite for all healing" revised edition coming 2014

    Radical Cell Wellness—Especially for women! Cell psychology for everyone; A coherent theory of illness and wellness

    The Five Puberties, Growing new eyes to see children afresh

    How We Heal; and, Why do we get sick? Including 35 better, more precise questions on wellness and healing, answered by a Medical Intuitive

    The Meaning of Illness is Now an Open Book, Cross-referencing illness and issues

    Rudolf Steiner’s Fifth Gospel in Story Form Topics include the TWO Jesus children and the active participation of the Buddha in the Christ event.

    Table of Contents

    InnerSunshine Press book titles



    Dr. Carey Reams awarded 2052 Nobel Prize for medicine

    Nobel Prize Committee speech re Reams’ posthumous 2052 award

    Leading Thoughts

    Three intended audiences

    To Learn More about near-term sci-fi

    Topics ABSENT in this text

    To incoming students 2122

    What you will do in Freshman year

    What about vital signs in USBA?

    Whatever happened to intake case histories?

    Q: Why don’t you teach RBTI the way Reams-Beddoe taught it?

    New in this Edition: Collaboration among multiple USBA tester-analysts

    Games Facilitators Play; Interactive Exercises for Healthcare College Freshmen (2065)

    Preface Third Edition (2121)

    Chapter 1

    Your Living Waters: Worthy of Your Care and Affection

    What if...

    The promise-potential of USBA testing-analysis-interpretation

    Q: What is tested?

    Seven biomarkers

    Q: Why measure these biomarkers?

    What is the Ranges Zone Chart?

    HOW are specimens analyzed?

    HOW OFTEN is testing required?

    Steps of the USBA method

    What USBA testing-analysis is NOT

    A formula for optimal metabolic health

    Why didn’t this happen earlier?

    Is USBA a new version of Terrain Theory?

    Our internal Living waters

    Q: Isn’t our blood our most significant internal organ?

    The beer belly

    The body’s big problem

    Modern Terrain Theory (2070)

    Your body has two major fluid compartments

    Living Waters fluid compartment

    Why are my fish suffering?

    Meanwhile, back at your fish aquarium

    Vision of USBA testing-interpreting

    Mission of USBA testing

    Product of USBA testing-interpretation

    Who was Dr. Carey Reams?

    Chapter 2

    Who was Carey Reams?

    Headlines from several Reams’ biographies

    1931 Story of Reams first human patient

    Einstein and E = MC^2

    Life-changing World War II injuries

    Physical healing thru Kathryn Kuhlman

    Reams’ magical interpretations

    Salem Kirban takes the test

    Cliff Dudley’s appreciation of Reams

    The alternative to RBTI is guessing

    Chapter 3

    Reams’ significance for 2122

    Carey Reams awarded 2052 Nobel Prize for medicine

    Why Germ Theory was abandoned in 24 words:

    The Power of One Person to change human culture

    Clear, strong Therapeutic Direction

    In healthcare, guessing is not efficient

    Reams brought soil chemistry and human chemistry together


    What was Reams doing?

    Significance of bio-individuality

    Checkers or Chess?

    From Rex Harrill

    State of USBA literature

    Chapter 4

    Why was RBTI so long unknown?

    Reams the misunderstood genius

    Reams, the brain damaged, wheelchair-bound cripple

    The renegade physician

    The brilliant agronomist

    Reams vision for RBTI in churches

    Absence of self-connection

    All Reams’ personal files and papers confiscated twice

    No RBTI professional association until 2045

    Reams the medical mystic

    Q: How did Reams make friends with his own biology?

    The first three RBTI books

    Barriers to user home-testing

    Reams, the Tesla of plant and human health

    Barriers to user home-testing

    Q: What can you do on your own with no or little investment?

    Q: What can you do for $50?

    Chapter 5

    WHO effort to prevent all future pandemics

    New definition of health (WHO 1948)

    The Mars Broadcasting reporter

    2055 World Health Org Decree on Bio-individuality

    WHO Biomarker Research Group


    Where to host the competition?

    Which biomarkers belong in the basket?

