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Jesus Changes Everything!: Devotions for Advent and Lent
Jesus Changes Everything!: Devotions for Advent and Lent
Jesus Changes Everything!: Devotions for Advent and Lent
Ebook99 pages57 minutes

Jesus Changes Everything!: Devotions for Advent and Lent

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Sometimes stories as familiar as the Christmas and Easter stories become just that: stories. We have heard them so many times that we don’t really hear them anymore. Through story-poems, most of which are told from the perspectives of those who lived these stories, Jesus Changes Everything invites you to relive these history-changing events.
Be amazed with Mary as she hears Gabriel’s incredible news and accepts God’s plan for her life. Respect Joseph as he reacts to shocking news with honor and obedience. Travel to Bethlehem and witness the birth of a tiny baby in a humble manger. Join the shepherds, the first to visit the Savior and worship the Lord. Marvel with Simeon who recognizes the Messiah as he lovingly holds Him in his arms. Oh, Christmas changed everything!
Then fast-forward to Jesus’ last days on Earth. Travel with Him into Jerusalem and watch Him teach and overturn the Temple tables. Agonize with Him in the garden of Gethsemane; observe Him then as He rises resolutely to meet His captors. Watch, if you can, the injustice of His trials and hear with horror His sentence: crucifixion. Behold His suffering, death, and burial. Then rejoice with His resurrection! Celebrate His victory--our victory--over sin and death. Yes, Easter changed everything.
Once we meet Jesus, our lives will never be the same. He became one of us, loved us, taught us, and redeemed us. Thank God, Jesus Changes Everything!
Release dateJul 28, 2022
Jesus Changes Everything!: Devotions for Advent and Lent

Deanna Atkinson

Deanna Atkinson (Dea) lives with her husband in Chesapeake, Virginia. She is a retired teacher, having taught high school English and elementary school music. Though she wrote an occasional poem or song for use in a school program, publishing poetry and devotions is a new and exciting experience for her. This is her second devotional book; her first was Be Still and Know published in 2020. She has found that reflecting on Scripture and expounding on it in poetry has deepened her love for God and His Word. It is her prayer that readers will find their lives enriched spiritually as they reflect along with her.

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    Book preview

    Jesus Changes Everything! - Deanna Atkinson






    Based on Matthew 1:1-16 and Luke 3:23-38

    (Speaker: Narrator)

    The story begins with lineages—name after name after name.

    It was the line of David through which Baby Jesus came.

    All kinds of people are in the lists: Godly and sinful, Gentile and Jew.

    He came for the children of Israel, but He included the outsider, too.

    Matthew goes back to Abraham; Luke, to Adam, God’s son.

    Both accounts give testimony: Jesus is God’s Chosen One.

    And so begins the historical account of the birth of Emmanuel.

    God came to live among us, His perfect show and tell!


    What makes this list of ancestors so special? To the Jew it verified that the Messianic line was pure, that Jesus was who He claimed He was. To the Gentile, it showed that the Jewish Jesus had gentile ancestors, an indication that the Gentile as well as the Jew had always been in God’s heart. To women, the inclusion of three females validated them in a male-dominated society that regarded women essentially as property. To the individual, to me, the list of names reminds me that God is a God of names, a personal God. The names of His children are engraved on His palms (Isaiah 49:16); they are written in the Book of Life (Revelation 21:27); He calls us by name (Isaiah 43:1). Yes, God knows each one of us by name.

    Thank You, Lord, for leaving Your throne in Heaven and coming to live among us. Thank You for including all kinds of people—Jew and Gentile, pious and prostitute—in your lineage. And thank You for knowing us personally, individually, by name. Thank You that I’m included in Your list of descendants. I pray in the name of my Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.


    Based on Luke 1:26-38

    (Speaker: Mary)

    Greetings, Favored One, I heard Gabriel say,

                He was right before me—so very near.

    Be not afraid; I have good news.

                I have to admit—I did feel fear.

    He called me highly favored,

                Said the Lord was with me,

    But I was really puzzled—

                What kind of greeting could this be?

    He bore a message from God:

                I would give birth to a son.

    I didn’t understand how this could be—

                I was a virgin and had been with no one.

    The Holy Spirit would come upon me

                With the power of the Lord Most High.

    I would carry the Son of God!

                How could this be? Such a simple girl as I!

    His coming had been prophesied:

                Jesus, Messiah, heir of David’s throne.

    Imagine that—God chose me

                To carry and bear His precious Son!

    I’m honored and humbled, but nervous, too.

                Things could be dangerous—I’m unwed.

    But I will do as the Lord desires,

                May it be to me as you have said. (v.38)


    When I was thirteen or fourteen, I was preoccupied with friends, school, and daily activities. Granted, Mary’s culture was very different, but it’s amazing to think how young she was when she was approached by an angel who bore life-altering news. This unwed girl would bear God’s Son. She did ask how but raised no objections. She could have protested that she was betrothed to Joseph and this could nullify the engagement. She could have speculated that no one would believe her and that news like that could cost her life. Instead she uttered a simple but profound response: May it be to me as you have said.

    Lord, You have never sent an angel to tell me anything. But You do speak to me. Make me sensitive to Your quiet voice. And when you nudge me to do something, help me to respond with Mary’s humble simplicity: May it be to me as You have said. Amen.


    Based on Luke 1:36; 39-45

    (Speaker: Elizabeth)

    God is in the business of miracles—ask me, I should know!

    Gabriel promised I would bear a child; I’ve been barren for years, but it is so.

    And now, here is Mary, pregnant with God’s Baby Boy.

    When she came into my presence, my unborn child leapt for joy!

    "Favored are you, Mary; God is honored that you believe;

    Blessed are you among women; what is promised, you will receive.


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