    Ten slots for indigenous-holistic methods

    Worldwide media coverage

    Unexpected educational benefits

    Enter RBTI

    Chapter 6

    Health insurers, blood tests and hair analysis

    Limitations of blood test biomarkers

    Limitations of live blood analysis

    Daily shaving of head needed to assess minerals thru hair

    Typical insurance billing for a USBA consult (2050s)

    The art of healing-rebuilding

    Chapter 7

    Healing Ranges and Zone Chart

    Which would you rather have?

    Old Medicine paper patient charts

    Five ranges A, B, C, D, E

    Range and Zone Chart is NOT a method

    Chapter 7

    Healing Ranges and Zone chart

    The good news about cravings

    What does A Range feel like?

    You can still feel sick in the A Range

    Q: Isn’t the Chart an absolute? Shouldn’t we avoid absolutes?

    Chapter 8

    Diving into Reams’ number array

    Big Picture Health

    There must be a catch, a downside

    Antoine Béchamp

    Seven biomarkers

    Chapter 8-2 The first three numbers

    Most significant thing to know about this number

    Second and third numbers

    Theory of opposing calcium

    The first three numbers

    Chapter 8-3 Conductivity (salts, electrolytes)

    Positive conductivity

    Our internal Living Waters

    What are waste salts?

    How are waste salts generated?

    Ureas as electrolytes

    Reams-Beddoe on sea salt

    The body’s waste disposal problem

    Salt damage to smooth muscles

    Beef jerky effect

    Effect of excess salts on heart and circulation

    Many interactions at once

    test equipment images

    Chapter 8-4 Cell Debris (albumin)

    Manual measure of cell debris

    Chapter 8-5 Ureas (Nitrates & ammonia)

    Ureas and body odor

    How does the body make ammonia?

    Q: What if I have optimal numbers?

    Chapter 9

    Metabolic Re-patterning

    Chapter 10

    When the body can’t eliminate wastes fast enuf

    Waste removal in physical bodies

    Storing excess salts in skeletal muscles

    How do we detox stored excess waste?

    A healing crisis is too much waste releasing too quickly

    Healing crises large and small

    Inevitability of healing crises

    Two steps forward, one step back pattern

    Bio-physical meaning

    Example of forwards, backwards, forwards

    Expectations about your healing process

    Chapter 11

    Oxygen and comments on the array as a whole

    Perceiving Oxygen in an array

    Causes of chronic tiredness

    Does R7 array measure disease?

    Q: Does USBA ignore conventional vital signs?

    Is USBA simpler or more complicated than Old Medicine?

    When USBA is more complicated

    From equation and formula to array

    Reams’ array as Bible Diet

    Small gasoline powered engines

    Is Reams’ formula a dogma?

    In cooperation with or bondage to Nature’s Plan?

    Can you, will you, bind yourself to Mother Nature’s Plan for human health?

    Chapter 12

    Radical aspects of

    urine-saliva biomarker testing-analysis

    1) Biomarker testing is at the roots for understanding healthy plants, animals and humans

    2) The Biomarker Revolution of 2045-2065 encouraged the public to consider their own physical body the health expert to consult

    3) USBA was the end of guessing in healthcare

    4) USBA gets at underlying causes

    5) USBA claims its ecumenical Christian value system

    5) USBA subscribes to democratic values

    6) USBA is radical economics

    7) USBA supports life forces in patrons

    8) USBA both undermines--and supports--religious diet-eating rules

    Was Reams a frustrated Christian preacher?

    9) The change from patients and clients to patrons

    Chapter 13

    Major pH patterns

    Urine/Saliva pH numbers

    Moving too fast or too slow?

    Overnighting urine for testing

    Four patterns in Urine-saliva pH Beddoe pg. 75-76

    Moving a disturbed pH

    Deficiencies possible with over-acid pH

    Deficiencies possible with over-alkaline pH

    Similar pH for plant sap and human lymph

    pH and longevity of teeth

    Urine as biofeedback to avoid beer belly

    Chapter 14

    Minerals in USBA ala Reams

    WHY did our Mineral Body become our most neglected body?

    Women and calcium

    Cells communicate with each other by calcium ions

    Calciums, our crucial macro-mineral

    How much calcium do I need?

    Our body can absorb-assimilate 500-800mg of Ca per meal

    If a person’s pH is more acid than 6 or 6.2...

    Acid rain effects on farm soil

    Shave the head every day to assess minerals?

    Chapter 15

    Water topics in USBA ala Reams

    Celebrating healthy kidney function

    Hunza changed-state water

    State-changed water


    Salt & sugar numbers can be moved with water

    Distilled water grabs mineral ions

    Betty Reams-Hernandez on this topic

    Best Practice with distilled water for everyone

    Distilled water vs. our Mineral Body

    Many distilled water research questions remain unanswered

    Is distilled water higher-energy water?

    Q: What about de-ionized water?

    High-energy and low conductivity of Distilled water - Scott Wood

    Is distilled water, wetter water?

    Is distilled water more alkaline?

    Your body’s many cries for water per USBA-RBTI

    Water misinformation: Your Body’s Many Cries for Water (1995)

    Q: What about alkaline water?

    Chapter 15-3 What is Interfacial water?

    Additional interfacial water topics of interest

    Chapter 15-4 Micro-voltage

    equates with pH ~ Dr. Jerry Tennant

    Put the Power of pH To Work for You

    Milli-voltage as pH analogue

    –50 mV for making new cells

    Future of Reams-Tennant discussion

    Dr. Tennant: Structured water as energy system

    Phase angle measures cell hydration

    Healing Requires Double the Voltage

    Why so many contrary views of water?

    Chapter 16

    Is lemon juice in water good for me?

    How to take care of your own health

    The H Factor, honesty and humility

    At a Reams retreat

    One to five USBA tests per day

    Lemon water re ureas and salts

    Keeping retreat patrons on their fast

    Medicinal impact of fresh lemon juice

    Lemon allergy

    Limitations of the benefits of lemon water

    Why too much lemon can be dangerous

    Vitamin D in USBA ala Reams-Beddoe

    Vitamin C in USBA ala Reams-Beddoe

    Chapter 17

    Fads: Is this food good for me?

    Magic pill thinking

    Chapter 18

    Adding new biomarkers to R7?

    Rex Harrill

    2040-2070s in USBA

    Bristol Stool Chart

    New language for stool analysis

    Mental-emotional meaning of constipation

    Mental-emotional meaning of diarrhea

    Basal body temperature

    Reams’ view of where thyroxin is made

    Sclera reading for corroboration not analysis

    Testing Food Reactions Using The Coca Pulse Test

    Chapter 19

    Alt-Physics Seminar topics

    Scope of Alt Physics Seminar

    Who attends Alt Physics Seminar?

    Dancing droplets (2015)

    Second topic: a wood fire running backwards

    Unified theories of everything

    In vitro, in vivo

    Origin of mitosis

    Mitosis and meiosis


    Grapefruit baking soda experiment

    From resistance to synergy?

    Three sources of human energy?

    Cancer is nothing more than accumulated dead cells

    Chapter 20

    Science as if Cultural Creatives and being Whole-brained mattered

    The Two Games of Life

    The religion of corporate-consumer atheism

    Return to truly human values (2045-2085)

    First-order-science ~

    Second-order-science ~

    Third-order-science ~

    Most parents use all Three Sciences

    USBA spans all three Orders of Science:

    Holistic health-healing was already Goethean

    Chapter 20-2

    What are YOU willing to be in bondage to?

    A trust walk with Nature’s numbers

    Q: Is RBTI-USBA original medicine?

    Live singing returns to living rooms

    RBTI Resources

    3. InnerSunshine Book Covers and Descriptions

    Other classics of self-healing & Health Intuition


    No statements in this text were evaluated by the FDA nor any other federal or state government agency. No information here nor products mentioned, are intended to diagnose, treat or cure any human being or animal.

    This includes all equipment and other tools shown or illustrated, for any form of physical measurement or biofeedback.

    Their sole purpose of thispart text is for education and research in public health education, intended for private individual use; or, for education and research purposes, by licensed healthcare professionals, acting in their licensed capacity and respecting the laws, statutes, regulatory and contract provisions of their license.

    Information provided in this text is purely for informational and research purposes and not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professionals.

    No information in this text is intended for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem, for prescription of any medication, or for any other health treatment.

    Please consult with your healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any supplements. If you have or suspect you might have, a health problem, do not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician.


    To the educator John-Roger

    Around 1979 he coined the phrase, Health from the Inside Out. Originally this was a tape cassette packet of seminars he gave. Outside of his students and a few holistic healing fans, it didn’t catch on much. Around 2002, John-Roger said to a few people, something to the effect, it will be 100 years before Health from the Inside Out is timely again in mainstream culture.

    If you must wait 100 years to access the benefits of a better mainstream healthcare, so be it. If you wish to access these benefits sooner, keep reading. Any reader open to a journey into greater health, starting with self-connection and self-honoring, can access the benefits.


    To Dr. Kurt Donsbach who encouraged independent thinking and sane, common-sensical reader-experiments.


    To Dr. Joseph Mercola who encourages taking back control of your own health.


    To Dr. Zach Bush, who like Reams, converges human health with Regenerative Agriculture.


    To Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, who keeps all the Functional Medicine people on their toes and open to what’s coming next.


    To Dr. Tom Cowan who had the courage to speak up for evidence-based medicine in the darkest days of Medical 1984.


    To Dr. Philip Incao one of two earliest parent educators on immune health sanity about childhood illnesses, fondly remembered by many Waldorf parents and teachers.


    To Dr. Andrew Kaufman who had the courage to join forces with Dr. Cowan in suggesting the Old Medicine Emperor was more naked than dressed.


    To Dr. Stephanie Seneff who put the nails in the coffin of Glyphosate (Round-Up). She also proved the role sulfur plays in cell waste removal beyond what Reams understood

    Dr. Carey Reams awarded 2052 Nobel Prize for medicine

    Nobel Prize Committee speech re Reams’ posthumous 2052 award

    Ten years after the start of the first USBA (RBTI) clinic in Owerri, Nigeria, the Swiss Nobel Committee granted Dr. Reams a posthumous Nobel Prize for medicine.

    Here is the Committee’s reasoning for their award:

    Dr. Reams’ is honored for his several contributions to world health.

    First, for actively demonstrating his method and his mission, over his active years, to heal the sick, despite severe persecution. The endgame of biomarker analysis? Optimizing liver functions and cell regeneration--not naming diseases.

    Next, for the demonstration by his students in 2042, in Owerri, Nigeria, at the clinic they set up and operated, which remains open to the public today.

    The Nobel Committee credits Dr. Reams with major contributions to taking the guesswork out of mainstream healthcare. Doctoring as diagnosing is fading. Why? Diagnosing is a mental approach to health, naming diseases so men can gain power over them. Diagnosing leads to guessing: which drug, surgery or intervention moderates or extinguishes symptoms of the named disease?

    Doctoring based on diagnosing, was a mental fitting game. It cared little for perceiving which minerals our immune system needed. Diagnosing cared little for the simple biomarkers telling us which minerals are needed to move our body into its healing range.

    Now all doctoring based on diagnosing is fading. Without any biomarkers providing a baseline for how balanced or unbalanced our mineral body is, over-promising of results was inevitable--and in too many cases, it was followed by inevitable disappointments.

    What is replacing doctoring based on guessing? Testing and analysis, person by person, to create a foundation for each person’s biochemistry, their internal Living Waters and mineral body.

    Once baseline biochemistry is known, the right foods and drink, for the right person, at the right time, is more obvious. In this way Dr. Reams took more guesswork out of healthcare than perhaps any other practitioner.

    Dr. Reams also paved a road to perceive balanced or UNbalanced biology FIRST. This is the dog. Naming a disease is only the tail of the dog. Why guess when you can know if this mineral, this drug, this supplement, this herb, this intervention improves your patient’s internal fish bowl?

    Because Dr. Reams’ method substantially reduced--if not eliminated--the need for guesswork in human healthcare, more and more health modes and specialists, across all health fields, are adopting his method. USBA testing is so easy, cheap and reliable, the effectiveness of every healthcare mode can be enhanced by including it.

    Finally, we believe in the future, Dr. Reams will be given the major credit for replacing the Germ Theory of Pathology with a better story of healthcare, each person balancing their own internal liquid-fluid terrain, their own internal fish tank. The cleaner our internal fish tank water is, the happier all our cells and organs are.

    The Committee also credit Dr. Reams with major contributions to why blaming germs-microbes-viruses for all our ills, is slowly fading away. Health conceived as resisting and attacking germs, is being replaced with each person monitoring the condition of their lymph to keep it within Nature’s Plan for optimal function.

    We credit Dr. Reams for having the largest fraction of impact on the decline of the germ theory of pathology. We credit him for the rising interest in

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